Цель: освоить во всех видах речевой деятельности новые лексические единицы по теме «Electric circuits»; развивать навыки работы с информацией; научиться слушать, читать тексты, вести разговор по теме.
Задачи: развитие умений изучающего чтения; расширение объёма продуктивного словарного запаса за счёт освоения новых лексических единиц по теме; развитие умений передавать содержание прочитанного.
1. Read the text and label the picture with the name of each part:
An electric circuit or network is a pathway through which the electric current can flow. A simple circuit consists of a power source, two conducting wires, each one attached to a terminal of the source and a device through which electricity can flow. This device is called a load and it's attached to the wires. If all the parts are properly connected, the current flows and the lamp lights up. This kind of circuit is called ‘closed’.
On the contrary, if the wires are disconnected the circuit is called 'open' or 'broken'. The circuit can be opened and closed by a device called a switch.
Loads can turnelectrical energy intoa more useful form. Some examples are:
· light bulbs,which change electrical energy into light energy;
· electric motors, which change electrical energy into mechanical energy;
· speakers,which change energy into sound.
The source provides the electrical energy used by the load. It can be a storage battery or a generator. The switch interrupts the current delivered to the load by the source and allows us to control the flow.
When an abnormally high amount of current passes through a network, you get a short circuit.This may occur when there is a drop in the resistanceor a broken insulation. In order to preventshort circuits, it is best to use fuses, which meltwhen too much current flows through them, interrupting in this way the circuit.
2. Read the text again and answer the following questions:
1. What does a simple circuit consist of?
2. What happens to the lamp in a closed circuit?
3. Can you name some examples of loads?
4. What is a generator?
5. What is the function of a switch?
6. When does a short circuit occur?
7. What can we use to prevent short circuits?
8. How does a fuse work?
3. Read and learn the text and find synonyms for the words below:
A fuse can be added to an electric circuit to protect it from the effects of unduepower. This safety device, which is made of a heat-sensitive alloy, is connected in series with the circuit it has to protect. If an excessive amount of current flows through the circuit, the alloy will liquefy and open the circuit. A circuit breaker is fundamental in a house to protect circuits against overloading, overheating and short circuits. The advantage of a circuit breaker is that it can be reset after the overloading by replacing the fuse. A professional electrician should always provide his customers with a map of the electric circuit in the house so that it will be easier to work on it in case of faults.
1. Excessive
2. Reacting to high temperatures
3. To melt
4. Loading up
5. Adjusted
6. Clients
to arrange ______________
to burn out_______________
light bulb_________________
to melt___________________
undue ___________________
parallel circuit__________________
power source___________________
to prevent______________________
series circuit____________________
short circuit____________________
to turn into_____________________
Цель: научиться слушать, читать тексты, вести разговор по теме «How energy is produced».
Задачи: развитие умений изучающего чтения; расширение объёма продуктивного словарного запаса за счёт освоения новых лексических единиц по теме; развитие умений диалогической речи – диалог расспрос на основе прочитанного.
Conventional Power Plants
1. Read the text about the different types of power plants, match them with the pictures and translate the text into Russian:
Nuclear power plants
About 10% of the world's electric power is produced by nuclear power plants. Nuclear power requires little fuel and causes much less air pollution than other power plants, but it can cause severe health and environmental problems when accidents occur, with a consequent release of radioactive material. This type of energy is produced by the splitting of atoms of uranium, which releases heat. This process - called fission - produces large amounts of steam, which is used to turn the blades of turbines thus creating energy. The main problems with nuclear power are linked to the location of the power plants, as people are not willing to have these plants near their homes, and the disposal of waste material, which stays radioactive for centuries.
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