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Грамматика: Conditionals (Условные предложения)

Различают четыре типа (тип 0, тип 1, тип 2, тип 3) условных предложений. Каждый тип состоит из двух частей: придаточного предложения (if-clause), выражающего условие и главного предложения (main clause), выражающего следствие, которое вытекает из этого условия. Обычно условное придаточное предложение начинается со слов if, when.

Когда условное придаточное предложение стоит перед главным предложением, они разделяются запятой. В обратном случае – нет.

e.g. If Peter has time, he will come to visit us.

Peter will come to visit us if he has time.

Условные предложения Тип 0

Условные предложения нулевого типа выражают непреложные истины/ законы природы или привычки человека. Условные предложения нулевого типа образуются следующим образом:


if -clause main clause
if + present simple present simple


e.g. If you mix yellow and blue, you get green.

If I have a headache, I drink hot tea with honey.


Условные предложения Тип 1

Условные предложения первого типа выражают реальную либо очень вероятную ситуацию в настоящем или будущем. Условные предложения первого типа образуются следующим образом:


if -clause main clause
  if + present simple - present simple - imperative - can/must/may,etc + bare infinitive


e.g. If Harry doesn’t phone, we’ll leave without him.

If you go to London, you can see Big Ben.

If you are hungry, make a sandwich.


Условные предложения Тип 2


Условные предложения второго типа выражают нереальную, воображаемую либо маловероятную ситуацию, которая вряд ли реализуется в настоящем или будущем. Условные предложения второго типа образуются следующим образом:


if -clause main clause
  if + past simple would/could/might + bare infinitive  


E.g. If I had time, I would take up a sport.

If we had enough money, we could buy these books.

Условные предложения Тип 3


Условные предложения третьего типа выражают воображаемыеситуации в прошлом, которые не реализовались. Условные предложения третьего типа образуются следующим образом:


if -clause main clause
  if + past perfect would/could/might + have + past participle


E.g. If she had called earlier, I would have told her about the meeting.

If you hadn’t been in a hurry, you might not have forgotten your keys.

Тема: «Reading Habits»

Список слов:

Books genres 1. novel 2. biography 3. autobiography 4. cookery book 5. crime story/ detective story 6. diary 7. directory 8. manual 9. encyclopaedia 10. fable 11. guidebook 12. love story 13. memoirs 14. ode 15. poem 16. play 17. puzzle book 18. sonnet 19. fairy-tale 20. textbook 21. tragedy 22. travel book 23. saga 24. dictionary 25. rhyme Types of literature 1. fiction 2. science-fiction 3. fantazy 4. classic literature 5. modern literature 6. reference literature 7. poetry 8. scientific literature 9. technical literature 10. belles-lettres   Parts of books: 1. binding 2. chapter 3. hardback 4. paperback 5. dedication 6. foreword 7. acknowledgement 8. appendix 9. blurb 10. glossary 11. illustration 12. bibliography 13. index 14. paragraph 15. footnotes   Ways of reading 1. to read from cover to cover 2. to read in a gulp 3. to reread 4. to scan 5. to skim 6. to browse 7. to edit 8. to proof-read 9. to publish 10. to review жанры роман биография автобиография поваренная книга детектив дневник справочник инструкция энциклопедия басня путеводитель рассказ о любви воспоминания ода поэма пьеса кроссворды сонет сказка учебник трагедия книга о путешествии сага словарь четверостишие типы литературы художественная литература научная фантастика фэнтэзи классическая литература современная литература справочная литература поэзия научная литература техническая литература беллетристика   части книг переплет глава твердая обложка мягкая обложка посвящение предисловие признательность приложение реклама словарь терминов иллюстрация библиография указатель параграф сноски   способы чтения читать от корки до корки прочитать «залпом» перечитать прочитать бегло читать быстро небрежно просматривать редактировать корректировать издавать рецензировать  

Контрольная работа №6 Вариант 1

Задание 1 Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст. Подготовьте хорошее чтение §1.


What do we read for?

1Reading is the favourite pastime of intellectuals of all the world, and it usually takes a good deal of their free time. People read books, magazines and newspapers on different reasons, but mostly for recreation or in order to get informed about the news, ideas, or achievements. Reading is a considerable power to influence our thoughts, feelings and emotions. Reading is very useful, because books enrich our experience with that of the other people. Besides, books help us to continue our education. The world of books is enormous. Many people are fond of reading and their interests are different. "Tastes differ”, they say. Some people enjoy reading romantic novels but others think they are boring. Some people prefer reading thrilling stories or whodunit stories.

2 So it is rather difficult to give advice on reading. Francis Bacon is the
author of many famous essays. He lived about the same time as Shakespeare. They are full of good things about reading. His most famous words about books are the following:"Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested." This quotation tells you how to read books of different kinds. I suppose most romantic novels are "to be tasted": it's enough to dip into them and read leisurely. If you are fond of crime stories you will read them quickly, you'll swallow them: a book is on an important subject, and a subject you are interested in, you will want to chew and digest it. And you will want to weigh what the author says and consider his ideas and arguments.

3 The process of reading books in a foreign language can be rather slow. So it is wiser to choose a book "made simple". There are some authors whose style is fairly easy, Oscar Wilde for example. His books are so popular in European schools and colleges because the short stories are written in a very simple style.

4 I enjoy books of different genres: love and detective stories, thrillers and historical novels, tales, works of classical and modern writers. I'm sure that L.Tolstoy, D. Dostoevsky, A. Chekhov, A. Pushkin are as popular as they used to be. I’m a great lover of the English and American literature. I read the books after English and American authors in translation and try to read in the original. I try to get acquainted with popular works and best-sellers. Luckily there is a big choice of various books in book shops and stalls.

5 I can't imagine my life without reading. "Except a living man there is nothing more wonderful than a book"-, said one clever man. Books teach us what is right and what is wrong, to understand the world and people in it. They mould our character and at the same time tell us exciting stories.

6 Agatha Christie is a well-known English detective story writer and my favourite author. Agatha and her elder sister didn't get the traditional education. At home they had a private tutor who taught them a foreign language and how to knit and sew. As Agatha was gifted for music and singing, the family borrowed money to send Agatha to Paris to better teachers. But she didn't finally make a singer. When Agatha was twenty-five, she made a bet with her sister that she would write a detective story, and she did it. Thus, in 1915 Agatha's first detective story.


Задание 2 Найдите в тексте ответы на следующие вопросы. Запишите их.

1. Why do people read books?

2. What did Francis Bacon say about books?

3. Why are the books by Oscar Wylde very popular for schoolchildren?

4. What do books teach us?

5. Did Agatha Christie study at University?

6. What are the names of A. Christie’s most famous book characters?


Задание 3 Найдите в тексте и выпишите слова, отражающие жанры литературы.


Задание 4 Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих русских слов и выражений. Составьте с ними свои предложения.


1. любимое времяпровождение 2. о вкусах не спорят 3. цитата 4.увлекаться чтением детективов 5.написаны очень простым языком 6. разные жанры 7. такие же популярные, как и раньше 8. читать в оригинале 9. большой выбор разных книг 10.быть одаренным


Задание 5 Перепишите предложения, поставив глаголы в правильную форму в следующих условных предложениях 1, 2, 3 типа.


a) условные предложения 1 типа.


1. If I … to Moscow, I… the Tretyakov Gallery (go, visit).

2. If you … to my birthday next Saturday, I… you with all my friends.(come, meet).

3. If you … to the theatre with me, you… a very good performance.(go, see).

4. If you … Shakspeare’s sonnets, you… a lot of words about love there. (read, find.)

5. If you … by computer too long, you… your eyes (sit, damage).


b) условные предложения 2 типа.


1. If I were you, I … to him anymore. (not talk).

2. If I was a writer, I … in SF genre. (write).

3. If you … the guitar now, I would play and sing a song for you. (have).

4. If you liked to read detectives, I … you some books by A. Christie. (give).

5. If I … in Moscow, I would propably study at Moscow State University. (live).


c) условные предложения 3 типа.


1. If I had been born a genius, I… something important. (invent).

2. If you … all the exams last year, you wouldn’t have had such problems.(pass)

3. If you… that book on your holidays, you would have been able to discuss it at the exam with your teacher. (read).

4. If you had read the instruction to the washing-machine, you … it. (not damage).

5. If the coach had taken me in his team last year, I…to do my best to win the competition (try).


Задание 6 Заполните пропуски правильными формами глагола.


-If I… (1-to be) you I(2-not to see) too much of young Brown.

-Why shouldn't I, Dad? What… (3-to be) wrong with him?

-Well, Kate, if you … (4-to be) older you … (5-to understand).

-And if you … (6-to be) younger, perhaps you …(7-to like) him.

-You just … (8-to start) a new job. If I… (9-to be) in your place, I… (10-to be) very careful in choosing friends.

-If you… (11-to be) in my place you… (12-not to choose) differently.

Young people… (13-not to be) what they… (14-to use) to be. If I… (15-to be) Minister of Education I… (16-to do) something about it.

-If I…(17-to be) Queen I… (18-to have) a young Minister of Education.


Задание 7 Ответьте письменно на вопросы, употребляя условные предложения.


1. What would you do, if you met the President of the country in the street?

2. Where would you go, if you planned your holidays now?

3. What would you buy, if you won 10 000 dollars?

4. What museum will you visit, if you go to St.Petersburg?

5. How would you feel if you had 5 children?

6. What would you do if your friend lie to you?

7. What things would you take with you, if you went to live on an isolated island?


Задание 8 Выучите 50 слов по теме “ Reading habits”.


Задание 9 Cоставьте и запишите рассказ на тему “Мои предпочтения в чтении книг.” Расскажите его.

Задание 10 Подберите текст для дополнительного чтения (10 тысяч знаков) и выполните соответствующие задания (см. контр. работу №1, вариант I):

Контрольная работа №6 Вариант 2

Задание 1 Прочитайте и переведите текст. Составьте словарь

Незнакомых слов.

A. Pushkin

1. The year of 1998 was announced by UNESCO the Year of Pushkin. In this way the mankind paid tribute to the genius of the Russian literature in commemoration of his 200th anniversary, which was celebrated world wide in June 1999.

A. Pushkin was a Russian poet, novelist, dramatist, and short-story writer. He is considered his country’s greatest poet and the founder of modern Russian literature. He is the author of “Yevgeny Onegin”, “Little Tragedies”, “The Queen of Spades”, “Boris Godunov” and wonderful verses and fairy tales.

2. We have grown up with his learned cat, who walked round and round the oak-tree, singing songs as he circled right, and telling tales as he circled left. _______1_______. Later we experienced Onegin’s boredom, Tatiana’s unrequited love, Godunov’s uneasy conscience, Herman’s tension at the gaming table, Saliere’s jealousy of Mozart, and heard the dead steps of the Stone Guest and the thundering hooves of the Bronze Horseman.

3. His life was no less exciting than his works. He was born in Moscow on the 6th of June 1799. His father came of an old boyar family. His mother was a granddaughter of Abram Hannibal, who, according to family tradition, was an Abyssinian princeling bought as a slave at Constantinople (Istanbul) and adopted by Peter the Great and became his comrade in arms. Pushkin immortalized him in an unfinished historical novel, Arap Petra Velikogo (The Negro of Peter the Great). Like many aristocratic families in early 19th century Russia, Pushkin’s parents adopted French culture. Alexander and his brother and sister learned to talk and to read in French. _______2_______. From his old nurse Arina Rodionovna Yakovleva, a freed serf, he heard Russian folktales. During summers at his grandmother’s estate near Moscow he talked to the peasants and spent hours alone, living in the dream world of an imaginative child. He read a lot and gained stimulus from the literary guests who came to the house.

In 1811 Pushkin entered the newly founded Imperial Lyceum at Tsarskoye Selo and there began his literary career. Here he wrote a number of verses following the style of the Romantic poets.

4. While at the Lyceum Pushkin also began his first completed major work, the romantic poem Ruslan and Lyudmila with an old Russian setting and making use of Russian folklore. It brought Pushkin fame, and Zhukovsky presented his portrait to the poet with the inscription “To the victorious pupil from the defeated master”.

5. In 1817 Pushkin accepted a post in the foreign office at St. Petersburg. _______3_______. In his political verses and epigrams he made himself the spokesman for the ideas and aspirations of the participants of the Decembrist rising of 1825. For these political poems, Pushkin was banished from St. Petersburg to a remote southern province.

He travelled in the Caucasus, the Crimea and gained the impressions for his “southern cycle” of romantic narrative poems: “Kavkazsky plennik” (The Prisoner of the Caucasus), “Bratya razboyniki” (The Robber Brothers”), and “Bakhchisaraysky fontan” (The Fountain of Bakhchisaray).

6. In 1823 he started to work on his central masterpiece, the novel in verse “Yevgeny Onegin” (1833).

From 1820 to 1824 he stayed in Kishinyov and Odessa. He led the life of a society, fought several duels, and was discharged and exiled to Mikhaylovskoye, near Pskov. _______4_______. Alone and isolated, he wrote “Tsygany” (The Gypsies), “Yevgeny Onegin”, the poem “Graf Nulin” (Count Nulin), the historical tragedy “Boris Godunov”.

Another extremely productive period is connected with Boldino, a family’s estate near Nizhny Novgorod. There he wrote the so-called “Little Tragedies” – “Skupoy rytsar” (The Covetous Knight), “Motsart I Salyeri” (Mozart and Salieri), “Kamenny gost” (The Stone Guest), and “Pir vo vremya chumy” (Feast in Time of the Plague) and the famous short story “Pikovaya Dama” (The Queen of Spades).

7. Eventually, he was allowed to return to St. Petersburg. Soon marriage to one of the leading beauties of the society brought its problems. Pushkin was mortally wounded defending his wife’s honour in a duel. And died on February 10, 1837.

Pushkin’s use of the Russian language is astonishing in its simplicity and profundity. His novel in verse “Yevgeny Onegin” was the first Russian work depicting contemporary society and pointing the way to the Russian realistic novel of the mid-19th century. _______5_______. Pushkin was the creator of the Russian literary language and stood as the cornerstone of Russian literature, “the beginning of beginnings”. Pushkin has thus become an inseparable part of the literary world of the Russian people. He also exerted a profound influence on other aspects of Russian culture, most notably in opera.

8. Pushkin’s work has struck an echo all over the world with its nobility of conception, its emphasis on civic responsibility, its life-affirming vigour, and its confidence in the triumph of reason over prejudice, of human charity over slavery and oppression.

His works are translated into all the major languages. They are transcending national barriers expressing most completely Russian national consciousness.


Задание 2 Соотнесите пробелы в тексте 1-5 с предложениями A-F, используйте каждое предложение только один раз. Одно задание является лишним.


A The children were left much to the care of their maternal grandmother, who

told Alexander stories of his ancestors in Russia.

B Pushkin’s importance as a great national poet was recognized even during

his lifetime.

C He joined the Green Lamp association founded for discussion of literature

and history but in reality a branch of a secret society, the Union of Welfare.

D Pushkin was a profoundly Russian poet, but, at the same time, he

expressed the humanistic aspiration and hopes of all mankind.

E Although the two years at Mikhaylovskoye were unhappy for Pushkin, they

were one of his most productive periods.

F We were fond of his exiled Prince, who was turned into a bumble-bee so

that he could fly to his father’s court and sting his wicked aunt on the nose.

Задание 3 Напишите ответы на следующие вопросы.


1 When was the 200th anniversary of Pushkin celebrated?

2 Which of Pushkin’s characters have been mentioned in this text?

3 Who were Pushkin’s parents?

4 Who and what influenced much to develop young Pushkin’s interest to Russian culture?

5 When and how did Pushkin’s literary career begin?

6 Why and where was Pushkin banished from St. Petersburg?

7 What are very productive periods in Pushkin’s literary life?

8 How did Pushkin die?

9 What is Pushkin’s influence on Russian culture?

10 What do we admire Pushkin for?


Задание 4 Восстановите следующие вопросы.


1 you/ read/ one of Pushkin’s poems/ at the moment?

2 what/ you/ read/ when we came?

3 he/ finish his report on Pushkin’s poems/ by the end of next week?

4 how many chapters of “Yevgeny Onegin”/ you/ already read?

5 who/ write “Little Tragedies”?

6 Pushkin’s works/ translate/ into all the major languages?

7 who/ like/ Pushkin’s poems in your family?

8 when/ Russia and the mankind/ celebrate/ Pushkin’s 210th anniversary?

9 he/ write the article about Pushkin’s childhood/ before he visited Tsarskoye Selo?

10 Pushkin’s importance as a great national poet/ recognize/ during his lifetime?


Задание 5 Поставьте глаголы в скобках в нужную форму.


1 When I (be tired), I read some of Pushkin’s verses and feel relaxed.

2 If you go with me to the library, you (borrow) the book which you need for your report about Pushkin.

3 If I were you, I (try) to learn some of his poems by heart.

4 If they had read the article about Pushkin’s literary career, they (answer) all the questions at the exam.

5 When my child (ask) me to read him a fairy tale, I always choose one of Pushkin’s fairy tales.

6 If your pen friend (want) to know more about Russian poets, you can buy and send him the last edition of Russian poetry anthology.

7 If Pushkin (be not exiled) to Mikhaylovskoye, probably he would never have written his famous novel in verse.


Задание 6 Поставьте глаголы в нужную форму и определите тип (0, 1, 2, 3) условного предложения.

1 I (wear) some warm clothes today, if I were you.

2 You (not| have) the accident if you’d been more careful.

3 If I (have) enough money, I’d buy a new car.

4 If you (wait) for a few minutes, I’ll come into town with you.

5 People (like) Robert more if he didn’t always talk about himself.

6 If he (make) a promise, he always keeps it.

7 I (not| leave) my last job if the wages had been better.

8 I’ll go out this evening if I (not| be) too busy.

9 He always (get) angry if you talk to him about politics.

10 If you go out without a coat, you (catch) a cold.


Задание 7 Заполните пробелы словами: who, what, where, which, why, when.

1 A: This is the shop ……… has just opened.

B: Oh good. I want to look in here.

2 A: Which of those men was your uncle?

B: He was the one ……… was carrying a briefcase.

3 A: Is this the café ……… you met Sarah?

B: Yes, this is the one.

4 A: Who was the girl ……… said hello to us?

B: She’s the girl ……… car I bought last week.

5 A: Did you ask Joanne to the party?

B: Yes. I asked her on the day ……… she phoned.

6 A: It’s very cold outside today.

B: I know. That’s the reason ……… I’m wearing my coat.

7 A: What’s in that bag?

B: Just some clothes ……… I’m taking with me.

8 A: Have you seen my glasses?

B: They’re on the table, ……… you left them.


Задание 8 Выучите 50 слов по теме “Ways of Reading”.

Задание 9 Cоставьте и запишите рассказ на тему “Мои предпочтения в чтении книг.” Расскажите его.


Задание 10 Подберите текст для дополнительного чтения (10 тысяч знаков) и выполните соответствующие задания (см. контр. работу №1, вариант I):



Таблица неправильных глаголов

N I II III IV translation
be was/were been being быть
become became become becoming становиться
begin began begun beginning начинать(ся)
bind bound bound binding переплетать
blow blew blown blowing дуть, раздувать
break broke broken breaking ломать(ся)
bring brought brought bringing приносить
build built built building строить
buy bought bought buying покупать
catch caught caught catching ловить
choose chose chosen choosing выбирать
come came come coming приходить
cost cost cost costing стоить
cut cut cut cutting резать
deal dealt dealt dealing иметь дело
do did done doing делать
draw drew drawn drawing рисовать, тащить
dream dreamt dreamt dreaming мечтать
fall fell fallen falling падать
feel felt felt feeling чувствовать
find found found finding находить
fly flew flown flying летать
forget forgot forgotten forgetting забывать
forgive forgave forgiven forgiving прощать
get got got getting получать
give gave given giving давать
go went gone going идти
grow grew grown growing расти
have had had having иметь
hear hear heard hearing слышать
hit hit hit hitting ударять
hold held held holding держать
keep kept kept keeping держать, хранить
know knew known knowing знать
lay laid laid laying класть, положить
learn learnt learnt learning учить, узнавать
leave left left leaving уезжать
lie lay lain lying лежать
lose lost lost losing терять
make made made making делать
mean meant meant meaning иметь в виду
meet met met meeting встречать
pay paid paid paying платить
put put put putting положить, класть
read read read reading читать
ring rang rung ringing звонить
run ran run running бежать
say said said saying говорить, сказать
see saw seen saying видеть
sell sold sold selling продавать
send sent sent sending посылать
set set set setting ставить, налаживать
shake shook shaken shaking трясти
shine shone   shining светить
shut shut shut shutting закрывать
sing sang sung singing петь
sit sat sat sitting сидеть
sleep slept slept sleeping спать
smell smelt smelled smelling нюхать, пахнуть
speak spoke spoken speaking говорить
spend spent spent spending проводить, тратить
spread spread spread spreading раскидывать(ся)
stand stood stood standing стоять
steal stole stolen stealing воровать
swear swore sworn swearing клясться
swim swam swum swimming плавать
take took taken taking брать
teach taught taught teaching учить, обучать
tear tore torn tearing рвать
tell told told telling сообщать
think thought thought thinking думать
throw threw thrown throwing бросать
under-stand under-stood under-stood under-standing понимать
wake woke woken waking просыпаться
win won won winning побеждать
write wrote written writing писать




Таблица суффиксов



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