Thioderazine with Vitamin B1 Fortified Thioderazine with Vitamin B1
Drops and ampules. Tablets, suppositories, ampules.
Therapeutic properties: Therapeutic properties:
Iodine, sulfur, and vitamin B 1 In combination with iodine and sulfur
provide a basic treatment for there is vitamin B 1, which, in a heavy
rheumatic diathesis. dose, exerts an analgesic effect.
Indications: Indications:
Chronic rheumatism, rheumatic pains, Chronic rheumatism, rheumatic pains,
muscular pains, sciatica, lumbago, muscular pains, sciatica, lumbago,
cervical brachial neuralgia, cervical brachial neuralgia,
arteriosclerosis. arteriosclerosis.
Contra-indication: Contra-indication:
Intolerance to vitamin B 1. Intolerance to vitamin B 1.
Dosage and Administration: Dosage and Administration:
30 drops in a half glass of water with 2 tablets before the two main meals,
the two main meals, 20 days each or one suppository morning and evening,
month, or 1 injection daily IM or 1 injection IM daily for consecutive days in
for several days. series of 20 or 30.
Do not administer the injectable Do not administer the injectable
form where there is a previous history form where there is a previous history
of intolerance with the drops (dizziness, of intolerance with the drops (dizziness,
nausea, skin rash, fall in blood pressure) nausea, skin rash, fall in blood pressure)
and suspend therapy with the injections and suspend therapy with the injections
if they are not well tolerated. if they are not well tolerated.
Packaging: Packaging:
Bottle of 50ml 30 tablets: 10 suppositories
6 hypodermic ampules of 5 ml. 5 hypodermic ampules of 5 ml.
Composition: Composition:
Piperazine hydrate…………
Vitamin B 1……
| Drops
0.04 g
2.00 g
3.00 g
0.06 g
0.10 g
| Ampule
0.100 g
0.050 g
0.003 g
5 ml
Piperazine hydrate………
Vitamin B 1……
| Tabs.
0.020 g
0.250 g
1 tab.
| Supp.
1 supp.
| Amp.
001 g
1 amp.
2. Укажите неправильные утверждения и исправьте их, используя текст.
1. Thioderazine is an antirheumatic agent.
2. Thioderazine is recommended in two forms.
3. Fortified Thioderazine is given in tablets.
4. The annotation does not contain the section “contra-indications”.
5. Dosage and Administration of both forms of Thioderazine are just the same.
6. The author does not recommend using the injectable form of the drug.
7. In some patients the drug produces intolerance.
3. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:
1. How many sections does the annotation contain?
2. What are the indications for use of this drug?
3. What are contra-indications of Thioderazine?
4. What is the difference in dosage and administration of two forms of the drug?
5. Why is using of the injectable form of this drug recommended?
6. What are the symptoms of intolerance with the drop?
6. Выразите главную мысль текста, используя следующие выражения:
The article is about…
The article deals with…
The aim of the article is to give information on…
The aim of the article is to inform the reader about the following precautions…
Text II
1. Прочитайте текст “What does “Over-the-Counter” mean?” и скажите на русском
языке, что он описывает:
- способ приобретения лекарства;
- способ приёма лекарства;
- показания к применению лекарства.
What Does “Over-the-Counter” Mean?
Part I
Choosing a nonprescription medication: it’s not always as easy as it sounds…
The next time you go to your local pharmacy to buy an over-the-counter medication, you should know the answers to the following questions before you purchase the product:
Are you sure it’s the right medication for your particular taking?
Can it be taken safely with other medications you are taking?
Are you aware of the potential side effects this drug may cause, by itself or in a combination with other medications?
Why today, more than ever, you need to be an informed consumer.
Every year dozens of over-the-counter medications are introduced into the marketplace. While this gives you ever wider choice of products to choose from, it can also be confusing. One way to avoid confusion is to be informed. Let’s begin defining some key terms.
What does “over-the- counter” mean?
The term “over-the-counter”, often referred to as “OTC”, is used to describe a medication that does not require a doctor’s prescription. This means it is suitable for self-treatment and, if taken as directed, is unlikely to produce adverse reactions. If you’re under a doctor’s care, taking other prescription medication, it is important that you seek your doctor’s or pharmacist’s guidance. After all, medication is a serious issue and shouldn’t be treated lightly, but taken seriously. To help you to get the most out of the over-the-counter medications you take, there are certain guidelines that you should keep in mind.
2. Переведите текст, пользуясь следующими словами:
counter – прилавок
purchase – покупать
consumer – потребитель
confusing – озадачивающий
to seek guidance – искать совета
issue – предмет, вопрос
to treat lightly – относиться легкомысленно
3. Составьте вопросы к следующим ответам:
1. Yes, I should know what drug I need.
2. Yes, certainly I should know about indications of this drug.
3. Yes, I must be aware of the possible adverse reactions and side-effects of the drug.
4. No, I seldom buy over-the- counter medications. I always seek the doctor’s guidance.
5. Yes, this medication is used for self-treatment if taken as directed.
6. No, we shouldn’t take medications lightly.
4. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:
1. What questions should you answer before you purchase over-the-counter preparation?
2. Why do you have to be a more informed consumer today?
3. What does “over-the-counter” mean?
4. How often do you buy drugs over-the-counter?
5. Расскажите на английском языке, какую информацию о приобретении лекарства вы получили.
1. Дайте медицинские термины словосочетаниям приведенным ниже.
1. pertaining to against itching.
2. the study of poisons.
3. treatment with chemicals.
4. pertaining to within a vein.
5. study of drugs.
6. pertaining to under the tongue.
7. pertaining to under the skin.
8. against infection.
9. produced by a physician.
10. pertaining to within a sheath.
2. Дайте определение приведенным ниже терминам.
1. pharmacopeia;
2. idiosyncrasy;
3. synergism;
4. contraindications;
5. anaphylaxis;
6. antidote;
7. drug toxicity;
8. aerosol;
9. side effect.
3. Найдите определения (b) для терминов (а).
A) b)
1. pharmacy a … combination of two drugs together is equal to the sum
2. molecular pharmacology of the effects of each;
3. brand name b … drug name which gives the chemical formula;
4. generic name c … combination of two drugs together gives an effect which
5. chemical name is greater than the sum of each drug alone;
6. cumulation d … drugs passing into the bloodstream;
7. additive action e … building up of drugs in the body due to inability to
8. potentiation excrete it as fast as it is taken in;
9. tolerance f … effects of a drug diminish as larger and larger doses are
10. absorption needed to produce desired effect;
g … area to prepare, store and dispense drugs;
h … official name; legal and noncommercial name;
i … trade name of drug privately owned by manufacturer;
j… study of drug interaction with cells or sub-cellular entities.
4. Соотнесите способ назначения лекарств в a) с лекарственными средствами и
процедурами в b).
A) b)
1. intravenous a… lotions, creams, ointments.
2. rectal b … tablets and capsules.
3. oral c … used for allergy skin tests.
4. topical d … lumbar puncture.
5. inhalation e … deep injection, usually into buttocks.
6. intrathecal f… suppositories.
7. intramuscular g … used for blood transfusions.
8. intradermal h … aerosols.
2. Прочитайте следующие слова:
cream – крем
crystals – кристаллы
glucagon injection – ампула для инъекций глюкагона
soap – мыло
soap dispenser – мыльница
gauze swabs – марлевые тампоны
insulin – ампула с инсулином
plasters – пластырь
cotton wool – вата
vaccine – ампула с вакциной
tape – роликовый пластырь
solution – раствор
lozenges – пастилки
ointment – мазь
Drug Package
Назовите на английском языке:
- лекарства используемые для инъекций;
- упаковку для кремов, растворов, мазей, пастилок и пластырей.
6. Переведите на английский язык.
1. Мази и кремы втираются для смягчения кожи и в качестве противозудного средства.
2. Раствор инсулина вводится через инъекцию внутримышечно.
3. Марлевые тампоны и вата применяются при хирургических процедурах.
4. Мыло – необходимое средство для удаления микроорганизмов с рук врача.
5. Мыло может находиться либо в мыльнице (soap box) либо в механическом распределителе (mechanical dispenser).
6. Ампулы содержат определённое количество стерильного медикамента.
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