Сделай Сам Свою Работу на 5

Can, could, may, might, should, must

must/mustn't is stronger that should/shouldn't:

You musttake your passport when you travel abroad, (obligation)

/ think it's going to rain. You shouldtake an umbrella, (advice)

5. Write the sentences, choosing one of the modals:

1 We are leaving tonight, so you (should/must) buy a ticket for the flight. – We are leaving tonight, so you must buy a ticket for the flight.

2 (May/Might) I come in?

3 David (can/could) cook well when he wants to.

4 'Do you think it (can/might) rain?'

'Yes, possibly. We don't want to get wet so I think we (should/must) take our raincoats.'

5 Jenny tried to carry him but she {can't/couldn't).

6 We (can/might) visit my cousin in Australia next year but we don't know yet.

7 In many countries, you {should/must) wear a seat belt in the car - it's the law.

8 (Can/May) you hold this for me, please?

9 I know they enjoy their work but they (shouldn't/'mustn't) work at the weekends. It's not good for them. I think they (should/must) spend time at home with their families.

10 The letter (can/may) arrive tomorrow.

6. Complete the sentences with can, could, may, might, should or must in the positive or negative:

1 Richard's only three but he can swim very well.

2 You've had that headache for two days. I think you … go to the doctor.

3 I don't think we … go to the beach because it … rain this afternoon.

4 I lived in Germany as a child so I … speak German then but I … speak it now.

5 You … remember to take your passport tomorrow.

6 … you close the door, please?

7 We … move house next year but we're not sure yet.

8 Passengers … smoke when the plane is taking off.

9 I think you … play tennis with Sally - she … play really well.

10 'Do you think I … learn some Portuguese before I go to Brazil?'

'Yes, that would be a good idea.'

11 We … remember to pay this bill before the weekend - it's very important. If we don't, we'll have no electricity.

12 I know you like sugar but you … eat quite so much - it's bad for you.

13 I'll be at work on Saturday so I'm afraid I … come to the football match with you.

14 I was listening very carefully but I … hear what she said.

15 They don't like living in the countryside - it's too quiet. I think they … move back to the city but they don't agree.



Pre-Reading task: Have you got a family of your own or do you live with your parents? How far is family important for you?

Marriageis a thing which only a rare person in his or her life avoids. True bachelorsand

spinstersmake up only a small percent of the population; most single peopleare “alone but not

lonely”. Millions of others get marriedbecause of the fun of family life. And it is fun, if one takes a sense of humour. There is a lot of fun in falling in lovewith someone and chasing the prospective fiancee, which means datingand going outwith the candidate. All the relatives(parents, grandparentsand great-grand-parents, brothersand sisters, cousins, auntsand uncles, niecesand nephews, stepmothersand stepfathersand all in-laws) meanwhile have the fun of criticizing your choice and giving advice. The trick here is not to listen to them but propose toyour bride-to-beand somehow get her to accept your proposal. Then you may arrange the engagement and fix the dayof the wedding.

What fun it is to get all those things, whose names start with the word “wedding” – dress, rings, cars, flowers, cakes, etc.! It’s great fun to pay for them. It’s fun for the brideand the groomto escape from the guests and go on a honeymoon trip, especially if it is a wedding presentfrom the parents.

The guests remain with the fun of gossiping whether you married for loveor for money. It’s fun to return back home with the idea that the person you are married tois somewhat different from the one you knew. But there is no time to think about it because you are newly-wedsand you expect a baby. There is no better fun for a husbandthan taking his wifeto a maternity homealone and bringing her back with the twinsor triplets. And this is where the greatest fun starts: washing the new-born’s nappiesand passing away sleepless nights, earning money to keep the family, taking children to kindergartenand later to school. By all means it’s fun to attend parent’s meetingand to learn that your children take after youand don’t do wellat school.

The bigger your children grow, the more they resembleyou outwardly and the less they display likeness with you inwardly. And you start grumbling atthem and discussing with your old friends the problem of the “generation gap”. What fun!

And when at last you and your grey-haired spousestart thinking that your family life has calmed down, you haven’t divorcedbut preserved your union, the climax of your fun bursts out! One of your dearest off-springsbrings a long-legged blonde to your house and says that he wants to marry. And you think: ‘Why do people ever get married?’


marriage - супружество; замужество; женитьба

bachelor – холостяк

spinster- старая дева

single people – не состоящие в браке или в отношениях люди

“alone but not lonely” – “свободные, но не одинокие”

to get married- вступить в брак (жениться/выйти замуж)

family life – семейная жизнь

to fall in love - влюбиться

fiancée - невеста

to date - ходить на свидания, встречаться

to go out – ходить куда-то, бывать в обществе

relatives - родственники

parents - родители

grandparents – бабушка и дедушка

great-grand-parents - прабабушка и прадедушка

cousin - двоюродный брат, кузен; двоюродная сестра, кузина

aunt– тетя

uncle - дядя

niece - племяница

nephew - племянник

stepmother - мачеха

stepfather - отчим

in-laws - родственники со стороны жены, мужа

to propose to smb– сделать кому-то предложение

bride-to-be - невеста

proposal- предложение

to fix the day – назначить день (свадьбы)

wedding- свадьба

bride – невеста (на свадьбе)

groom – жених (на свадьбе)

honeymoon trip – свадебное путешествие

wedding present – подарок на свадьбу

to marry for love/for money - жениться/выйти замуж по любви/из-за денег

to be married to smb – состоять в браке с кем-то, быть женатым на ком-то/быть замужем за кем-то

newly-weds – молодожены

to expect a baby– ждать ребенка

husband - муж

wife – жена

maternity home – родильный дом

twins – близнецы

triplets – тройняшки

new-born - новорожденный

nappies - пеленки

to keep the family – содержать семью

kindergarten – детский сад

to attend parent’s meeting – посещать родительское собрание

to take after you – пойти в/быть похожим на вас

to do well at school – хорошо учиться в школе

to resemble smb – быть похожим на кого-то

to grumble at smb - жаловаться на что-то

“generation gap” - конфликт поколений, проблема отцов и детей

spouse– супруг(а)

to divorce - развестись

to preserve your union – сохранить ваш союз

off-spring - отпрыск, потомок

1.Brain Teaser

Note the names we give to the various members of our family. Each of the fourteen people below is marriedto one of the others. From the information you are given, find out who is married to whom. Note there are three generations here.

Alan is Caroline’s nephewand Larry’s cousin.

Barbara is Larry’s motherand Maggie’s sister-in-law.

Caroline is Edward’s daughterand Maggie’s sister-in-law.

David is Gordon’s brother-in-lawand Alan’s uncle.

Edward is Ingrid’s grandfatherand Maggie’s father-in-law.

Fanny is Caroline’s mother and Alan’s grandmother.

Gordon is Helen’s son-in-lawand Nigel’s brother-in-law.

Helen is Barbara’s mother-in-lawand Larry’s grandmother.

Ingrid is Gordon’s niece and David’s daughter-in-law.

John is David’s fatherand Gordon’s father-in-law.

Karen is Gordon’s daughter-in-law and Maggie’s daughter-in-law.

Larry is John’s grandsonand David’s son.

Maggie is Larry’s auntand Fanny’s daughter-in-law.

Nigel is Ingrid’s father and Fanny’s son-in-law.

2. Fill in suitable words:

1. Your aunt’s son is your … . 2. Your father’s father is your … . 3. My sister’s son is my … . 4. His sister’s daughter is his … . 5. My mother’s brother is my … . 6. Your mother’s sister is your … . 7. Your father’s brother is your … . 8. Your uncle’s daughter is your … . 9. Your brother’s wife is your … . 10. Your sister’s husband is your … . 11. Your husband’s mother is your … . 12. Your mother’s mother is your … . 13. Your mother’s brother-in-law is your … . 14. Your sister’s son is your … . 15. Your brother’s daughter is your … .

3. Choose the most suitable word or phrase to complete the sentence below:

1. Mrs Jones had … .

a.trio b.a treble c.triplets

2. Mrs Vine had had … the week before.

a. quarts b.quads c.a quartet

3. Twins often seem to … a generation.

a. hop b.skip c.jump

4. There was a case of … twins in our town recently.

a.Japanese b.Chinese c.Siamese

5. There’s a … of twins in our family – on my father’s … .

a.story b.geography c.history

d.tree e.side f.line

6. I was … child, though.

a.an only b.a missing c.a single

7. All the members of our football team are related… marriage.

a.by b.to c.on

8. When Mother remarried, her second husband, my …, gave me a new bicycle.

a.forefather b.stepfather c.grandfather

9. He said to me, ‘Look, I know you’re not my own …, but let’s be friends.’

a.flesh and blood b.blood and guts c.skin and bones

10. My … originatedfrom a tribe of Red Indians.

a.ancestors b.ancients c.antiques

11. Not many of my own … relatives are still alive.

a.blood b.skin c.heart

12. My … -grandfather fought at the Battle of Waterloo.

a.grand grand grand b.great grand grand c.great-great-great

13. My brother-in-law inherited.500,000 in his uncle’s … .

a.will b.testament c.wishes

14. I was left .50 and a cat by … relative; I believe it was a … cousin – or perhaps it was a … aunt.

a.a distant b.an unclear c.a long-distance

d.double e.second f.dual

g.grand h.great i.large

15. Peter is an orphan; he was … at the age of two.

a.adjusted b.adapted c.adopted

16. Paul comes from a broken home; he has lived with a number of … parents.

a.loan b.foster c.second-hand

17. Mary was from a single-parent family; now she’s looked after by her … .

a.keeper b.warden c.guardian

18. I’m off to have Sunday lunch with my new … now.

a.outlaws b.by-laws c.in-laws


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