Сделай Сам Свою Работу на 5

I. Выберите правильный перевод глагольной формы в скобках.

1. Scientists (изучающий) the properties of a substance will apply it in research.
    a) studying b) while studying c) is studying  
2. (Используя) the device, we got accurate data.
    a) having used b) using c) being used  
3. The staff of the laboratory (заканчивает) the work on the apparatus.
    a) is finishing b) was finishing c) is being finished  
4. (Охладившись) to a low temperature many substances get new properties.
    a) having cooled b) cooling c) having been cooled  
5. The changes (влияющие) the composition of materials are chemical changes.
    a) is affecting b) affecting c) if affecting  
6. (Изучая) elements Mendeleyev found that they could be divided into nine groups.
    a) studying b) is studying c) having studied  
7. When I came into the office the secretary (просматривала) the papers.
    a) looking through b) was looking through c) looked through  
8. The house (строящийся) here will have been finished by 2012.
    a) building b) having been built c) being built  

II. Укажите номера предложений, в которых слово heated переводится как «нагретый».

1. The heated air is lighter than cold air.

2. Some substances can be heated under pressure.

3. Being heated for a long time, the liquid becomes viscous.

4. When heated the mixture changed its colour.

5. Having heated the solution, we used it for the second time.

6. The compound heated melted slowly.

7. The scientists heated the gas which increased in volume.

8. Having been heated to a high temperature the glass bottle broke.

III. Переведите на английский язык выражения, используя предложенную фразу и необходимую форму причастия.


0. To watch television

смотря телевизор – watching television

посмотрев телевизор – having watched television

1. To send a telegram

Телеграмма, посланная мамой

Послав телеграмму

Родители, посылающие телеграмму

Посылая телеграмму

2. To meet friends

Встречая друзей

Друзья, встречающие тебя

Встретив друзей

Друзья, встреченные в магазине

3. To discover a deposit

Залежь, открытая геологами

Открывая залежь

Геологи, открывающие залежь

Открыв залежь

4. To buy a car in other city

Купив машину в другом городе

Машина, купленная в другом городе

Люди, покупающие машины в другом городе

Покупая машину в другом городе

IV. Выберите правильный вариант перевода подчеркнутой части предложения.

1. The dress bought at the department store was very beautiful.

a) купленное

b) купил

c) покупая

2. Having eaten all the potatoes, she drank a cup of coffee.

a) ест

b) съев

c) поедая

3. The engineer testing the device, nobody is allowed to come in.

a) проверяя

b) проверяющий

c) проверяет

4. He stood with his arms folded.

a) когда его руки были связаны

b) а его руки были связаны

c) с его руками связанными

5. It being late, they decided to go home.

a) было поздно

b) будучи поздними

c) опоздали

6. She sat looking into the fire, the sock forgotten on her knee.

a) забытый

b) забыла

c) забыв

V. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на формы причастия.

1. The weather being good, the passengers went out of their cabins.

2. The girl ran away, with tears rolling down her cheeks.

3. Method used improved the quality of production.

4. When improved, the devices showed good results.

5. Having brought the dictionaries from the library, the students began to translate the article.

6. Being busy, he postponed the trip.

7. The first rays of the rising sun lit up the mountain.

8. While being examined by the doctor, the boy cried a lot.

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания после текста.


АAbout 6,000 years ago people discovered that copper could be made harder if mixed with tin. This alloy is called bronze. It was so widely used for many years that this period of time became known as the Bronze Age.
BTin was the fifth metal discovered by man. It is a soft whitish substance. Various proportions of the two metals produced different qualities in the bronze. Most early metal-workers used about eight parts of copper to one of tin. Because weapons made of bronze were harder and stronger than those of copper, tin became very important. However, there was little tin to be found in western Asia - still the centre of the metal-working world. Mostly it was found in Europe, and the merchants of Troy, who brought their goods to Europe, began loading their boats with tin on their return journeys. In England, tin was discovered and mined in Cornwall and was a main export for a long time.
CWhen zinc was discovered it was used to produce an important alloy in combination with copper. This alloy was brass, a hard-wearing, yellow metal which was valued more than bronze. The exact date of discovery is uncertain but it was probably about 200 BC.

1) В каком абзаце текста (A-C) рассказывается о:

1. металле, запасы которого можно было пополнить у купцов?

2. соединении из двух металлов, делающем оружие более крепким?

3. металле, давшем название времени?

4. неточности даты открытия металла?

5. основном пункте экспорта?

Найдите в тексте слова сходные по значению с данными ниже.

1. compound –

2. properties–

3. to find, to detect –

4. to combine–

5. to make, to manufacture –

6. certain –

Сопоставьте слова из двух колонок так, чтобы получить 5 выражений, употребляя каждое словосочетание только раз.

Verbs+Noun Preposition+Noun
1. use alloy 2. mix substance 3. make weapons 4. find tin 5. bring goods A__of bronze B__in Asia C__with tin D__to Europe E__for years

Вставьте пропущенное слово согласно информации, данной в тексте.

1. An alloy made of copper and tin is called _____.

2. Tin was the fifth metal ________________ by man.

3. Merchants of Troy loaded their boats with tin on their _____ journeys.

4. When zinc was discovered it was used to produce ____________ with copper.

5. Various proportions of the copper and tin produced different ______ in the bronze.

5) Найдите в тексте необходимую информацию и дайте ответы на вопросы, приведенные ниже.

1. What was discovered about 6,000 years ago?

2. Why did tin become more popular than copper?

3. Where was the center of the metal-working world?

4. Where was tin discovered in England?

5. What is brass?

Выполните задание в письменном виде.

Представьте, что Вы хотите устроиться на работу в иностранную компанию. Подготовьте свое резюме (CV) на английском языке. Включите в него информацию о себе, должности (на которую претендуете), об образовании, квалификации и опыте работы, ваших умениях, и любую другую информацию, которая поможет Вам получить желаемую работу.

Вариант V

I. Выберите правильный перевод глагольной формы в скобках.

1. 1. Electrons (образующие) an atom are in motion.
    a) are forming b) when forming c) forming  
2. (Разрабатывая) a device, an engineer used a new method.
    a) being developed b) developing c) having developed  
3. Our scientists (готовят) programmes for automatic devices.
    a) are preparing b) preparing c) while preparing  
4. (Сдав) all the examinations he went on holidays.
    a) passing b) having passed c) being passed  
5. Electrons (движущиеся) from one atom of any substance to another form the flow called an electric current.
    a) are moving b) if moving c) moving  
6. (Ожидая) for him I looked through the magazines lying on the table.
    a) waiting b) is waiting c) having waited  
7. While I was reading a book my wife (слушала) to the news on the radio.
    a) listening b) was listening c) is listening  
8. The questions (обсуждаемые) at the conference are very important.
    a) being discussed b) discussing c) having discussed  

II. Укажите номера предложений, в которых слово produced переводится как «произведенный».

1. The new kinds of plastics will be produced in future.

2. They produced good products.

3. Having produced a positive impression, he continued to talk.

4. The new film produced was met by the audience with enthusiasm.

5. These synthetic materials have been produced for ten years.

6. When produced the substance changed its properties.

7. The products produced at our plant have a high quality.

8. Having produced in the reactor the energy is then transformed into heat.


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