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Assignment 10 Chapters XVIII, XIX

Chapter XVIII


I. Active Vocabulary

1. to be a buffoon [bq'fu:n] p.77 = to seem funny to others (to be ridiculous)

2. to be an object of ridicule p.78 = to be laughed at by others

3. to make no secret of one’s contempt p.78 = not to conceal one’s contempt

4. to make free use of smb’s purse p.78 = to take money from smb easily

5. to be generous p.78 = to be not greedy

6. to do smth with effrontery p.79 = to make no bones, to do smth boldly about doing smb’s

7. to feel (no)gratitude p.79 = to (not) be thank full

8. to have a delicate feeling for art p.79 = to understand art perfectly well

II. Reproduce situations from the chapter in which they are used.

III. Paraphrase using your active Vocabulary:

1. Everybody thought Dirk to be funny.

2. Maugham was the only person who didn’t laugh at him.

3. His fellow-painters didn’t conceal their contempt for his work.

4. They made no bones about taking money from him.

5. Dirk Stroeve was thankful to the writer.

6. Dirk understood art perfectly well.

7. The writer met Strickland before he had been in Paris for two weeks.

IV. Answer the questions using the given Vocabulary:

1. What kind of a painter was Dirk Stroeve? p.77,78

to be a bad painter

to have a genuine enthusiasm for the commonplace

to be not a Michael Angelo

to bring = romance to smb

not to se the truth

to paint an ideal

to give someone a charm

2. What kind of a person was Dirk Stroeve? p.77,78

to be a buffoon

to be an object of ridicule

to make no secret of one’s contempt

to earn a fair amount of money

to make free use of smb’s purse

to be generous

to borrow from someone with effrontery

to be emotional

to be foolish

to writhe [raiD ] under practical jokes

not to bear malice

to be grateful to smb

3. Why did the writer treat him with respect? p.79

to have a delicate feeling for art

to be a rare treat

acute criticism

to have a true appreciation of smb/smth

to have sympathy for smb

to give depth to smth

Summarize Dirk’s personality


I. Additional Vocabulary.


1. fortnight – две недели

2. habitable – пригодный для жилья

3. derisive – пренебрежительный

4. to palpitate – трепетать

5. undaunted – бесстрашный

6. canvaces – полотна

7. moustachioed – усатые

8. urchin – мальчишка, сорванец

9. petticoat – юбка

10. to lounge – отдыхать

11. to dally – прохлаждаться

12. cypress – кипарис

13. ox-waggon – повозка, запряженная волами

14. merchant – купец

15. dazzle – ослеплять

16. romance, pathetic purse – кошелек

17. effrontery – наглость

18. pickpocket – карманный воришка

19. butt – шут, дурак

20. to writhe – корчиться

21. perpetually – поястоянно

22. cease [si:s]- переставать

23. to be wounded – страдать (перен)

24. viper – змея

25. sting – жалить

26. knock about – вульгарный

27. pathetic – трагичный

28. acute – острый

29. kindred – другие

30. spluttering – захлебывающийся

II. False Friends of Interpreters: (p. 78)

1. romance – 1) pоманс 2) pомантика

Translate into Russian: “I bring romance into homes of all sorts of people” p.78

2. pathetic – 1) уст. патетический 2) трогательный, жалостный 3) жалкий

Translate into Russian: “The saddest thing about them was that they (troubles) were grotesque, and the more pathetic they were, the more you wanted to laugh”. p.79

Chapter XIX


I. Active Vocabulary.

1. to bombard smb with questions p.80 – засыпать вопросами

2. to set smb down in a chair p.80 – усадить кого-либо в кресло

3. to be heart broken p.80 – расстраиваться

4. to rack one’s brain for smth p.80 – ломать голову

5. to have a very high colour p.80 – быть румяным

6. to remind smb of smb/smth p.80

7. to reproach smb for smth p.80 – упрекать

8. to move in p.81 – переезжать

9. what on earth do you expect me to say? p.81 – и что же ты хочешь услышать?

10. not to take one’s eyes off smb p.81 – не сводить глаз

11. to be not an object to excite love p.81- выглядеть незавидно

12. to be convinced of smth p.81 – быть убежденным в чем-либо

13. to have a joke with smb p.85 – подшутить над кем-либо

II. Translate the following sentences into English using Active Vocabulary:

1. Дирк готов был помочь Моэму с переездом.

2. Ну скажи на милость, что же я могу тебе ответить?

3. Он просто засыпал меня вопросами.

4. Стрев вряд ли мог внушить пламенную любовь.

5. Он напоминал жизнерадостных толстых торговцев, которых любил писать Рубенс. Из писем я знал, что Дирк без памяти влюблен в свою жену, а теперь и сам убедился, что он с ней просто глаз не сводит.

6. Когда Стрев попытался продать картины Стрикленда голландцам, те подумали, что он решил над ними подшутить.

7. Он усадил меня в кресло, не знал чем мне угодить и все сокрушался, что в доме нет виски.

8. Лицо у Дирка было совершенно круглое и необыкновенно румяное.

9. Дирк упрекал Моэма за то, что тот не дал ему знать о своем приезде.

III. Answer the questions using the given words and word-combinations:

1) How did Dirk meet the writer? p.80

to give a cry of surprise

to be welcomed with eagerness

to bombard smb with questions

to sit smb down in a chair

to pat smb

to press smth upon smb

(not) to leave smb alone

to be heart - broken

to rack one’s brain

to reproach smb

to move in

2) Why did Dirk remind you of jolly, fat merchants of Rubens? p.80

absurd appearance

to be prematurely bald

to have a very high colour

to wear spectacles

3) What Dirk happy in his marriage? p.81

to lose no time

to make a picture

not to take one’s eyes off smb

to be not an object to excite love

to conceal a deep feeling

love – sick fancy

4) What kind of a woman was his wife? Describe her appearance. p.81,82

to flush

to be embarrassed

to have a grave homeliness

to appeal to the sculptor

not without reason

household duties


not without mystery

to place smb

to spring grow a certain rank in society


to have natural manners

5) Did Mrs. Stroeve like her husband’s pictures? (p.82) What made his words so contradictory?(pp.82,83)

easel [i:zql] – мольберт

to be a great artist

to be satisfied in himself

to be eager for praise

to be self-satisfied

to paint stale picturesque things

to be false an in sincere

to be frank and sincere

6) Why didn’t Mrs. Srtoeve like Strickland? p.83

to run across smb

bad manners

to lend smb money indignantly

to be taken aback

brutal treatment

7) What was Dirk’s opinion of Strickland’s painting? p.84

to be a great artist

(not) to be mistaken

to be convinced of smth

to be astonished

to have no success

to laugh at smb

to make smb impatient

to insist on doing smth

to be furious with smb

to have a joke with smb

8) What was Dirk’s understanding of beauty? p.85

the most precious thing in the world


to pick up

to fashion smth out of the chaos of the world

the torment of one’s soul

it is not given to all to know smth

to repeat the adventure of the artist

IV. Give a Summary of the Chapter. Use the given outline or make up your own one:

1. A Warm welcome

2. Dirk’s Wife

3. Dirk’s Pictures

4. Dirk’s Opinion of Strickland

5. Mrs. Stroeve Opinion of him


I. Additional Vocabulary.


1. sewing [squiN] – шитье

2. to beam – светиться радостью

3. exuberance of one’s delight – избыток чувств

4. prematurely – изрядно, заметно

5. bald – лысый, плешивый

6. gold rimmed spectacles – очки в золотой оправе

7. pantaloon – панталоны

8. affectionate – ласковый

9. reserve – сдержанность

10. ravishing – пленительный

11. love – sick - опьяненный любовью

12. grave – спокойный, тихий

13. well – cut – хорошо скроенный

14. abundant – густой

15. distinguished – значительный

16. mob-cap – чепец

17. apron – фартук

18. to immortalize – обессмертить

19. intentness – серьезность

20. mystery – тайна

21. upbringing – воспитание

22. easel – мольберт

23. to disguise – скрыть

24. accurate – точный

25. unconventional – безусловный

26. hackneyed – пошлый

27. stale – зд. избитые

28. insincere – неискренний

29. shoddy – дрянной

30. to resolve – понять, разобраться

31. awkwardness – неровность

32. indignantly – сердито

33. lamentable – печальный

34. sweetheart – радость моя

II. Adjectives: Match the columns:


1. stale a. hair
2. sincere b. bread
3. shoddy c. feeling
4. awkward d. pictures
5. abundant e. behaviour
6. ravishing f. beauty
7. well-cut g. work of art
8. distinguished h. dress
9. immortal i. writer



1. grave a. ласковый
2. reserve b. сдержанный
3. intent c. таинственный
4. mysterious d. серьезный
5. accurate e. тихий
6. neat f. сердитый
7. indignant g. точный
8. affectionate h. аккуратный
9. conventional i. условный


Assignment 11. Chapter XX, XXI

Chapter XX


I. Active Vocabulary.

1. to run one’s eyes over smb/smth p.85 = пробежаться глазами, окинуть взглядом

2. to give smb a troubled look p.86 = бросить обеспокоенный взгляд

3. to rest one’s eyes on smb/smth p.86 = остановить свой взгляд на чем-либо

4. to see somebody the other day p.87 = видеться на днях

5. to get smth out of smb p.87 = вытянуть из кого-либо нужную информацию

6. to make a good living p.87 = хорошо зарабатывать

7. to look half starved p.87 = выглядеть изголодавшимся

8. to do smth out of charity p.88 = делать что-либо из жалости

9. not to care a twopenny [tAp(q)ni] p.88 = наплевать

II. Paraphrase using your Active Vocabulary:

1. The writer decided to stay as he wanted to learn the news about Strickland.

2. He looked around trying to find Strickland among people in the cafe.

3. It’s all the same to me whether you starve or not.

4. Strickland did not look as a man who earned a lot of money.

5. I

6. Strickland looked upon Stroeve as he was seeking for some gide.

7. Stroeve look at the writer and he understood that Dirk was worried.

8. I did it not because I felt sorry for you.

9. You look absolutely hungry.

III. Answer the following questions. Make use of the Vocabulary of the Chapter:

1. Where did Maugham meet Strickland in 5 years? p.85,86

to fetch smb

to take someone to (some place)

to run one’s eyes over smb/smth

to thread one’s way

to give someone a glance

to become absorbed in the game

to give smb a troubled look

to be (not) disconcerted

2. How did he change? p.86

extreme thinness

to protrude arrogantly

to emphasize cheekbones

seem larger

torn and stained (suit)

to hang loosely

to be bone and sinew

an impression of great strength

3. How did the writer have his revenge upon Strickland? p.87,88

to rest one’s eyes on smb

a malicious expression

to seek for some gibe [d aib]

to catch a gleam of recognition in smb’s eyes

to be (not) easily abashed

the other day

to give a short laugh

to have a jolly evening

to glance at smb reflectively

to be occupied with one’s own thoughts

to get smth out of smb

to make a good living

to look Starved

out of charity

not to care a twopenny

IV. Give a Summary of the Chapter.


I. Additional Vocabulary:


1. absinthe ['xbsxT] – абсент, полынная водка

2. sluggishness – инертность, зд. Постоянство

3. to thread one’s way – протискиваться

4. to disconcert – обескуражить

5. ragged – косматая

6. untrimmed – нечесаная

7. arrogantly – высокомерно

8. protrude – выдаваться вперед

9. cheekbones – скулы

10. hollow – яма, впадина

11. temples – виски

12. loosely – свободно

13. sinew – мускулы

14. riveted – погруженный

15. jovial – веселый, общительный

16. expletives [Iks'pli:tivz] – брань


17. gibe [Gaib] – насмешка

18. twinkle – сверкать

19. reflectively – задумчиво

20. to chuckle – усмехнуться, фыркнуть

21. charity – благотворительность, милосердие

II. Write down corresponding English adjectives:

1. свободный

2. мускулистый

3. веселый

4. сверкающий

5. высокомерный

6. обескураженный

7. всклоченный

8. задумчивый

Chapter XXI


I. Active Vocabulary:

1. a note of exasperation p.88 – irritation

2. now and then p.88 = from time to time

3. at length p.88 = at last

4. acquisition of the knowledge p.88 = learning

5. to show not in the least interest in smb p.88 = to show no interest at all

6. to be rewarded p.88 = to get what one wants for doing smth.

7. to be on the look out for smth p.89 = to look for smth

8. to make out smth p.90 = to understand

9. to move the souls to pity p.91 = to make smb feel pity

10. to be prosperous p.91 = to have money and success

11. to disapprove of smb p.92

12. for good and all p.93 = forever

II. Translate the following into Russian:

1. There was a slight note of exasperation in his tone.

2. Now and then his eyes rested on me with a faint smile of amusement.

3. “What have you been up to since I saw you last?” he asked at length.

4. It was a record of hard work, experiments and gradual acquisition of the knowledge of books, and of men.

5. I showed not in the least interest in him and at last I was rewarded.

6. Strickland spent long hours on the look out of Englishmen.

7. So far as I could make out he painted with great difficulty.

8. Everyone likes power. It enables you to move the souls of men to pity or terror.

9. I’m afraid you disapprove of me?

10. He thought he had finished with it for good and all.

III. Answer the questions:

1. How did the writer manage to make Strickland talk? p.88

to force smb in conversation

a note of exasperation

to enjoy the dinner

now and then

at length

acquisition of knowledge

to show not the least interest in

to be rewarded

2. What did he learn about Strickland’s life in Paris? p.88,89

to fill up the gaps with one’s own imagination

to be tantalizing

a biter struggle against difficulty

(to) not in the least affect smb

to be distinguished from others

in difference to comfort

to irk someone I to live in a shabby room

to still the pangs of hunger

to be capable of doing without food

to live on bread


a life wholly of the spirit

3. How did he make his living? p.89

to come to an end

to suffer from (no) dismay

to act as guide to smb

to appeal to smb’s temper

somehow or other

to acquire a wide acquaintance with smb

to spend long hours doing smth

on the look out for smb

when in luck

the sight seers

to trust oneself to smb

to happen on a job

4. What was the way he worked at his art? p.90

(not) to cease to do smth

to work at smth

to make out

to work out smth

to aim at smth

to get an impression

a man possessed

(not) to seem sane

to live in a dream

to mean nothing for smb

to lose all care for smth

to obsess smb’s mind

5. Did he care for fame? What was his dream? p.90,91

not to care a two pence for smb’s opinion

to be reasonable

a pleasant sensation

to move smb’s soul to pity or terror

6. Did Strickland feel sorry that he had left a comfortable home? p.91

to give up

average life

to be fairly prosperous

to have a rotten time

to have smth over again

to monosyllabic

to have a moment’s regret for

can’t help doing smth

to think of the past

7. Was Strickland interested in anything? What was the only thing that mattered for him? p.92,93

everlasting present

to lit up one’s eyes

to disapprove of smb

to have a despicable character

to feel at home with smb

to feel smb with disgust

to be a nuisance

to snigger at smb

to humbug smb

for good and all

to walk with one’s head among the Stars

to hold smb’s eyes with one’s own

IV. Retell the chapter.


I. Additional Vocabulary.


1. gaps – пробелы

2. tantalizing – мучительный

3. mutilated manuscript – неразборчивая рукопись

4. to irk – утомлять, раздражать

5. shabby – обшарпанный

6. dingy – грязный

7. to devour – употреблять, поглощать

8. pangs of hunger – сосущее чувство голода

9. privation – мщение

10. wholly [hquli] – полностью, целиком

11. a tidy sum – кругленькая сумма

12. sane – здравый, здравомыслящий

13. to obsess –завладеть

14. desert ['dezqt] island – необитаемый остров

15. to halt – запинаться

16. average – средний

17. to have a rotten time – жить тяжело, несладко

18. to blatant – воплощать

19. disembodied spirit – дух лишенный тела

20. to break into leaf – зазеленеть

21. iridescence – радужность

II. False Friends of Interpreters:

record – 1) рекорд, 2) список


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