Сделай Сам Свою Работу на 5

Read the following statements and say whether they are true or false.

  1. We study French.
  2. English is widely spread.
  3. Knowledge of English is not useful when you are in an English-speaking country.
  4. Modern English is a minor language.
  5. We have English classes four times a week.
  6. Our English class usually starts with a grammar test.
  7. My wish is to read English magazines and web-sites in the original.
  8. We learn grammar rules and do many exercises.
  9. We never read texts in English.
  10. We always speak Russian during our lessons.
  11. English is difficult.
  12. When the teacher comes to the class, we usually say “How do you do?”.
  13. English is a simple language.


Ask 15 questions to the text and be ready to answer your groupmates’ questions.

6. Fill in suitable words:

1. I am a ********* student of the Civil Engineering department. 2. He pays for his education, because he is at the ***-****** department. 3. This year we study in the first/second *****. 4. I haven’t got much ***** ****. 5. Masha lives in *** *******, while Zhenya lives in *** ****** right near the University. 6. I like sports very much and I ** a lot of ******. 7. I do tennis, billiards, ****** and *******. 8. I often get good **** and ********* marks. 9. Over a billion people speak English at least ***********. 10. We work hard ** ***** and ** ****.



7. Work with a partner. Ask him/her the following questions:

1. What is your full name? Do you have a nickname?

2. When and where were you born?

3. What is your mother’s full name? Where and when was she born?

4. What is your mother?

5. Are you an only child in the family? Do you have any brothers or sisters? What are their names and dates of birth?

6. Do you live with your parents or do you have a family of your own?

7. Is your family large?

8. What does your family like to do in their spare time?

9. What school did you study at? (I studied at school # …)

10. When did you finish school? (I finished school in …)

11. What subjects do you take at the University?

12. What are your hobbies?

13. Do you do sports?

14. Where do you live?

15. How do you get to the University?

16. How long does it take you to get here?

17. Why did you go to the Civil Engineering/Architecture/Design/Information Technologies department? (I went to the Civil Engineering/Architecture/Design/Information Technologies department because …)

Look at the answers that you got from your partner and compare them with the answers he/she got from you. How many of your answers are different?


8. Give the English equivalents to the following:


на окраине, в пригороде; катание на коньках; в общежитии; родной город; студент первого (второго) курса; катание на лыжах;Саратовский государственный технический университет; отделение, факультет; единственный ребенок; бюджетное отделение; поступить, быть принятым (в учебное заведение); дневное отделение; в первую (вторую) смену; платное отделение; заниматься спортом; ни... ни... ; свободное время; полное имя, заниматься спортом.

Read the classroom vocabulary. Try to guess and/or look up the meaning of these phrases. Memorize them.


  1. Class/Double class/Period
  2. Break
  3. Room
  4. What is the English for … (расписание, звонок и т.п.) ?
  5. Could you give me the English for… ?
  6. What's this in English?
  7. I don’t know how to put it in English.
  8. To introduce the vocabulary
  9. Are the statements right or wrong (true or false)?
  10. Ask questions.
  11. May I go out?
  12. Can I help?
  13. May I open the window?
  14. Can I say it in Russian/English?
  15. Check your answers.
  16. Collect information about...
  17. Compare your words with your partner.
  18. Complete the sentences with words from the text.
  19. Complete the text.
  20. Copy the chart.
  21. Correct the mistakes.
  22. Correct the wrong sentences.
  23. Divide the text into 2/3/4/5 parts.
  24. Do you agree with ...
  25. Explain...
  26. Fill in the right words.
  27. Split into pairs
  28. Pair up
  29. Find arguments.
  30. Make questions to the answers.
  31. Finish the story.
  32. Give reasons for your opinions.
  33. Guess...
  34. How might the story go on?
  35. Imagine...
  36. Look at the pictures.
  37. Make notes.
  38. Make sentences.
  39. Make up more conversations with a partner.
  40. Match the sentence parts.
  41. Match the sentences to the questions.
  42. On page 10
  43. Open your textbook at page … (… 25, 83, etc). (workbook, folder, diary)
  44. Put in the right verbs.
  45. Put the sentences in the right order.
  46. Put the verbs in the right groups.
  47. Read out loud.
  48. Remember...
  49. Sorry, I haven't got (done) my homework.
  50. Sorry?
  51. Suppose...
  52. Swap your paper with your partner.
  53. Talk to your partner.
  54. Use ...
  55. What is the story about?
  56. What lines from the text go with the pictures?
  57. Write a story.
  58. Write about Masha/Yuri/Peter/...
  59. Write the sentences in the right order.
  60. to say / to speak to / to tell smb. / to talk to smb. / to talk about – говорить
  61. the 1st of September / September the 1st / on the 1st of September
  62. to do exercises / to make mistakes - делатьупражнения / ошибки


Make up a dialogue with a partner and use as many classroom expressions as possible.



Verb to be

Iama receptionist.

He isa receptionist.

They arereceptionists.

positive negative
I am (I’m) I am not (I’m not)
he, she, it is (he’s, she’s, it’s) he, she, it is not (he’s notor he isn’t)
we are (we’re) we are not ( we’re notor we aren’t)
you are (you’re) you are not (you’re not or you aren’t)
they are (they’re) they are not (they’re not or they aren’t)


-Can you close the window, please? I’ m cold.

-I'm32 years old. My sister is 29.

-My brother isa policeman. He's very tall.

-John is afraid of dogs.

-It's 10 o'clock. You're late again.

-Ann and I are very good friends.

-My shoes are very dirty. I must clean them.

-I'm tired but I'm nothungry.

-Tom isn'tinterested in politics.

-Jane isn'tat home at the moment. She's at work.

-Those people aren'tEnglish. They're Australian


that’s=that is there’s=there is here’s=here is


-Thank you. That’s very kind of you.

-Look! There’s George


1A. Write the short form (she's / we aren't etc.).


1 he is ……. 3 she is not ……. 5. I am not …….

2 they are ……. 4 it is ……. 6. you are not …….


B. Write the full form (she is / we are not etc.).

7. we aren't . we are not 9. you're ……. 11. it isn’t …….

8. I'm ……. 10. they aren't ……. 12. she’s …….


13. he isn’t …….

14. You aren’t …….

2. Put in am, is or are.

1 The weather ...is…. very nice today.

2 I not tired.

3 This case very heavy.

4 These cases very heavy.

5 The dog asleep.

6 10 Ann at home but her children at school.

7 Look! There Carol.

8 This castle one thousand years old.

9 hot. Can you open the window, please?

10 I a student. My sister an architect.

11 My brother and I good tennis players.

3. Write full sentences. Use am/is/are each time.

1 (my shoes very dirty) ....My shoes are very dirty

2 (my bed very comfortable) My

3 (your cigarettes in your bag)

4 (I not very happy today)

5 (this restaurant very expensive)

6 (the shops not open today)

7 (Mr Kelly's daughter six years old)

8 (the houses in this street very old)

9 (the examination not difficult)

10 (those flowers very beautiful)

4. Write positive or negative sentences. Use am / am not / is / isn't / are / aren't.

1 (Paris / the capital of France) Paris is the capital of France

2 (I / interested in football) I’m not interested in football

3 (I / hungry) I ...

4 (it / warm today) It ... today.

5 (Rome / in Spain) Rome ...

6 (I / afraid of dogs) I ...

7 (my hands / cold) My ...

8 (Canada / a very big country)

9 (the Amazon / in Africa)

10 (diamonds / cheap)

11 (motor-racing / a dangerous sport)

12 (cats / big animals)




Here is your first project. Make a project about YOU.

· Give some information about yourself.

· Show some of your favourite things.




1. Look at the names of the professions. Pair up. Try to guess from the mime of your partner what the job is:


secretary; hairdresser; photographer; singer; boss; model; actor/actress; farmer; policeman; teacher; computer programmer; pilot; driver; salesperson; homemaker; police officer.

Choosing a Career

Pre-reading task: What jobs, do you think, are the most prestigious ones in this country these days? What is your dream job?

Work is one of the essential things that we must do through our lifetime. There are many reasons for people to work. We can also say that we work because of the money.

Money is one of the factors which make people go out for a job. But maybe it is not the only or not the main reason why people enjoy working all day. Respect and learning are the two primary reasons that make people work.

First of all, working can help people win respectsfrom others. No one would like a healthy person who depends on family or society to support for a lifetime. Otherwise, he or she is like a parasite in our life. In society, every one needs to work for the family, for the community and for the country. For example, a housewife needs take care of the house and the kids, and as a housewife and a mother, she gains respects from her husband and kids; an employee, after fulfilling his or her job, receives compliments from the boss; a military mandefends his country, and he deserves the rewards from the nation. In this sense, working helps people recognize their valuesand win respects as a human being in society.

Secondly, the other main reason for people to work is that we can learn and develop ourselves through working. To begin with, when we work, we usually meet other people and co-operate with each other. At this point, we sometimes become a supporter of someone. This can help people to get through the strict life. We also learn how to work together effectively and can adapt to the modern world more easily by doing work together. We work in order to know how toget through the harsh lifewith other people, get honor from other people, and feel achievement through our work. Workplace is a very important place to make friends for us, especially in fast pace life nowadays. In working, we can learn from one another. We can communicate the information, which we get individually, we can ask for advice from our colleagues and we can share the experience with our workmates. In this way, we could learn faster than we learn alone due to our limited energy. Compared to staying at home alone, working makes us have more friends and more skills. So when we face difficulties, we have more ability and courage, we feel stronger to conquerthem. Besides, in a certain extent, working can be viewedas a kind of exercises in our life – keeping working prevents us from being lazy.

In conclusion, there are a lot of reasons for people to work. Different persons have different motivations for work. People work because they know how to work together fluently, they want to get respect and honor from other people, and they want to feel achievement about their work.




essential -основной

through our lifetime –в течение жизни

to go out for a job – начинать работать

primary- первичный

to win respects –заслужить уважение

to support for a lifetime –поддерживать кого-то (материально) в течение всей жизни

otherwise -иначе, по-другому

work for –работать на кого-то

housewife- домохозяйка

to gain respects – заслужить уважение

employee - сотрудник

to fulfill one’s job –выполнять свою работу

to receive compliments– получать похвалу

military man - военный

reward– награда,вознаграждение

values- ценности

learn and develop ourselves through working– учиться и развиваться посредством работы

co-operate with– сотрудничать с

to get through the strict (harsh) life –справляться с трудностями жизни

to get honor from –получать почет от

to feel achievement through our work– чувствовать, что добиваешься каких-то результатов, делая свою работу

workplace –место работы

to make friends– заводить друзей

workmate -товарищ по работе

compared to –в сравнении с

to face difficulties –сталкиваться с трудностями

to conquer- завоевывать

to be viewed- рассматриваться

fluently– бегло, быстро


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