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There are a variety of reasons for testing the effectiveness of advertising, including measuring the achievement of advertising objectives, assessing the effectiveness of copy, illustrations or layout, or evaluating certain media.

Advertising can be evaluated before, during or after the campaign. Pretests are evaluations before the campaign. Pretests attempt to assess the effectiveness of one or more elements of the message. Marketers are sometimes a consumer jury to pretest advertisements. Jurors are asked to judge one or several dimensions of two or more advertisements. Such tests are based on the belief that consumers are more likely than advertising experts to know what will influence them.

A posttest is evaluation of advertising effectiveness after the campaign. Advertising objectives often indicate what kind of posttest will be appropriate. If an advertiser sets objectives in terms of communication – product awareness, brand awareness, or attitude change – then the posttest should measure changes in one or more of these dimensions. Advertisers sometimes use consumer survey or experiments to assess a campaign based on communication objectives. Theses methods are costly, however.

The second type of advertising objectives is the objectives in terms of sales. If advertisers set out objectives in terms of sales, they should determine the change in sales or market share, that can be attributed to the campaign. Unfortunately changes in sales or market share that result from advertising cannot be measured precisely. Actually many factors independent from advertisement affect a firm’s sale and market share. Competitive actions, government actions, changes in economic conditions, consumer preferences and weather are only a few factors that might enhance or diminish a company’s sales or market share. However, by using data about post and current sales and advertising expenditures, an advertiser can make gross estimates of the effects of the campaign on sales or market share.





Say whether the following statements are true or false

a. The reasons for testing the effectiveness of an advertising campaign include determining the issues, identifying and analyzing the advertising target.

b. The evaluation of an advertising includes three periods: before, during and after.

c. The evaluation before the campaign is called a posttest.

d. If advertisers want to learn what most important about the product is they survey buyers.

e. It is believed that advertising specialists are better aware of the best selling features of the product than consumers.

f. The posttest depends on the basic issues of an advertising platform.

g. If the objectives o an advertising are in terms of communication, then the posttest should measure changes in dimensions of brand awareness, product awareness, etc.

h. These methods of evaluation are quite cheap.

i. The objectives in terms of sales determine the change in sales that can be attributed to the campaign.

j. Such factors as weather, environmental problems, social and economic changes can enhance or diminish a company’s sales or market share.

k. Undoubtedly, data about post and current sales and advertising expenditures help an advertiser make gross estimates of the effects of a campaign.



Word Study


Translate the following lexical units from the text from English into Russian, prepare questions with these lexical units, based on the text

government actions; expenditures; communication objectives; to set objectives in terms of communication; competitive actions; to be attributed to smth; a consumer survey; a consumer jury; pretest; attitude change; to indicate; a market share; to make gross estimates; to result from; changes in economic conditions; to enhance; to attempt; to evaluate certain media; juror; consumer preferences; brand awareness; costly; to diminish; to set out objectives in terms of sales; a layout; to assess the effectiveness of smth; to measure achievement of advertising objectives; to judge a dimension of an effectiveness; to test the effectiveness; product awareness; an advertising expert.


Translate the following word combinations from Russian into English, restore the context of the their use

вытекать из, затраты, пытаться, предварительный тест, действия правительства, изменения в условиях экономик, знание марки, рекламный эксперт, указывать, определять высокую смету, дорогой, жюри потребителей, определять эффективность, макет (книги), действия конкурентов, определять цели в рамках продажи, цели коммуникации, смена отношения, быть отнесенным к чему-либо, опрос потребителей, доля рынка, осведомленность о товаре, охватывать, член жюри, оценивать определенные средства информации, определять эффективность, оценивать достижение рекламных целей, оценивать аспект или сторону рекламы, определять цели в рамках коммуникации, предпочтения потребителей, уменьшать.


Define the following words and word-combinations, use them in the examples of your own

a. a layout

b. to attempt

c. a consumer jury

d. to assess the effectiveness of smth

e. to indicate

f. brand awareness

g. costly

h. to result from

i. an advertising expert

j. expenditures


Find the words and phrases that mean approximately the same in the text

1. to evaluate the result of advertising goals

2. to assess certain means of delivering and distributing information

3. consumer’s knowledge about the selling features of an advertised product

4. to improve smth

5. goals within the framework of the process by which people exchange information or express their thoughts and feelings

6. one of the equal parts of the total mount of trade in a particular kind of goals

7. to become or make smth become smaller or less important

8. to be related to smth, to be typical of smth

9. smth that a buyer likes doing more than anything else

10. to assess one of the aspects of a picture, set of words, a ilm, tc that is used to advertise a product


Complete the following sentences using the lexical units from the previous exercises

a. The reasons for ___ the ___ of advertising include ___ ___ of advertising ___; assessing ___ of copy, or ___; or evaluating ___ ___.

b. Pretests ___ to ___ the efficiency of several elements of the message.

c. People who pretest advertisements are called a ___ ___.

d. ___ judge several ___ of an advertisement.

e. The objectives in terms of ___ include ___ awareness, brand ___, ___ change.

f. If marketers evaluate a campaign in terms of ___ objectives they use ___ ___ or experiments.

g. In case advertisers attempt to ___ a campaign in terms of ___ they should ___ the change in ___ or market ___ that can be ___ to the campaign.



After-reading activities


Complete the following sentences

a. Among the reasons for testing the effectiveness of an advertising there are …

b. Advertising can be evaluated …

c. Evaluations before the campaign are …

d. Pretests attempt…

e. Advertisers use sometimes …

f. Jurors judge …

g. Such tests are based on the belief that …

h. Evaluations after the campaign are …

i. Advertising goals often show …

j. Providing a campaign is in terms of …

k. Advertisers use …

l. The methods of consumer surveys and experiments are …

m. A few factors that might enhance or diminish a company’s sales or market share are …


Answer the following questions

What are the reasons for testing the effectiveness of advertising?

a. When is advertising evaluated?

b. What do pretests attempt to evaluate?

c. Why do marketers use a consumer jury?

d. What belief are such tests based on?

e. Is a posttest evaluation of advertising effectiveness before, during or after the campaign?

f. What indicates the contents of a posttest?

g. What communication objectives do you know?

h. What methods do advertisers use? What is a disadvantage of these methods?

i. What should be done to set out objectives in terms of sales?

j. Why can’t the changes in sales and market share be measured precisely? What factors influence it? How?

k. What is the role of data about post and current sales?


Talking Point



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