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Astrakhan Engineer building Institute (AEBI)

УДК 373. 167. 1:808,2



Учебно-методическое пособие рекомендовано абитуриентам, студентам инженерно-строительных специальностей высших учебных заведений. Содержит практические задания по дисциплине «Английский язык». – Астрахань, 2005.


Автор: к.п.н., доцент Борисова Т.В.


Рецензенты: к.п.н., доцент Гужвинская Е.Р.

к.с.н., доцент Лебедева И.В.



Утверждены к печати на заседании кафедры прикладной лингвистики АИСИ.

Протокол № ____ от _________________г.


© Борисова Татьяна Васильевна

©Астраханский инженерно-строительный институт


1. Введение. 4

2. Lesson I. 5

About myself 5

Nouns. Article. 11

3. Lesson II. 17

My native town. 17

Present Simple, Continuous. 24

4. Lesson III. 29

My country Russia. 29

Pronoun. 34

5. Lesson IV. 39

My Institute. 39

There + to be. 45

Pronoun. 45

6. Lesson V. 49

My future profession. 49

Past Simple, Continuous. 57

7. Lesson VI. 63

Great Russian Architects 63

Adjectives. Adverbs. 66

8. Lesson VII. 72

Building materials. 72

Future Simple, Continuous. 78

9. Lesson VIII. 83

Art of building. 83

Modal verbs. 90

10. Lesson IX. 97

Architecture: its forms and functions. 97

Numerals. Time. 100

11. Lesson X. 104

What is meant by «Bioclimatic architecture». 104

Past, Present, Future Perfect. 106

12. Appendix. 115

13. Список литературы. 120


Современный период развития общества и возросший интерес молодежи к образованию и науке способствуют ускоренной интеграции российской экономики в мировое сообщество. В связи с этим возникает проблема качественного освоения иностранного языка в профессиональной сфере общения.

Данное учебное пособие призвано помочь студентам I курса, обучающимся на специальности «Архитектура», наиболее полно, доступно в течение первых двух семестров овладеть фоновыми знаниями лексики и грамматики, необходимыми в будущей профессиональной деятельности. Отличительной особенностью данного пособия является наличие проблемных и развивающих языковую догадку заданий, направленных на совершенствование навыков аудирования и разговорной речи.

Продолжением данного пособия является УП «Command of English for architects».

Lesson I

About myself

I. Read and translate the text:

Let me introduce myself. My name is Mike. I am seventeen years old. First of all I want to tell you a few words about my family. My family is not large. There are four of us in the family: a father, a mother, a sister and me. My mother is a doctor. She likes her profession. She is a good-looking woman with brown hair. My mother is forty-four but she looks much younger. She is tall and slim. My father is an engineer. He is a broad - shouldered, tall man with fair hair and grey eyes. My father goes in for sports. He is fond of football. My mother’s hobby is listening to the classical music. My parents are hard-working people. My mother keeps the house and takes care of me, my sister and father. My younger sister is a schoolgirl.

As for me, I am a first-year student of Astrakhan Engineer Building Institute. I entered this Institute because I want to become an engineer. I think that it is not so difficult to study here if a student never misses classes and always tries to be ready for academic subjects. I have a hobby. I am fond of playing computer games and I like to play the guitar. I have a lot of relatives and friends. We are deeply attached to each other and we get on very well.


II. Answer the questions:

1) What is your name?

2) How old are you?

3) Is your family large? How many are you in the family?

4) What are your parents? Where do they work?

5) Do you spend a lot of time with your family?

6) Where do you study?

7) Have you got any brothers or sisters?

8) Who runs the house in your family?

9) Why did you enter the Institute?

10) Have you got a hobby? Name it.

11) Have you got friends and relatives?

12) Can you describe your parents?


III. Find in the text English equivalents for:

профессия, врач, инженер, симпатичная, высокий, стройный, выглядеть моложе, широкоплечий, светлые волосы, заниматься спортом, увлекаться чем-либо, хобби, трудолюбивый, вести домашнее хозяйство, заботится о ком-либо, поступать куда-либо, родственники, быть глубоко привязанным, прекрасно уживаться с кем-либо.

IV. Translate and use the following word combinations in your sentences:

To be fond of smth. (to be of doing smth.), to go in for sports, to keep the house, to take care of somebody, to get on well.


V. Tell about your family and yourself:

Relatives: mother, father, sister, brother, aunt, uncle, cousin, grandmother, son, grandfather, daughter, grandchildren, niece, nephew, father-in-law, mother-in-law, wife, husband.

Professions: engineer, doctor, teacher, serviceman, salesman, driver, veterinary, surgeon, postman, musician, accountant.

Hobbies: gardening, playing computer games, drawing, reading, traveling, playing musical instruments, collecting stamps, coins, books, recorders, postcards, toys.

Appearance: broad shouldered, tall, short, slim, thin, stout, beautiful, good-looking, handsome, pretty, nice.


VI. Tell about the relationship in the family. Use the models:

Model 1: Who is your mother’s sister? – My mother’s sister is my aunt.

Who is your father’s brother?

aunt’s daughter?

sister’s daughter?

brother’s son?

wife’s mother?

husband’s father?

mother’s daughter?

father’s son?


Model 2: Who is an aunt?

- An aunt is a father’s (mother’s) sister.


Who is an uncle?

a niece?

a nephew?

a cousin?

a father-in-law?

a mother-in-law?


VII. Translate from Russian into English:

1. У меня хорошие родственники.

2. Моя сестра – школьница. Она увлекается чтением и рисованием.

3. Нас в семье пять человек. Наши родители – музыканты. А мы – ученики.

4. Моя бабушка – ветеринар, а дедушка – нет.

5. Мою племянницу зовут Мария, ей 8 лет. Она очень хорошая девочка.

6. Моему племяннику всего три года. Он очень любит играть с игрушками. Его зовут Александр.

7. Наша семья большая, и мы все хорошие друзья.


VIII. Complete the story of Ann’s day. Choose from the list below:

A. 9 a.m. B. my friend C. the library

D. cakes E. a train F. 2 p.m.

G. a canteen H. an hour later I. watched TV

J. a birthday present


I left home at (example) 8 p.m. yesterday morning and went to the institute by (1) … . I arrived there (2) … . My lessons began at (3) … and finished at (4) … . I went to (5) … for lunch. I met (6) … there and we had lunch together. We both ate (7). After lunch I bought (8)… for my brother, and my friend went to (9) … to study. In the evening I stayed at home and (10) … .


Now complete the questions that you would ask Ann according to the text.

(example) When did you leave home …………..?

How ………………………………………….?

When …………………………………………?

What time …………………………………….?

Where ………………………………………...?

Who …………………………………………..?

What ………………………………………….?

Where …………………………………………?

What …………………………………………..?


IX. Some words about introducing that you should memorize:

What do you do?

What’s your profession?

What are you by origin?

What are you by vocation?

I’m British

I’m Scottish

I’m Russian

What particularly interests you?

To be more exact … (чтобы быть более точным)

Moreover (более того)

Virtually (фактически)

You flatter me (вы мне льстите)

Now read the conversation between Caroline, a teacher of London University and Katherine, an instructor of English:

C. And what do you do Katherine?

K. I’m an instructor of English at the Upgrading College of Radio and Television, Russia. Excuse me, can I call you by your first name?

C. Certainly yes, my pleasure.

K. How do you spell your name?

C. It’s CAROLINE, Caroline.

K. Thank you. Is it your first visit to Russia?

C. In fact, it’s my second visit. I happened to be on a flying visit to Moscow two years ago on my way to China.

K. Could you tell us a few words about yourself?

C. What particularly interests you?

K. What are you by origin?

C. I’m British. To be more exact my father is Scottish and my mother is Welsh. I’m a linguist by education and a teacher by profession.

K. And by vocation (What are you by vocation?).

C. Well, by vocation I’m a devoted wife and mother.

K. Is it a profession or a position?

C. Both, I believe. Moreover being a good wife and mother is a full time job.

K. It’s quite true. You should be an economist, a good cook and an actress.

C. A philosopher, a doctor, a priest and what not.

K. You must have a large family, Caroline.

C. No, I can’t say so. I have two daughters and a son. It’s a top secret I’m already a grandmother.

K. But you don’t look it.

C. You’re very kind, you flatter me.

K. But I really mean it. What are you planning to do in Moscow?

C. It isn’t so easy to put it in a few words. Virtually I’ve got big plans. Perhaps next time.

K. So till next time. It was a pleasure, Caroline.

C. The pleasure was all mine. Hope to see you soon, Katherine. Good bye.

K. Good bye. Take care.


Translate a few phrases into English:

1. Позвольте представиться, меня зовут …

2. Здравствуйте, рад с Вами познакомиться.

3. Простите, можно Вас называть по имени?

4. Да, конечно, мне это приятно.

5. Вы впервые в Москве?

6. Вообще-то я в Москве во второй раз.

7. Что вас особенно интересует?

8. Кто вы по призванию?

9. Для того, чтобы быть хорошей женой и матерью требуется полный рабочий день.

10. Вы мне льстите.

X. Compose the dialog-introducing “My first day in the institute” using phrases from the previous exercise .

XI. Now read the dialog about a day off, be ready to answer the question after it:

S. Hi Caroline. You’re looking smart.

K. Oh, yes, you really are. This lovely tan of yours becomes you very much.

C. Thank you for the compliment. I guess, it’s because I’ve spent a few days out of town, in the open.

K. Where have you been?

C. I stayed with friends of mine in the little town. It’s not far from Moscow. My friends are both biologists.

K. I hope you enjoyed your time there. What entertainments could you find there?

C. Oh, lots. My friends devoted a lot of time to me. They woke me up together with the sunrise to listen to the birds’ songs. We went boating and yachting. I even went fishing. I wish you saw the fish we caught.

K. We envy you, Caroline.


What entertainments and pleasure can one find while being on a holiday somewhere out of town?


XII. Read the text below about the Bond family.

- Choose the best sentences from list given below the text to fill in each of the gaps.

- For each gap 1-6, mark one letter A-F.

- Do not use any letter more than once.

Mrs. Bond is a widow. Her husband died two years ago. She has three children: two boys and a girl. Michael, the younger son, is ten years old. (1) …… Her elder son, John, is twenty – nine. He is an engineer. (2) …… His job often takes him abroad and he is in Paris now. Mrs. Bond’s daughter, Susan, is nineteen. She is studying a business college in London. (3) ……

The Bond family lives in Putney, a suburb of London. They have quite a large house. (4) …… There are also two empty rooms at the top of the house. Susan’s parents bought the house when they got married. (5) …… That was a lot of money in those days, but now the house is worth twenty times that amount!

Mrs. Bond likes the house but she sometimes thinks she will sell it and buy something smaller. She works at the local Public Library. (6) …… So the big problem in the lives of the Bond family at the moment is money.

A. He works for a large international company.

B. The work is interesting but the pay is not very good.

C. It has four bedrooms, a living – room, a dining – room, a small study, a kitchen, a bathroom and two lavatories.

D. He goes to the local secondary school.

E. They paid eight hundred pounds for it.

F. She will finish her course next year.


XIII. Task: Listen to the text “Einstein”, then to the questions, read three possible answers and mark the best answers to each question.

Key-words to the text:

backward – заторможенный

The Theory of Relativity – теория относительности

fame – слава

offer – предлагать

refuse – отказаться

favour – выгода

impress – производить впечатление

praise – похвала

violin -скрипка


Answer the questions using possible variants:

1. What was Einstein by profession?

2. Where did he live when he became famous?

3. Was Einstein a very happy man?

4. What things didn’t he want in his life?

5. Where did he like to think?


1. a) a great novelist b) a poor painter c) a scientist
2. a) in a luxurious hotel b) in a simple house c) on the boat
3. a) yes, he was b)no, he wasn’t c) he didn’t know
4. a) children b) domestic animals c) money, titles and praise
5. a) in company with his friends b) in streets c)in music


XIV. Answer these questions and be ready to speak on topic “About myself”:

1. When does your working day begin?

2. How long does it take you to wash, dress and do morning exercises?

3. When do you have breakfast?

4. Where do you go after breakfast?

5. Do you live far from your institute?

6. How do you get to your institute?

7. When do you work at the library?

8. Where do you have dinner?

9. Have you a rest after dinner?

10. When do you come home?

11. How much time does it take you to prepare the home-work?

12. Are you a member of any circle?

13. Do you go in for sport?

14. What kind of sport do you like best of all?

15. What’s your hobby?

16. How do you spend your evening on your working day?

17. When do you go to bed?

18. What is your day off?

19. In what way do you prefer to spend your days off?

20. When do you get up on Sunday?

21. When do you rest?

22. Do you visit museums (exhibitions)?

23. Have you ever been to the picture gallery? What is your favourite painter (writer, poet)?

24. Do you often go to the theater (cinema)? What do you like more-opera, drama, musical comedy or concert?

25. What films do you prefer?

26. Do you visit your friends on your day off?

27. Where did you spend last Sunday? Did you stay in town or go to the country?

28. Describe your best day off.




Nouns. Articles

В английском языке есть существительные исчисляемые и неисчисляемые.

Исчисляемые: исчисляемые существительные (например: ship) могут быть в единственном числе (a ship – one ship or two ships).

Неисчисляемые: неисчисляемые существительные (например: water) не могут изменяться ни на единственное, ни на множественное число и используется без неопределенного артикля (water or some water).

We could see a ship in the distance. Can I have some water?

Claire has only got one sister. Shall we sit on the grass?

I’ve got a problem with the car. The money is quite safe.

Do you like these photos? I love music.

I’m going out for five minutes. Would you like some butter?

Множественное число существительных в английском языке образуeтся путем прибавления окончания –s- к существительному в единственном числе. Некоторые английские существительные имеют свою собственную форму множественного числа:

man – men woman – women foot – feet tooth – teeth goose – geese child – children mouse – mice louse – lice sheep – sheep deer – deer
brush – brushes box – boxes church – churches inch – inches fox – foxes but ox – oxen cargo – cargoes hero – heroes mosquito – mosquitoes potato – potatoes tomato – tomatoes
leaf – leaves half – halves wolf – wolves knife – knives thief – thieves but roof – roofs chief – chiefs relief – reliefs still life – still lifes hoof – hoofs fellow-student – fellow-students school-girl – school-girls Englishman – Englishmen man-servant – men-servants woman-writer – women-writers baby – babies lady – ladies fly – flies army – armies city – cities body – bodies but donkey – donkeys key – keys day – days guy – guys passer-by – passers-by man of war – men of war sister-in-law – sisters-in-law

Притяжательный падеж существительных в единственном числе образуется путем прибавления к существительному окончания ‘s (т.е. знака апострофа и буквы s), которое произносится согласно тем правилам, которым подчиняется произношение окончания –s множественного числа имен существительных:

The girl’s hat шляпа девочки

Jack’s friend друг Джека

The horse’s leg нога лошади

Притяжательный падеж во множественном числе обозначается одним только знаком апострофа: the boys’ books, the girls’ friends.

Если существительное во множественном числе не имеет окончания –s, то притяжательный падеж образуется как и в единственном числе, путем прибавления окончания –s:

The children’s toys игрушки детей

The men’s club мужской клуб

The sheep’s wool овечья шерсть

Exercise 1. Write down countable and uncountable nouns in two columns with or without articles:

Wool, air, airship (дирижабль), word, assistance (помощь, содействие), assistant (помощник, ассистент), paper (бумага), paper (газета), hour, bread, darkness, water, sea, cheese, happiness, event (случай), glass (стекло), glass (стакан), hero (герой), sand (песок), music, piano, friend, friendship, quickness (быстрота), tobacco, cigarette, copper (медь), armchair (кресло с подлокотниками), coffee, ship, coin (монета), university, money, ink (чернила), banknote (bank-note) (кредитный билет, банкнота), meat, obligation (обязательство, обязанность), silver, watch (часы карманные, ручные), timber (лесоматериал, строевой лес), tree, idea, ice, furniture, chalk, heat (жара, жар), cow, milk, butter, horse, machine, equipment (военное оснащение, техника, обмундирование), instrument, speed (скорость, скорость хода, быстрота), umbrella.

Исчисляемые существительные Неисчисляемые существительные

(артикль «а» или «an») (без артикля)


Exercise 2. Write down nouns in plural:

Place, library, language, dress, fly, watch, clock, country, eye (глаз, око), bus, bush (куст), party, ray (луч, проблеск), thief (вор), company, mass (масса, груда), leaf (лист, листва), wolf, glass, key, fox (лисица, лиса), half, life, day, play, factory, city, colony, roof (крыша, кров), month, opportunity (удобный случай, благоприятная возможность), shelf, hero.

Man, woman, tooth, foot, goose, child, mouse.

Postman, son-in-law, editor-in-chief (главный редактор), fisherman (рыбак, рыболов), schoolgirl, sister-in-law (невестка, золовка), text-book, pocket-knife, passer-by=passer (случайный прохожий, проезжий), statesman (государственный/амер. политический/деятель).

place – places

Exercise 3. Look at the underlined nouns: are they are countable or uncountable?

There was a car behind us. countable

I never eat meat. uncountable


1. Do you play golf? ……………..

2. I had to wait ten minutes. ……………..

3. Just tell me one thing. ……………..

4. Love makes the world go round. ……………..

5. Good Luck in your new job. ……………..

6. Power stations produce energy. ……………..

7. I’m taking a photo. ……………..

8. Would you like an apple? ……………..


Exercise 4. Complete the conversation. Choose the correct form:

Jessica: What are you doing, Andrew?

Andrew: I’m writing ()essay/an essay.

Jessica: Oh, you’ve got (1) computer/a computer. Do you always write (2) essay/essays on your computer?

Andrew: Yes, but I’m not doing very well today. I’ve been working on my plan for about three (3) hour/hours now.

Jessica: You’ve lots of books to help you, though. I haven’t got as (4) many/much books as you. That’s because I haven’t got much (5) money/moneys. Quite often I can’t even afford to buy (6) food/a food.

Andrew: Really? That can’t be (7) many/much fun.

Jessica: I’d like to get (8) job/a job I can do in my spare time and earn (9) a/some money. I’ve got (10) a few/a little ideas, but what do you think I should do?

Andrew: I know someone who paints (11) picture/pictures and sells them. Why don’t you do that?

Jessica: Because I’m no good at painting.

Exercise 5. Some of these sentences need a/an. Correct the sentences which are wrong. If the sentence is already correct, put ‘RIGHT’.

1. Jim goes everywhere by bike. He hasn’t got car. …a car…

2. Ann was listening to music when I arrived. …RIGHT…

3.We went to very nice restaurant last weekend.

4. I clean my teeth with toothpaste.

5. I use toothbrush to clean my teeth.

6. Can you tell me if there’s bank near here?

7. My brother works for insurance company in London.

8. I don’t like violence. ……………………………………………………

9. Can you smell paint? …………………………………...……………….

10. We need petrol. I hope we come to petrol station soon. ........................

11. I wonder if you can help me. I have problem. ………………………...

12. John has got interview for job tomorrow. ……………………………..

13. Liz doesn’t usually wear jewellery but yesterday she was wearing necklace. ………………………………..

14. I think volleyball is very good game. …………………………………


Exercise 6. Complete the sentences using one the following words. Use a/an where necessary:

biscuit blood coat decision electricity key letter moment question sugar

1. It wasn’t your fault. It was …an accident…

2. Listen! Can you hear …music?

3. I couldn’t get into the house because I didn’t have …………...………

4. It’s very warm today. Why are you wearing ………………...……… ?

5. Do you take …………………………… in your coffee?

6. Are you hungry? Would you like ………………… with your coffee?

7. Our lives would be very difficult without.

8. I didn’t phone them. I wrote …………… instead .

9. The heart pumps …………………………………… through the body.

10. Excuse me, but can I ask you ……………………...……………...?

11. I’m not ready yet. Can you wait …………….………………, please?

12. We can’t delay much longer. We have to make …….………… soon.


Exercise 7. Complete the sentences using one of the following words. Sometimes the word need to be plural (-s.):

air country friend meat language letter patience people queue space

1. I had my camera but I didn’t take many …photographs…

2. There are seven ……………………………………………. in a week.

3. A vegetarian is a person who doesn’t eat ……………………………. .

4. Outside the cinema there was ……… of people waiting to see the film.

5. I’m not very good at writing ………………………………………… .

6. Last night I went out with some ………………….………….. of mine.

7. There were very few …… in the shops today. They were almost empty.

8. I’m going out for a walk. I need some fresh …………………………. .

9. George always wants things quickly. He’s got no ………………….... .

10. Do you speak any foreign …………………………………………. ?

11. Jane travels a lot. She has been to many …………………………… .

12. Our flat is very small. We haven’t got much ………………………. .


Exercise 8. Rewrite these sentences using –‘s, -s’:

1. This bicycle is for a child.

This is a child’s bicycle.

2. That belongs to Doris.

3. That umbrella belongs to James.

4. This pen belongs to the teacher.

5. He described the career of the actress.

6. That’s a job for a stewardess/

7. These toys belong to the children.

8. This is a club for women.

9. It’s a school for girls.

10. This is the lounge for residents.


Exercise 9. Use –‘s or –s’ only where possible:

1. An absence of a year year’s absence

2. At the door of death.

3. The surface of the earth.

4. Work of seven years

5. The price of success.

6. The inside of the box.

7. The book of the film.

8. The shade of the tree.

9. A journey of four days.

10. A delay of an hour.


Nouns. Revise all the material concerning nouns:

The life comes from and depends on the nature.

The students at the university are also assigned homeworks.

Dam is a wall constructed across a valley to enclose an area in which water is stored.

4. The light travels in a straight line.

5. I prefer having my coffee with the milk.

6. The peace in the world is the goal of all nations.

7. They were accustomed to speak the English at home at that time.

8. The happiness is an abstract notion.

9. Staring at a computer screen for long periods of times can cause severe eyestrain.

10. The water boils at 212 degrees Fahrenheit and freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit.

11. The mathematics were her favourite subject at school.

12. She is the good economist.

13. She is such the clever girl.

14. A director wants to see you.

15. The Washington is the capital of the USA.


Revise grammar (nouns, articles) to be ready for the test.

Lesson II

My native town

1. Read and translate the text:


I’m a native resident of Astrakhan. I was born here and have been living here. So Astrakhan is my native town and I’d like to tell something about it. I’ve visited some other towns and cities but I’ve never been there more than a month. Astrakhan attracts me no matter what interesting places I was in.

Astrakhan is situated on the Volga River near the Caspian Sea. It emerged hundreds years ago on 12 islands at the place where the Great Russian River joins the Caspian Sea. The history of our town dates back to the 13-th century when a small settlement appeared on the banks of the river Volga.

Astrakhan was founded in 1558 but it does not mean that there were no towns on the territory of modern Astrakhan Region. Since old times there have been different settlements of nomadic tribes. There was a state of Khazars, with the capital Itil. At about 140 km from modern Astrakhan there was an ancient capital of the Golden Hords – Sarai–batu – that of the great and powerful empire of tatar – mongols. Great battles were on this territory among Slavs, Pechenegs, Khazars and Polovets.

But the history of the present Astrakhan began only in the 16-th century. It is closely connected with the history of our Kremlin. It was built in 1552 and this data is considered to be the beginning of our town history, which is very rich. Stepan Rasin, Yemelyan Pugachev, Ivan Bolotnikov visited our town during the peasants’ uprisings. The history of the town is closely connected with such famous names as Tatischev, Alexsander Dumas, Taras Shevchenko, Anton Chekhov, Alexsander Suvorov, Nikolai Chernyshevsky, Peter the Great, Alexsander I.

The left bank of the river was chosen then for the Krtemlin and centre of the town because it was the most suitable place for the fortress where Astrakhan was at that time. The place was named Hare’s Island. Here the Kremlin is situated.

At present Astrakhan region covers 44.1 thousand square kilometers. Since old times the town has absorbed many types of architecture. The largest part of the town centre belongs to the end of the XIX-th and the beginning of the XX-th century. As our town was situated in the crossroads of the trade ways there appeared many foreign residents influencing much its architecture. Now lots of modern buildings exist in the centre of the town.

There is 1 mln. people living here. If you look at the map you can see that Astrakhan region has common borders with Kazakhstan, Kalmyk Republic and Volgograd region. Our region is situated near the Caucasus and we have a sea border with Azerbaijan, Dagestan, Iran, Turkmenia. That’s why people of different nationalities (163) inhabit our region.

Frankly speaking, Astrakhan was not highly developed industrial city untill recently. Of course, there were some large factories and plants but the natural resources of the region were not widely used then. Today Astrakhan is the centre of highly developed gas – processing, light and fish industry. The town is still famous for its fisheries. Farmers still grow water-melons, cabbage, red beet, tomatoes, rice that are considered among the best in the country. That’s why the town is sometimes called “the country’s vegetable garden”. The region exports tomatoes, water-melons, fish and fish products, sturgeon and black caviar in particular, and it gives the town pride and fame. Besides Astrakhan is an important river and sea port. It is the centre of ship-building which is rooted deep in the past. Speaking about industry in Astrakhan we can’t but mention about the environmental situation here. Work of the Pulp-and- Paper Plant, processing of sulphur at the Gas-Processing Complex doesn’t add positive effect to the surrounding medium. Strict measures must be taken to prevent cripling effect of the results of these productions.

Some very important problems in this situation concerning health protection arise in our region, as well as the problems of water purity, soil protection and air polluting.

Astrakhan is connected with other regions of the country and some foreign countries by trains, airplanes and steamers. Our airport is of international status. Town’s internal means of transportation are trams, buses, trolley-buses and taxi service.

Well, to continue, our town is an educational centre of our Region. There are some higher educational establishments here. They are State University, Technical University of Fishing Industry and Economy, Medical State Academy, Conservatoire, Engineer Building Institute and some higher educational establishments. There are a lot of secondary schools, sport schools, gymnastics and water polo are among them. By this we have Astrakhan State Reservation located in the Volga Delta where wide scientific-research work is being carried out, concerning many birds and rare plants, lotus included. It is a rare flower which can be found only here and that’s why “Lotus and Fish” is the emblem of our town.

The cultural life of our town is rich and many-aspected. Moscow is not the only city to boast of Kremlin (built 1552). There are a lot of interesting collections in the Kremlin and many tourists come to see them. Nowaday it has become a great church again.

Some other museums play a significant role in life of any nation. One can learn many interesting facts in our museums about history, traditions and customs of different people. There one can also find documents, photographs, books, works of art and other things. These museums are: Museum of Local Lore, Museum of Military Glory, Museum of Chernyshevsky, Picture Gallery named after Kustodiyev, Museum of Customs and Traditions of old Astrakhan.

Books play a great role in our life. Reading makes a man clever and wise. Many people have good libraries at home. Besides there are many libraries of all kinds in our town. Children’s library, Library named after Krupskaya are among them.

Recreation is not a big affair in our town. It includes concerts, theatre, swimming in summer, fishing all year round, hunting in spring, autumn, and winter: different sport competitions are popular among our people. As for the theatres we can’t but mention Drama Theatre, Theatre of Young Spectator, Summer Touring Theatre, Musical Comedy Theatre, Puppet Theatre, Tatar National Theatre, Theatre-Studio “White Town”. Speaking about our Drama Theatre we have to stress that it is the oldest one where a lot of famous actors and actresses, including Shalyapin, Barsova, Maxakova, Milashkina and others, performed. Its building itself is very beautiful.

We are proud of our cinema “October” with its hall of exotic trees.

As the climate in our region is continental and summer is extremely hot, people like to bath in the sun on our sand beach on both banks of the Volga. Very often we go to the Swan Lake and feed swans sailing there.

I’m found of my town though it is not so rich and clean as some other towns and cities, but it is my native town, and I don’t want to change it to lose my friends.


2. Find in the text English equivalents for:

житель, привлекать, располагаться, возникать, поселение, появляться, означать, кочевые племена, государство, столица, древний, мощный, империя, сражение, быть связанным, крестьянские восстания, крепость, впитывать, принадлежать, перекресток, торговый, существовать, общая граница, населять, считать(ся), гордость, слава, кораблестроение, окружающая среда, предотвращать, строгий, защита, научно-исследовательский, разнообразный, обычай, мудрый, кормить.


3. Translate these English equivalents into Russian:

no matter, to date back, the most suitable place, thousand square km, sea border, frankly speaking, until recently, natural resources, highly developed gas-processing, light and fish industry, fisheries, water-melons, cabbage, red beet, tomatoes, rice, the country’s vegetable garden, sturgeon, black caviar, in particular, to be rooted deep, speaking about, can’t but mention, Pulp-and-Paper Plant, processing of sulphur, Gas-Processing Complex, positive effect, crippling effect, water purity, soil protection, air polluting, that’s why, Museum of Local Lore, Museum of Military Glory.


4. Answer the questions to the text:

1. What river is Astrakhan situated on?

2. How old is Astrakhan?

3. How do you think, why the territory of modern Astrakhan Region was so popular for different settlements of nomadic tribes in ancient times?

4. Whose names did the history of Astrakhan connect with and what was the reason of their visits to Astrakhan?

5. Why was the left bank of the Volga River chosen for the Kremlin?

6. Examples of architecture of which countries are there in the centre of Astrakhan?

7. Which countries does Astrakhan have common bodies with?

8. What is Astrakhan famous for?

9. What does influent the environmental situation in Astrakhan? What must be taken to keep nature here?

10. What do you know about educational institutions in our region?

11. Why is “Lotus and Fish” the emblem of our town?

12. What places of interest in Astrakhan do you know?

13. What places could you offer for tourists to have a rest in?

14. What theatres and museums are your favourite and why?


5. Agree or disagree. Prove your statesment:

1) Astrakhan emerged thousands years ago on 11 islands at the place where a spring joined the Great Russian River.

2) Astrakhan was founded in 1558 and there were no any settlements originally there.

3) The history of modern Astrakhan is closely connected with nomadic tribes.

4) The right bank of the Volga River was chosen for the Kremlin because there were a lot of hares there and this place was named Hare’s Island.

5) So as our town was situated in the crossroads of the peasants’ uprising the great construction developed there.

6) Today Astrakhan is the centre of gas-processing, light and fish industry.

7) The town is sometimes called “the country’s vegetable garden” because it imports watermelons, tomatoes and cabbage.

8) Work of the Pulp-and-Paper Plant, processing of sulphur at the Gas-Processing Complex adds negative effect to the environmental situation there.

9) “Lotus and Fish” is the emblem of our town because wide scientific-research work is being carried out in Astrakhan State Reservation.

10) There are a lot of museums in Astrakhan where we can listen to Shalyapin, Barsova, Maxakova and Milashkina.

11) Our Drama Theatre is the oldest one with its hall of exotic trees.

12) We often go to the “Swan Lake“where a lot of famous actors and actresses performed.


6. Divide the text about Astrakhan into some logical parts give the title to each of them and speak briefly the main information about your native town according your plan.

7. Listen to the text about Astrakhan Kremlin and be ready to fulfil some tasks.

Key-words to the text:

military военный

hectare гектар

peculiar особенный, своеобразный

defence защита

row ряд

loop-hole бойница

cannon пушка

defencer защитник

cloister монастырь

chamber палата

serf-peasant крепостной крестьянин

dome купол

outward mounting внешнее оформление

sentence приговор

refectory трапезная

to put to torture подвергать пытке

bishop епископ

announce провозглашать

tower башня

cathedral собор

church церковь

1) Complete the sentences:

- The Astrakhan Kremlin was built in …

- It is a wonderful example of Russian architecture and …

- The Kremlin walls are between … metres high.

- They were used for …

- The walls have …

- Uspenski cathedral was built in … by …

- This cathedral has … with the features of …

- “Lobnoye mesto” was used for …

- Thoitski Cathedral consists of …

- People were put to torture in one of the Kremlin Towers …

2) Can you have a little more information about the Astrakhan Kremlin?

3) Read the text about the Kremlin in Moscow and then be ready to correct the following sentences if they are not right:

- Moscow Kremlin is an example of military engineering art of the end of 16c.

- Astrakhan Kremlin was originally built as a wooden fort.

- In 16c. the walls of white stone of Moscow Kremlin were replaced by gilt silver.

- There were three rows of cannon loop-holes for outward mounting of Astrakhan Kremlin.

- Serf-peasant Dorofei Myakishev built Ivan the Great Bell Tower in 16c.

- The so-called “Lobnoye mesto” was the burial place of the Russian Princes and Tzars.

- Troitski Cathedral consists of three churches: a Tzar-Bell, a Tzar-Connon and Faceted Palace.

- Five gold domes, two refectory chambers and apprentices of A. Rublev are exhibited in the Armoury Chamber.

The Kremlin


The Kremlin is the heart of Moscow. It is the oldest historical and architectural centre of Moscow.

Fist it was a wooden fort. Under Dmitry Donskoy the Kremlin was built of white stone. During the reign of Ivan III the walls of white stone were replaced by new redbrick walls and towers. The Tzar invited Italian architects to construct the cathedrals. The Assumption Cathedral was built in 1475-79. The Russian Tzars and Emperors were crowned here. The Archangel Cathedral was the burial place of the Russian Princes and Tzars. The Annunciation Cathedral was erected in 1484. It is famous for the icons painted by Andrey Rublev and his apprentices.

Ivan the Great Bell Tower, one of the most remarkable structures of the 16th century, rises in the centre of the Kremlin. It unites all the Kremlin Cathedrals into a majestic ensemble.

On the stone pedestal at the foot of the Bell Tower stands a Tzar-Bell – the largest bell in the world. Not far from it one can see a Tzar-Cannon.

Another fine example of Russian architecture is the Faceted Palace. It was built in 1487-91.

One of the well-known Kremlin museums is the Armoury Chamber. It was built in 1851. The famous golden cap of Monomach, the first Russian imperial crown of Catherin II, made of gilt silver and many other precious historical items are exhibited there.


wooden fort деревянная крепость

stone камень

reign правление

redbrick красный кирпич

invite приглашать

construct, erect строить, возводить

the Assumption C. Успенский собор

to be crowned короноваться

burial place место захоронения

the Annunciation C. собор Благовещения

paint рисовать

apprentice ученик

remarkable замечательный

rise возвышаться

at the foot у подножия

Faceted Palace Потешный дворец

Armoury Chamber Оружейная палата

precious изысканный

gilt позолоченный


8. Imagine that one of you is an American tourist who has just returned home from the trip to Moscow and another one is an American tourist too, but you have just returned from Astrakhan. So you are meeting at home and discussing your impression of the Kremlin in Moscow and Astrakhan.


the Present Simple

the Present Simple Tense (настоящее простое или неопределенное) используется при следующих условиях:

- мысли и чувства (I think so, I like it);

- утверждениях, фактах и действиях, которые являются истиной в течение долгого времени (We live quite near);

- повторяющихся действиях (We come here every week).

Утвердительная форма образуется при помощи подлежащего, выраженного именем существительным или местоимением (остальные случаи будут рассмотрены позже) и сказуемым, выраженным глаголом в начальной форме (I/you/we/they get). В третьем лице единственном числе глагол оканчивается на «s» или «es» (It gets busy at weekends. Mary catches the early train).

1. Если глагол оканчивается на s, sh, ch, x, то добавляется окончание es:

pass – passes wash - washes

catch – catches mix – mixes

2. Если глагол оканчивается на о, то добавляется окончание es:

go – goes do – does

3. Если глагол оканчивается на согласную y, то окончание изменяется на ies:

hurry – hurries copy – copies

В тех случаях, когда перед y - согласная, то происходит прибавление s без изменений y:

stay – stays enjoy – enjoys


Отрицательная и вопросительная формы

Для образования вопросительных предложений используется вспомогательный глагол do (does в 3л. ед.ч.), отрицательных – don’t + (doesn’ + в 3л. ед.ч.). При образовании вопросительных и отрицательных предложений буква s в смысловом глаголе не пишется.

(I/you/we/they do not get (or) don/t + get)

(He/she/it does not get (or) doesn’ + get)

(Do I/you/we/they) get?)

(Does he/she/it get?)

Exercise 1. Look at each underlined verb and say what kind of meaning it expresses. Is it a thought, a feeling, a fact or a repeated action?

Matthew loves sport. a feeling

Sarah often works late at the office. a repeated action


1. I hate quiz programmes.

2. We play table tennis every Thursday.

3. The computer belongs to Emma.

4. These plates cost £20 each.

5. I believe it’s the right thing to do.

6. I’m hungry. I want something to eat.

7. I’m usually go to work by bus.

8. It’s OK. I understand your problem.


Exercise 2. Complete the sentences by putting in the verbs. Use the present simple. You have to decide if the verb is positive or negative:

Claire is very sociable. She knows (know) lots of people.

We’ve got plenty of chairs, thanks. We don’t want (want) any more.

1. My friend is finding life in Paris a bit difficult. He …. (speak) French.

2. Most students live quite close to the college, so they ….. (walk) there.

3. My sports kit is really muddy. This shirt ……… (need) a good wash.

4. I’ve got four cats and two dogs. I …………………. (love) animals.

5. No breakfast for Mark, thanks. He ……………………. (eat) breakfast.

6. What’s the matter? You ………………………… (look) very happy.

7. Don’t try to ring the bell. It ………………………………….(work).

8. I hate telephone answering machines. I just …… (like) talking to them.

9. Matthew is good at badminton. He …………… (win) every game.

10. We always travel by bus. We ………………………… (own) a car.

Exercise 3. Complete the conversation. Put in the present simple forms.

Rita: Do you like (you/like) football, Tom?

Tom: I love (I/love) it. I’m a United fan. (1) …………………………….. (I/go) to all their games.

Nick usually (2) ………………………. (come) with me.

And (3) ……………………………. (we/travel) to away games, too.

Why (4) ………………………………. (you/not/come) to a match some time?

Rita: I’m afraid football (5) …………………………. (not/make) sense to me – men running after a ball. Why (6) ……………………………. (you/take) it so seriously?

Tom: It’s a wonderful game. (7) ……………………………. (I/love) it. United are my whole life.

Rita: How much (8) …………………………. (it/cost) to buy the tickets and pay for the travel?

Tom: A lot. (9) ……………………………… (I/not/know) exactly how much.

But (10) ………………………………. (that/not/matter) to me.

(11) …………………………….. (I/not/want) to do anything else.

(12) ……………………………. (that/annoy) you?

Rita: No, (13) …………………………. (it/not/annoy) me.

I just (14) ………………………….. (find) it a bit sad.


The Present Continuous

Настоящее продолженное время (Present Continuous Tense) употребляется для выражения действия, длящегося в:

а) момент речи:

Switch off the light. Выключи свет.

The baby is sleeping. Ребенок спит (в данный момент).

Ann is busy now. Анна сейчас занята.

She is laying the table. Она накрывает на стол.



The baby usually sleeps in this room. Ребенок обычно спит в этой ком-


It is Ann who usually lays the table. Обычно Аня накрывает на тол.

It is her household duty. Это ее домашняя обязанность.


б) настоящий период времени (не обязательно в момент речи):

Two friends are talking. Две подруги разговаривают.

“I’m reading an interesting book «Я (сейчас) читаю интересную

now”, says one of them книгу», - говорит одна из них.


«Я читаю» означает, что девушка читает не в момент речи, а начала читать книгу и все еще ее читает.


- I know Mary is busy these days. - Я знаю, что Мэри занята эти


- Yes, she is making a new dress. - Да, она шьет новое платье.



I don’t have much free time, so I У меня мало свободного времени,

read books only in the evenings. поэтому я читаю только по вече-


I know that Mary makes Я знаю, что Мэри сама шьет.

her dresses herself.


Форма Present Continuous может употребляться для обозначения действия, относящегося к ближайшему будущему, когда выражается намерение совершить действие, или речь идет о заранее намеченном действии. В этом случае в английском предложении обычно имеется обстоятельство времени, указывающее на будущее время:

She is coming tomorrow. Она приезжает завтра.

I’m leaving in five minutes. Я ухожу через пять минут.

He is taking his exam on Monday. Он сдает экзамен в понедельник.


Выражение to be going to do something - собираться что-то сделать также обозначает действие будущего времени:

We are going to the theatre tonight. Мы пойдем в театр вечером.

He is going to be a lawyer. Он будет (собирается стать) юристом.


to be going to do something - может иметь другой оттенок значения.



A man is going along the road. There is a hole in front of him. He is going to fall into the hole.


В данном примере говорящий выражает предложение, что может случиться, а не то, что человек собирается сделать.


Look, the clouds are so black. Посмотри, какие черные тучи.

It is going to rain. Дождь собирается.

I feel so bad. I think Я чувствую себя очень плохо.

I’m going to be sick. Наверное я заболею.


Следующие глаголы обычно не используются в длительном времени

like live hate want need prefer know realize suppose mean understand believe remember belong contain consist depend seem



Exercise 1. Rachel is in the computer room at college. Complete her conversation with Andrew. Put in a present continuous form of the verb:

Andrew: What are you doing? (you/ do)

Rachel: I’m writing (I/ write) a letter to a friend. He’s a disc jockey. Vicky and I ________ (try ) to organize a disco.

Andrew: That sounds a lot of work. How _____ (you/ find) time for your studies?

Rachel: Well, as I said, Vicky _________ (help) me. __________ (we/ get) on all right. _________ (we/ not/ spend) too much time on it. __________ (it/ not/ take) me away from my studies, don’t worry about that. Oh, sorry, __________ (you/ wait) for this computer?

Andrew: Yes, but there’s no hurry.

Rachel: _________ (I/ correct) the last bit of the letter. I’ve nearly finished.


Exercise 2. What can you say in these situations? Add a sentence with the present continuous:

A friend rings you up in the middle of “Neighbours”, your favourite soap opera. Is it important? I’m watching “Neighbours”.

1. A friend is at your flat and suggest going out, but you can see rain outside. I don’t want to go out now. Look, ______________

2. A friend rings you up at work. Sorry, I can’t talk now. _____________

3. You want to get off the bus, but the man next to you is sitting on your coat. Excuse me, ________________

4. A friend wants to talk to you, but you have just started to write an important letter. Can I talk to you later? ________________

5. You have been ill, but you’re better now than you were. I’m OK now. _____________


Exercise 3. Are the underlined verbs right or wrong? Correct the ones that are wrong:

1. I’m seeing the manager tomorrow morning. RIGHT

2. I’m feeling hungry. Is there anything to eat? ___________

3. Are you believing in God? ___________

4. This sauce is great. It’s tasting really good. ___________

5. I’m thinking this is your key. Am I right? ___________


Exercise 4. Put the verb into the correct form, present continuous or present simple:

1. Are you hungry? DO YOU WANT something to eat? (you/ want)

2. Jill is interested in politics but she __________ to a political party.(not/belong)

3. Don’t put the dictionary away. I __________ it. (use)

4. Don’t put the dictionary away. I __________ it. (need)

5. Who is that man? What __________? (he/ want)

6. Who is that man? Why __________ at us? (he/ look)

7. George says he’s 80 years old but nobody _________ him. (believe)

8. She told me her name but I _________ it now. (not/ remember)

9. I _________ of selling my car. (think) Would you be interested in buying it?

10. I ______ you should sell your car. (think) You _____ it very often. (not/ use).

11. Air __________ mainly of nitrogen and oxygen. (consist)


Revise grammar (The Present Simple and Continuous) to be ready for the test.



1. Read and translate the text:




Our country Russia is one of the largest countries in the world. It lies both in Europe and Asia. Its territory covers 17.075 million square km.

The population of Russia is 146.5 million, of which 83 per cent are Russians. There are 21.030 towns and cities in this country. Moscow is its capital. 8.879.000 people live in Moscow.


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