Сделай Сам Свою Работу на 5

Model II: - What year were you born?

- I was born in 1998. When were you born?

- In 1999.


XV. Look at the time-table and say what subjects you have in your college schedule. Mind the prepositions of time!

Model: onMonday from 9 (o’clock) till 10.20 we have English; from 10.35 till11.55 we have Physics etc.


Time/Days of the week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
9.00-10.20 English Biology Informatics PE Maths History
10.35-11.55 Physics Russian Maths Chemistry Management PE
12.10-13.30 Literature Society Economics Physics Civil law Psycology
13.00-14.00 BREAK
14.00-15.20 PE History English Criminal law Literature Informatics
15.35-16.55 Economics Management Chinese Biology Society English


XV. Introduce yourself according to the model. Use – be-phrases:

Hello! I’m Helen.I’m 16. I’m a student of the College of Business and Law. I’m a first-year student of the Accounting Department so I will be an accountant. I’m from group 2. I’m from Cheremhovo. At school I was good at Maths and now I’m fond of computers and dancing. Our family is not big: mother, father, my elder sister and me. My mum is a doctor, my dad is a driver and my sister is a student. I’m proud of my family.

XVI. Study the types of questions:

1. General question (общий вопрос) – вопрос ко всей информации, поэтому общий вопрос всегда один и требует ответа “да” или “нет”:

1. Areyou from Irkutsk? – Yes, I am. (No, I’m not)

2. Is your friend in this group? – Yes, he/she is. (No, he/she isn’t)

3. Was English your favourite subject at school? – Yes, it was. (No, it wasn’t)

4. Were your classmates friendly? –Yes, they were. (No, they weren’t)

5. Will you be glad to meet new friends? – Yes, I will. (No, I won’t)



2. Alternative question (альтернативный вопрос) – вопрос с союзом «или» и, так как альтернатива не бывает одна, альтернативных вопросов может быть несколько:

1. Are you fifteen orsixteen? – I’m fifteen.

2. Is your hobby sport or music? – It’s music.

3. Will you be a manager or a lawyer? – I will be a manager.

4.Were you born in 1997 or1998? – I was born in 1998.

5.Was your mum well or ill yesterday? – She was well.

3. Special question (специальный вопрос) – вопрос с вопросительными местоимениями:


1. What is your name?

2. Where are you from?

3. Who was your best friend?

4. Why were you late?

5. How old will you be in a year?

Remember the interrogative pronouns: Who – кто?

Whom –кого? кому?

Whose –чей? чья? чье?

What – что? какой?

Which –который?

What kind of – какого рода?

When - когда?

Where –где? куда?

Why – почему?

How – как?

How old –сколько лет?

How long? – как долго?

How many (much) – сколько?

How often – как часто?

4.Disjunctive question (разделительный вопрос) – строится как утвердительное предложение и добавляется хвостик “не так ли”? Требует ответа «да» или «нет»:

a)Your name isAnn, isn’t it? – Yes, it is. (No, it isn’t)

You will be busy, won’t you? – Yes, I will. (No, I won’t)

The bus was late, wasn’t it? – Yes, it was. (No, it wasn’t)

The hostels arenear the college, aren’t they? – Yes, they are. (No, they aren’t)

b)Your name isn’t Ann, is it? – No, it isn’t. (But yes, it is)

You won’t be busy, willyou? – No, I won’t. (But yes, I will)

The bus wasn’t late, was it? – No, it wasn’t. (But yes, it was)

The hostels aren’t near the college, arethey? – No, they aren’t. (But yes, they are)


XVII. To learn to ask questions make syntactic analysis of the sentences using the table:

(Чтобы научиться задавать вопросы, проведите синтаксический анализ предложения, используя таблицу)

Русский Английский
Мы все новички. Мы – подлежащее, выраженное местоимением в первом лице единственного числа все новички – составное именное сказуемое, выраженное местоимением-все- и существительным-новички- во множественном числе Обратите внимание –глагол –есть- подразумевается, но не пишется и не произносится!   We are all newcomers. We –подлежащее, выраженное местоимением в первом лице единственного числа are all newcomers –составное именное сказуемое, выраженное глаголом – to be –в настоящем простом времени, во втором лице множественного числа – are – (это грамматическая часть сказуемого)и местоимением – all –с существительным – newcomers –во множественном числе (это смысловая часть сказуемого, которая переводится)

Проведите синтаксический анализ предложений (найдите главные члены предложений):

1. John is good at basketball.2. He was fond of parkour.3. We are at the lecture.4. The flat is comfortable.5. It is on the second floor.6. Ann and John will be glad to meet us.7. They were at the cinema yesterday.8. The secretary was busy with e-mail.9. My younger brother is five.10. I will be an economist in 2 years.11. I am often late in the morning.12. Baikal is situated in the South of Irkutsk region.13. The children were hungry.14. They will be tired after the game.15. All my friends are the students of our college.



XVIII. Study the scheme of asking questions (general, alternative and special):

Special question General and alternative questions      
вопросительное местоимение Who Whosemobiles Whom What What Whatschool When Where Why How How often How old How manycars How muchwater     грамматическая часть сказуемого Are Was Will   Is Am Are Were   is are are is will are will is were is are was are is подлежащее you she you   Ann I you or Robert the students   that girl? these? her parents his father? they they Nick Irkutsk you your study you Helen ---------- --------- смысловая часть сказуемого a student? late be   ----- right or wrong? fond of absent   proud of?   be busy with?   be situated? sorry -------- ready -------- -------- -------- дополнение, обстоятельства места, времени и т.д. yesterday? at home tomorrow? in the college?   skateboarding? from the first or second seminar?   from? a lawyer? about it? in the university? for the classes? in 2004? there in the street? there in the glass?


XIX. Ask 4 questions of different types (general, alternative, special and disjunctive) to the following sentences:

1. Nick was present at the conference on the 10-th of September.

2. The students are always hungry after the third class.

3. Granny will be busy in the garden tomorrow morning.


XX. Ask your partner 4 questions of different types about his/her age, birthday, the place of his/her home, hobby etc. Write the answers down. Introduce your partner.

Use: Word - order (порядок слов) in the English sentence:

Подлежащее; 2-сказуемое; 3-прямое дополнение; 4-косвенное дополнение;5-обстоятельство места; 6-обстоятельство времени



кто есть что\кто\какой где когда

Model:- My partner is Jane. She is 16. She was born in 1998. Her birthday is on the 2-d of November. Jane is from Bratsk. She is fond of volleyball.


Part II

XXI. Why am I here? Rate the reasons why students study. Begin with the most important to you:


Model: First, I am here to study. Second, …

Use the following expressions:

to acquire general knowledge to meet other young people to please my parents to get prepared for a future job to test my intelligence to have fun to learn how to study to find out what I am really interested in to train my memory to learn something I will always use - получить знания - познакомиться, встретить новых друзей - угодить родителям - подготовиться к будущей профессии - проверить свой интеллект - повеселиться - научиться учиться - узнать себя (что меня интересует) - потренировать память - узнать то, что мне всегда пригодиться


XXII. Read what the students say about their schools and choose the best definition of the words in bold:

Alice: My school is far from my home so I use public transport to get there. I am glad that I am a day student and come home every day. But a friend of mine, Elizabeth, is a boarderand she is often homesick.

« a boarder» is a student who … a) lives at school

b) talks at school


«to be homesick» means: a) to want to go out

b) to miss one’ home


Robert: In our school if you are very bright, you get a scholarship.

«bright» means: a) enthusiastic

b) intelligent


«scholarship» means: a) money the school gives you so that you can

study there

b) money you earn (зарабатываешь)


Jane:Such subjects as Mathematics, Literature, Native and Foreign languages, Science and PE are compulsaryat our school. But you can also choose a lot of other disciplines you like.

«compulsary» is: a) you can choose whether to do it or not

b) you must do it


XXIII. Match the words:


1. bright a) homesick

2. compulsary b) a boarder

3. to be c) a scholarship

4. to have d) student

5. to be e) subject

XXIV. Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions:


1. Is your home far from the college?

2. Where is your home?

3. Are you a boarder?

4. Who is a boarder in your group?

5. Are you homesick?

6. Is your best friend bright?

7. Is your study free?

8. Do you get a scholarship?

9. How big is your sholarship?

10. What compulsary subjects are there in your schedule (расписание)?


XXV. Match the parts of the disjunctive questions:


1. You are from Irkutsk, …? 2. Ann is a boarder, … ? 3. He was the brightest boy at college, … ? 4. We will be good specialists, … ? 5. Your friends are Irkutians, …? 6. English is a compulsary discipline, …? 7. There are more public schools than private ones, …? 8. You were the first player in your football team, …? a) weren’t you b) isn’t it c) isn’t she d) won’t we e) aren’t there f) aren’t you g) wasn’t he h) aren’t they


XXVI. Complete the tag — questions:

1. Nick is not a second-year student, …?

2. We are not busy, …?

3. You are not from Irkutsk, …?

4. These students will not be lawyers, …?

5. You were homesick in the hostel, …?

6. His scholarship is not big, …?

7. The second foreign language was not compulsary, … ?

8. There are not many hostels round the college, … ?


XXVII. To ask 4 questions of different types to each of the sentences study the examples:

1. All my groupmates are from Irkutsk.


a) general question: Are all your groupmates from Irkutsk?

b) alternative questions: Are all your or his groupmates from Irkutsk?

Are all your groupmates or classmates from Irkutsk?

Areall your groupmates from Irkutsk or Angarsk?

c) special questions: Who is from Irkutsk? (вопрос – исключение)

Whose groupmates are from Irkutsk?

Where are all your groupmates from?

c) disjunctive questions: All your groupmates are from Irkutsk, aren’t they?

All your groupmates aren’t from Irkutsk, are they?

2. Economics is a compulsary subject in our college.


a) general question: Is Economics a compulsary subject in your college?

b) alternative questions: Is Economics or Law a compulsary subject in your college?

Is Economics a compulsary or optional subject in your college?

Is Economics a compulsary subject in your college or university?


c) special questions: What iscompulsary in your college?

What subject is compulsary in your college?

What is Economics in your college?

Where is Economics compulsary?

In whose college isEconomics compulsary?

Why is Economics compulsary in your college?

d) disjunctive questions: Economics is a compulsary subject in your college, isn’t it?

Economics isn’t a compulsary subject in your college, is it?

Ask 4 types of questions to the following sentences:

1. Private schools are very expensive in the UK.

2. Jane is a student of the public school.



XXVIII. Listen to three teenages talking about their first day at school and match a, b, c with 1, 2, 3:

1. Who had a) French lesson Speaker 2

b) PE lesson Speaker 1

c) English lesson Speaker 3


2. Who liked a) a new teacher Speaker 1

b) making new friends Speaker 3

c) dinners at school Speaker 2


3. Who didn’t like a) new lessons Speaker 3

b) wearing PE kit Speaker 2

(носить физкультурную форму)

c) wearing black Speaker 1




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