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Modal Verbs and their Equivalents

Modal verbs and their equivalents Meaning Tense
Present Past Future
can – to be able to I. Могу, можно, умею. Физическая или умствен-ная возможность (спо-собность). Возможность, обусловлен-ная внешними обстоятель-ствами. Разрешение. II. Неужели, не может быть (в вопросительных и отрицательных предложе-ниях) Удивление, сомнение. able to able to be able to
may – to be allowed to I. Могу, можно. Разрешение осуществить действие. II. Возможно, может быть. Возможность, слабое предположение may allowed to might allowed to - be allowed to
must – to have to I. Должен, надо, нужно Долженствование, необ-ходимость, приказ, совет II. Вероятно, очевидно, должно быть Предположение, вероят-ность совершения действия must have to has to - had to - have to
to be to Должен Необходимость, обусло-вленная заранее намечен-ным планом, договорен-ностью, расписанием to to -
Should Должен, должен бы, следует, следовало бы should - -
ought to Должен (бы), следует, следовало бы Моральный долг или совет ought to - -
Need Необходимо, нужно Необходимость совершения действия (в отрицат. и вопросит. предложениях) need needed need


I. Comment on the use and meaning of the modal verbs and their equivalents. Translate the sentences.

1. A well-trained designer can foresee many faults in the system.

2. We must develop fully automated equipment to provide much lower costs of aircraft service.

3. In the selection of a suitable power unit we must take into consideration also simplicity and convenience.

4. The lift-generating system of VTOL aircraft should be powerful.

5. Examining the cold engine from top to bottom he could find the leak.

6. Many experts can’t decide whether so much TV is harmful to the individual’s health and mental activity or not.

7. You must do your best to radically improve the device.

8. Airplanes and helicopters can become highly electrically charged either from flying through dust or snow or from encountering strong electric fields in clouds.

9. All nations have to make fundamental changes in their economic, political and technological institutions if they are to preserve the environment.

10. Helicopters can rise or descend vertically, hover, and more forward, backward, or laterally.

11. If we are to employ this technique, we ought to update our equipment.

12. To predict where a body will be we must know how close it can approach one of the planets and what happens when it does.

13. Anything that may occur with or on the Sun will not affect the Earth or its motion until 8 minutes later.

14. We should remember this rather obvious point when conclusions are drawn from the laboratory experiments alone.

15. The application of the method may result in the following formula.

16. After the model had been tested we could recommend it for mass production.

17. I think you should have a preliminary exchange of opinions.

18. According to the traffic regulations in England one is to keep to the left while driving a car.

19. It has been found that organic molecules may be responsible for the dark areas on Mars.

20. In the field of radio-astronomy we are able to consider the possibilities of our receiving signals from the universe.

21. You should neither overestimate nor underestimate the phenomenon.

22. Optical means of astronomical observations cannot detect the traces of societies over such great distances, but the development of radio astronomy may offer better opportunities.

23. A system consisting of three satellites was able to ensure the reception of TV programmes.

24. If we want to achieve something in life, we must follow this rule: Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.

25. No society can assure effective conditions for scientific development unless it possesses special institutions dedicated to the transmission of knowledge and to the training of individuals to become searchers after new knowledge.

26. Vibration doesn’t only causes noise, but can destroy materials and structures as well.

27. Communication can take place only between people with a common aim, a common interest who are able to get each other to understand what they have to say.

28. They were not allowed to use these instruments in their experiment.

29. Since heat is not a substance but a form of energy we cannot measure it directly in pounds or litres but must measure it by the effect it can produce.

30. Man will have to create a new combustion material that will serve as the fuel for distant interplanetary travel.


II. Define the voice of the predicate in the following sentences and translate them.

1. Apart from the fact that this equipment is designed for the computer age and it may be operated with modern computer systems, it can be changed rapidly from one test to another.

2. It is generally accepted that imperfections in crystal planes of metal, especially those known as dislocations, may be revealed by electron microscopes of high resolution.

3. Even in the most complex experimental project every group must be matched by its binary, from which it differs in one respect only. To accomplish this we must carefully analyze all observations and define their basic constituents.

4. Human product can be rated as acceptable or unacceptable, fruitful or misguided, can be approved of or judged inadequate.

5. Since gamma-rays do not have to be connected to a source of electric power to be operated, as X-ray machines do, they can be used almost anywhere.

6. The businessman is quite aware that, however small and cheap the new mechanisms may become, there is much that must be changed in his plant before electronic circuits are going to make automatic production possible.

7. The experiments with biological electricity may lead to the development of body-powered devices which could be implanted into humans together with tiny transmitters.

8. The safety of personnel engaged in gamma-inspection of articles are to be ensures by the construction of protection devices, the reduction of exposure time and by increasing the distance between gamma-sources and attending personnel.

9. The report should contain conclusions but usually should not contain recommendations. It should be designed to serve as a basis for decision but should not itself make the decision.

10. The system as a whole cannot be considered as a purely mechanical one with single responses to specific situations.

11. If the resulting voltage differs from the required voltage value, the section lengths must be changed and the calculation performed again.

12. The metal-oxide-semiconductor fabrication technique can put more than 10,000 electronic components on a silicon chip only a few millimeters across. Its economic impact can be seen in such devices as pocket calculators.

13. Several factors should be considered when the experimental results are evaluated.

14. After charged particles have been accelerated they can be used for nuclear experiments.

15. These values are to be compared with the previously reported ones.

16. The process can be easily simulated in laboratory, no matter how peculiar its mechanism may seem to a non-specialist.

17. A pound of excessive weight for a satellite may lead to a complete failure.

18. Much will have to be done to improve laboratory methods.

19. Every radio and navigational facilities should be used by a pilot flying under condition of unknown wind direction or force to determine accurately his position.



III. Change the following sentences from Active into Passive.

1. We must discuss the matter not later than tomorrow.

2. Nobody can do it without your help.

3. May I take the books and papers away?

4. A microscope can reveal vastly more detail than is visible to the naked eye.

5. In this device we can use a plurality of electrodes separated by and in contact with a dielectric material.

6. This finding means that we should not reject this hypothesis.

7. The electronic stop-watch can show time intervals with an accuracy of several microseconds.

8. One must know the main properties of the substance before starting the experiment.

9. We must well co-ordinate all the measures to implement the programme successfully.

10. Newton’s corpuscular theory could not explain the interference of light.

11. The wave theory can explain very well the interference of light.

12. Experiments can test the validity of a theory.

13. If one receives wrong results one must repeat the experiment.

14. People may achieve solution of ecological problems only by joint efforts of all countries.


IV. Identify the modal verbs followed by perfect and non-perfect infinitive and translate the sentences.

1. The Moon, with its soft surface like damp sand, might have been designed for descending spacecraft.

2. Under such an assumption they ought to have arrived at completely different conclusions.

3. With our present-day technology such phenomena could not have been observed in the laboratory.

4. His idea was that these cosmic objects should have originated under such harsh conditions that no analogy might be valid.

5. He couldn’t have done it all by himself. Somebody helped him.

6. They may not have come back yet. Let’s ring them up and find out.

7. Judging from the books and papers on his writing-table he must have been working for several hours.

8. This model night have seemed ideal for safety considerations.

9. He must have no experience in translating technical articles from English into Russian.

10. There must be a mistake in the subtraction exercise, check up the difference by addition. You should have added the numbers rather than subtracted them.

11. Consequently, a general connection must have been established between the two values.

12. You ought to have compared your chances before taking a decision.

13. Many practical difficulties must have been encountered in the implementation of this idea.

14. These analyses must have been preceded by studies of physical parameters of the model.

15. This rather important assumption may have been made in the course of numerous applicability tests.

16. After this failure their investigation must have taken another course.

17. This explanation cannot have been adequate under the circumstances.

18. This approach may have been unpractical because many ideas seemed hazy and doubtful.

19. A discussion of the problem of elasticity should, logically speaking, have preceded the work on vibrations.

20. The complex path over which the signal travels must be maintained and not broken into other signals.

21. Failure to distinguish between kinetic flexibility and equilibrium flexibility may account for a number of the contradictory statements.

22. Without Kepler’s laws of planetary orbits as a guide, Newton might have never proposed his law of universal gravitation.

23. Exact science in its generally accepted sense may be referred to as a family of specialized natural sciences, and each of them provides evidence and information about the different aspects by somewhat different working methods.

24. Science-fiction writers predicted generally, that space flights could be achieved around 1975, and that we might land on the Moon or travel to Mars around the turn of the century.


V. State the function of the verbs “to be” and “to have”. Translate the sentences and define if these are used as a) modal verbs; b) auxiliary verbs; c) notional verbs; d) a link-verb.

1. Special training is required to handle the device.

2. X-rays are electromagnetic radiation which is weakened by interaction with the outer clouds of electrons orbiting the atomic nucleus. The heavier the element (the higher the atomic number) the denser is the atomic cloud, and the harder it is for X-rays to penetrate.

3. It should be realized that some of the strategies we have derived contain learning processes which may occur at two different levels.

4. The simplest materials are those which have only one kind of atoms.

5. The careful selection of metals and increased accuracy of voltage measuring instruments has made it possible to increase the range of the thermocouple to embrace very low temperatures.

6. A physicist has discovered that a light or an electromagnetic ray, focussed in a certain way, can cover tremendous distances without losing its power capacity.

7. It is to be noted that the electron-volt is a convenient and appropriable unit throughout atomic and nuclear physics, since we are frequently concerned with and individual electron or positive ion.

8. In company with other new instruments the scanning electron microscope has given rise to many new research procedures.

9. As a starting material for chemical synthesis on an industrial or a laboratory scale, silicon has some advantages that are unmatched.

10. One additional reason for carrying out the calculation was to test this method on a class of compounds different from those for which it was devised.

11. Many material properties such as length, pressure, electrical resistance and colour are observed to change as they become “hotter” or “colder”. Any of these might be taken as the basis for a temperature scale.

12. Temperatures above 2000ºC are now of real concern to design engineers.

13. A bipropellant gaseous system has certain advantages – ease of handling the propellants and ease of burning the two gases efficiently.

14. If Mars had the same original composition as the Earth, one would expect it to heat up more slowly because it has only a tenth of the mass of the Earth.

15. Experiments for industrial production of materials in space are being carried out in many countries.

16. The quality of these metal parts is to be very high.

17. It was found that the acceleration rate on board such vehicles was to be reduced to a minimum.

18. To eliminate systematic error one has to take into account all these factors.

19. At present scientists and engineers are designing spacecrafts which are to operate for months and years in the outer cosmos under very severe conditions.

20. You have to look through all resent papers, or you will not be well informed on the subject.

21. When one considers how long the wheel has served in transportation (more than 5,000 years), it seems odd that the first really effective self-propelled wheeled vehicle was developed only 100 years ago.

22. After the error in the calculation had been noticed we had to check the results.

23. To make this device more efficient we had to substitute some of its parts.

24. A great deal of attention has been devoted to the problems generated by the “information explosion” as it has been popularly identified.

25. Since the jet engine is a powerful source of energy it is widely used for machines flying at supersonic speed.

26. The performance characteristics of aircraft have a direct influence on the runway length.

27. You’ll have to convince them that the changes are absolutely necessary.

28. The human brain is being highly assisted in many spheres of research by the electronic brain. Yet, even the most perfect machine may never be able to follow the human being along his creative path. The service of the electronic brain is limited by the working out of the programme, that is the “formulating of the question”. The electronic brain is able to solve problems in a remarkably shorter space of time and to carry out the work for a considerably larger period than would be possible for a man. But the preparing of a programme takes time, usually much longer than the calculation itself. This proves to be so complicated that whole armies of technicians, engineers and mathematicians are for hours, weeks and even months solely occupied with the making of the problem “ready for the machine”.

29. Digital computers can be utilized in any process connected with counting or what is known as “logical analysis”.

30. Analog computer are utilized for solving particular problems, such as solution of differential equations.


VI. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate modal verb.

1. She felt she … not stand much more of this discussion. She said she … go on with her work and began to rise.

2. We … not hurry. The lecture … to begin in half an hour.

3. He … tell me the answer but he refused.

4. She has a university education and … make a career for herself.

5. I made a few mistakes, so I … do the whole exercise again.

6. One … never know what … happen.

7. If we … to survive as a species all countries … join their efforts in handling the problem of environment.

8. This suggestion implies that galaxies … have formed when conditions in the universe were much more different from those now prevailing.

9. Energy … be classified into mechanical, heat and chemical kinds of energy.

10. Water … exist as liquid, steam or ice.


VII. Translate the sentences into English using modal verbs.

1. Можно мне поговорить с вами сейчас или я должна прийти завтра? – Мы можем поговорить сейчас. У меня есть немного свободного времени.

2. Они, должно быть, работают в лаборатории. Не следует им мешать.

3. Нам придется повторить эксперимент, который мы провели в конце прошлого месяца, потому что он был тогда неудачным.

4. Вам следует прочесть эту книгу. Она вам должна понравиться.

5. Когда мы обсуждали вчера мое сообщение, вы задали мне вопрос, на который я не смог ответить сразу. Сейчас я готов дать вам ответ.

6. Вам следовало бы заменить неисправную часть машины.

7. Что-то случилось с телевизором. Его необходимо отремонтировать.

8. Я не могу обсудить эту проблему с вами сейчас. Я должен сначала прочитать статью.

9. Эти материалы можно использовать в ряде отраслей промышленности.

10. Мы должны установить новое оборудование на следующей неделе.

11. Исследование необходимо закончить в срок.

12. Вес этого вещества нужно вычислить очень точно.

13. Мы сможет обсудить все вопросы, как только он вернется из командировки.

14. Нам придется проанализировать все предыдущие результаты, прежде чем мы приступим к новой серии испытаний.

15. Он опытный конструктор, на его совет можно положиться.

16. Я думаю, что они не смогут работать с этим оборудованием без специальных инструкций.

17. Мы сможем увидеть все самое новейшее в области электронных игр на последней выставке.

18. Я выполнил бóльшую часть работы, а остальное должно быть сделано тобой.

19. Документы невозможно подготовить так быстро. Вам придется подождать.

20. Он, возможно, не знает всех деталей, но основная идея ему ясна.

21. Компьютеры сегодня могут широко использоваться в исследовании космического пространства.

22. Вам надо бы проконсультироваться с кем-нибудь еще по этому вопросу.

23. Ему следует быть очень осторожным при проведении этого эксперимента.

24. Вам следовало бы усовершенствовать конструкцию до начала испытаний.



The Subjunctive Mood

(Сослагательное наклонение

Сослагательное наклонение – это форма глагола-сказуемого, выражающая действие не реальное, а предполагаемое, условное или желаемое.

Сослагательное наклонение выражается:

1) синтетическими формами:be, were, have, knowи т.д.(одинаковая для всех лиц);

2)аналитическими формами should, would, could, might+ простой инфинитив без частицы to, если высказывание относится к настоящему или будущему времени или should, would, could, might+ перфектный инфинитивбез частицы to,если высказывание относится к предшествующему периоду.

Сослагательное наклонение употребляется:

1) В главном предложении или простом предложении, когда подразумевается, что действие могло бы произойти при определенных условиях:

e.g. An object that weighs 4 lbs at sea level - Тело, которое весит 4 фунта на уровне мо-

would weighonly ¼ of a pound at 4,000 miles ря, весило бы (будет, вероятно, весить)

above the sea level. только ¼ фунта на высоте 4000 миль над

уровнем моря.

2) В придаточных предложениях после безличных оборотов типа:

It is necessary that … - Необходимо, чтобы …

It is essential that … - Важно (существенно), чтобы …

It is desirable that … - Желательно, чтобы …

It is important that … - Важно, чтобы ….

It is improbable that …- Маловероятно, чтобы …

It is required that … - Требуется, чтобы …

e.g. It is important thatthe propellant remain - Важно, чтобы топливо оставалось жидким

liquid at the lowest temperature. при самых низких температурах.

3) В дополнительных придаточных предложениях после глаголов, выражающих приказание, совет, желание, предположение: to require, to demand(требовать); to propose, to suggest(предлагать); to desire, to wish(хотеть, желать) (после этих глаголов идет союз that) или существительных requirement, demand(требование); proposal(предложение) и т.п.

e.g. The scientific objectives require thata space - С точки зрения научного исследования

vehicle should maintaina fixed aspect with the требуется, чтобыкосмический корабль

respect to the Earth. сохранялопределенное положение по отно-

шению к Земле.

e.g. The demandis that all measurements - Требование заключается в том,чтобывсе

should be madevery accurately. измерения были выполнены очень точно.

4) В придаточных обстоятельственных предложениях цели после союзов: so that(так, чтобы); lest(чтобы … не); in order that(для того, чтобы).

e.g. Don’t raise the temperaturelestthe speed of - Не повышайте температуру, чтобы

reaction should betoo high. скорость реакции не быласлишком высо-


5) В обстоятельственных сравнительных предложениях после союзов: as if, as though(как будто бы, как если бы); but for(если бы не).

e.g. He spoke as ifhe werea specialist on - Он говорил, как если быон былспе-

the subject. циалистом по этому вопросу.

Примечание: Глагол “to be”имеет форму “were”для всех лиц в сослагательном наклонении.

6) В условных II и III типа.

Условное предложение II типа (Conditional II) отражает маловероятные, желаемые условия, относящиеся к настоящему или будущему времени.

e.g. Ifsome experiments were repeated, it would be – Если быэксперименты повторили,

better. было былучше.

Условное предложение III типа (Conditional III) отражает маловероятные, нереальные условия, относящиеся к прошлому.

e.g. They would have finishedthe work in time - Они завершили быработу вовремя,

providedthey had hadthe necessary material. при условии, если быу них быливсе

необходимые материалы.

Примечания: 1) Союз “if” может быть заменен союзами unless(если не); in case(в случае, если); provided, on condition(при условии, если);

2) Наличие глаголов should, wereили hadв начале предложения является основным признаком сослагательного наклонения в бессоюзном условном предложении. Перевод такого предложения следует начинать словами “если”, “если бы”:

e.g. Should the engine fail, the airplane would - Если бы двигатель вышел из строя,

have to make a forced landing. самолет должен был бы совершить вы-

нужденную посадку.


Способы перевода сослагательного наклонения:

1) Глаголом в сослагательном наклонении, т.е. глаголом в прошедшем времени с частицей “бы”. Частица “бы” может присоединяться к глаголу (было бы), к союзу (если бы) или входить в состав союза “чтобы”(чтобыбыло).

2) Инфинитивом:

e.g. Ifa thermometer be placedin a container … - - Еслитермометр поместитьв сосуд …

3) Глаголом в будущем времени в сочетании со словами “вероятно” “по-видимому”:

e.g. Heat would be absorbed until the - Тепло,будет, вероятно, поглощаться

temperature of the absorbing body attains that до тех пор, пока температура поглощающего

of the heat. тела не достигнет температуры источника


1. Translate the sentences into Russian. Pay attention to the verb form in the Subjunctive mood.

1. Would you like to come with us? 2. Would you be so kind as to tell me how to get to the station? 3. Could you tell me the way to the main building of the University? 4. Would you mind giving me your dictionary for a minute? 5. I’d like to thank you for your help. 6. You are the only person she would listen to. 7. You could have done it in a different way. 8. It’s strange he is not here. However, he might have forgotten all about it. Or he might have come while I was out. 9. For long journeys in private cars one could use automatic guidance system. 10. One laser beam could carry all the radio, TV and telephone messages simultaneously. 11. Mary wishes she could drive a car. 12. I wish that, for just a day, I were President of the United States. 13. I wish I had not spent so much money yesterday. 14. I wish when a boy I had studied French instead of English. 15. I wish you had mentioned this fact to me before. 16. If he were better educated, he would get the job. 17. Were I you, I should speak to him about it. 18. I would have called you, if I had had your telephone number. 19. Had she felt better, she would have gone with them. 20. K. Onnes found that it was necessary that a mercury wire be cooled to -265º C for electrical resistivity to disappear. 21. Tsiolkovsky proposed that liquid propellants should be used for space travel. 22. Recently it has been improbable that superconductivity should appear at an unbelievable temperature of 98 K in a special ceramic material. 23. The great speeds and high resistance of air demand that new hyperliners be built without windows. 24. It is essential that a superconductor should be a solid material and it is necessary that it should be cooled to -273º C. 25. It was natural for the ancient Greeks to suppose that the stars, planets, the sun and the moon move round the Earth in space. 26. It is possible that a compound should become a superconductor even if the chemical elements constituting it are not. 27. Copernics suggested that the Sun and not the Earth should be at the centre of everything.

2. Translate the sentences into Russian paying attention to the conjunctions: in order that, so that, lest.

1. A special system is being developed so that drivers could see after dark. 2. Aircraft designers tend to substitute conventional metal alloys by new composite materials in order that an aircraft structure should be lighter. 3. Some materials are cooled almost to -273º C so that they should become superconductors. 4. Great attention is paid to ecological problems all over the world so that air in supercities should be kept clean. 5. You must put down this formula lest you should forget it. 6. Metal parts are tested for defects lest they should fall in operation. 7. Students must work hard lest they should fail at the examination. 8. All kinds of safety devices for motor cars are being developed lest accidents should occur. 9. A hypersonic craft will require complicated measures lest it should burn.

3. Define the function of the verb “should” in the following sentences.

1. It should be said that the importance of Mars studies is acknowledged by all. 2. Reliability of every vehicle should be paid great attention to during the production process. 3. It is required that an airplane should be well balanced dynamically. 4. Should there be even a small deviation (отклонение) in the velocity, the space vehicle would pass the planet. 5. K.E. Tsiolkovsky suggested that man-made rocket for the future space flights should use liquid-propelled engines. 6. We were told that we should take part in the discussion. 7. One should not forget that electricity is the most important source of energy at present.


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