Properties of Building stone
Among the materials commonly used in building and construction are various kinds of stone. Of many kinds of stone used in building there are several distinct classes which have different properties.
Sandstone and slate (сланец) are comparatively easy to cut and shape, but do not take a high polish. Sandstone is easily quarried (добывать из карьера) and cut into shape for building purposes. The irregular blocks which come from the quarries are dressed either by hand or machinery. Sand rock has various colors depending upon the presence of minute quantities of iron and other mineral matter in it. It is often used in thin slabs to form facings of rough walls or carved into various shapes for interior decorations. Slate is used for roofing and for blackboards. For both of these uses it is unsurpassed (непревзойденный).
Granite is very hard with gleaming crystals of beautiful colorings in its texture. Examination of a piece of granite shows that it is made up of several different kinds of minerals, which are usually in crystalline form. The glassy granular particles (частицы) which do not have the appearance of crystals in granite are quartz. The white, gray or salmon colored crystals are feldspar (полевой шпат). Granite is variously colored and takes on a high polish. Because of its structure and hardness granite is difficult to work and is correspondingly expensive. Its crushing strength (прочность на сжатие, раздавливание) is so great that it is often used in foundations for the heaviest structures.
Marble is heavy and hard. It is capable of taking on a high polish. Marble is used largely for ornamentation in buildings.
Limestone is one of the most useful stones. It is used in the preparation of building materials, as lime and cement. It is used also for other purposes, as smelting of iron and certain other metals from their ores. Great quantities are moreover used as ballast on railroads and making highways.
8. Answer the questions:
1. What properties have sandstone and slate?
2. Thanks to their properties what are usually sandstone and slate used for?
3. What depends upon various colors of sand rock?
4. What is granite made up?
5. Why does granite take on a high polish in comparison with sandstone and slate?
6. Why is granite difficult to work and expensive?
7. What is granite used for and why?
8. What can compare with granite in its properties?
9. Why is limestone the most useful stones?
9. Learn the following words:
to mix- смешивать innovation- нововведение
to pour- лить, вливать quality- качество, свойство
to stick (stuck)- липнуть aggregate- заполнитель
to introduce- вводить grading- гранулометрич. состав
to compose- состоять из amount- количество
to contain- содержать в себе resistance- сопротивление
to replace- заменять beam- балка
compound- соединение setting- схватывание
10. Read the text and in a few words express the main idea of it:
Concrete is one of the most important building materials. It is difficult to imagine modern structure without concrete. Concrete is the very building material, which led to great structural innovations. The most important quality of concrete is its property to be formed into large and strong monolithic units of any desired shape.
Concrete is a mixture of cement, sand, gravel and water. It is mixed and poured into forms that hold it in place until it hardens. The crystals forming in the process of making concrete stick together in a very hard artificial stone.
The characteristics of concrete depend upon the quality of the materials used, grading of the aggregates, proportioning and amount of water. The most important requirements for concrete are: it should be hard, strong, durable, fire-resistant and economical.
Concrete can be divided into two classes: plain concrete and reinforced concrete where it is necessary to introduce steel.
Reinforced concrete is a combination of two of the strongest structural materials: concrete and steel. Concrete has an adequate compressive strength, but its tensile strength is low. On the other hand, steel has a high tensile strength. Suitable combination of these two materials provides resistance to both compressive and tensile stresses.
Plain concrete can be used for almost all building purposes. Reinforced concrete is used in building bridges, arches, dams, for structures under water, for foundations, columns, beams, etc. The use of concrete and reinforced concrete is almost universal.
11. Read the text once more and find the equivalents to the following Russian word combinations:
трудно представить, большие и прочные монолитные блоки, очень твёрдый искусственный камень, гранулометрический состав заполнителя, количество воды, самые важные требования, достаточная прочность на сжатие, высокая прочность на разрыв, сжимающее и растягивающее напряжения.
12. Complete the following sentences:
1) Concrete is the very building material which led to … 2) The most important quality of concrete is … 3) Concrete is a mixture of … 4) The characteristics of concrete depends upon … 5) The most important requirements for concrete are … 6) Concrete can be divided into two classes … 7) Concrete has an adequate compressive strength, but … 8) Suitable combination of concrete and steel provides resistance to … 9) Reinforced concrete is used in building …
13. Agree or disagree with your partner, begin your phase with “That’s right” or “That’s wrong”:
1) Concrete is a natural building material.
2) The most important quality of concrete is its property to be formed into large and strong monolithic units.
3) The characteristics of concrete depend upon the quality of the materials used, grading of the aggregates, proportioning and amount of water.
4) There is only one type of concrete used in construction.
5) Concrete has an adequate tensile strength.
6) Suitable combination of concrete and steel in reinforced concrete provides resistance to both compressive and tensile stresses.
7) Prestressed concrete enables lighter construction than ordinary reinforced work.
14. Answer the questions of the test “Building materials”:
“Building materials”
1. Building materials should be:
a) hard, plastic, easily fastened and fire-dangerous;
b) durable, hardly fastened, soft, fire-resistant;
c) fire-resistant, hard, durable, easily fastened.
2. The most commonly used materials are:
a) plastics, concrete, wood, glass, stone, brick, steel;
b) glass, concrete, ferro-concrete, plastics;
c) electricity, central heating, air-conditioning, refrigeration.
3. Building materials differ in:
a) fire-dangerousness, hardness, durability;
b) durability, fire-resistance, softness;
c) hardness, fire-resistance, durability.
4. Building materials are divided into ---- main groups:
a) four
b) three
c) five
5. Main building materials are:
a) stone, glass, timber and plastics;
b) metals, lime, rocks and concrete;
c) timber, rocks, stones, metals.
6. Cementing materials are:
a) cementing, gypsum, lime;
b) binding, lime, concrete;
c) cements, gypsum, binding.
7. Secondary materials are used for:
a) exterior;
b) interior;
c) auxiliary;
8. We use the main building materials for:
a) bearing structures;
b) joining different planes;
c) interior finishing.
9. Natural building materials are:
a) concrete, stone, glass, lime;
b) timber, cement, sand, plastics;
c) lime, stone, timber, sand;
10. Artificial building materials are:
a) metals, clay products, sand;
b) brick, lime, ferro-concrete;
c) concrete, cement, clay products.
15. Using information from the texts “Building materials” and “Properties of Building Stone” or “Building materials” and “Concrete” speak briefly about building materials and in details either about building stone or about concrete. Follow this plan:
1) The text is about …
2) The first part of the text is devoted to …
3) Further, it is said that…
4) It is pointed out that …
5) The text tells that …
6) The text also discusses …
7) The text ends saying that …
The Future Simple
Образование Future Simple Tense
1. Утвердительная форма Future Simple образуется при помощи вспомогательных глаголов shall и will и формы инфинитива смыслового глагола (без частицы to). Shall употребляется с 1-м лицом единственного и множественного числа, will с остальными лицами:
I (we) shall work
he (she, it) }will work
you (they)
2. В вопросительной форме Future Simple вспомогательный глагол ставится перед подлежащим:
Shall I (we) work?
Will he (you, they) work?
3. Отрицательная форма Future Simple образуется при помощи отрицательной частицы not, которая ставится после вспомогательного глагола:
I (we) shall not work.
He (you, they) will not work.
Future Simple Tense употребляется:
1. Для выражения действия, которое совершится в будущем. Может обозначать как однократное, так и повторяющееся действие. Future Simple Tense переводится на русский язык будущим временем глагола совершенного и несовершенного вида, в зависимости от общего смысла предложения:
He will return to Moscow Он вернется в Москву через
in a few days. несколько дней.
We shall not see him till Monday. Мы не увидим его до понедельника.
They will take English lessons Они будут брать английские
twice a week. уроки два раза в неделю.
Примечание. Future Simple не употребляется в придаточных предложениях времени и условия:
He will send us a telegram Он пошлет нам телеграмме, как as soon as the steamer arrives. только прибудет пароход.
If I receive a letter from him I’ll let Если я получу письмо от него, я you know. дам вам знать.
Внимание! Наряду с Future Simple будущее время (действие) выражается посредством:
to be going to … собираться сделать что-либо
I am going to send him a telegram. Я собираюсь послать ему телеграмму.
(Я пошлю ему телеграмму).
He is going to spend this summer Он собирается провести свои vocation in the Crimea. летние каникулы в Крыму.
(Он проведет …)
Exercise 1. Use the notes to write about what will happen next weekend:
it/ be/ warm/ tomorrow It will be warm tomorrow.
1. Tom/ watch/ the match ………………………….
2. Harriet’s party/ be/ fun ………………………….
3. Trevor/ not put up/ the shelves ………………………….
4. Laura/ be/ annoyed .…………………………
5. Andrew/ study/ all weekend .…………………………
6. Rachel/ not do/ any work .…………………………
Exercise 2. Complete the conversation. Put will or shall:
Rachel: What shall we do today?
Vicky: It would be nice to go out somewhere. The forecast says temperatures ………... rise to thirty degrees.
Jessica: ……….. we go for a walk?
Rachel: That sounds a bit boring. What about the seaside? We could get a bus.
Jessica: How much ……….. it cost? I haven’t got very much money.
Vicky: It isn’t far. It doesn’t cost much.
Jessica: Everywhere ………… be so crowded today because it’s a holiday. The journey ………… take ages.
Rachel: Come on, Vicky. ………... we leave Jessica behind if she’s going to be so miserable?
Exercise 3. Put the verbs with be going to:
Laura: What are you doing with that camera?
Trevor: I’m going to take (I/ take) it to work. ………………. (I/ lend) it to Phil. ………………. (he/ take) a few photos with it.
Laura: Why can’t he buy his own camera?
Trevor: He’s got one, but it isn’t working properly. ………………. (it/ be) a while before he can get it repaired.
Laura: Well, how long …………. (he/ keep) ours? When ……… (we/ get) it back?
Trevor: ……… (he/have) it over the weekend. ……… (we/ get) in back on Monday.
Laura: Well, I hope ………………. (it/ not/ get) damaged.
Exercise 4. What would you say in these situations? Use these words: be stick, crash, get wet, lose, not stop, rain:
The sky is full of dark clouds.
It’s going to rain.
1. Now it’s starting to rain. There’s nowhere to shelter, and you haven’t got an umbrella.
2. You feel awful. There’s terrible feeling in your stomach.
3. You are playing Scrabble. The game is nearly over and you are 100 points behind.
4. You can see a plane coming down. It’s out of control and falling to the ground.
5. You are waiting for a train. There’s one coming, but you don’t know if it’s the one you want. It’s traveling very fast. ……………….
Exercise 5. Complete the conversations. Put in will or be going to with the verbs:
Vicky: Have you got a ticket for the play?
Daniel: Yes, I’m going to see (see) it on Thursday.
Harriet: The alarm’s going making an awful noise.
Mike: OK, I’ll switch (switch) it off.
1. Daniel: Did you buy this book?
Matthew: No, Emma did. She …………………………….. (read) it on holiday.
2. Laura: Would you like tea or coffee?
Sarah: Oh, I ………………………………….. (have) coffee, please.
3. Trevor: I’m going to miss a good film on TV because I’ll be out tonight.
Laura: I ………………………………………… (video) it for you, if you like.
4. Rachel: I’m just going out to get a paper.
Emma: What newspaper ……………………………………… (you/buy)?
Exercise 6. Complete the news report about the village of Brickfield.
Use will or be going to. Sometimes either is possible:
We have learned this week that the local council has plans for Westside Park in Brickfield.
The council is going to sell (sell) the land to a builder, Forbes and Son. The plans are all ready.
‘……….. (we/build) fifty houses’, said Mr Forbes. ‘In two years’ time everything ………… (be) finished. I’m sure people …………. (like) the houses. Most of them ………. (be) for young families. And we intend to take care of the environment. ………… (we/not/cut) down all the trees, only a few of them’. But people living near the park are angry. ‘This is a terrible idea. We’re all against it’, said Mrs Mary Brent. ‘………… (we/have) a protest march on Saturday. I expect everyone in Brickfield ………… (be) there. We’ve reached our decision.
……….. (we/stop) this plan’.
The Future Continuous
Future Continuous употребляется:
1. Для выражения развертывающегося действия, которое будет происходить в какой-то момент в будущем. Этот момент может быть обозначен:
1) Точным указанием момента времени, например: at that moment в этот момент, at that time в это время, at 5 o’clock (tomorrow) в пять часов (завтра) и т.п.
Note the direction in which the Отметьте направление, в котором conductor will be moving in the будет двигаться проводник в
magnetic field at that moment. магнитном поле в этот момент.
2) Другим однократным действием, выраженным глаголом в Present Simple (вместо Future Simple), в придаточном предложении времени или условия:
When he turns east, the patrols Когда он повернет на восток, патрули will be searching the area were they будут обыскивать район, где они
lost him. потеряли его из виду.
2. Для эмоционального подчеркивания длительности действия с такими обозначениями времени, как: all day tomorrow весь день завтра, all the time все время, from 9 till 12 с 9 до 12 часов и т.д.:
They will be working at the Они будут работать в лаборатории с 9 laboratory from 9 till 12. до 12 часов.
Глагол во времени Future Continuous образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола shall (will) с добавлением глагола be и причастия I (глагол с окончанием -ing). Вопросительная форма образуется путем переноса вспомогательного глагола shall (will) в начало предложения. Отрицательная форма образуется при помощи добавления отрицательной частицы not после вспомогательного глагола shall (will).
I shall be writing a report tomorrow in the evening.
Shall I be writing a report tomorrow in the evening?
I shall not be writing a report tomorrow in the evening.
Exercise 1. Complete the conversation. Put in a pronoun and the future continuous form of the verb:
Daniel: I’m going to go into business when I leave college. Five years from now I’ll be running (I/run) a big company. I expect ………………… (I/earn) lost of money.
Vicky: I don’t know what ………………………… (I/do). What about you, Natasha?
What …………………………….. (you/do), do you think?
Natasha: I/m too lazy to do any work. I intend to marry someone very rich.
……… (I/give) dinner parties all the time. We’ll have a cook …………… (who/do) all the work, of course. And you’ll both get invitations.
Vicky: You’re joking, aren’t you, Natasha? I expect ……………… (you/play) in an orchestra. That’s what you really want to do, isn’t it?
Exercise 2. You want to ask friend to do something for you or to let you do something. Find out if it is convenient for your friend. Use the verbs in brackets:
You want to have a look at your friend’s magazine tonight. (read)
Will you be reading your magazine tonight?
1. You want your friend to take your library book back today. (go to)
2. You want your friend to send your best wishes to Vicky soon. (write to)
3. You want to use your friend’s calculator this afternoon. (use)
4. You want your friend to give a photo to Daniel tomorrow. (see)
5. You want your friend to give you a lift to the festival. (drive)
6. You want your friend to give a message to her sister soon. (phone)
Exercise 3. Put the verb into the correct from, will be (do)ing:
1. Don’t phone me between 7 and 8. …We’ll be having … (we/have) dinner then.
2. Tomorrow afternoon we’re going to play tennis from 3 o’clock until 4.30. So at 4 o’clock, ……………………………… (we/play) tennis.
3. A: Can we meet tomorrow afternoon?
B: Not in the afternoon. ………………………………… (I/work).
4. Chuck came to Britain from the USA nearly three years ago. Next Monday it will be exactly three years. So on Monday, ………………… (he/be) in Britain for exactly three years.
5. Do you think ……………… (you/still/do) the same job in ten year’s time?
6. If you need to contact me, …………. (I/stay) at the Lion Hotel until Friday.
A: …………………………………. (you/see) Laura tomorrow?
B: Yes, probably. Why?
A: I borrowed this book from her. Can you give it back to her?
Revise grammar (Future Simple ,Continuous) to be ready for the test.
Art of building
1. Read and translate the text:
Part I
The first houses were built for the purpose of protecting their owners from the weather and, therefore, were very simple – a roof to keep off the rain or snow, and walls to keep out the wind.
The buildings erected now can be divided into two broad classifications: they are either for housing or for industrial purpose.
As far as the material is concerned, the building can be divided into stone (or brick), wood and concrete types. The brick is an artificial material made of clay then burnt to harden it. The natural stone (rubble masonry) is used for footing and foundations for external walls carrying the load. The buildings made of stone or brick are durable, fire-proof and have poor heat conductivity.
The tiers or levels which divide a building into stages or stories are called floors. These may be of timber but in stone buildings they are made of ferro-concrete details in great and small sizes.
The coverings or upper parts of buildings constructed over to keep out rain and wind and to preserve the interior from exposure to the weather, are called roofs. These should tie the walls and give strength and firmness to the construction.
Every building must be beautiful in appearance and proportional in various parts. The interior should be planned to suit the requirements of the occupants while the exterior must be simple without any excesses.
Any building should be provided with water, electricity, ventilation and heating system.
Getting water into the house is called plumbing. The plumbers have also to get the water out after it has been used. The first part of this problem is called water supply and the second one is called drainage or sewerage.
2. Translate Russian part of each sentence into English. Add some information to these statements:
1) The first houses were built в целях защиты от погоды. 2) Здания, которые строятся сегодня сan be divided into two broad classifications: они предназначены либо для жилья, либо для промышленных целей. 3) The building can be divided into каменные (кирпичные), деревянные или бетонные типы. 4) The building made of stone or brick are долговечные, огнеустойчивые и имеют высокую теплоизоляцию. 5) Floors may be of timber, но в каменных зданиях they are made of железобетонных деталей. 6) Roofs should tie the walls and give прочность и твердость сооружению. 7) Интерьер should be planned to suit требованиям жильцов, в то время как экстерьер must be simple without any excesses. 8) Каждое здание should be provided with вода, электричество, вентиляция и heating system. 9) Подача воды в дома называется plumbing. 10) Начальная фаза водопровода называется water supply, а финальная фаза - drainage or sewerage.
Part II
Almost everybody saw the construction of a building and *followed its progress with interest1. First the excavation is dug for the basement, then the foundation walls below ground level are constructed; after this the framework is erected and clothed with various finishing materials and protected by several coats of paint.
The part upon which the stability of the structure depends is the framework. It is intended for safety carrying the loads imposed. The floors, walls, roofs and other parts of the building must be carefully designed and proportioned.
The architect or designer must decide, what the size of the walls, the floors, the beams, the girders and the parts, which make up the framework, will be and how they will be placed and arranged.
Here are the main parts of a building and their functions.
Foundations serve to keep the walls and floors from contact with the soil, to guard them against the action of frost, to prevent them from sinking and setting which cause cracks in walls and uneven floors.
Floors divide the building into stories. They may be either of timber or may be constructed of a fire-resisting material. Walls are built to enclose areas and carry the weight of floors and roofs. The walls may be solid or hollow. The materials used for the walls construction can be brick, stone, concrete and other natural or artificial materials.
Roofs cover the building and protect it from exposure to the weather. They tie the walls and give strength and firmness to the structure.
1. Put following word combinations concerning the construction of a building in order according to the text, translate them:
возводить каркас, защитить несколькими слоями краски, выкапывать яму для фундамента, покрывать различными отделочными материалами, возводить стены фундамента ниже уровня земли.
2. Correct the statements. Add much more information:
1) The part upon which the stability of the structure depends is the size of the walls. 2) Finishing materials, several coats of paint must be carefully designed and proportioned.
3) The architect or designer must decide, what the size of framework, color of the floors, width of walls, quantity of paint’s coats, how they will be mixed and cut.
3. Which of these words belong to construction of foundations or floors or roofs:
to keep from contact with the soil, to divide the building into stories, to cover the building, brick, to prevent from sinking, to carry the weight, to tie the walls, to guard against the action of frost, timber, to protect from exposure of the weather, hollow, to give strength, stone, cracks, a fire – resisting material, firmness, to enclose areas, concrete.
Part III
Turnkey construction is the type of assistance in building different facilities. In this case the employer engages the contractor to design, manufacture, test, deliver, install, complete and commission a certain project and the contractor undertakes full responsibility for the project construction and commissioning.
The contractor then undertakes endeavors to conduct a survey and design work, as well as to work out *basic and detailed engineering2 and supply equipment. As a rule, the contractor’s highly qualified specialists are made responsible for doing part or full construction work, carrying out installation, *start-up and adjustment operations3.
After the construction is completed the precommissioning starts, that is testing, checking and meeting other requirements, which are specified in the technical handbooks.
As soon as all works in respect of the precommissioning are completed and the project is read for the commissioning, the contractor notifies the engineer (Project manager) with the message. The contractor begins the commissioning immediately after the engineer does the issue of the Completion Certificate.
The contractor carries out the guarantee test during the commissioning to make sure that project will reach the designed performance.
Operational acceptance of the project takes place when the guarantee test has been successfully completed and the guarantees met. As a rule the contractor supplies spare parts so that the project could normally operate during the maintenance guarantee period.
Turnkey contracts are always long-term undertakings involving several parties, among them foreign and local subcontractors. They are usually won as a result of tenders where the bidders compete for the contract on the terms most favourable for the customer.
A few explanations to the text:
1. … followed its progress with interest – с интересом следил за его ростом
2. basic and detailed engineering – выполнение проектной документации
3. start-up and adjustment operations – пуско-наладочные работы
Key vocabulary/expressions:
basement- фундамент, основание; подвал
beam – балка, балансир
cause – причина, сторона
coat – покрытие
commission- пускать в эксплуатацию
contractor – подрядчик
designed performance – проектная мощность
girder – поясная балка, прогон
precommissioning works – предпусковые работы
spare parts – запасные части
plumbing – водопровод
solid – массивный
hollow –полый, пустой
engage – обязывать
endeavor – стремление
survey - контроль
1. Finish these sentences:
1) Turnkey construction ... 2) ... engages the … to design, manufacture, test, deliver, install, complete and commission a certain project. 3) The contractor undertakes full … and then endeavors to conduct … 4) … made responsible for doing part or full construction works … 5) The precommissioning tests, checks and … 6) … notifies the engineer … and begins the commissioning after the issue … 7) The contractor carries out the guarantee … 8) … when the guarantee test has been successfully …
2. Step-by-step speak briefly what means “turnkey construction”.
3. Test your own attention. Find English equivalents in the text:
огнеупорный материал _______________________________________
бутовая кладка ______________________________________________
дополнительная нагрузка _____________________________________
различные отделочные материалы ______________________________
защитить несколькими слоями краски ___________________________
нулевой цикл ________________________________________________
сертификат о завершении строительства _________________________
строительство «под ключ» _____________________________________
проектно-изыскательные работы ________________________________
местные и иностранные субподрядчики __________________________
4. Translate the sentences with MODAL VERBS or their EQUIVALENTS:
1. The walls may be solid or hollow.
2. The materials used for the walls construction can be brick, stone, concrete and other natural or artificial materials.
3. Man had to protect himself against the elements and to sustain himself in the conflict with nature.
4. Ruins of ancient buildings can be seen today in Greece.
5. After the war steel was short in Europe and many architects had to use concrete in their structures.
6. The production of many building materials is to be increased.
7. The roof should tie the walls and give strength to the construction.
8. The floors, walls, roofs and other parts of the building must be carefully designed and proportioned.
9. Conditioning air for human comfort may also be divided into two main sections- winter and summer.
10. To avoid stuffiness, the air should be given a certain amount of motion.
11. Under winter conditions this must be sufficient to distribute the heat uniformly throughout the rooms.
12. About 100,000 people had to take part in the construction of pyramids.
5. General understanding. Answer the questions to the text. Using these questions as a plan speak briefly about art of building:
1. What purpose is the natural stone used for?
2. What are the buildings made of stone and brick?
3. Should the coverings tie the walls?
4. What must every building be?
5. What are the main parts of a building?
6. What are their functions?
7. What kind of facilities is constructed on a turnkey basis?
8. What are the responsibilities of the contractor?
9. Why is a turnkey contract a long-term undertaking?
10. How is a turnkey contract usually won?
11. What can the Completion Certificate tell us about?
12. What building professions have you come across in the text?
6. Listen to the text “Impressions of Modern Architecture” and answer the questions to the text:
Key-words to the text:
similar – похожий
opportunity – возможность
alike – похожий
remind – напоминать
oblong – продолговатый
building site – стройплощадка
resist – противостоять
“Impressions of Modern Architecture”
1. Architectural styles are probably similar now because
a) architects have no more natural building materials
b) architects have no opportunities they had in the past
c) architects are all alike or nearly alike.
2. If architects are asked to make plans for houses
a) they design wonderful churches and cathedrals
b) they have done some very good work
c) they have to design huge blocks of flats, offices and so on.
3. The blocks of flats in our towns are ___ whether the fronts and sides are ___
a) huge boxes- square or oblong
b) another big boxes- found or oval
c) prefabricated- rectangular or triangular.
4. Many of new schools are prefabricated, which means that
a) much of the building work is done on the building site
b) much of the building work is done in factories
c) much of the building work is done in the outside.
5. Modern buildings look like _______ but they are________
a) occupants inside- alike outside
b) proportionally from top view- simply planned inside
c) boxes from the outside- well planned inside.
6. The Imperial Hotel in _______ was designed by _______ architect _______
a) Tokyo- Japanese- Panasonic
b) New-York- American- Frank Lloyd Wright
c) Tokyo- American- Frank Lloyd Wright.
7. It was designed to
a) to resist earthquakes
b) to suit the landscape
c) to tie the walls.
7. Translate the text into English:
Принципы планировки
(Рекомендации А. И. Сапожникова)
Вентиляция лестничных клеток осуществляется автоматически, если пройти в коридор можно только через открытый балкон. Мусоропровод изолируется в отдельном блоке, имеющим дверь. Если лифт ограждён предлифтовым помещением с закрываемой дверью, а вход в квартиру имеет двойную дверь; важно, что жилец имеет возможность открыть вторую дверь, войдя в тамбур и закрыв за собой наружную дверь.
Прихожая будет всегда освещена, если двери примыкающих комнат прозрачные и как бы по радиусу равномерно распределены. Это позволяет свету от солнечных лучей, поступающих попеременно от одной из комнат, «пройти» в прихожую.
Тупики исключаются тем, что ряд комнат смежные, проходные. Это создаёт лабиринт, возможность «забиться в дальний угол». Большие лоджии исключены, за счёт чего увеличена площадь общей комнаты (зала), кухни и спальных комнат. Лоджия, общий зал и кухня имеют выход на балкон.
Обзор достигается за счёт множества небольших балконов с разных сторон дома, вынесенности лоджии за пределы фасада и различной ориентации окон.
Красота здания, интерьеров подъездов и квартир достигается рельефом фасада, причудливостью планировки и формой стен; причём отклонение от привычного прямоугольного плана комнаты не должно быть в большом количестве помещений и число проходных комнат тоже должно быть незначительным и определяться их функциональным назначением.
8. Key vocabulary to the text:
мусоропровод- refuse chute
изолироваться- to be isolated
предлифтовое помещение- prelift location
двойная дверь- double door
тамбур- tambour
наружная дверь- external door
быть освещенным- to be lighted
примыкающая комната- affiliated room
прозрачный- limpid
радиус- radius
быть равномерно распределённым- to be distributed evenly
солнечный луч- sun ray
поступающий попеременно- coming in turns
тупик- dead end
исключаться- to be excepted
смежный- adjoining
проходной - through
лабиринт- labyrinth
«забиться в дальний угол»- hide into distant place
за счёт- at the expense of
быть увеличенным- to be increased
обзор достигается- review is reached
вынесенность за пределы – carrying out the end
ориентация- orientation
рельеф- relief
причудливость- fancy
причём отклонение от привычного- while deviation from usual
незначительный- not great
определяться- to be defined
назначение- appointment
9. Imagine that one of you is a contractor, another one is a project manager and the third person is an employer. You should discuss the problems of modern architecture, the requirements of the occupants and commissioning of turnkey construction (any type of building you like). You should follow the information from the text “Art of building”, “Impression of modern architecture” and “Planning principles”.
Modal verbs
В английском языке существует особая группа глаголов, модальных, которые выражают не действие или состояние, а лишь способность, возможность или необходимость совершения действия.
У модальных глаголов есть ряд характерных особенностей:
1) модальные глаголы не имеют неличных форм – инфинитива, герундия, причастия;
2) личные формы глаголов не имеют будущего времени;
3) модальные глаголы can, may, must, should, ought to не изменяются ни по лицам, ни по числам ( в 3-м лице единственного числа настоящего времени к модальным глаголам не прибавляется окончание -s).
Глагол can соответствует русскому могу, может, могут, выражает умственную и физическую возможность выполнить действие, выраженное инфинитивом:
He can run very fast. Он может быстро бегать.
I cannot understand you. Я не могу понять вас.
She can make beautiful dresses. Она умеет шить красивые платья.
Модальный глагол can имеет следующие формы: can- настоящего времени (Present Simple); could - прошедшего времени (Past Simple).
В вопросительной и отрицательной формах can (could) выступает в роли вспомогательного глагола:
Present Simple Past Simple
I can help you I could help you.
Can you help me? Could you help me?
No, I cannot (can’t) help you. No, I could not help you.
Примечание: could также может использоваться как вежливая форма вопроса:
Could you tell the way to …? Вы не подскажете, как пройти к …?
Could you tell me the time? Вы не подскажете, сколько сейчас времени?
Could you help me? Не могли бы вы мне помочь?
Наряду с can употребляется сочетание to be able (быть в состоянии). Оно употребляется как вместо can и could (I am able, I was able), так и вместо недостающих форм глагола can (I have been able, I shall be able и т.д.):
I can do it.= I am able to do it. Я могу (в состоянии) это сделать.
I could do it.=I was able to do it. Я мог (был в состоянии) это сделать.
I shall be able to do it. Я смогу (буду в состоянии) это сделать.
Глагол may имеет следующие формы: may - настоящего времени (Present Simple); might - прошедшего времени (Past Simple).
Глагол may может выражать:
а) разрешение, позволение совершить какое-либо действие:
May I have another cup of tea? Позвольте мне еще чашечку чая.
You may take my book. Вы можете взять мою книгу.
b) предложение:
It may start raining. Вероятно, пойдет дождь.
She may not be at home. Возможно, ее нет дома.
Форма might может выражать упрек или неодобрение:
You might have told him about it. Ты мог бы сказать ему об этом.
You might be more polite to her. Ты мог бы быть с ней повежливее.
Модальный глагол must имеет только одну форму, которая употребляется в настоящем времени.
В вопросительной и отрицательной формах глагол must выступает в роли вспомогательного глагола.
Для образования вопросительной формы глагол must ставится перед подлежащим. Для образования отрицательной формы после глагола must ставится частица not.
Must they do it?
No, they must not do it.
Модальный глагол must употребляется для выражения:
1) необходимости,
You must read this book. Вам необходимо прочитать эту книгу.
2) обязательности,
Everyone must know his rights and duties. Каждый должен знать свои права и обязанности.
3) предположения
You must be hungry. Вы, должно быть, проголодались.
Отрицательная форма глагола must выражает запрещение:
You mustn’t smoke here. Вы не должны курить здесь.
Для выражения отсутствия необходимости (не нужно, не надо, не должен) употребляется модальный глагол need в отрицательной форме (needn’t):
You needn’t remember all the Не надо запоминать все имена
names by heart. наизусть.
Модальный глагол need имеет только одну форму. Он употребляется преимущественно в отрицательных предложениях и выражает отсутствие необходимости совершения действия:
You needn’t come so early. Вам незачем так рано приходить.
Need может употребляться и как смысловой глагол в значении нуждаться в чем-либо:
He needs a good rest. Ему нужен хороший отдых.
Do you need my advice? Вам нужен мой совет?
Эквивалентом модального глагола must является словосочетание to have to do smth. - должен в значении приходится, вынужден.
I just have to learn these rules by Я просто вынужден выучить эти
heart. правила наизусть.
He had to leave us. Он должен был окинуть нас.
They will have to stay here for Они должны будут (вынуждены, им another week. придется) остаться здесь еще на
Внимание: Поскольку в словосочетании to have to do smth., глагол to have является частью устойчивого выражения, а не вспомогательным глаголом, вопросительное и отрицательное предложения строятся с помощью вспомогательного глагола to do (does), did.
- He has to do this work now. - Он должен сделать эту работу сейчас.
- When does he have to do this work? - Когда он должен сделать эту работу?
- He doesn’t have to do this work - Он не должен делать эту работу
now. сейчас.
- Does he have to do this work - Должен ли он делать эту работу now? сейчас?
- Yes, he does./ - Да/Нет.
No, he doesn’t.
Модальный глагол to be обозначает, что действие, выраженное инфинитивом, должно совершиться согласно договоренности, плану, инструкции, распоряжению и т.п. После модального глагола to be инфинитив употребляется с частицей to.
They are to meet at the entrance to Они должны встретиться у входа в
the theatre. театр
What are we to do next? Что мы должны делать дальше?
Модальные глаголы should и ought , после которого идет инфинитив смыслового глагола с частицей to, имеют только одну форму для всех лиц единственного и множественного числа настоящего и прошедшего времени.
По назначению эти глаголы очень близки. Они могут выражать совет или рекомендацию (следует, должен), относящиеся к настоящему или к будущему.
You ought to be more serious. Вам следует быть серьезнее.
I think we should see your mother. Я думаю, что нам следует навестить твою мать.
You ought to go to bed earlier. Вам следует раньше ложиться спать.
You should see a doctor. Вам следует обратиться к врачу.
Should и ought to могут выражать предположение или ожидаемое действие в настоящем или будущем:
Where is he? He ought to be in his Где он? – Он должен быть в своей room. комнате.
You should be hungry by now. Ты, наверное, уже проголодался.
Should и ought to также могут выражать недоумение, удивление, возмущение. В этом случае should придает эмоциональную окраску высказыванию, не выражая модальности:
Why should I go there? С какой стати мне туда идти?
How should I know? Откуда мне знать?
Exercise 1. Complete the sentences with “can” or “be able to”. Sometimes more than one answer is possible:
1. Oh dear, I (not) can’t remember her address. 2. Where are the keys? I (not) __________ find them last night. 3. The show is very popular but luckily I __________ get two seats for Saturday. 4. It/s nice __________ sleep late on Sundays. 5. My sister (not) ___________ swim until she was eleven. 6. I lost all my money but fortunately I ___________ borrow some from my friends. 7. He ___________ drive a car when he was sixteen. 8. Mary moved to New York last month, so she will ___________ see her parents more often. 9. The exam was easy. I _________ do all the questions. 10. If we are lucky we __________ see the whole match. 11. I’d like to __________ speak a little bit of every language. 12. I went to the library, Mrs. Price, but I __________ (not) find the book you wanted. 13. He __________ find a good answer if you ask him tonight. 14. Olaf _________ speak English better after he has more classes.
Exercise 2. Make 2 sentences for each situation, one with “He’ll/she’ll/they’ll have to …” and one with “He/she/they won’t be able to …”:
Model Julia usually catches the 8.15 bus. The next one is at 8.40.
It is 8.20 now, and she is running out of the house.
1. She won’t be able to catch the 8.15 bus.
2. She’ll have to catch the 8.40.
a) Bob has broken his leg. He wanted to play football this evening.
b) Tom likes to put cream in his coffee, but they’ve got only tinned milk.
c) Frank wanted to leave work early today. He wanted to see a football match. The boss asked all the men to do overtime.
d) Deborah and Arthur wanted to drive to France, but the car broke down yesterday. Deborah has just booked two plane tickets instead.
Exercise 3. Complete with “mustn’t” or “don’t (doesn’t) have to”:
1. I can stay in bed tomorrow morning because I don’t have to work. 2. You _________ forget what I told you. It’s very important. 3. I _________ leave yet. I’ve got plenty of time. 4. She __________ get up so early. She gets up early because she prefers to.
Exercise 4. Complete with “must” or “have to”:
1. You really must work harder if you want to pass that examination. 2. We couldn’t repair the car ourselves. We __________ take it to a garage. 3. I’m afraid I can’t come tomorrow. I ___________ work late. 4. I’m sorry I couldn’t come yesterday. I ___________ work late. 5. Ann was feeling ill last night. She _________ leave the party.
Exercise 5. Fill in the gaps with the proper modal verbs:
Model – Can I have your type-writer for a week, please?
- I’m afraid not. I’m going to type my article.
1. ________ I help you? – No, you _________. The exercise is easy. 2. – I ________ type. – I think you _________ learn typing. 3. - _________ I help Peter? – Yes, you _________. He _________ do the work himself. 4. - _________ I go out, Mum? – No, you _________. It’s too cold. 5. Jane _________ skate. – So _________ Mary. 6. I __________ visit Peter tonight. I’m too busy. 7. - ___________ I use your bike? – Certainly.
Exercise 6. Translate into English:
1. Ты сможешь помочь мне по математике сегодня вечером? – Боюсь, что нет. Мне предстоит поехать в аэропорт встретить своего приятеля. 2. Я должна поторопиться. Аня и я договорились встретиться в институте в 10 часов. 3. Не стоит вставать так рано. Ты сможешь все сделать, если встанешь на час позже. 4. Можно мне просмотреть эти журналы? – Боюсь, что нет. Я должна показать их директору. Вы сможете взять их только после обеда. 5. Я напряженно работал и смог завершить работу в срок. 6. Я не смогу пойти с вами с театр. Мне придется задержаться на работе до 8. 7. Мне не пришлось посылать ей телеграмму. Она позвонила сама. 8. Тебе пришлось долго ждать? – Около часа. 9. Поторопись. Пароход должен отправиться в 7.
Exercise 7. Complete the sentences using could, couldn’t or was/were able to:
1. My grandfather was a very clever man. He … could… speak five languages.
2. I looked everywhere for the book but I …couldn’t… find it.
3. They didn’t want to come with us at first but we …were able to… persuade them.
4. Laura had hurt her leg and …………………………. walk very well.
5. Sue wasn’t at home when I phoned but I …………. contact her at her office.
6. I looked very carefully and I …………………. see a figure in the distance.
7. I wanted to buy some tomatoes. The first shop I went to didn’t have any but I ……………………….. get some in the next shop.
8. My grandmother loved music. She ………………. play the piano very well.
9. A girl fell into the river but fortunately we ……………………… rescue her.
10. I had forgotten to bring my camera so I …………… take any photographs.
Exercise 8. Put in must or can’t:
1. You’ve been traveling all day. You …must… be very tired.
2. That restaurant …………………… be very good. It’s always full of people.
3. That restaurant …………………… be very good. It’s always empty.
4. You’re going on holiday next week. You ……….. be looking forward to it.
5. It rained every day during their holiday, so they ……. have had a very nice time.
6. Congratulations on passing your exam. You ………………. be very pleased.
7. You got here very quickly. You ………………….. have walked very fast.
8. Bill and Sue go away on holiday very often, so they ….. be short of money.
Exercise 9. Write these sentences in a different way using may or might:
1. Perhaps Margaret is in her office. ……………………………………………
2. Perhaps Margaret is busy. ……………………………………………………
3. Perhaps she is working. ………………………………………………………
4. Perhaps she wants to be alone. ……………………………………………….
5. Perhaps she was ill yesterday. ………………………………………………..
6. Perhaps she went home early. ………………………………………………..
7. Perhaps she had to go home early. …………………………………………...
8. Perhaps she was working yesterday. …………………………………………
In sentences 9-11 use may not or might not.
9. Perhaps she doesn’t want to see me. …………………………………………
10. Perhaps she isn’t working today. …………………………………………...
11. Perhaps she wasn’t feeling well yesterday. …………………………………
Exercise 10. Complete these sentences with must or have to (in the correct form). Sometimes it is possible to use either; sometimes only have to is possible:
1. It’s later than I thought. I …must or have to… go now.
2. Jack left before the end of the meeting. He …had to… go home early.
3. In Britain many children ………….. wear uniform when they go to school.
4. When you come to London again, you …………………. come and see us.
5. Last night Don became ill suddenly. We ……………………… call a doctor.
6. You really ……………….. work harder if you want to pass the examination.
7. I’m afraid I can’t come tomorrow. I ……………………………. work late.
8. I’m sorry I couldn’t come yesterday. I …………………………. work late.
9. Paul doesn’t like his new job. Sometimes he ………….. work at weekends.
10. Caroline may ………………………….. go away next week.
11. We couldn’t repair the car ourselves. We ……………… take it to a garage.
12. Julia wears glasses. She ………….. wear glasses since she was very young.
Exercise 11. Make questions with have to:
1. I had to go to hospital last week. Why …did you have to go to hospital?...
2. I have to get up early tomorrow. Why ……………………….. early?
3. Ann has to go somewhere now. Where ……. she ………………………..
4. George had to pay a parking fine yesterday. How much ……………………
5. I had to wait a long time for the bus. How long………………………………
6. I have to phone my sister now. Why …………………………………….
7. Paul has to leave soon. What time ………………………………
Exercise 12. Complete the sentences using needn’t+one of the verbs:
ask come explain leave tell walk
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