Сделай Сам Свою Работу на 5

Найдите в тексте и выпишите пять предложений со страдательным залогом. Подчеркните формы страдательного залога и переведите предложения.

Найдите данные слова (1-5) в тексте и подберите к ним синонимы из колонки а), b) or c).

1.invent a) develop b) destroy c) grow
2.consider a) respect b) regard c) conduct
3.device a) mechanism b) box c) shelf
4.dull a) brilliant b) cool c) stupid
5.establish a) begin b) found c) fix

3) Напишите, соответствуют ли предложения содержанию текста. Отметьте данное утверждение как T (True), если предложение верно передает содержание текста, и как F (False), если оно не соответствует его содержанию.

  Statement True False
1. Edison was a famous theoretician.    
2. He studied at school for five years.    
3. The inventor was interested in reading.    
4. He sold his first invention for two thousand dollars.    
5. When he was twenty-two Edison became a professional inventor.    

Согласно информации, данной в тексте, подберите каждому предложению (1-5) соответствующее продолжение (a-e).

1) When Edison first visited a public library …….

2) His mother thought that …….

3) He was very nervous when ……

4) He conducted …………

5) Edison did not agree that ………

a). …….. he was asked to name the price of the invention.

b). …….. thousands of experiments.

c). …….. he saw a lot of shelves with books.

d). …….. a genius works only by inspiration.

e). …….. he had a good memory.

5) Найдите в тексте необходимую информацию и дайте ответы на вопросы, приведенные ниже.

1. Why did Edison leave the school?

2. What was his first patented invention?

3. Who bought Edison’s invention?

4. What did he do with the money?

5. Who is a genius according to Edison?

Выполните задание в письменном виде.

Представьте, что Вы хотите устроиться на работу в компанию Pandora International. Для этого Вас попросили заполнить следующую анкету.

Прочитайте формуляр и впишите требуемую информацию.





Вариант IV

I. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на формы страдательного залога.

1. The lecturer is listened to with great interest.

2. The engineer was asked about the new technology which is used in the construction.

3. Some new subjects will be studied by pupils at school.

4. Many various machines are being produced for our industry by this plant.

5. The report was being made by Professor Green when we came there.

6. Today we have been given much homework.

7. He said that he had been sent on business to London.

8. The test will have been finished by the end of the next week.

II. Замените активный залог на пассивный, как в примере.


0. The engineers develop a new method. - New methods are developed by the engineers.

1. The musician invented a new musical instrument.

2. A piece of music wakes me up every morning.

3. Somebody has stolen my key.

4. My friend has invited me to his wedding.

5. They are repairing the car.

6. They offered me a good job.

7. Their architect will prepare a new project.

8. They are cleaning the office now.

III. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1. The students ____ the professor to take part in the experiment.
    a) invited b) are invited c) was invited  
2. Tim is always ____ to parties.
    a) invites b) is invited c) invited  
3. I ____ the book to my friend yesterday.
    a) give b) gave c) was given  
4. Difficult articles for translations ___ to us yesterday.
    a) give b) are given c) were given  
5. Your question _____ easily.
    a) was answered b) be answered c) answer  
6. I ____ the letters now.
    a) am answered b) am answering c) answered  
7. We _______ a postcard from our holiday.
    a) sent b) sending c) is sent  
8. The doctor has _____ for.
    a) is sent b) was sent c) been sent  
9. The fire fighters _______ the children.
    a) saves b) saved c) been saved  
10. The children were_____.
    a) rescued b) rescue c) been rescued  

IV. Раскройте скобки, используя соответствующий залог (Active or Passive) и время, как в примерах.


0. The engineers (use) new machining methods. - The engineers use new machining methods.

00. Many Russian engineers (employ) in foreign companies nowadays. - Many Russian engineers are employed in foreign companies nowadays.

1. This house (build) in our street two years ago.

2. The scientists (discuss) the results of the experiment.

3. The experiment (carry out) last month.

4. These specialists do necessary research and (carry out) the experiments.

5. Workers (build) this house very quickly.

6. The engineer (invent) a new device.

7. All the methods (discuss) just at the meeting.

8. A new way of machining (машинная обработка) (invent) lately.

V. Дайте вероятные ответы на предложенные вопросы.

1. When is Father’s Day celebrated?

2. Where is German spoken?

3. What presents were you given for last New Year’s Day?

4. How much money are you paid every month?

5. Where is metal used?

6. When was your native town founded?

7. When was the first sputnik launched into space?

8. Who was given the Nobel Prize?

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания после текста.


The Egyptian pyramids are huge structures which consist of more than 2,300,000 stones each. According to the usual explanation large blocks of stone were cut in the mountains and then moved with the help of the most primitive equipment. About 100, 000 people had to take part in the construction. But the experiments show that the stones of the pyramids were not transported to the construction site.

Years of research in the fields of chemistry and archeology have given a definite answer. The stones of the pyramids were made synthetically. Egyptians produced a special solution which was mixed with minerals. It took them several hours to transform this mixture into a very hard rock. The rock was produced right at the construction site and there was no need to transport heavy stones.

Now scientists and engineers know how to produce hard materials synthetically. At present similar materials are used in modern industry. The Egyptians had a great knowledge of mathematics and chemistry and they might have known this technique. The necessary minerals could be found anywhere.

The use of this technique is the only explanation for some strange facts: first, the presence of huge monolithic stones inside the pyramids which are too large for the entrance door; and second, the presence of a human hair which is 21 cm long inside one of the stones.


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