Сделай Сам Свою Работу на 5





I'm interested in ...

It interests me a great deal .

I find it very interesting .

It doesn't concern me.

I don't find it very interesting .

I'm not very much interested in ...

I am afraid it leaves me cold .



Will you tell me about ... ?

Could you tell me ... , please ?

Could anyone tell me ... ?

Have you got any idea about ...?

I'd like to know about ...

Do you happen to know ... ?

Sorry to trouble you, but ...



Yes, I know, that ...

I do know about it.

I've heard about it.

I've read that ...

They say, that ...



Do you mean to say that ... ?

Is it true that ... ?

Are you sure, that ...?

Am I right to understand that ..?1



Let me explain .

You see ...

It's like this .

The point is ...




1.Скажите своим друзьям, что вам очень интересно читать об истории вашего города. Один из ваших друзей разделяет ваш интерес, а другому история города не интересна (работайте в триаде)

2.Работая с другими партнерами, обсудите по схеме первого задания ваш интерес к коллекционированию марок, путешествию по родному краю, проблемам молодежи в России, проблемам высшего образования.

3. Спросите у своих друзей о том, что они знают о предстоящей театральной или телевизионной премьере. Один из ваших друзей ничего не знает о ней, а другой владеет информацией и готов ею поделиться.

4. Уточните у собеседника, правильно ли вы поняли, что он

- не придет на вечеринку

- собирается поехать в Лондон

- собирается жениться

- поступил в университет

- купил новую машину

- летом был в Америке

5. Объясните своему товарищу, почему вы не можете поехать за город в воскресенье.


B. Текст для чтения, перевода И ОБСУЖДЕНИЯ



block of flats

to be situated



ground floor




modern conveniences

central heating



running water

to enjoy



living room

dining room

sitting room

wall unit

video cassette recorder


left-hand corner

coffee table

electric fire






microwave oven








to change round







We live in a new 16-storeyed block of flats in Strogino. It's situated in a very picturesque place not far from the Moskva River. There's a big supermarket on the ground floor and it's very convenient to do everyday shopping.

Our fiat is on the fifth floor. It's very comfortable and well-planned. We have all modern conveniences, such as central heating, electricity, gas, cold and hot running water and a telephone. There are three rooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a hall in our flat. There's also a balcony and we can enjoy a lovely view of the river.The largest room in our flat is the living room and we use it as a dining room and as a sitting room. In the middle of the room there is a big table and six chairs round it. Opposite the window there is a wall unit with lots of books, a TV-set and a video cassette recorder. There are two comfortable armchairs and a small coffee table in the right-hand corner. There is also a sofa and an electric fire in our living room. We like the living room best of all, because in the evenings we gather there to have tea, watch TV, talk and rest.

My room is the smallest room in our flat, but it is very cosy and light. There is a bed, a wardrobe, a desk, an armchair and several bookshelves in my room. There is a thick carpet on the floor. The walls in my room are light-brown and there are some big posters on them. I like my room very much, but from time to time I change it round. I quite often move the bed and change the posters on the wall.

Our kitchen is large and light. It is very well-equipped. We have got a refrigerator, a freezer, a microwave oven, a coffeemaker and a toaster. We haven't got a dishwasher yet, because it is very expensive. But I'm sure we shall buy it in the near future.




1. Причитайте текст и установите значение выделенных слов и предложений.

2. Сделайте перевод той части текста, в которой описана личная комната автора.

3. Определите, какие предложения из данного текста Вы могли бы использовать, рассказывая о своей квартире

4. Составьте письменно по образцу данного текста рассказ о своей квартире (не менее 12 предложений)

5. Complete the note with in, onorat.


Dear Gordon,

Many thanks for agreeing to stay in the flat while I'm in Wales. I enclose the key and here' s the list of what's where that I promised you: If you lose this key, Mr. Johnson ... the flat .................. the ground floor has a spare. If he's away, the landlord lives…

the building …. the end of the street. It's called Laurel Villa, and

he's Mr. Emerson. They both know you'll be there while I'm away.

The electricity and gas main switchers are ... the wall … the back.

of the large cupboard ... the study. You can turn the water off by the large tap

…the corner of the bathroom. I hope you won't need to. I've made a list of all

the useful phone numbers I can think of. It's stuck ... the kitchen door. I hope you have a good time.

Much love,



6. Match the following descriptions 1-5 with the type of house or home (a-e).


1 A single house that is completely separate from any other.

2 A pair of houses joined together.

3 Several houses joined together in a row.

4 It is sometimes found in high-rise buildings.

5 Usually a small house with a thatched roof.

a terraced houses. b a detachedhouse. c a flat. d a cottage. e semi-detached houses.


7. Act in pairs in the dialogue. Then change the roles.


A. Greet the partner and ask him where he lives.

B: Tell your full address.

A: Ask if he has a flat or a house of his own.

B. Answer the question

A. Ask about the size of the flat ( house ) and all conveniences.

B. Complain of the small size of the flat





1. Do you live in a house or in a block of flats?

2. Which floor is your flat on?

3. Is your flat well-planned? Is it comfortable?

4. How many rooms are there in your flat?

5. Have you got a dining room (a sitting room, a study)?

6. Where do you usually have your meals?

7. Is there much furniture in your flat? Do you change it round from time to time?

8. What is there in your room?

9. Are there any pictures on the walls of your flat?

10: What is your kitchen like?

11. How often do you redecorate the rooms?




Have you got a flat or a house of your own ?

I have a nice cottage in the country-side .

They have a semi-detached house .

468. He lives in a block of flats .

Do you have a two-room or a three-room flat ?

I've got a studio .

on the first floor = on the ground floor

on the second floor = on the first floor

in the basement

in the attics

There is an elevator (lift) in our house .

There are two bedrooms a sitting-room and a kitchen in my flat .

a bathroom

a lavatory

Have you got a nursery for your children ?

I'd like to have a study .

In the kitchen there are two tables .

... four stools.

... a gas-cooker.

... a fridge.

... a sink.

... some dish racks.

... a drawer.

... a cupboard.

489. In the living room we have a sofa .

490. ... two armchairs.

491. ... a coffee table.

492. ... a TV-set.

493. ... a bookcase.

494. ... four chairs.

495. ... a standard-lamp .

496. ... a carpet.

497. ... curtains.

498. ... a picture.

499. ... a video player.

500. In the bed-room one can see beds .

501. ... bedside-tables.

502. ... a wardrobe.

503. ... a (house) plant.

504. ... a fireplace.

505. in the middle of the room

506. in the right-hand corner

507 .in the left-hand corner

508.at the wall

509. opposite the window

510. near the door

511. a neighbour

512. a room-mate



The American Home

American apartments are usually described as one-bedroom (studio apartments), two-bedroom or three-bedroom apartments. Two- and three-bedroom apartments usually have a connecting living-room; frequently they have two bathrooms. Virtually all apartments have built-in closets with doors, which are used instead of wardrobes. Frequently apartments are without lights but have several outlets for table and floor lamps. The walls are often painted rather than wall-papered. The entrance generally is directly into the living-room area; halls are rarely in evidence. Floors are generally covered with wall-to wall carpeting. Apartment buildings usually have laundry facilities on the ground floor. Almost all apartments have refrigerators; most people now use microwave ovens, which provide very convenient and fast cooking. There are two types of apartments: a rented apartment and a condominium, which an individual owns rather than rents. In addition there are town-houses which are joint houses or apartments in a compact planned group in a town. Town-houses can be purchased or rented. Rented apartments can range from a few hundreds to thousands of dollars per month. The purchase price of condominiums and town-houses can range from thirty thousand to hundreds of thousands of dollars. A mobile home is the cheapest form of housing that can be purchased. Mobile homes can be moved from place to place by truck. Mobile homes are located in special mobile home parks, which are sometimes called mobile villages. They are usually on the outskirts of the cities. Retired people and young people with low income reside in mobile homes which can be purchased or rented.



IY. Коммуникативные задания для формирования навыков диалогического общения в пределах темы «МОЙ ДОМ. МОЯ КВАРТИРА»

№ 1 Вы собираетесь купить квартиру. Вы пришли в агентство недвижимости. Узнайте у агента, в каком районе лучше купить квартиру. Спросите, сколько стоит однокомнатная квартира, со всеми удобствами. Поинтересуйтесь, большие ли комнаты в квартире, высокие ли потолки, удобная ли планировка, куда выходят окна квартиры, есть ли балкон, лоджия. Поинтересуйтесь, сколько этажей в этом доме, есть ли лифт. Узнайте, в удобном ли месте расположен дом, далеко ли от дома находится остановка. Спросите, имеется ли детская площадка во дворе, удобная ли парковка для машин.

№ 2. Ваша подруга переехала в новую квартиру. Вы решили расспросить ее о квартире. Спросите, в каком районе находится квартира, какой дом, кирпичный или панельный, и т. д. Узнайте, какова общая площадь квартиры, сколько комнат и какие они, высокие ли потолки, имеются ли все необходимые удобства, есть ли телефон. Расспросите, на каком этаже находится квартира, есть ли балкон или лоджия, куда выходят окна, удобная ли планировка. Поинтересуйтесь, сделала ли она ремонт, обставила ли квартиру мебелью.

№ 3. Ваш друг говорит, что недавно построил коттедж. Вы решили расспросить его о доме. Узнайте, какой у него дом, сколько этажей, большие ли комнаты и много ли их. Попросите описать каждую из комнат, узнайте, как обставлены комнаты, какая мебель. Поинтересуйтесь, есть ли в доме все необходимые удобства: отопление, водопровод. Спросите, есть ли в доме бассейн, сауна, веранда, балкон, чердак имеется ли в доме место для занятия спортом. Узнайте, нравится ли ему дом, хочет ли он что–нибудь в нем изменить.

Y Грамматический тренинг

Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам или частям предложения.

1. Our fiat is on the fifth floor.

2. It’s very comfortable and well-planned.

3. We have all modern conveniences in our flat/

4. There are three rooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a hall in our flat.

5. We can enjoy a lovely view of the river.

6. The largest room in our flat is the living room

7. We use it as a dining room and as a sitting room.

8. In the middle of the room there is a big table and six chairs round it.

9. Opposite the window there is a wall unit with lots of books/

10. We like the living room best of all.

УКАЖИТЕ ПРАВИЛЬНЫЙ ОТВЕТв некоторых заданиях правильных ответов больше одного):

1 '………..…… this week?' 'No, she's on holiday.'

A Is Susan working В Does Susan work С Does work Susan

2 I don't understand this sentence. What ………….?

A does mean this word В does this word mean С means this word

3 John …………… tennis once or twice a week.

A is playing usually В is usually playing С usually plays D plays usually

4 How …………….. now? Better than before?

A you are feeling В do you feel С are you feeling

5. It was a boring weekend, ………………anything.

A I didn't В I don't do С I didn't do

6. Tom ………… his hand when he was cooking the dinner.

A burnt В was burning С has burnt


2.1 Jim is away on holiday. He ……………. to Spain.

A is gone В has gone С has been

2.2 Everything is going well. We …………. any problems so far.

A didn't have В don't have С haven't had

2.3 Linda has lost her passport again. It's the second time this ……….

A has happened В happens С happened

2.4 You're out of breath. ………………..?

A Are you running В Have you run С Have you been running

2.4 Where's the book I gave you? What …………… with it?

A have you done В have you been doing С are you doing

2.5 We're good friends. We …………… each other for a long time.

A know В have known С have been knowing D knew

2.7 Sally has been working here……………

A for six months В since six months С six months ago

2.8 It's two years……………Joe.

A that I don't see В that I haven't seen С since I didn't see D since I saw

2.9 They ……………out after lunch and they've just come back.

A went В have gone С are gone

2.10 The Chinese ……………punting.

A invented В have invented С had invented

2.11 Ian …………… in Scotland for ten years. Now he lives in London.

A lived В has lived С has been living

2.12The man sitting next to me on the plane was nervous because he ……………before.

A hasn't flown В didn't fly С hadn't flown D wasn't flying

2.13 …………… a car when they were living in London?

A Had they В Did they have С Were they having D Have they had

УКАЖИТЕ ПРАВИЛЬНЫЙ ОТВЕТ(в некоторых заданиях правильных ответов больше одного):

1 …………… tomorrow, so we can go out somewhere.

A I'm not working В I don't work С I won't work

3.2 That bag looks heavy, …………… you with it.

A I'm helping В I'help С I'll help

3.3 I think the weather …………… be nice later.

A will В shall С is going to

3.4 'Ann is in hospital.' 'Yes, I know. …………… her tomorrow.'

A 1 visit В I'm going to visit С I'll visit

5 We're late. The film …………… by the time we get to the cinema.

A will already start В will be already started С will already have started

6 Don't worry …………… late tonight.

A if I am В when I am С when I'll be D if I'll be



Тест 1.


1. Before my son goes to bed I usually air the ……..

a. kitchen b. nursery c. sitting – room d. bathroom

2. As soon as we moved to our new flat our friends presented us with a lovely wall ……

a. curtains b. carpet c. drawer d. armchair


3. After dinner my mother washes dishes in the ……

a. sink b. dish racks c. gas-cooker d. fridge


4. I’m sure you like this wardrobe and you’ll put it in the ……..

a. lavatory b. bedroom c. bathroom d. study

5. We’ve bought a wonderful picture in the shop and put it …the wall.

a. on b. in c. at d. to


6. This ……. is of the same style as your bedroom and it matches it perfectly well.

a. TV set b. tape-recorder c. sofa d. bedside-tables


7. My friend bought an expensive piano yesterday but it was very difficult for him to get it into his flat because he lives …the15th floor.

a. at b. on c. in d. of


8. I don’t know my new ………… who lives next door, because I return home very late.

a. neighbor b. room-mates c. neighbors d. room-mates



9.1.On the floor a. carpet

2. On the windows b. picture

c. curtains

d. clock


10. 1.in the corner a. nursery

2. on the wall b. drawer

c. picture

d. TV-set

11. 1.A single house completely a. a flat

separate from other houses. b. semi-detached houses

2.A pair of houses veined together. c. a cottage

d. a detached house



12. 1.overhead surface of the room a. floor

2.bottom b. ceiling

c. wall

d. door


13. 1.attics a. the lowest part of a building

2.basement b. storage room

c. garret

d. repository


14. 1. conveniences a. elevator

2.lift b. electricity and gas

c. accomodation


15. 1.cupboard a. to sllep on (in)

2.wardrobe b. to keep dishes in

c. to keep clothes in

d. to eat with



Тест 2.


1. Being a student from another town, I share a room with my ... in the dormitory.

a) room-mates b) group-mates c) class-mates d) professors

2. People usually have dinner in the ...

a) bathroom b) lavatory c) study d) dining-room

3. In my parents’ bedroom one can see nice ... which stand on both sides of the bed.

a) bedside-tables b) curtains c) fireplace d) wardrobe

4. I don’t like urban life, that’s why I have a nice cottage in the ...

a) city b) town c) country d) region

5. Nowadays you can watch films in the cinema and at home , if you have a ...

a) tape-recorder b) video-player c) book-case d) standard-lamp

6. One can see a fridge, a gas-cooker, some dish racks in the ...

a) study b) sitting-room c) kitchen d) bedroom

7. She’s going to give birth to a child, who’ll dwell in the ...

a) kitchen b) lavatory c) nursery d) study

8. He’s a scientist, so he has several ... to keep his numerous books.

a) pictures b) curtains c) bookcases d) coffee-table



9. 1. cupboard a) we can keep clothes there

2. wardrobe b) we can keep books there

c) we can keep flowers there

d) we can keep plates there



10. 1. nursery a) a room for children

2. dining-room b) a room for studying

c) a room for eating

d) a room for washing yourself


11. 1. fridge a) we can keep food there

2. gas-cooker b) we can clean vegetables there

c) we can buy food there

d) we can cook food on it


12. 1. stool a) one can see it in the kitchen

2. armchair b) one can see it in the sitting-room

c) one can see it in the lavatory

d) one can see it in the bathroom


13. 1. coffee-table a) one can see it on both sides of the bed

2. bedside-tables b) one can see it in the lavatory

c) one can see it in the bathroom

d) one can see it between two armchairs


14. 1. group-mate a) a person who shares a room with you

2. room-mate b) a person who plays football with you

c) a person who shares your views

d) a person who studies with you


15. 1.a two-room flat a) a flat which contains two rooms

2.a four-room flat b) a flat which contains five rooms

c) a block of flats

d) a flat which contains four rooms


Тест 3.


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