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Section II. Family disagreements

Lexics:family relations

Grammar:the Past Continuous Tense, the Future Continuous Tense; Revision of Continuous tenses



I. Are these reasons of family conflicts between teens and their parents familiar (знакомы) to you?:

3.Financial dependency on parents – финансовая зависимость от родителей

4.Unequal rights – неравные права

5.Criticizing - критика

6.Making a fuss about miserable things – раздувание ссоры по пустякам

7.Unfair punishments – несправедливые наказания

8.Misunderstanding from both sides – непонимание с обеих сторон

9.Lack of free time for spending it together – нехватка свободного времени для совместного проведения

10.Talking in a rough way –разговор в грубой форме

11.Getting embarrassed in front of friends – быть поставленным в неловкое положение перед друзьями

12.Parents’ control every minute of their teens – ежеминутный родительский контроль

13. Telling a lie (lies) - лгать

14. Using dirty language – использование нецензурной лексики


II. Read the derivatives and say what parts of speech they are:

1. financy, financial, financier, finance

2. depend, dependence, dependency, dependent, independent

3. equal,unequal,equality, unequality, equally, unequally

4. criticize, critical, critic, criticism

5. punish, punishment, punishable

6. embarrass, embarrassing, embarrassment

7. frequent, frequency, frequenter

III. Range these reasons in order of frequency (частоты). Speak like this:

I think (I believe, in my opinion) the most frequent reasons of family conflicts are …

I think the less frequent reasons can be …


IV. Study the vocabulary:

1. to have a row (to row) – скандалить

rows (regular, blazing) – скандалы (постоянные, яростные)

2. to lose (lost, lost) one's temper – терять терпение

3. to talk (ed) calmly – разговаривать спокойно

4. to argue (ed) - спорить

an argument – спор

5. to cope (ed) with – справляться с

6. to have wonderful relations – иметь прекрасные отношения

7. to have bad relations – иметь плохие отношения

8. to avoid (ed) conflicts – избегать конфликтов

9. to cause (ed) a conflict – вызывать конфликт

10. to prevent (ed) a conflict – предотвращать конфликт

11. to drive (drove, driven) sb. to distraction – разг.- доводить кого-либо до стресса

12. to make sb. ill - разг. – доводить кого-либо до болезни

13. to let smth. out – разг. – высказаться

14. to get out in the open – разг. – высказаться

15. to be bottled up inside – разг. – скрывать (эмоции), сдерживаться

16. a fake – плутовство, фальш

fake relationships – фальшивые (неискренные)отношения


V. Match the phrases:

1. to cope with feelings a. у нас были отличные отношения

2. a blazing row b. скажи все как есть!

3. he always talks calmly c. избегать скандалов

4. I prefer to prevent conflicts d. яростный скандал

5. a fake smile e. Он никогда не теряет терпение

6. we had wonderful relations f. не спорь!

7. to be bottled up inside g. приводить к конфликту

8. conflicts can be prevented h. фальшивая улыбка

9. he never loses his temper i. его поведение привело маму к стрессу

10. let it all out! j. новость привела его к болезни

11. to avoid rows k. Он всегда разговаривает спокойно

12. his behaviour drove mum to distraction l. корфликты можно предотвратить

13. to cause a conflict m. скрывать

14. don’t argue! n. справляться с чувствами

15. the news made him ill o. я предпочитаю предотвращать



VI. Read and translate Tim’s letter:

I don’t like rowing and conflicts of any kind and try to avoid them. However, it’s my peaceful character which causes conflicts in my family.

They say I am always telling lies but I simply don’t tell the whole truth. I don’t think it’s the same. For example, I don’t inform my parents about my teacher’s wish to see my mum or dad as soon as possible at school. It’s because I don’t want to hurt their feelings. Isn’t it unfair to them who deserve a quiet evening in front of the TV-set after a long working day?

As for teachers, I try to avoid conflicts with them too. I say my parents are pretty busy but they worry a lot about my grades (who can say that it’s a lie?!).

The problem is that sooner or later they’ll meet anyway. And then I’ll have to invent (изобрести) a new method preventing a serious conflict.


VII. Match the synonyms:

1. to row a. to discuss

2. an argument b. quietly

3. to let smth. out c. just

4. calm d. false relations

5. calmly e. discussion

6. to argue f. to lie

7. fake relations g. to have wonderful relations

8. to tell a lie h. peaceful

9. fair i. to scandal

10. to get along j. to get out in the open


VIII. Match the antonyms:

1. to cause a conflict a. unfair

2. to cope with feelings b. to praise

3. fair c. to make up

4. quiet d. to avoid a conflict

5. to tell a lie e. to lose one’s temper

6. to get feelings out f. to tell the truth

7. fake g. frank

8. to row h. to listen to sb.

9. to ignore sb’s opinion i. to bottle feelings up inside

10. to criticize j. blazing


IX. Answer the following questions:

1. Do you approve (одобрять) of Tim’s method of avoiding conflicts? Why?

2. Do you try to avoid or prevent conflicts? How?

3. Do you often have family rows?

4. Whom do you row more often? What reasons can be there for your family row?

5. Can you discuss any topic calmly?

6. How do you usually cope with a difficult situation in your family?

7. Can teens and their parents have blazing rows and still keep wonderful relations?

8. Have you ever driven your parents to distraction doing anything bad?

9. Do you think it’s good to let it all out in an argument?

10. Do you usually get your feelings out in the open or bottle them up inside?


X. Listen (disk 024) to the people talking about their attitude to family disagreements and answer the question: Are they teens or adults? Tick the phrases the speakers mentioned:

Andy:cope with Jane:row regularly John:stay at home

have rows make ill let it all out

distraction make up avoid conflicts

avoid conflicts cope with drive to distraction

lost temper stand a conflict have a row

talk calmly have wonderful relations make sb. ill

Lori:lost temper Phil:avoid conflicts

talk calmly row regularly

let it all out get feelings out

get out in the open fake relations

blazing rows argue

make up be bottled up inside


XI. Listen to the recording and repeat the words:

Argument, argue, argumentative;

Relative, relationships, relate, related;

Suggestion, suggest, suggested;

Change, changing;

Provision, provide, provided;

Employment, employ, employed;

Competition, compete, competitive;

Anxiety, anxious;

Conclusion, conclude, concluding;

Belief, believe, believable

XII. Read the conversation and say:

A) whose attitude is the closest to you?

B) whose attitude you think is the best?

Speaker 1 – Andy

I try not to have rows with anyone, and I can honestly say I’ve only lost my temper twice in 24 years. It’s much easier to talk about things more calmly, then you don’t have the bad feeling that often goes along (сопровождает) with an argument.



Speaker 2 – Jane

Most people can cope with regular rows. But for some of us, a quiet constructive conversation is better. As a teenager, I used (бывало) to row regularly with my parents but still have always had a wonderful relationship with both of them. Nowadays, I feel that I can discuss any topic with my parents.


Speaker 3 – John

I only wish that our 16-year-old daughter would stay at home even if it means having a row so that we can talk through her problems. She prefers to disappear (исчезать) for days, on end not telling us where she is or has been. She is driving us to distraction and making her mum ill.


Speaker 4 – Lori

I think it’s healthy to let it all out in an argument. I had blazing rows with my mother and seem to have the same with my daughter but we always kiss and make up. Sometimes things are said (высказывается) that should not be (то, что не надо бы) but it gets it out in the open instead of (вместо) being bottled up inside.


Speaker 5 – Phil

I’ve spent the majority (большую часть) of my life avoiding conflicts as far as I could (столько, сколько я мог). I realize now that it was totally fake and unnatural thing to do - and has resulted in (привело к) fake relationships rather than (в большей степени, чем) stronger ones that could stand (могли бы противостоять) the occasional conflict.



Part II



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