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Aepyornis, 15
Alesimia lapsus, 88, 89
Allenopithecus nigroviridis, 95
Allosaurus, 29
Altocephalus saddi, 106
Apterocinclus longinuchus, 49
Aquambulus hirsutus, 49
Aquator adepsicautus, 75
Araneapithecus manucaudata, 88
Arboverspertilio apteryx, 109
Amphimorphodus cynomorphus, 40; A. longipes, 40
Anabracchium struthioforme, 105
Andrewsarchus, 30
Ankylosaurus, 29
Armasenex aedificator, 91
Amatechinos impenetrabilis, 42, 43
Australopithecus, 32
Avanguis pacausus, 110

Balanoglossus spp., 26
Balenornis vivipera, 67
Biston betularia, 18 – 19, 19
Bitis, 98
Bustivapus septentreonalis, 62, 63
Butorides piscatorius, 49

Caecopterus sp., 46
Camptosaurus, 29
Canis, 51
Carnopapio spp., 84, 84, 85; C. grandis, 84, 85; C. longipes, 84, 85; C. vulgaris, 84, 85
Carnophilus ophicaudatus, 97
Carnosuncus pilopodus, 75
Castor spp., 54
Castratragus grandiceros, 106
Cepaea nemoralis, 18
Cladoselache, 27
Composognathus, 29
Cornudens spp., 52, 82; C. horridus, 52; C. rastrostrius, 52
Corvardea niger, 63
Cursomys longipes, 105

Daemenops rotundus, 72
Deinonychus, 29
Dendrocygna volubaris, 95
Deserta catholica, 76
Dimetrodon, 31
Dimorphoptitomis iniquitus, 98
Dirachthys, 27
Dinornis, 15
Diplocaulus, 27
Diplodocus, 29
Dolabrodon fossor, 81
Dolihosoma, 27
Dolichotis, 105

Elephas, 82
Eogyrinus, 27
Equus, 18, 81
Eusthenopteron, 27, 27

Fistulostium setosum, 76
Flagellanguis viridis, 88
Florifacies mirabila, 108, 109
Formicederus paladens, 92
Fringilla coelebs, 17

Gallopitta polygna, 92
Gazella, 81
Grandidorcas roeselmivi, 82
Grima frondiforme, 42
Gryseonycta rostriflora, 105, 109
Gynomorpha parasitica, 102

Halcyonova aquatica, 95
Harundopes virgatus, 49
Hastatus volans, 102
Hebecephalus montanus, 68
Herpestes, 102
Hirudatherium saltans, 92
Homo erectus, 32; H. sapiens, 32
Humisciurus spinacaudatus, 54
Hydrochoerus, 105

Ichthyosaurus, 28, 29
Ichthyostega, 27, 27
Insulornis, 110; I. aviphaga, 110, 110, 111; I. harti, 110; I. macrorhyncha, 110, 110; I. piciforma, 110, 110
Invigilator commensalis, 106

Lagopa minutus, 63
Lepidonasus lemurienses, 106
Loxodonta, 82

Macrolagus spp., 39, 39
Macropus spp., 97
Manambulus perhorridus, 109
Megalodorcas sp., 52; M. borealis, 60, 61. 82; M. giganteus, 82
Megazostrodon, 30
Melesuncus sylvatius, 46
Microlagus mussops, 46
Myrmevenarius amphibius, 95

Nataralces maritimus, 64
Natopithecus ranapes, 95
Neopardalotus subterrestris, 98
Nixocricetus lemmomorphus, 63
Nyctosaurus, 29

Oligokyphus, 31
Oncherpestes fodrhami, 102
Ophiocaudatus insulatus, 110
Ornithosuchus, 29
Oromustela altifera, 68

Pachycephala pectoralis, 110
Palatops spp., 76
Pallidogale nudicollum, 84
Paraloxus targa, 57
Parops lepidorostrus, 54, 54
Pendavis bidactylus, 45
Pennapus saltans, 72
Pennatacaudus volitarius, 68
Phalorus phalorus, 60
Phaseolomidae, 97
Phobocebus hamungulus, 84
Phocapotamus lutuphagus, 95
Pingophis viperaforme, 98
Platycaudatus structor, 72
Plesiosaurus, 28, 29
Proboscisuncus spp., 45
Procerosus etephanasus, 92
Protocornudens, 52
Psammonarus spp., 72
Pseudofraga, sp., 54
Pseudostruthio gularis, 81
Pteranadon, 29
Pterodactylus, 29

Quetzalcoatlus, 29

Raphus, 15
Remala madipella, 109
Reteostium cortepellium, 97
Rhamphorhynchus, 29
Rupesaltor villupes, 68

Saevitia feliforme, 91
Sarcophilus harrisii, 97
Scalprodens talpiforme, 42
Scandemys longicaudata, 57
Scinderedens solungulus, 64
Seymouria, 29
Silfrangerus giganteus, 98
Smilomys atrox, 60
Stegosaurus, 29
Stenavis piscivora, 67

Tendesciurus rufus, 45
Tenebra vermiforme, 57
Terebradens tubauris, 46
Thylapithecus rufus, 97
Thylasus virgatus, 98
Thrinaxodon, 29
Testudicaudatus tardus, 91
Tetraceras africanus, 82
Thalassomus piscivorus, 64
Thoatherium, 18
Triceratops, 29
Tylosaurus, 29

Uca spp., 17
Ungulagus spp., 39, 81; U. cento, 81; U. flavus, 38; U. hirsutus, 38; U. scandens, 38; U. silvicultrix, 38; U. virgatus, 81
Ungulamys cerviforme, 75

Valudorsum gravum, 106
Velusarus bipod, 76
Viverinus brevipes, 40
Vulpemustela, 68, V. acer, 54
Vulpemys albulus, 63; V. ferox, 40, 63


Автор хотел бы поблагодарить Малькольма Харта за его помощь в предсказании жизни птиц, которые будут существовать на Земле через пятьдесят миллионов лет, и д-ра Джона Оатса за его советы и критику во время подготовки текста.

Указатель подготовлен Хиллари Бёрд


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Cloudsley-Thompson, J.L., Terrestrial Environments, Groom Helm (London, 1973).
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Dawkins, R., The Selfish Gene. Granada (London, 1978). (есть русское издание - В. П.)
Gotch, A.F., Mammals - Their Latin Names Explained, Blandford (Poole, 1979).
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Stebbins, G.L., Processes of Organic Evolution, Prentice-Hall (New Jersey, 1977).
Young, J.Z., The Life of Vertebrates, University Press (Oxford, 1962).


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Fenton & Fenton, In Prehistoric Seas, George Harrap (London 1964)
Gillie, O., The Living Cell. Thames & Hudson (London, 1971)
Mackean, D.G., Introduction to Genetics, John Murray (London, 1977)
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Romer. A.S., The Vertebrate Story, University of Chicago (Chicago, 1959)
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Swinnerton, H.H., Outlines of Palaeontology. Edward Arnold (London, 1947)
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Иллюстрация на странице 24 была взята из Кембриджской Библии, 1663 г.


Диц Уоллис, стр.: 38-39; 40-41; 42; 44-45; 46; 48-49; 52; 54-55; 56-57; 60-61; 63; 64; 66-67; 68; 72-73; 75; 76-77; 80-81; 82; 84-85; 88-89; 90-91; 92-93; 95; 96-97; 98; 102-103; 105; 106; 108-109; 110-111 Джон Батлер, страницы: 43; 47; 65; 69; 83; 94; 104 Брайан МакИнтайр, страницы: 36; 50; 58: 70; 78; 86; 100; 112 Филип Худ, страницы: 53; 62; 74; 99; 107 Рой Вудард, страницы: 23; 33; 34-35; 37; 51; 59; 71; 79; 87; 107; 113 Гарри Марш, страницы: 11; 12-13; 14-15; 16-17; 18-19; 20-21; 22; 24-25; 26-27; 28-29; 30-31; 32; 114-115; 116; 118-119


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