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III. Comprehension and Word Study

1. Translate into English:

принимать и выполнять решения; предпочтение активным видам деятельности; быть компетентным; прибыльные организации; быть ответственным; решать проблему; непосредственные личные отношения; занимать должность; управлять подчиненными; распределять обязанности; отдавать приказы.

2. Translate into Russian:

profit-making organizations; to carry out decisions; managerial level; direct personal relationships; preference for active task; variety of activities; subordinate; to give orders; general functions; decision – making

3. Complete the sentences:

1. The term “manager” is used frequently in … .

2. In its broad meaning the term “managers” applies to … .

3. Management is a function of … .

4. In all types of organizations managerial efficiency depends on … .

5. The characteristics of management often vary according to … .

6. Managers are responsible for leading … .

7. Managers often delegate authority which means that … .

4. Complete the following sentences with suitable forms of the
words below:

authorize authority control function autonomy innovate innovative delegate delegation initiative.

1. In many department store groups, buying and finance are two ... which are handled by Head Office.

2. Managers who like power find it difficult to ... responsibility.

3. To stay competitive, high technology firms must constantly ... or else their products become out of date.

4. When you delegate authority in a business, you lose a degree of ... over certain functions.

5. In some multinational organizations, subsidiaries are given a great deal of ... – they rarely have to consult Head Office.

6. ... firms often make the mistake of not concentrating enough on marketing.

7. In our factory, the General Manager is ... to spend up to $1,000 a month on repairs and maintenance.

8. I like my staff to make decisions for themselves, but they seem afraid to show any … .

5. Translate into English:

1. Менеджеры выполняют различные функции, но самым важным аспектом их работы является работа с людьми.

2. Его должность в компании очень важна.

3. Управляющий должен быть компетентным человеком.

4. Этот руководитель с большим опытом.

5. Работа менеджера на любом уровне включает в себя принятие ответ­ственных решений.

6. Менеджер должен понимать все функциональные области бизнеса и быть особенно компетентным в отношениях между людьми.

6. Read the text. What is the main idea of it? Divide it into logical
parts. Define the key-sentence to each part.

No school, professor or book can make you a manager. Only you can do this, and you can become a manager only by managing. Of course, you can learn the skills that are extremely helpful, particularly in such clearly defined areas as accounting, statistics, law, and finance. But this will not make you a manager. Experience is the only teacher. Experience, however, is not the uniformly effective teacher. An old aphorism criticizes the person who has worked for 20 years but has only reexperienced the first year 20 times. Learning is not automatic. What schools can do, and what books can do is to provide you with some insights and intellectual tools to be applied against your experience. Most of you are practical people; certainly most managers are. You are more concerned about doing things than about thinking about them. You are more concerned with action than with contemplation. Most business students and managers are uneasy about theory. It is abstract and difficult, too unrelated to real problems, it seems,

“too academic” and just “too theoretical”. But theory is very important because you and all men and women of action are also theorists. No matter how pragmatic you consider yourself, no matter how rooted in reality a manager views himself, you and he operate on theories. You all possess your own theories about motivation, authority, objectives and change. You will need them – and you will have them whether you know it or not. You will be a better manager if you are aware of your assumptions and you examine them periodically and modify them when necessary. Nothing is as practical as a good theory. A great deal of management theory and practice must be described as “common sense”. For the objectives of management may be defined as the formulation of priorities and plans.

IV. Intensive Reading Task

*1. Join the halves.

1. A major part of the manager's job will be

2. The modern manager must now consider the environment in which

3. One difficulty facing the manager, however is determining

4. Each person in business looks to his or her personal

5. Managers outline the steps to be taken

6. At the turn of the century the manager's objective

7. The authority you grant must be adequate to accomplish the task

8. The degree of centralization that makes best

9. The quality of management's decision will be


10. But it remains for the field of management to develop a position that is

11. The science portion of management is expanding, more and more


a) decisions can be analyzed and programmed.

b) what is meant by the “interest of society”.

c) consistent with the professional, ethical status of its members.

d) in moving organization toward the objectives.

e) to predict what the environment needs and what changes will occur in the future.

f) was to keep his company running and to make a profit.

g) you have delegated, but must not exceed your own authority. h) code of ethics to determine acceptable behavior. i) a reflection of the quality of the information it receives. j) the organization operates and be prepared to adopt a wider perspective. k) a use of the abilities of employees is the goal.

2. What is responsibility and what is authority? Insert the words
responsibility or authority in the gaps.

To be a successful manager you must know your … and … is the obligation to carry out a task. It is the actual work that is delegated to a person. … is the right to act in the name of a superior in an organization. Sometimes we read that a person must have … equal to the … . This confuses different concepts: … is an obligation, is a right or power. They are two different things. If you hold a person responsible for carrying out certain tasks you must ensure that he or she has the means to do those tasks. The … you grant must be adequate to accomplish the task you have delegated, but must not exceed your own … .

3. Read and be ready to discuss most important characteristics for a
successful manager.

The qualities that will be important for a successful manager in future have been identified. Essentially, these characteristics are equally important for successful managers today. The most effective leaders will have the following characteristics:

Character, or the integrity that causes people to trust them.

Initiative, or the willingness to provide the ideas and take the risk along with the chance of success.

Desire to serve people by listening to them and helping them to grow and develop.

Intelligence, as evidenced by the capacity to think at a high level of competence, analyze effectively, and learn quickly, and a continuing interest in learning.

Awareness and perception of what is going on around them within land – outside the business – and the ability to evaluate its significance to the organization and its people.

Foresight, vision, and intuition to sense the probabilities of what may affect the organization and its people.

Open-mindedness and flexibility to consider new fads, ideas and situations.

Read the text and translate it.


The first job of the business leader is to provide the overall vision, or strategy, of the business.

The leader must formulate and communicate a picture of the company that everyone can understand and contribute to. The questions the leader answers,

based on his insight and foresight, are: Who are our customers and what problems of theirs do we propose to solve? The leader must also shape the thinking and attitudes of the people in the company. Through personal example, and communication, the leader inspires them.

Finally, the leader must integrate the organization’s processes so that the organization achieves its goals. The leader sets the agenda for the employees and allocates resources in the way that will achieve the results for the enterprise as a whole. The leader is also the process owner for the management process. It is the leader who decides how the company will be run, although co-ordinators and employees who do the actual running.

What is your opinion: Are leaders born or made? Do men make better managers than women?

IV. Speaking Practice


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