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I. Упражнения на употребление времен в сравнении.


IV. Модальные глаголы с инфинитивом.


I. Упражнения на употребление времен в сравнении.

Упражнение 1. Откройте скобки, употребив глагол в форме Past Simple или Present Simple:

Например: The company (to develop) a new model of com­puter 3 years ago.

В данном предложении следует употребить время Past Simple, т.к. данное действие произошло 3 года назад

(3 years ago).

1. We (consult) business partners every month.

2. The company (produce) many goods last year.

3. The manager (agree) to give a discount 2 days ago.

4. The secretary often (type) business letters.

5. Mr. Brown (apply) for the job last February.

6. They (decide) to set up the subsidiary in 1998.

7. Jane always (get) a big salary.

8. Roger Smith (receive) the letter 2 weeks ago.

9. The students (pass) the exam on economy last month.

10. The directors (sign) the documents yesterday.


Упражнение 2. Заполните пропуск одним из нижесле­дующих глаголов:


1. They … the contract last month.

a) made b) is making c) makes

действие произошло в прошлом месяце (last month), сле­довательно, это предложение нужно употребить в Past Simple. Правильный вариант ответа – а) made.

2. The company often … the goods in local newspapers.

a) advertises b) advertised c) will advertise

3. David … 14 people in 2002.

a) employed b) employs c) has employed

4. The company … many shares every year.

a) issued b) issues c) will issue

5. The Board of Directors often … business problems.

a) discusses b) discussed c) have discussed

6. Managers … many problems every week.

a) have solved b) solve c) solved

7. We … the company in 1997.

a) set up b) will set up c) have set up

8. The clerks … their obligations well every year.

a) fulfilled b) fulfil c) have fulfilled

9. They … prices 3 years ago.

a) will reduce b) reduce c) reduced

10. Usually my boss … much attention to the quality of goods.

a) pays b) paid c) have paid

Упражнение 1. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в форму Present Simple или Present Continuous:

Например: He (solve) problems every day. Словосочетание every day указывает на привычное, повторяющееся действие, значит, в предложении нужно использовать Present Simple – He solves problems every day.

1. Our employees (work) 8 hours a day.

2. The secretary (talk) to the director at this moment.

3. We (purchase) equipment every year.

4. The representatives of the company (discuss) the pro­gramme of the conference in the hall now.

5. Where is the Sales Manager? - He (read) a letter.

6. They usually (cut down) prices in the beginning of New Year.

7. Roger (go) on business trip every month.

8. I’d like to talk to the director. - He’s busy. He (make) a business call.

9. They often (reserve) rooms at this hotel.

10. Smith usually (put) money into this bank.


Упражнение 2. Поставьте следующие глаголы в про­пуски:

is increasing, are, specialize, work, want, see, divide,

are employing, take, inform

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Richard Dune. I … in the Sales Department as a product manager. In this presentation I … to cover three main points. Firstly, the company’s major activities; our present product range; and fi­nally our future plans.

As you … we … in producing software. Our clients … major corporations on both sides of the Atlantic. We typically … our activities into control systems and multimedia applications. At present the market for the latter … substantially. And currently we … engineers for a new project Central European Client. In addition to the permanent workforce the company regularly … consultants. They … us in areas such as installation and testing.


Упражнение 1. Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в Past Simple или Past Continuous:

Например: Interviewer: When … you … (work) for Barkley company?

Sally: 3 years ago.

В данном предложении следует употребить время Past Simple, так как в ответной реплике используется словосо­четание 3 года назад, которое указывает на Past Simple Tense: When did you work for Barkley?

Interviewer: And what tests … you … (carry out) while you … (work) there?

Sally: I first … (investigate) their motivation problems.

Interviewer: And what … the results (show)?

Sally: In fact, while we … (process) the results, the company … (decide) to stop the project. You see, at the same time, the company … (develop) a new working model. And they … (need) additional people to implement that programme.

Interviewer: I see. So … you … (move) on to that project?

Sally: Yes. But while we … (work) on that project the Euro­pean financing … (stop) so, that’s when I … (decide) to leave.


Упражнение 2. заполните пропуски в предложении гла­голом в форме Past Simple или Past Continuous:

1. They … the questionnaire when the phone rang.

a) were filling in b) filled in

2. The director … our proposal last Monday.

a) accepted b) was accepting

3. We … high-quality goods yesterday.

a) bought b) were buying

4. The company representatives … when Mr. Brown arrived.

a) negotiated b) were negotiating

5. He … the account with the bank 2 years ago.

a) was opening b) opened

6. The financial director … his speech at 10 a.m.

a) was making b) made

7. They … the volume of production in 2003.

a) increased b) were increasing

8. I … your invoice the day before yesterday.

a) was receiving b) received

9. We … the statement for a long time.

a) were writing b) wrote

10. The company “Lloyd” … that model 5 years ago.

a) produced b) was producing


Упражнение 1. Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в форму Present Perfect или Past Simple:

1. They … just … (sell) the goods.

2. The Managing Director … (make) many decisions since last month.

3. We … just (buy) a new computer.

4. The company … (give) many discounts last year.

5. The secretary … (call) many business partners 2 days ago.

6. They … (set up) 2 subsidiaries since 2003.

7. Eugene Black … (establish) 2 offices for 5 years.

8. Lorenz … (graduate) from University in 2003.

9. The “Philips” … recently (sell) many new models of TV sets.

10. The accountant … (write) the Balance Sheet last Thursday.


Упражнение 2. Заполните пропуски в предложении нужной формой глагола:

1. The manager … the contract yesterday.

a) signed b) has signed c) signs

2. The company … many high-quality goods for 7 years.

a) have delivered b) delivered c) delivers

3. The customers of the bank … much money in 2003.

a) got b) get c) have got

4. Jackson … just … in the city.

a) arrives b) has arrived c) arrived

5. The manager … the problem yesterday.

a) discusses b) has discussed c) discussed

6. Terry Grant … many countries for 7 years.

a) visited b) has visited c) visits

7. The director of the company … to negotiate with French partners last month.

a) decides b) has decided c) decided

8. Linda … the company in London in 1995.

a) established b) has established c) establishes

9. My friends … many projects for 3 years.

a) financed b) have financed c) finance

10. He … money to buy necessary things.

a) saves b) has saved c) saved



Упражнение 1. Откройте скобки, употребив глагол во времени Present Simple или Future Simple:

Например: Roger (informs, will inform) us tomorrow.

Так как данное действие произойдет завтра, то в предло­жении следует употребить Future Simple: Roger will in­form us tomorrow.

Роджер проинформирует нас завтра.


1. This manager (borrows money, will borrow money) every month.

2. John Russel (goes, will go) on business trip in 2 days.

3. Jordan (proves, will prove) the order next week.

4. Our clients usually (purchase, will purchase) much equip­ment.

5. They always (subscribe, will subscribe) these papers.

6. The secretary (makes calls, will make a call) every day.

7. Sandra Bullock (spends, will spend) holidays in Egypt next August.

8. I think Mr. Smart (achieves, will achieve) success very soon.

9. Ray Gooseberry always (serves, will serve) customers per­fectly.

10. We often (advertise, will advertise) our production in local papers.


Упражнение 2. Заполните пропуски в предложениях упот­ребив глагол, указанный справа в Present Simple или Fu­ture Simple:

Например: Samuel Barrel … his company next year. (estab­lish)

Так как словосочетание next year указывает на то, что действие произойдет в будущем. Глагол “to establish” дол­жен быть использован во времени Future Simple: Samuel Barrel will establish his company next year.


1. Chris Flame … money in this bank. (keep)

2. The president of our company … talks every year. (con­duct)

3. Laura Farrow … in the conference next month. (take part)

4. The director … the company in a year. (restructure)

5. My friends often … the goods all over the world. (pro­mote)

6. We … computers next year. (manufacture)

7. Dorothy Crow usually … equipment at high price. (sell)

8. The owner … strategy in the company. (change)

9. Larry Haste … the problem in 2 days. (tackle)

10. The director … the prices soon. (increase)



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