Сделай Сам Свою Работу на 5

Insert prepositions and postpositions where necessary

a. This cartoon refers …1 the problem of global warming. (SB, p.65)

b. You have to have pride …2 what you do. (SB, p.66)

c. We insist …3 cutting waste and reducing energy. (SB, p.66)

d. Customers are quick to apply …4 grants for local projects. (SB, p.67)

e. One recent catalog featured a customer sporting …5 an insulated Patagonia guide jacket. (SB, p.67)

f. It sells its products …6 retail outlets and …7 mail order. (SB, p.68)

g. They make jackets …8 recycled bottles. (SB, p.68)

h. The company offers courses to its employees …9 non-violent demonstrations. (SB, p.68)

i. The company runs its affairs …10 an ethical and honest manner. (SB, p.68)

j. Many countries organize separate waste collections …11 glass and paper. (SB, p.70)

k. It still provides a philosophical challenge …12 any retailer. (WB, p.42)

l. We are doing to discuss this issue …13 the meeting this afternoon. (WB, p.43)

m. Who can advise …14 the best ways to design packaging? (WB, p.43)

n. They have produced strong arguments …15 favour of consuming environmentally friendly products. (WB, p.44)

o. It is illegal …16 British law. (WB, p.44)

p. These essays addressed …17 environmental issues. (SB, p.67)

q. In spite …18 the present recession, the long-term economic outlook is optimistic. (SB, p.70)

r. Despite …19 rising costs, they are keeping their prices low. (SB, p.70)

s. Despite …20 the fact that our supplies were late, we can reach our output deadline. (SB, p.70)

t. In spite …21 a fall …22 sales in the 90s, Patagonia’s reputation …23 high quality didn’t decline. (SB, p.70)

u. Despite …24 the efforts made by hemp supporters, it is still illegal under British law to plant hemp. (WB, p.44)

v. The hemp campaigners have run …25 opposition in spite …26 all the arguments that they have produced in its favour. (WB, p.44)

w. Local journalists wrote articles aimed …27 raising awareness of the projects. (SB, p.72)



Translate into English


Patagonia – компания по производству верхней одежды, имеющая глубокую приверженность природоохранным целям. Patagonia известна своими впечатляющими каталогами. Эти каталоги нацелены на то, чтобы воспитывать. Они наполнены необычными и яркими фотографиями (все сделаны покупателями), демонстрирующими одежду в захватывающих ситуациях. Вместо каталога наполненного только информацией о продажах, Patagonia каталог больше похож на National Geographic. Они также содержат подробное описание товаров, которое включает описание материалов и объяснение производственных процессов. В дополнение к выдвижению на первый план в описании изделий в каталогах товаров органического происхождения статьи объясняют, почему товары, произведенные из сырья органического происхождения, экологически предпочтительнее. Можно предположить, что объяснение преимуществ материалов органического происхождения в каталогах является стратегическим шагом, так как компания вынуждена оправдать увеличение цены на предмет одежды с 2$ до 10$. Но другие статьи, например, направлены на экологические проблемы непосредственно не связанные с прибылью компании. Эти каталоги показывают достойный подражания метод компании по распространению своей корпоративной экологической политики.


Patagonia пытается вести бизнес общественно ответственным образом. Компания использует любую возможность снизить отходы и сократить расходы энергии, начиная с выбора экономичных ламп накаливания с большим сроком действия до производства курток из переработанных пластиковых бутылок. Она также оказывает материальную помощь экологическим организациям. Полагая, что усилия широких масс населения вносят наибольший вклад в то, чтобы повысить осознание (осведомленность) обществом местных проблем, Patagonia обещает миллионы долларов на местные природоохранные и восстановительные мероприятия. Экологическая программа поддержки нацелена на общественные организации, занимающиеся такими проблемами как биологическая вариативность, взрослые лесонасаждения, экологически предпочтительные методы добычи полезных ископаемых, альтернативные источники энергии и воды, социальная активность и экологическое образование. Финансируя более чем 350 таких проектов ежегодно, Patagonia помогает повысить общественную осведомленность в масштабах страны. Стратегия компании Patagonia не только в том, чтобы раздавать деньги на благотворительность, но и инициировать новые долгосрочные мероприятия (действия) по экологической стабильности (выживаемости) бизнеса, доказать экономическую жизнеспособность и убедить других представителей бизнеса следовать (этому примеру).







A presentation is a formal talk to one or more people that "presents" ideas or information in a clear, structured way.

If you want your audience to understand your message, your language must be simple and clear.

Use short words and short sentences.

Do not use jargon, unless you are certain that your audience understands it.

In general, talk about concrete facts rather than abstract ideas.

Use active verbs instead of passive verbs. Active verbs are much easier to understand. They are much more powerful. Consider these two sentences, which say the same thing:

1. Toyota sold two million cars last year.

2. Two million cars were sold by Toyota last year.

Which is easier to understand? Which is more immediate? Which is more powerful? N°1 is active and N°2 is passive.

When you drive on the roads, you know where you are on those roads. Each road has a name or number. Each town has a name. And each house has a number. If you are at house N° 100, you can go back to N° 50 or forward to N° 150. You can look at the signposts for directions. And you can look at your atlas for the structure of the roads in detail. In other words, it is easy to navigate the roads. You cannot get lost. But when you give a presentation, how can your audience know where they are? How can they know the structure of your presentation? How can they know what is coming next? They know because you tell them. Because you put up signposts for them, at the beginning and all along the route. This technique is called 'signposting' (or 'signalling').

During your introduction, you should tell your audience what the structure of your presentation will be. You might say something like this:

"I'll start by describing the current position in Europe. Then I'll move on to some of the achievements we've made in Asia. After that I'll consider the opportunities we see for further expansion in Africa. Lastly, I'll quickly recap before concluding with some recommendations."

A member of the audience can now visualize your presentation like this:

Introduction:Welcome and Explanation of structure (now)

Body:1) Europe 2) Asia 3) Africa

Conclusion:Summing up and Recommendations

He will keep this image in his head during the presentation. He may even write it down. And throughout your presentation, you will put up signposts telling him which point you have reached and where you are going now. When you finish Europe and want to start Asia, you might say:

"That's all I have to say about Europe. Let's turn now to Asia."

When you have finished Africa and want to sum up, you might say:

"Well, we've looked at the three continents Europe, Asia and Africa. I'd like to sum up now."

And when you finish summing up and want to give your recommendations, you might say:

"What does all this mean for us? Well, firstly I recommend..."

Most presentations are divided into 3 main parts (+ questions):




As a general rule in communication, repetition is valuable. In presentations, there is a golden rule about repetition:

· say what you are going to say

· say it

· then say what you have just said

In other words, use the three parts of your presentation to reinforce your message. In the introduction, you tell your audience what your message is going to be. In the body, you tell your audience your real message. In the conclusion, you summarize what your message was about.

We will now consider each of these parts in more detail.



The introduction is a very important - perhaps the most important - part of your presentation. This is the first impression that your audience have of you. You should concentrate on getting your introduction right. You should use the introduction to:

A) welcome your audience


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