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Exercise 1. Why are these dates important for Oxford Museums?

1. 24 May 1683

2. 1617-1692

3. 1884

4. 1835

5. 1963 (two events)

Exercise 2. Match the figures and the words as they are used in the UNIT.

1. 300 A. pounds

2. 2,000 B. objects

3. 18,000 C. miles

4. 10,000 D. school children

5. 6,500 E. musical instruments

6. 5,000 F. objects

7. 6 G. drawings.

8. 4 H. adults

9. 3.5 million I. centuries

10. 5,000 J. paintings

11. 1,000 K. pounds

Exercise 3. In which museum can you find:

4. flutes

5. ancient Greek coins and medals

6. costumes from North America including Inuit fur parkas

7. Madonna della Fortuna, a monumental wooden carving, Italy, 17th century

8. casts from different sculptures

9. Tyrannosaurus rex skeleton

10. A Pilgrim's Souvenir, Palestine, 18th century.

11. Russian paintings

12. dinosaur eggs from China

13. ethnological materials collected on Captain Cook's Pacific voyage of 1773-1774

14. Hawaiian feather cloaks

15. paintings of Albrecht Duerer

16. ceremonial ivories (aйври, слоновая кость) from the Kingdom of Benin

17. enlarged models of insects

18. ancient instruments for astronomy and navigation

19. early mathematical instruments generally for calculating

20. microscopes, telescopes and cameras

21. boxwood orchestral castanets

22. Islamic Ceramics

23. ancient medicine equipment

24. Violin and Violoncello by Henry Jay.

25. early masks worn by actors in Japanese Noh dramas

26. Head of a Young Woman (painting of Andrea del Verrocchio)

27. masks from Africa, Melanesia and North America

28. A Grotesque Head (painting of Leonardo da Vinci)

29.double-manual Harpsichord

30. works ofMichelangelo

Exercise 4. Answer the questions.

1. Are Oxford museums open to public?

2. Is admission to museums is free?

3. When was the Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology founded?

4. Who presented his collection to the University of Oxford in 1683?

5. Who started the collection of the Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology?

6. Which museum is the first one in Britain to be open to the public?

7. What can you find in the University Museum of Natural History? In the Pitt Rivers Museum ? In the Museum of the History of Science?

8. What kind of instruments does the The Bate Collection of Musical Instruments contain?

9. How many paintings and drawings are there in the Christ Church Picture Gallery?

10. Is The Oxford Botanic Garden the oldest botanic garden in Britain?

11. Is The Oxford Botanic Garden collection the most diverse collection of plants in the world?

12. Where is the Harcourt Arboretum located?

13. How many departments are there in the Collection of the Ashmolean Museum? What are they?


Exercise 5. Write down the questions for these answers.

1. The collections of the Antiquities Department contain a wide range of objects from the Palaeolithic to Victorian periods; from Egypt and the Middle East to Europe and Britain.

2. Cast Gallery Collection comprises casts from sculpture from museums around the world.

3. Eastern Art Collections contain a lot of objects from India, Tibet and South East Asia, China, Japan and Korea.

4. There is a large collection of coins and medals in the Heberden Coin Room.

5. The coins in the Heberden Coin Room are mostly from Greece, Islamic countries, India and China.

6. The collections of the Museum of Natural History are accumulated in the course of the last three centuries.
One of the purposes of the Oxford University Museum of Natural History collections is to promote research in the natural sciences.

7. The Pitt Rivers Museum was founded in 1884.

8. The founder of the Pitt Rivers Museum is Lt.-General Pitt Rivers.

9. Lt.-General Pitt Rivers was an influential figure in the development of archaeology and anthropology.

10. Giving his collection to the University Pitt Rivers had two conditions.

11. The Pitt Rivers’ conditions were that a building was built to house the collection and that someone should be appointed to lecture in anthropology.

12. There were more than 18,000 objects in the Pitt Rivers' gift.

13. The Pitt Rivers’ collection augmented from 18,000 objects to half a million.

14. Many objects were donated to the Pitt Rivers Museum by anthropologists and explorers.

15. The sound archive of the Pitt Rivers Museum contains early records of great importance.

16. Today the Pitt Rivers Museum is an active teaching department of the University of Oxford.

17. The collection of the Pitt Rivers Museum grows through donations, and the work of the students.

Exercise 6. Say whether these sentences are true or false and explain why.

A. about the Museum of the History of Science

1. The Museum houses an unrivalled collection of paintings.

2. The Museum is well known by virtue of the collection and its building.

3. The Museum is not a department of the University of Oxford.

4. The objects of the Museum are available for study by historians.

5. The books of the Museum are not very interesting for the historians.

6. There is about a million of objects in the Museum.

7. The objects represented in the Museum are all antique.

8. There is a large collection of early mathematical instruments, but there are no optical ones.

9. There are a lot of apparatus associated with chemistry in the Museum.

10. You can find incunabula, prints and printed ephemera in the Museum.


B. about the Bate Collection of Musical Instruments

1. There is a Faculty of Music at Oxford University.

2. The Bate Collection of Musical Instruments is quite small.

3. The Collection contains the musical instruments from all over the world.

4. The Bate Collection is called so because it is located in Bate.

5. There are no European orchestral woodwind instruments in the collection.

6. Philip Bate has stopped augmenting his collection after giving it to the University.

7. Philip Bate still augments the Collection with gifts and loans.

8. When Philip Bate gave his collection to the University of Oxford he had no conditional.

9. The Bate Collection is unique because many of its instruments are used.

10. There are about two hundred instruments in the collection.

11. All the instruments are created by English makers.

12. The collection shows the musical and mechanical development of all wind and percussion instruments from the Renaissance to modern times.

13. Philip Bate gave his collection to the University of Oxford in 1963.

C. about the Picture Gallery at Christ Church

1. At Cambridge there are a lot of collections similar to the Christ Church collection.

2. The Christ Church posses about 2000 paintings.

3. The Christ Church contains paintings and drawings of old and contemporary masters.

4. The collection is strongly Italian.

5. The collection covers the period from the 12th to the 14th century.

6. All the masters of the paintings are well known.

7. The collection is one of the most important private collections in the country.

8. There are works of Leonardo, Michelangelo, Dürer, Raphael and Rubens in the collection.

9. The entire drawings collection is shown at Christ Church.

10. A selection of drawings shown at Christ Church is changed every year.


Exercise 7. Translate into English.

1. Оксфордский Ботанический Сад один из самых старых в Англии.

2. История Ботанический Сада насчитывает около трехсот восьмидесяти лет.

3. Чтобы основать сад были выделены пять тысяч фунтов.

4. Целью основания Ботанического Сада было «прославление Бога и содействие в научных исследованиях».

5. Оксфордский Ботанический Сад служит для «прославления природы».

6. В настоящее время Ботанический Сад посещают много людей.

7. Студенты, изучающие биологию, очень интересуются Ботаническим Садом.

8. В оранжереи Ботанического Сада приходит много школьников.

9. В Ботаническом Саду есть специальное место, посвященное растениям пустыни.

10. Ботанический Сад предоставляет специальную учебную программу для подростков.


Exercise 8. Complete the UNIT about the Harcourt Arboretum.

1. Six miles south of Oxford is the … .

2. It is a part of the plant … of the Botanic Garden.

3. There are no … there.

4. You can say that the Harcourt Arboretum was designed to be the … to the Botanic Garden.

5. In May and June the Arboretum is … with azaleas.

6. In October there are a lot of … .

7. In spring there is a quintessentially English 10-acre … .

8. There are a lot of the … from mountains.

9. Six … have been planted with species from different mountains.

10. The Arboretum … part of the University since 1963.


Exercise9. Find ten different verbs in the UNIT and make sentences in the past simple with them.


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