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Vision is not just important in getting the event started, it also plays a major role in seeing that it moves toward its goals. It is the best form of control in managing those involved in the event because it gives them a shared goal. No manual of policies and procedures can accomplish as much because vision will allow people to work independently toward a common end.

How do you put together a vision statement for your event? While you will certainly have some ideas of your own for beginning the process, it is best to articulate and develop a shared vision among all the parties involved in planning and staging the event. Involving your people in this team effort right from the start can only add to their commitment – something you cannot buy.

5.1. Listen to the text “Vision: A management Tool”.


5.2. Answer the questions on the text “Vision: A management Tool”.

1. Can vision be used as a tool of control in managing those involved in the event?

2. Is it best to develop a shared vision among those involved in the staging the event or to allow people to work independently?

3. Can involving the people in team effort add to their commitment?

4. Why can vision be a management tool?


5.3. Match the English and Russian /Ukrainian phrases and words.

A a shared goal среди / между
B to articulate коллективное усилие
C a manual проведение мероприятия
D a shared vision обязательность/самоотверженность
E all the parties общая цель
F among пособие /руководство
G to accomplish as much четко формулировать
H staging the event общее перспективное видение
I a team effort участвующие стороны
J commitment достичь большего


5.4. Retell the text “Vision: A Management Tool”.


VI. Text IV



In assembling the vision for the event, there are many matters that must be considered, but most importantly is the question, “What makes an event successful?” Whether it is a world class event, special gathering, a one-night concert, or an afternoon barbecue put on by a local service organization, the success of the event is impacted by a number of different elements. These elements are important for every promoter/manager to consider when going after a top event. Each element can make a significant difference. The promoter/manager and staff should begin by asking 10 questions:

1. Is the event a good idea?

2. Do we have the right planning and marketing skills available?

3. Are we in the right community?

4. Who will perform? (What class of athletes or performers?)

5. Do we know the infrastructure of the community?

6. Where will it be held? Can we get the venue we need at a price we can afford?

7. Is there a "hook" or "angle" in the event that will attract an audience? Will it

pique their interest?

8. Will we attract media support?

9. Are advertising funds available? Can we attract strong sponsors?

Will publicity/promotional programs attract the crowds?

10. Are our "success" criteria reasonable?

If you are able to answer these questions, your vision should be in place and you are in a position to move forward.


3.5. Listen to the text “The 10 Keys to Success”.

3.6. Read the text and translate it in writing.

3.7. Find English equivalents for the following.

перспективное видение; разумный /приемлемый; уместный /на месте;

занимать правильную позицию для поступательного движения вперед; критерий /мерило; общественная огласка /реклама; рекламные фонды; поддержка средств массовой информации; «крючок» /приманка; место проведения мероприятия; привлекать публику; возбуждать интерес; позволить себе; нуждаться в/быть необходимым; инфраструктура; округа /община /сообщество; доступный /имеющийся в наличии; влиять; количество; учитывать; добиваться; мероприятие высшей категории; при формировании перспективного видения проведения мероприятия; успешный; многое должно быть учтено; событие мирового класса; выступать; особое мероприятие


3.8. Open the brackets and put the verbs into proper tense form.


1. Because of the unique nature of each special event, planning (be) a process that must continuously occur from the start of the bid until the end of the event. 2. It (be) crucial to have as a foundation for this ongoing planning a vision, a statement, or concept that can be easily articulated and understood. 3. As the development of the event (unfold), management (need) to keep the group working toward this vision by continually monitoring all progress toward the milestones and goals that (must, be met) in order to successfully stage the event.


3.9. Make the sentences below interrogative.


1. Each person brings his or her personal management style into play during this period. 2. There is no single management approach or technique that has been universally successful. 3. However, certain tools and techniques have proven helpful in many cases.



3.10. Put the sentences into Past Simple.


Gantt Charts


1. This bar chart is a basic graphic scheduling technique. 2. Yet, it is useful for

simple as well as complex events where more complex charts often prove too cumbersome. 3. It is a valuable tool in laying out sequence and duration of activities.



6.7. Insert articles if necessary.


Work Breakdown Structures

1. This is … technique for identifying and grouping all … elements of work to

be completed, allowing for … isolation of tasks that may have been overlooked in … planning process. 2. It is particularly useful for …large events where details are more easily forgotten.



6.8. Ask questions to the words in italic.


Critical Path Charts


1. This is the modern version of PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Tech-

nique) which was developed in the 1960s. 2. It identifies the time required to complete a series of activities, taking into account duration and sequence dependencies (i.e., what activity must happen before the next activity can begin). 3. In order to reduce time in the process, activities on the critical path must be shortened.

6.9. Fill in the gaps with articles if necessary.


Policy Statements


1. Policy statements are developed to help guide decision making and … fulfillment of … commitments. 2. Such policies are crucial because they will be followed from … plan's inception to … final shutdown— …time period, which may entail months or years. 3. Some of … areas where policies need to be set down are: … human resources; procurement; ticketing; accreditation; transportation.


6.10. Act out the conversation below.


- What does infrastructure dictate managers?

- Infrastructure dictates the way promoters/managers run special events.

- Really? How is it?

- For example, on most concert tours, well-known national acts have a "national" promoter. The national promoter—although capable of promoting the show—always seeks out a local counterpart to stage the event.

- Why is it so?

- The reason—infrastructure. The national promoter picks someone who knows local politics and customs; someone who knows the problems that can develop on a local level. Relationships impact every promoter, regardless of the size of the community and the event.

- I see.


6.11. Translate the following into English.


Понятие инфраструктуры сводится не только к выбору округи, где предпо-

лагается провести мероприятие. Это также значит, что наиболее могущественные люди, чья поддержка крайне необходима, чтобы добиться успеха, готовы содействовать проведению мероприятия. Именно менеджеры должны успешно провести подготовительную кампанию и добиться того, чтобы все участники организации мероприятия действовали на самом высоком уровне. Местные организационные комитеты, как правило, включают политиков, представителей гражданских и общественных групп, влиятельных частных лиц, членов региональных правительственных администраций, ключевых фигур местного бизнеса. Менеджерам и промоутерам необходима прочная инфраструктура для проведения мероприятия любого характера: будь то спортивное состязание или культурная программа.

6.12. Retell the text “The 10 Keys to Success”.

VII. Text IV.


Once a bid has been accepted and the plan has been adjusted to the realities of

the constraints built into the bid process, it is time to assemble the key members of the team that will see the project through to the end. The key players needed will encompass four basic kinds of expertise.

1. Financial – to help determine sources of revenue, expected expenditure level and timing of expenditures versus revenues, and to establish a system of financial accounting and control.

2. Marketing – to see that you get the best audience possible, and the best sponsorship and support available.

3. Operational – to guide the overalls operation of the event, including the management of any support available.

4. Legal – to advise on and negotiate the many contracts involved in an event, as well as to handle any lawsuits that may arise.

Depending on the size of the event, these advisors may be from within or from outside the organization. (The bigger the event, the more likely it is that consultants will provide a more cost-effective way to provide the required skills.) You will need your team to determine the policies that will be followed from start to shutdown; a process which could take months or years. Because of the many aspects involved in events management, your team should begin with some basic guidelines. For example:

• Will you function with volunteers or have a paid staff?

• Will you try to get special rates from venues or accept the going rate?

• What kinds of group discounts will be offered?

• How will ticketing be handled?


7.1. Listen to the text “Assembling the Team”.

7.2. Read and translate the text.

7.3. Answer the questions.

1. When is it time to assemble the key members of the team? 2. For what purpose

are the key players needed? 3. What is the financial expertise designated for? 4. What is the aim of marketing expertise? 5. Operational expertise is needed to guide the overalls operation of the event, isn’t it? 6. What is the purpose of legal expertise? 7. Are the advisors invited from within or from outside the organization? 8. In which case will consultants provide a more cost-effective way? 9. Why will you need to assemble your team? 10. What should your team begin with? 11. What kind of guidelines should they follow?



7.4. Find English equivalents for the following.

распространение билетов, групповые скидки, специальные тарифы, существующие расценки, добровольцы, оплачиваемый персонал, действовать, генеральная линия /основное направление, из-за множества вовлеченных аспектов, определять политику, которой будут следовать/придерживаться с начала до конца, наиболее стоимостно-эффективный (рентабельный) способ, скорее всего /наиболее вероятно, в соответствии с требуемой квалификацией, приспосабливать, реалии, условие /ограничение, получив тендер на проведение, собирать вместе /формировать, ключевая фигура, доводить до конца весь проект, необходимый, заниматься четырьмя основными областями компетенции, в зависимости от, консультант /советник, внутри, извне, размер; источники доходов; судебный иск; расходы; система бухгалтерского учёта



7.5. Match the parts of the sentences.

A Financial - to guide the overall operation of the event, including the management of any technology needed.
B Marketing - to see that you get the best audience possible, and the best sponsorship and support available.
C Operational - to help determine sources of revenue, expected expenditure level and timing of expenditures versus revenues, and to establish a system of financial accounting and control.
D Legal - to advise on and negotiate the many contracts involved in an event, as well as to handle any lawsuits that may arise.


7.6. Ask questions to the italicized words.


1. For the prospective promoter/manager of a major event, infrastructure is as important an ingredient as reputation and financing. 2. The one-night rock concert is not going to happen if a group of angry citizens presents a loud enough protest to city hall and their representative. 3. Nor is the venue going to be built if the infrastructure isn't solidly behind it. 4. Regardless of the event, whether it is cultural or athletic, promoters and managers of events need a solid infrastructure.


7.7. Listening comprehension text.


In one small West Coast town, a company, the town's prime employer,

decided to put on a "thank you" concert to show its appreciation to those in the area for all the help the people had given to them over the years. The company brought in a promoter to stage the event which was to take place in the city park. The tickets were to be given away, and the amount of tickets available depended solely on the discretion of the fire chief and how many spectators he thought the park could hold safely. The promoter, although an out-of-towner, realized the importance of infrastructure, and from the moment he arrived in town, he worked diligently with the fire chief as well as other city authorities. Because of his relationship, he was able to convince the chief that an increase in seating from 4,000 to 5,100 would not endanger anyone. As it was, the additional seating was a wise move because of the huge number of people that showed up the night of the event. Without the extra capacity, the promoter, fire chief and police chief might have found themselves in the middle of a difficult crowd, with a sponsor getting a black eye for poor planning instead of kudos for a well-done thank you concert.



7.7.1. Listen to the text.


7.7.2. Answer the questions.


1. How did the company decide to show its gratitude to the local people for

their help? 2. Who was invited to stage the event? 3. What did the amount of tickets available depend on? 4. How was the promoter able to convince the fire chief to increase in seating? 5. Why was it a wise move?



7.7.3. Retell the text.


7.8. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.


  knew the market, have never opened; attendance; went on; disastrous  


1. When it comes to planning events, promoters have to take careful stock of

events that might draw … away from theirs. 2. In Dallas, Texas, for instance, year after year, when the Washington Redskins played the Dallas Cowboys in an NFL football game, nothing else of importance … … in the town. 3. Shopping centers and cultural events may just as well … … … on those Sunday afternoons. 4. Any other special event slated for that day would have been … . 5.A promoter / manager who … … … would have realized that anytime those two teams were scheduled to play, any other event just couldn't compete.



7.9. Translate the following into English.


Велика роль средств массовой информации в успешном проведении спе-

циальных мероприятий. Реклама должна быть круглосуточной и агрессивной. Для того, чтобы весь проект получил поддержку, менеджеры должны хорошо изучить рынок, активно вовлекать общественность, учесть инфрастуктуру, обеспечить высокую национальную репутацию. Телевидение является прекрасным средством общения с массами. Радиовещание может быть более эффективным с точки зрения маркетинга. Рекламные объявления в прессе – самые надежные продавцы. Мощная поддержка средств массовой информации – залог успеха (pledge of success) всего мероприятия.



7.10. Act out the conversation below.


- Why does a manager need to understand his/her market?

- The success of any special event depends upon the manager’s ability to understand every aspect of the event.

- What should be done first?

- This is the right planning and marketing. Put your infrastructure in place first.

- What is the role of sponsorship?

- Remember that sponsorship is a key marketing tool and revenue generator.

- What is the criterion to select a community here?

- Smaller communities are often equal with larger cities because of their “focus”. Involve local communities whenever possible. Remember that economic impact brings communities together.

- What should be better: to build new venues or use the communities with existing arenas?

- Building venues is not economically feasible in most communities. Use what you have available.

- Is it appropriate to recruit volunteers for special events?

- The larger the event, the more important the role of volunteers. Use them!


7.11. Give a talk on the theme “Assembling the Team”.


VIII. Text V.



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