Сделай Сам Свою Работу на 5

Say whether the sentences are true or false.

1. The United Nations was founded after World War I.

2. The term «United Nations» denoted the Axis powers.

3.45 countries signed the UN Charter.

4. The United Nations was set up as an organization for maintaining peace.

5. The Charter of the United Nations was signed on 26 June 1945, in Washington.

6. The Charter officially came into force in 1946.

7. The Charter had never been ratified.

8. The United Nations Day is now celebrated each year throughout the world.

Exercise 6.

Insert the missing words. Choose from the text.

1. The UN was …… for …….. peace.

2. 51 states …….. its Charter.

3. The Charter was … in 1945.

4. The United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt ……. the name “United Nations”.

5. ……… are Germany, Japan and Italy.

6. 26 nations … fighting together against Axis Powers.

7. In 1945 the Charter was ……. by China, France, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, the US and others.

8. 24 October … …. each year throughout the world as UN Day.

9. The Charter ……. into force in 1945.

10. The representatives of 26 nations … ….. their Governments to fight together against the Axis Powers.

Exercise 7

Translate into English.

1. Название организации ООН было введено президентом США Ф. Рузвельтом.

2. 26 стран поклялись противодействовать странам, считавшимся «осью зла» – Германии, Японии и Италии.

3. ООН была создана как организация для того, чтобы поддерживать мир во всем мире.

4. Устав ООН был подписан 26 июня 1945 г.

5. 24 октября 1945 года Устав ООН был ратифицирован Китаем, Францией, Советским Союзом, Великобританией, США и другими государствами.

6. Устав – это свод правил, понятных для всех членов ООН.

7. 24 октября празднуется во всем мире как день образования ООН.

Exercise 8.

Read the text “Membership in the United Nations”
to know more about the UN

Today, nearly every nation in the world belongs to the UN – 194 countries in all. Membership in the United Nations is open to all other peace-loving states which accept the obligationscontained in the Charter and are able and willing to carry outthese obligations.

When a country joins the United Nations it has to agree to obeythe following rules:

• All Member States are equal

• All Member States must obey the Charter

• Countries must try to settle their differencesby peaceful means

• Countries must avoidusing force or threateningto use force

• The United Nations may not interfere withthe domestic affairsof any country

• Countries should try to assistthe United Nations

• To keep peace throughout the world

• To develop friendly relations between nations

• To work together to help poor people live better lives, to remove poverty, disease and illiteracyin the world, to stop environmental destruction and to encouragerespect for each other.

Topical Vocabulary

1.affairs (n) дела, деловые занятия;
2.domestic/foreign affairs Внутренние/внешние дела (государства и т.п.)
3. assist [a'sist](v) помогать, содействовать, способствовать, оказывать помощь
4.avoid [ǝ 'vɔid] (v) избегать, остерегаться, сторониться, уклоняться
5.encourage(v) ободрять; поощрять, поддерживать (в чем-л.-in)
6.illiteracy(N) неграмотность; безграмотность, малограмотность, некомпетентность
7.interfere in; with вмешиваться (во что-л.),повлиять (на исход чего-л.)
8.obey(v) подчиняться, повиноваться, проявлять послушание
9.obligation(n) 1) гарантия, обязательство 2) обязанность; долг
10.threaten(v) with Threaten(v) to threat(n) грозить, угрожать чем-л. грозить, угрожать кому-л.; угроза;
11.willing 1.) готовый (сделать что-л.); охотно делающий что-л. 2) добровольный

Exercise 9.

Find in the text the English equivalents for:

1) всего 194 страны; членство в ООН; миролюбивые страны; которые принимают обязательства; содержащиеся в Уставе;) выполнять обязательства; страна должна согласиться; следовать (подчиняться, выполнять) правилам;

2) следующие правила; равный; урегулировать разногласия; мирным способом (путем); применение силы; сохранять мир; дружеские отношения; уничтожить бедность, болезни и; разрушение (уничтожение) окружающей среды.

Exercise 10.

Answer the following questions:

1) How many nations belong to the UN today?

2) How can countries join the United Nations?

3) What UN rules must the members agree to obey?


Exercise 11.

Give synonyms:

1. carry out  
2. assist  
3. remove  
4. are willing to do smth  
5. illiteracy  
6. settle differences  
7. keep peace  
8. domestic affairs  
9. peace-loving states  

Exercise 12.

Form a noun from the given verbs and make up sentences on the topic

verb noun
1. To develop  
2. To encourage  
3. To assist  
4. To interfere with  
5. To avoid  
6. To obey  
7. to differ  
8. to threaten  
9. to destruct  
10. to settle  


Exercise 13.

Say whether the sentences are true or false.

1. The United Nations may interfere with the domestic affairs of any country.

2. Countries must use force to settle their differences.

3. All Member States are not equal.

4. Only some Member States must obey the Charter

5. The United Nations may interfere with the domestic affairs of any country

6. Countries should try to assistthe United Nations to keep peace throughout the world, to develop friendly relations between nations

7. The UN work to help poor people live better lives, to remove poverty, disease and illiteracyin the world, to stop environmental destruction and to encourage respect for each other.

Exercise 14.

Read the text “The Principal Purposes of the United Nations” and discuss it.

1. To maintain international peace and security, and to that end: to take effective collective measures for the prevention and removal of threats to the peace, and for the suppression of acts of aggression, and to settle international disputes by peaceful means, and in conformity with the principles of justice and international law;

2. To develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples, and to take other appropriate measures to strengthen universal peace;

3.To achieve international co-operation in solving international problems of an economic, social, cultural, or humanitarian character, and in promoting and encouraging respect for human rights and for fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language, or religion;

4. To be a centre for harmonizing the actions of nations in the attainment of these common ends.

Topical vocabulary
as to в отношении
attainment(n) (syn: achievement, progress) достижение; приобретение  
Conformity(n) 1) согласованность, слаженность; 2) похожесть, схожесть; 3) следование, подчинение (определенным нормам, правилам, догмам)
in conformity with в соответствии с;
fundamental freedoms основные свободы
Harmonize(v) согласовывать, приводить к согласию
Take(v) measures принять меры
Ensure(v), provide(v) security обеспечивать безопасность;
strengthen(v), tighten(v) security укреплять безопасность
strengthen (v) Усиливать (ся); укреплять(ся); делаться) более крепким, сильным
solve international problems Урегулировать (разрешать) международные проблемы
harmonizing(part I) the actions Согласовывая действия
common ends Общие цели


Exercise 15.

Comprehension check

1. Why is international cooperation needed for UN functioning?

2. How can members maintain international peace and security?

3. What are the purposes of the United Nations?

Exercise 16.

Find in the text the English equivalents for:

коллективные меры; угроза миру; урегулировать международные конфликты; принципы справедливости; развивать дружеские отношения; основанные на уважении; ) права человека; для всех без различия; достижение общих целей.

Exercise 17.

Make up sentences using the key words and the key dates:

1. 24 October 1945, The United Nations Day, to celebrate

2. The Charter, to sign, 26 June 1945

3. To set up, for maintaining peace, 1945, the United Nations

4. 194 countries, to belong, the United Nations

5. All Member States, to join, the UN, to obey the rules

6. Membership in the UN, to accept the obligations, to carry out

7. To attain common goals, in conformity with, to strengthen, to develop, to maintain

8. The representatives of 26 nations, to pledge, to continue fighting, the Axis powers

9. A majority of signatories, to ratify, the Charter

10. To threaten, to use force, Member states


Exercise 18.

Fill in the missing words and word combinations:

1. The basic goal of creating the UN was …… (поддержка мира).

2. The Charter of the United Nations ………(вступил в силу) on 24 October 1945.

3. Each country- a member of the UN agrees …… (подчиняться правилам)

4. The principal purposes of the UN are worked out…….(в соответствии) the principles of justice and international law.

5. Countries must try …..(преодолеть разногласия) by peaceful means.

6. The United Nations may not …… (вмешиваться) domestic affairs of any country.

7. The representatives of 26 nations ……. (заверили) their countries to continue fighting together against the Axis Powers (Germany, Japan and Italy).

8. The Charter of the United Nations officially …… … (вступил в силу) on 24 October 1945.

9. The Charter of the UN …… (был одобрен) by China, France, The Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, the United States and by a majority of other signatories.

10. 24 October 1945 is celebrated each year ….. (во всем мире) as United Nations Day.


Exercise 19


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