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The Active Voice (Действительный Залог)

Время / Bид Simple Continuous Perfect Perfect Continuous
Present study, studies am is studying are have has studied have has been studying
Past studied was were studying had studied had been studying
Future will study will be studying will have studied will have been studying


XI. Revise the Passive Voice (Страдательный Залог):

Подлежащее в предложении с глаголом в действительном залоге одновременно является исполнителем действия. В предложении с глаголом в страдательном залоге подлежащее испытывает на себе какое-то действие. Если в предложении обозначено лицо, выполняющее действие, используется предлог by.

Форма состоит из глагола to be в Present, Past или Future tenses и причастия прошедшего времени смыслового глагола ( к правильным глаголам прибавляется окончание – ed -, форму для неправильных глаголов нужно смотреть в третьей колонке таблицы неправильных глаголов):

John broke the window (The Active Voice).

The window was broken by John (The Passive Voice).


Время / Bид Simple Continuous Perfect
Present am is broken are am is being broken are has have been broken
Past was were broken was were being broken had been broken
Future will be broken ------------ will have been broken  


Правила использования видо-временных форм в страдательном залоге те же, что и в действительном залоге.

При преобразовании предложения из действительного залога в страдательный выполняются следующие процедуры: дополнение из предложения с действительным залогом становится подлежащим в предложении со страдательным залогом, глагол ставится в форму страдательного залога, при этом его видо-временная форма не меняется:

1. They will discuss your report tomorrow. Your report will be discussed tomorrow.

2. They showedthe students the new library. The students were shown the new library. The new library was shown to the students.

3. He always laughsat people. People are always laughed at.


XII. Name the tense and voice of the verbs in the following sentences:

1. People rely on computers.2. Computers are relied on by people.3. People are losing the surviving skills.4. The surviving skills are being lost by people.5. The five-year-old boy was pressing the buttons of a keyboard.6. The buttons of a keyboard were being pressed by the five-year-old boy.7. The workers in the office criticized their computer operator.8. The computer operator was criticized by the workers in the office.9. This computer will assist you in your work.10. You will be assisted by this computer.11. The problem will have been solved by them by the evening.12. They will have solved the problem by the evening.13. The e-mail has just been sent by the secretary.14. The secretary has just sent the e-mail.15. When we came, all the computers had already been turned on by the operator.16. When we came, the operator had already turned on all the computers.


XIII. Study the Internet Language:

1. to log on – входить в компьютерную сеть

2. to log off – выходить из компьютерной сети

3. to surf - переходить из одной сети в другую

4. a surfer - тот, кто «бродит» по интернету

5. to browse – просматривать информацию, «бродить» по интернету

6. to be online – быть в сети

7. to search smth. on the internet – искать что-либо по интернету

8. to find smth. on the internet – находить что-либо по интернету

9. domain name – доменное имя

10. internet provider – провайдер ( тот, кто предоставляет –provides- интернет-услуги)

11. to download (music or movies) – загружать (музыку или фильмы)

12. homepage – домашняя страничка

13. password – пароль

14. virus - вирус

15. spam - спам

16. internet link – интернет-соединение

17. attachment (device, gadget) –приспособление, техническая новинка

18. to buy smth. online - покупать что-либо по интернету

19. PDA – personal digital assistant – персональный цифровой секретарь (карманный компьютер)

20. DVD – digital video disk – диск в цифровом формате

21. PVR – personal video recorder – записывающий видеоплеер

22. PC – personal computer – персональный компьютер

23. CD-RW – compact disk – rewritable – многоразовый компакт-диск

24. IM - instant messaging – мгновенное сообщение


XIV. Translate the sentences into Russian. Name the tense and voice forms of the verbs:

1. I’ve been browsing through the site “Odnoclassniki” for three hours already.2. This site is visited more often.3. The service is being provided at the moment.4. It is usually provided at this time.5. Look! I’ve found the virus! 6. Every year a new gadget is invented.7. They will have introduced a new attachment by the end of this month.8. Yesterday I was presented a new powerful PC.9. I think the password has been written in a wrong way.10. This domain will have been bought by the famous company by the 1-st of January.


XV. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets:

The internet (0) has changed people’s life dramatically. It has allowed people from all over the world (1) … (communicate) with each other and express their ideas and opinions.

In a real life situation it is not easy to start speaking with a complete stranger, a person in a power or a child. The internet (2) … (hide) your age, social status and looks. It has allowed many people to set up (организовать) their own businesses. Some of these people are very young, even under the age of 18.

The workplace (рабочее место) now (3) … (become) stressful for many people, with longer hours and polluted air in big cities. The intеrnet offers other alternatives, such as working from home and online shopping. Today you (4) … (not have to) go out to buy goods or earn money.

The biggest concern (проблема) about people using the internet is (5) … (get) addicted (привыкают) to it. This happens because computers (6) … (use) to compensate for feelings of loneliness (одиночество), marital (брачные) and work problems, poor social life, and financial problems.

All in all, the internet is here to stay and whether it (7) … (improve or ruin) our life is up to us.


XVI. Change the following sentences in the Active Voice into the sentences in the Passive Voice according to the example:

Example:The internet has changed people’s life.

People’s life has been changed by the internet.


1. We express our opinions through the net.2. Robert visited the site in the morning.3. A stranger spoke with me online yesterday.4. I have just read the book online.5. We are exchanging our opinions on the forum.6. Ann will download the movie tomorrow.7. She will be watching it tomorrow at nine.8. He sees the e-mail every evening.9. They have bought the car online.10. She is earning her money by the internet.11. The company sells the New Year goods online.12. Sometimes people use the net to compensate their loneliness.13. Somebody has visited my homepage.


XVII. Study asking questions of different types in the Passive Voice:

English is spoken in many countries.

a) general question: Is English spoken in many countries?

b) alternative question: IsEnglish or Russian spoken in many countries?

c) special question: Where is English spoken?

d) disjunctive question: English is spoken in many countries, isn’t it?


XVIII. Ask questions of different types to the following sentences:

1. The internet is used all over the world.

2. The message has been sent already.

3. The domain name “business.com” was sold in 1999.


XIX. Read the texts. Which fact is not true? Consult the internet if necessary:

1. The first e-mail was sent out by Ray Tomlinson in 1971. Ray Tominson, a scientist from Cambridge, introduced electronic mail in 1972. He used the @ to distinguish (чтобы отличать) between the sender’s name and network name in the e-mail address.

2. The search engine Google got its name from the word “googol”, which refers to (относится к) the number one with a hundred zeros after it.

3. Yahoo! derived (произошло от) its name from the word “yahoo” coined (изобретенным) by Jonathan Swift in Gulliver's Travels. A yahoo is a person who is repulsive (омерзительный) in appearance and action and is seen as barely (едва) human!

4. The very first web browser was created by Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the “world wide web”. It already had a GUI (графический интерфейс пользователя) when it was created in 1990.

5. It took 13 years for television to reach 50 million users – it took the internet less than 4 years.

6. Domain names can be sold at really high prices! The most expensive domain name was “business.com”, which was bought by eCompanies for $ 7.5 million in 1999.

7. The typewriter was invented by Hungarian immigrant Qwert Yuiop, who left his “signature” on the keyboard of a modern computer.

8. Experts say one of the most alluring (заманчивый) sleep distractions (средство отвлечения от сна) is the 24-hour accessibility (доступность) of the internet.


XX. Answer the questions with your books closed:

1. What was @ used for?

2. Where does the name Google come from?

3. Who first used the name “yahoo”?

4. Who invented the “world wide web”?

5. Was the internet faster than TV at gaining (в завоевании) popularity?

6. What can be sold via (через) the internet?

7. What distracts (отвлекает) people from sleep most of all?

8. Who invented the typewriter?



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