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Task 6. Design a PowerPoint slide entitled “Key Elements of a Completion System”, comprising a list of the key elements and a short explanation of each, listed with a bullet points.

Задание 6. Сделайте презентацию в PowerPoint с заголовком“Key Elements of a Completion System” об основных элементах системы бурения скважины с их кратким объяснением.


Практическое занятие 26

Surface Treatment

Поверхностная обработка


free-water свободная вода

knockout ловушка

compact компактный

capture брать и отделять от флюидов

droplets капельки, вкрапления

vane лопасть, флюгер

tangential направленный по касательной

nozzle сливной наконечник

centrifugal force центробежная сила

drain отвод воды

spin закручивать

converge сближаться, стекаться

vortex вихрь, водоворот

mist нефтяная пыль, дымка

diffusion распространение, распыление

coalesce сливаться, сращиваться

sweetening очистка от активных соединений серы

impurity загрязняющая примесь

corrosive gas коррозионный газ


Task 1. Read the text and answer the questions:

Задание 1. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы:

Oil and Gas Separators

An oil and gas separator is used to separate oil, gas and water from the stream of fluids produced by a petroleum well. It can be either vertical or horizontal and can be either spherical or cylindrical in shape.

Separators can be divided into two types – two-phase and three-phase. The two-phase type handles only oil and gas, whereas the three-phase type deals with oil, gas and water. This type is commonly called 'free-water knockout'.

In addition, a separator can be categorized by operating pressure. Low- pressure separators operate from 10 to 180 psi (69 to 1241 kPa). Medium - pressure units handle pressures of 230 to 700 psi (1586 to 4826 kPa). High - pressure equipment can cope with pressures of 975 to 1500 psi (6722 to 10,342 kPa).

The separation is mainly achieved by the force of gravity, which means that the heaviest fluid settles to the bottom of the vessel and the lightest rises to the top. The degree of separation achieved will depend on the operating pressure of the separator, on the amount of time the fluid mixture spends in the vessel and on the flow rate of the fluids.


What are the main ways of categorizing oil and gas separators?

What are the key factors involved in separation?


Task 2. Read and translate the text. Discuss the difference between primary and secondary separation:

Задание 2. Прочитайте и переведите текст. Обсудите разницу между первичной и вторичной сепарацией:

Primary and secondary separation


This compact, lightweight, vertical separator is ideally suited for separation processes containing moderate amounts of liquid (less than 500 barrels per MMscf).

NATCO's Porta-Test Whirlyscrub V™ Separator captures over 99.9% of all liquid droplets larger than microns, exceeding the performance of most vane-type separators. Over 35 years of experience with this product allows us to optimize the separator design for your application.

How It Works

Primary separation takes place as gas enters through a tangential nozzle, creating centrifugal force and forcing the heavier liquid particles to the vessel wall. From there, the liquids drain to the stilled chamber in the bottom of the vessel. Secondary separation occurs as the spinning gas converges at the centre of the separator and enters the vortex finder tube. Inside the vortex finder tube, the gas spins at a higher velocity and forces any remaining liquid to the tube wall.

This liquid is swept upward toward the gas outlet. Prior to exiting the vessel, the liquid and a 10% side stream of gas are drawn through a small gap in the vortex finder tube and returned to the primary separation section. A low pressure area in the primary separation section created by the spinning gas provides the necessary differential pressure driving force.


Task 3. Choose the best word to replace the underlined word or words in each sentence:

Задание 3. Выберите слово из предложенных вариантов, которым можно заменить подчеркнутое выражение в предложениях:

1. Every separator has a diffusion section that makes an initial separation of gas and liquid from the entrance to the vessel.

a) income b) inlet c) incline d) intend

2. Liquid drops to the bottom of the separator where the remaining gas is removed,

a) lowers b) reduces c) falls d) declines

3. Emulsion has droplets of liquid that are held in oil.

a) suspended b) depended c) upended d) pretended

4. In the diffuser section, fluids are circulated rapidly around the shell of the vessel,

a) circled b) rounded c) spun d) rotated

5. Mist extractors are used to coalesce and take out liquid droplets before the gas flows out

a) replace b) replenish c) restore d) remove

6. A back-pressure valve keeps at the correct level the gas pressure in the separator,

a) retains b) sustains c) detains d) maintains

7. In a free-water knockout separator, water is taken from the bottom, oil from the middle gas from the top.

a) drawn b) thrown c) blown d) grown

8. During the process of separating gas from liquid, liquid can be soaked up by silica or other suitable chemicals.

a) drained b) absorbed c) condensed d) evaporated


Task 4. Match the definitions to each processes carried out during the treatment of gas:

Задание 4. Сопоставьте определения с процессами, выполняемыми во время обработки газа:

absorption, compression , conditioning, cooling, dehydration, stripping, sweetening


1. The removal of impurities (in general) from natural gas.

2. The removal of liquids (in general) from natural gas.

3. The removal of water from natural gas.

4. The removal of corrosive gases, such as C02 or H2S, from natural gas.

5. Increasing pressure on natural gas, thereby reducing its volume.

6. Lowering the temperature of natural gas to remove hydrocarbon liquids.

7. Using special chemical products to soak up hydrocarbon liquids.


Task 5. Read the passage below and make notes on the use of each of the following methods of oil and gas measurement during storage and transfer on the surface:

Задание 5. Прочитайте текст и сделайте заметки о каждом способе измерения нефти и газа во время хранения и подачи на поверхность:

- stock tanks

- a gauge tape

- a shake-out test

- turbine meter

- charcoal tests

- fractional analysis

- an orifice meter


Once the oil has been separated, it goes through a flowline to the stock tanks for storage, ready for transportation to the refinery by truck, tanker or pipeline. A battery of stock tanks holds a minimum of four days' production. A gauger measures the amount of oil in the stock tanks by lowering a gauge tape with a brass weight on the end into the tank. Samples of the oil are taken and the temperature of the oil is measured. It is also important to know the amount of impurities and this is done with a shake-out test. The sample is centrifuged in a glass container and, because the water and impurities are heavier than the oil, they fall to the bottom. The volume of oil being transferred can be measured using a turbine meter. The flow of oil turns the turbine at a steady rate and the number of turns is counted. For gas, compression or charcoal tests are used to measure the condensate content of the gas. Fractional analysis produces various measurements, including relative percentage of hydrocarbon and water. Gas volume is measured by passing the gas through an orifice – a small hole – and measuring the difference between the pressures on the two sides of the orifice.


Практическое занятие 27


Ремонтные работы


producing well эксплутационная скважина

outrigger балка, кронштейн

bailer желонка, черпак

abrasion абразивное истирание

corrosion химическое растворение, размыв

splits трещины

holiday пропуск при изоляции труб

packer уплотнитель, пакер

sidetrack откладывать, забуривать новый ствол скважины

clog засориться, застопориться

paraffin knife скребок для очистки труб от парафина

epoxy resins компаунды

casing roller оправка для ремонта обсадных труб

piston поршень

milling фрезеровка

scraper ерш, скребок

debris обломки породы

winch лебедка


Task 1. Read, learn and act out the dialogue:

Задание 1. Прочитайте, выучите и разыграйте диалог:

Orville Svaranski: As you can see, this well is shut in at the moment.

Alan Johnson: What does that mean?

OS: Well, from time to time, a producing well needs to be maintained – we call it work over. The well is killed and we bring in a special service company.

AJ: That’s their truck, is it?

OS: That’s right. And the rig is theirs, too. It’s a special work over rig with a mast that can be hoisted during the work over. This one is using regular tubing, but sometimes they use a coiled tube unit, which is quicker, but a bit more expensive for us!

AJ: But you’re losing production while it’s going on, I guess. It can’t be too slow.

OS: You’re right, we have to get the right balance.

AJ: It doesn’t look very stable.

OS: Oh, it’s certainly stable enough. The truck has outriggers to support it and those guy lines keep the mast upright. We’ve been using this company for twenty years now and I haven’t seen one fall over yet!


Task 2. Read the dialogue and discuss the questions:

Задание 2. Прочитайте диалог и обсудите вопросы к нему:

AJ: So, what kind of work do they need to do during a work over?

OS: Often, you get a build-up of sand in the wellbore and that has to be removed.

You can do that by pumping salt water down the annulus or by running a bailer on a wire line. That’s called a sand-control job. Sometimes, the casing gets damaged by abrasion or corrosion and that can make holes or splits in the lining.

AJ: Do you have to replace all the casing then?

OS: No, fortunately there are various solutions to avoid all that hassle and expense.

You can do a cement squeeze job ...

AJ: What’s that then?

OS: That’s when you fill gaps in the cement behind the casing. The gaps are called holidays and you have to isolate the zone using packers and then perforate the casing in that zone. Then you can pump the cement under pressure through the perforations and into the holiday.

AJ: Sounds good. Does any of the pumping equipment ever break?

OS: Yes, now and again, the pumping rod can wear out and the lower part can fall into the well.

AJ: So I guess you then have to use a fishing tool of some kind.

OS: That’s right. One’s called a mousetrap! And then there’s sidetracking.

AJ: Sidetracking?

OS: Yeah, that’s when there’s something blocking the well that can’t be removed or repaired. It has to be bypassed with a directional hole. A window is made in the casing just above the blockage and the well is plugged just below the window.

Then, a special directional tool is used to drill off at an angle from the main well. Then you can complete the hole in the normal way.

AJ: I think I’ve got that. Anything else?

OS: Well, there are other work over jobs, but I reckon those are the most common.

AJ: Thanks a lot, Orville.


1. Can you identify four different work over jobs that are mentioned?

2. Why is each job necessary?

Task 3. Here is a list of work over problems that can occur and a number of suggestions for h they might be solved. Match the problems with the solutions:

Задание 3. Ознакомьтесь с проблемами, которые могут возникнуть при эксплуатации скважины. Сопоставьте проблемы с возможными способами их решения:

1. A lot of sand is clogging the bottom of the well.

2. The casing has collapsed.

3. The pumping rod has broken in half and a piece has fallen down hole.

4. The well has fallen in and the tube is blocked. We can't get the tube out.

5. The tubing is clogged with wax.

6. The seals on the down hole pump are worn.

7. There are gaps in the cement behind the casing.

8. There's a lot of water and mud in the well.


a Can we get it off with a paraffin knife?

b Do you think we should do a swab job?

с That means sidetracking, doesn't it?

d They'll need replacing as soon as possible then.

e We could either pump salt water down the annulus or we could stabilize it with an epoxy resin.

f We'll have to call in the fishing crew.

g We'll need to open it with a casing roller.

h I reckon squeeze cementing is the best solution for that, don't you?

Task 4. Read this paragraph about swabbing and fill in the blanks with words from the box below:

Задание 4. Прочитайте отрывок о свабировании (откачивании жидкости проходным поршнем). Заполните пропуски словами, данными в рамочке:

attached, completed, hollow, killed, lower, piston, pressure, raised, removal, restore, retain, wire line


Swabbing is the (1) _____ or drilling mud from a well, so that the oil and gas can flow into the well. A swab job can be done both after the well is (2) _____ to remove the last of the drilling mud, or to (3) _____ production in a producing well. A truck-mounted swabbing unit with a short mast is used to (4) ______ a swab tool down the tubing string a (5) ______ A swab tool is a (6) ______ steel rod with rubber swab caps. When the swab tool is (7) ______, the swab caps seal against the tubing to act as a (8) _____ and lift (swab out) the liquid from the well. A lubricator (a length of casing or tubing) is temporarily (9) _____ above the valve on the tubing head or casing head to provide a pressure seal.

The swab tool can be run into the well under (10) _____ through the lubricator, so well doesn't have to be (11) _____ during swabbing. An oil saver is used on top of the lubricator to (12) _____ any oil coming up on the wire line.

Task 5. Complete these sentences by adding suitable prepositions:

Задание 5.Заполните пропуски предлогами:

1. _____ work over operations, a rig is mounted _____ a truck or trailer _____ the well and uses a winch driven _____ the truck engine.

2. _____ stability, guy wires are attached _____ the mast and _____ anchors _____ the ground.

3. _____ a coiled tubing unit, the tubing is wound _____ a reel. It is unwound _____ the reel and lowered _____ the well.

4. The well is killed _____ filling it _____ kill fluid, pumped _____ the casing tube annulus _____ pressure _____ the tubing string is full.

Практическое занятие 28

Petroleum Production

Добыча нефти


well stimulation возбуждение скважины

reactivate оживлять, возобновлять

fracture образовывать трещины

acidizing проводить кислотную обработку

waterflood закачивать воду в нефтяную скважину

radial радиальный, лучеобразный

fractures трещины, разломы

paraffin парафин

mud cake фильтрационная корка бурового раствора

heterogeneous неоднородный

intersect пересекать

etch травить, продавливать

ceramic beads керамические валики

sintered спекшийся

bauxite боксит, алюминиевая руда

slimy вязкий, скользкий


Task 1. Read the article from OilVoice magazine and answer the question:

Задание 1. Прочитайте статью из журнала OilVoice и ответьте на вопрос:

Can you identify three techniques that were used in Orenburg to produce oil?

Successful Well Stimulation in Orenburg, Russia

Aladdin Oil & Gas Company ASA has completed the well stimulation on Well #51 at the Bogdanovskaya license in Orenburg. The well is now in production, producing 100 barrels of oil per day. Through the use of pumps, the production is expected to increase further.

The work is conducted by Schlumberger’s Russian subsidiary, Petroalliance, and is completed according to the stimulation programme developed by the consultancy TRACS. The TRACS programme is providing the expected results, about 100-150 barrels per stimulated well.

Petroalliance will immediately initiate the stimulation of Well #39, and thereafter go to Well #41 and #33, as the equipment is within reach in the Orenburg region throughout the spring. Simultaneously, Well #65 will be reactivated. Subsequently, sidetrack drilling of Well #34 and #47 will be commenced. The sidetrack drilling is expected to give somewhat higher production rates, compared to ordinary well stimulation.

Aladdin Oil & Gas Company reiterates the production target of 700–1,000 barrels per day for the existing wells.


Task 2. Give Russian equivalents to the following expressions:

Задание 2. Дайте русские эквиваленты следующим словам и выражениям:

Well stimulation, multiple fracturing, hydraulic fracturing, well clean-up acidizing, enhanced production, water flood.


Task 3. Read and translate the text. Discuss the question:

Задание 3. Прочитайте и переведите текст. Обсудите вопрос, данный после текста:

The GasGun

How it works

Creates multiple radial fractures extending 10 to 50 feet from the wellbore. Minimal vertical growth avoids problems often associated with hydraulic fracturing.

Removes skin and cleans up the wellbore damaged by perforators, drilling fines, cement, paraffin, mud cake, etc.

Stimulates heterogeneous production zones, such as lenticular sands, with a higher probability of success. Fractures reach out in several directions, thus increasing your chance of intersecting the producing formations.

Improves effectiveness of acidizing by fracturing first with the GasGun, allowing acid to etch new channels into formation.

Enhances production in naturally fractured reservoirs by intersecting more fractures.

Prepares well for hydraulic fracturing by breaking down formation first with the GasGun. Treating pressures are often dramatically reduced.

Increases injection and withdrawal rates in gas storage wells damaged by compressor oils.

Improves waterflood efficiency by providing increased and more uniform injection rates.

Which functions does the GasGun fulfil?

Task 4. Put the following steps into the correct order of fracture stimulation:

Задание 4. Попробуйте восстановить порядок работ при стимуляции скважины:


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