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Define the function of the verb “would” in the following sentences.

1. Halley predicted that the comet would appear at regular intervals of 75 years. 2. If you were on the first manned space station your task would be to study the stars and the planets including the Earth. 3. Some materials cooled to proper temperature would conduct electricity practically without any resistance. 4. In future it may be possible to build a dirigible with a metal hull that would carry hundreds of passengers round the world. 5. In 1883 Tsiolkovsky wrote that rocket would be the only means able to reach outer space. 6. Popov would make his experiments with radio although the government was not interested in the work. 7. We tried to start the car, but it would not go. 8. We know that a body in motion would continue to travel in a straight line unless some force were applied. 9. Without gravity we would not be able to walk in an upright position. 10. Non-equatorial regions of Mars would be difficult and expensive to reach and explore.

5. Read and translate the sentences where the verb “should” is a modal verb and the sentences where the verbs “would, could and might” are used in the Subjunctive mood.

1. It is essential that international cooperation should be as productive as possible. 2. Research and technology should provide the basis for a better life. 3. Military uses of a space station could complicate international cooperation since there are several neutral countries among the participants. 4. It is desirable that international space cooperation should give significant economic advantage for the countries involved. 5. NASA agreed that Canada would develop a remote manipulation system for the space Shuttle. 6. It should be pointed out that Japan space programmes are based on close government-industry cooperation. 7. The craft to be launched would essentially be used as a service module for space stations. 8. Typical missions of a new system might include the assembly of space structures. 9. Exploring Phobos would be a difficult problem because of its small gravity field. If an astronaut threw a stone right ahead, it would orbit the entire moon and hit in the back of the head. 10. One should know that the broader the basis for utilizing a space station is, the better the prospects for economic efficiency of developing it are. 12. It was reported that the appearance of photon computers could be expected.

6. Read and translate the text without a dictionary.

Exploration experts suggest that the tiny moon Phobos should be used as a perfect place for gas refilling station. Some scientists think Phobos rocks to contain crystalline ice. If one heats them, it will be possible to produce water. The latter could be divided into hydrogen and oxygen which are necessary components for rocket propulsion. Such a fuel supply would greatly reduce the amount of weight that must be delivered from the Earth for manned mission to Mars. Thus, it might be possible for spacecrafts to leave the Earth for Mars carrying no return fuel. To get home, they should simply fill up at Phobos.

7. Define the type of a conditional sentence. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. If we look around, we can see that electricity is serving us in one way or another. 2. If I were free, I should help you with pleasure. 3. If we had tested this material, we should have used it in our work. 4. If ordinary gases are greatly compressed, they become liquids. 5. If supercomputers had not been used for thermodynamic calculations, designers would have spent all their lives on computations. 6. If you think that a computer never makes mistakes you are wrong. 7. If extreme temperatures generated by atmospheric friction were not so high, a hypersonic craft would not require complicated cooling measures. 8. If we had been told about the lecture on reliability in spacecraft production, we should have come by all means. 9. Superconductivity can be obtained in some materials if the temperature is very low and close to absolute zero.

А) Change the following sentences according to the models.

1. If I were free, I should help you. – Were I free, I should help you.

2. If he had known about the lecture, he would have come. – Had he known about the lecture, he would have come.

1. If it were possible, we should begin this work at once. 2. If he had had all the necessary books, he would have made his report in time. 3. If the books had been available in our library, we could have done this work much earlier. 4. If there were no computers, space flights would be impossible. 5. If drivers were more attentive while driving, there would be less accidents on the road.

B) Translate the sentences into Russian. Pay attention to the word order.

1. Had he used new materials, the device would have been more reliable. 2. Were electric motors used, cars would not pollute the air, would be practically noiseless and very easy to control. 3. Had they applied new method, the result would have been much better. 4. Were the design of cars improved, the fuel consumption would be greatly reduced. 5. Had a less explosive gas been used in dirigibles at the beginning of the century, they would have been in operation since that time. 6. Were it possible to learn how birds find their way, people would use the principle to develop a navigation system for aviation.

9. Translate the sentences into Russian and remember the meaning of the verb “to provide” in all its functions and conjunction “provided”.

1. The experiments conducted provided very good results. 2. Russian technological achievements that provided the launching of rockets are known all over the world 3. A tire pressure display provides information for front and back pairs of tires. 4. Provided new composite materials are used, it will be possible to reduce overall aircraft weight. 5. Provided with a new vacuum-controlled carburetor this car model has several important advantages. 6. Superliners could develop a higher speed provided some special cooling measures were used. 7. An aircraft pilot can get all the information he needs provided he contacts a radio navigation station. 8. The work done provided us with new data. 9. Having measured the distance between two points, it is possible to calculate the time during which a car can cover it, provided we know the car’s average speed. 10. Our laboratory has been provided with the latest equipment.

10. Translate the sentences with the conjunctions provided, if, whether.

1. Specialists reported that a miniature video camera provided the latest submersible with vision. 2. The speed of a satellite would be less provided it moved at a greater distance from the earth. 3. Drivers don’t know yet whether radars will be mounted on the next car model. 4. If the weather is too bad for flying, passenger airplanes don’t leave airports. 5. It was very important to find out if electricity could be used for long distance communication. 6. During the entire flight, the pilot is provided with all the necessary information about weather conditions. 7. Modern submersibles can remain at the depth of 20,000 feet for eight hours or, if needed, as long as two or three days. 8. A new system for motor cars can be provided with infrared sensors that can detect a human figure at night. 9. If underwater tourism continued to develop at the present rate, the number of passengers could grow up to millions in only a few years.

11. Translate the sentences with the conjunction unless.

1. Isaac Newton stated that a body would continue moving unless some force was applied to stop it. 2. Space flights would be impossible unless special materials for space vehicles were produced. 3. We should have no radio, telephone, television or computers unless there were electricity. 4. The earth temperature would increase indefinitely unless heat were radiated. 5. Unless the temperature rises the speed of the molecules will not increase. 6. It would have been impossible to send satellites into orbit unless Newton’s laws of motion had been studied. 7. With heat generated by friction of the air on aircraft surface, the temperature inside the cabin would increase to almost 1,000º C unless it were cooled by mechanical means.


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