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Раздел 4 Организация итогового и промежуточного контроля знаний

4.1 Контрольно-измерительные материалы (комплект тестовых заданий)


Промежуточный контроль знаний осуществляется:

1) Групповые практические занятия в форме дискуссий;

2) Представление глоссария основных терминов;

3) Групповые собеседования преподавателя со студентами с консультациями по определенным темам;

4) Представление рабочих записей;

5) Учет текущей успеваемости студентов по предмету;

6) Индивидуальные собеседования преподавателя со студентами по темам спецвопросов.


Примерный тест на проверку усвоенного материала по 1, 2 разделам

TASK I. Match the correct definitions with the terms:

1) The branch of linguistics, dealing with causal relations between the language works and develops, on the one hand, and the facts of social life, on the other hand.

2) The general study of words and vocabulary, irrespective of the specific features of any particular language.

3) The description of the characteristic peculiarities in the vocabulary of a given language.

4) The branch of linguistics which is concerned with comparing grammatical, phonological and semantic peculiarities of the languages (mainly two languages are compared)

5) The branch of linguistics which discusses the origin of various words, their change and development, and investigates the linguistic and extra linguistic forces modifying their structure, meaning and usage.

a) sociolinguistics;

b) historical lexicology;

c) special lexicology;

d) contrastive lexicology;

e) general lexicology.

TASK II. Match each term with the correct definition on the right:

1) Word a) words that are made up of elements derived

from two or more different languages;

2) Consciousness b) the system of grammatical forms

characteristic of a word;

3) Paradigm c) the fundamental unit of a language; it is a

dialectical unity of form and content;

4) Hybrids d) the highest form of the reflection of the

objective reality;

5) Valency e) different combinatorial possibilities of words.

TASK III. Match each surname of a famous linguist with his contribution to linguistics:

1) L. Bloomfield a) suggested the distinction between a

diachronic and a synchronic approach;

2) H. Sweet b) suggested a theory of opposition in


3) Ferdinand de Saussure c) defined a word as “the minimum sentence”;

4) E.Sapir d) first suggested the analysis into immediate


5) N.S. Trubetskoy e) pointed out the very important

characteristic of the word, its indivisibility.

TASK IV. Write whether this assumption is true or false:

1) The reflection of objective reality is selective.

2) The vocabulary of any language is a rigid, stable system.

3) All the aspects in language reality are interdependent and cannot be understood one without the other.

4) Without a basis of similarity no comparison and no opposition are possible.

5) A word is “the minimum sentence”.

TASK V. Define the type of motivation in the following words. Write them out in three columns: 1) phonetical motivation; 2) morphological motivation; 3) semantic motivation.

a) rebuild;

b) buzz;

c) headache (anything or anyone very annoying);

d) whistle;

e) vitaminize;

f) cuckoo;

g) writer;

h) watchdog (a watchful human guardian);

i) jacket (a protective cover for a book).

j) headache (pain in the head)


Fill in the gaps in the following definitions:

    1. The smallest indivisible meaningful component of the word is called a … .
    2. The realization of concept or emotion by means of definite language system is called … …. .
    3. A root stem expresses the … and the part of speech meaning.
    4. A … approach studies different historical changes of the vocabulary system.
    5. . … is a general property of matter.


4.2 Перечень вопросов для самоподготовки

1. What do we call a stem, which is produced by means of affixation, shortening, conversion, abbreviation, back-formation?

2. What do we call the smallest indivisible meaningful component of the word?

3. What do we mean by the realization of concept or emotion by means of definite language system?

4. What is the branch of linguistics concerned with the meaning of words and word equivalents?

5. What do we call a positional variant of a morpheme occurring in a specific environment and characterized by complementary distribution?

6. What is considered to be a basis for creation new words?

7. Define the type of transference of meaning in the following words: the neck of a bottle, a storm of indignation.

8. Define the type of transference of meaning in the following words: the hall applauded, the marble spoke.

9. How do we call words, which originate from the same etymological source, but differ in phonemic shape and in meaning?

10. What type of borrowings are these words: television, radio, football?

11. What type of borrowings are these words: wonder child, collective farm?

12. What do we call a morpheme, which contains the lexical core of a word?

13. What are affixes which take part in deriving new words?

14. How do we call a morpheme which may stand alone without changing its meaning?

15. What do we call affixes, which build different forms of one and the same word, serving to convey grammatical meaning?

16. What is the most essential means of human communication?

17. How do we call the relationships, which are based on the interdependence of words within "the vocabulary?

18. What approach studies the language at the present stage of its development?

19. How do we call a word, which has several meanings?

20. What do we call the system of grammatical forms characteristic of a word?

21. What form may stand alone without changing its meaning?

22. What form is always bound to something else and never occur alone?

23. What approach studies different historical changes of the vocabulary system?

24. What is a general property of matter?

25. How do we call the highest form of the reflection of the objective reality?

26. How do we call different combinatorial possibilities of words?

27. How do we call a type of word-building, in which new words are produced by combining two free sterns?

28. What kind of criterion seems to be sufficiently convincing in cases of distinguishing between a word and a word-group?

29. What leading semantic component in the semantic structure of a word expresses the conceptual content of a word?

30. What semantic component in the semantic structure of a word expresses the emotional content of a word?

31. How is traditionally termed the process of development of a new meaning

(or a change of meaning)?

32. How do we call a type of word-building, in which part of the original word or word group is taken away?

33. How do we call abbreviated words which are read as the ordinary English

words and sound like the English words (f.ex.:NATO, NOW)?

34.How do we call a type of word-building which denotes the derivation of new words by subtracting a real or supposed affix from existing words through misinterpretation of their structure (f.ex.: beggar, butler)?

35. How do we call words which are identical in sound and spelling, or, at

least, in one of these aspects, but different in their meaning?

36. How do we define words with the same denotative component, but differing in connotative components?

37. How do we define words in every language, which people avoid because

they are considered indecent, indelicate, rude or impolite?

38. Define the type of word-building: down(adv)- down (adj), must (v) -

must (n)?

39. What approach defines conversion as a formation of a new word by means of changing its paradigm?

40. What approach defines conversion as a kind of functional change, which implies that one and the same word can belong to several parts simultaneously?

41. What approach defines conversion as a process of coining a word of one part of speech from the stem or word form of another part of speech by means of changing its paradigm (if any) and environment characteristic of a word of a definite part of speech?

42. How do we call pairs of words (e.g. love(n) - love (v), work(n)- work (v)) which appeared as a result of a certain historical process (dropping of endings, simplification of stems) due to which two words of different parts of speech coincided in pronunciation?

43. How do we call a process of coining a noun from an adjective stem by means of conversion (a poor (adj) - the poor (n))?

44. Write down the surname of a person who was the first to introduce the term "conversion".

45. Write down the surname of а рerson who pointed out the very important characteristic of the word, its indivisibility.


4.3 Перечень экзаменационных вопросов или вопросов к зачету

Итоговой формой контроля по курсу лексикология современного английского языка является экзамен, который включает в себя два теоретических вопроса и выполнение практического задания – лексическая интерпретация предложенного текста.

До экзамена студент сдает терминологический глоссарий

Вопросы к экзамену

1. Some general problems of lexicology. Synchronic and diachronic approaches.

2. Different approaches to language study/

3. Back-formation. Sound Interchange. Distinctive Stress.

4. Some general problems of the theory of the word. Motivation.

5. Standard English. Variants and dialects.

6. Words and morphemes. Root, stem, affix. Free and bound stems.

7. Metaphor and metonymy.

8. Syntagmatic and paradigmatic relationships.

9. Morphological classification of words. Root words, derived words, compound words.

10. The lexical meaning of words. The denotative and connotative meanings.

11. The etymological composition of the English vocabulary.

12. The lexical meaning versus notion.

13. Antonyms. Definition and types of antonyms.

14. Different types of semantic change of words.

15. Conversion in different parts of speech. Substantivation.

16. Homonyms. Definition. The origin of homonyms. Classification of homonyms.

17. Stylistic classification of the English vocabulary,

18. Shortened words. Graphical abbreviations. Acronyms.

19. Set expressions. Definitions. Similarity and difference between a set expression and a word.

20. Affixation. Definition. Classification of affixes. Allomorphes.

21. The «stone wall» problem. Verbal collocations of the «give up» type.

22. Synonyms. Definition. The sources of synonyms. Classification of synonyms.

23. Terminological systems. Types of dictionaries.

24. Contextual analysis and componential analysis.

25. Thematic and idiographic groups. The theories of semantic and word-building fields.

26. American English. Canadian, Australian and Indian variants.

27. Aims and principles of morphemic and word-formation analysis. Analysis into immediate constituents.

28. The distinction between the lexical meaning of a word in speech and the semantic structure of a word in language.

29. Conversion in present day English. Definition and types of conversion. Substantivation. . .

30. The notion of lexical system.

31. Compound words. Definition and criteria of compounds. Semi-affixes.

32. Hyperbole, litotes, irony.

33. Conversion. Definition. The historical development of conversion.

34. Derivational and functional affixes. The valency of affixes and stems.

Основные понятия дисциплины

Общая/специальная лексикология; контрастивная лексикология; лексикография; адаптивная система; валентность слова; лексическая оппозиция; парадигматические/синтагматические отношения; диахронный/синхронный подход; мотивация; морфема; слово; свободная форма; связанная морфема; корневые, производные слова; основа слова; корневая, сложная, производная основы; производящая основа; словообразовательная семья; парадигма; корень слова; словообразовательное значение; цельнооформленность; непосредственно составляющие; лексическое значение; денотативное/коннотативное значение; полисемия; понятие; значение; лексико-грамматические варианты; сема; метафора, метонимия; эвфемизм; синонимы, антонимы; омонимы; омофоны; омографы; неологизмы; архаизмы; гипонимы; термин; поле; жаргонизмы; сленгизмы; кентизмы; конверсия; словосложение; аббревиация; реверсия; аффиксы; продуктивность; аббревиатуры; слияния; моделированная омонимия; субстантивация; акронимы; этимологические дуплеты; интернациональные слова; фразеологические единицы; идиомы; клише; свободные словосочетания; устойчивые выражения; пословицы; поговорки; вариант; диалект.

Примерный текст для лексического анализа


Freeing migration could enrich humanity even more than freeing trade. But only if the social and political costs are contained.

«WITH two friends I started a journey to Greece, the most horren­dous of all journeys. It had all the details of a nightmare: barefoot walking in rough roads, risking death in the dark, police dogs hunting us, drinking water from the rain pools in the road and a rude awakening at gunpoint from the police under a bridge. My parents were terrified and decided that it would be better to pay someone to hide me in the back of a car."

This 16-year-old Albanian high-school drop-out, desperate to leave his impover­ished country for the nirvana of clearing tables in an Athens restaurant, might equally well have been a Mexican heading for Texas or an Algerian youngster sneak­ing into France. He had the misfortune to be born on the wrong side of a line that now divides the world: the line between those whose passports allow them to move and settle reasonably freely across the richer world's borders, and those who can do so only hidden in the back of a truck, and with forged papers.

Tearing down that divide would be one of the fastest ways to boost global econ­omic growth. The gap between labour's re­wards in the poor world and the rich, even for something as menial as clearing tables, dwarfs the gap between the prices of traded goods from different parts of the world. The potential gains from liberalis­ing migration therefore dwarf those from removing barriers to world trade. But those gains can be made only at great po­litical cost. Countries rarely welcome strangers into their midst.

План лексического анализа текста

i. Etymology

1. Give examples of native words of the common Indo-European word-stock (cognates in Latin, Greek, German, Russian) and the common Germanic word-stock (cognates in Gothic, German, etc.), characterize their peculiarities.

2. Give examples of borrowings, etymological hybrids and doublets. Characterize them according to their origin (source) and degree of assimilation. Find international words.

3. Try to find archaisms, historisms or neologisms. Characterize them according to the way of formation.

ii. Morphological structure of words

1. Analyze several words on three levels:

a) on the morphemic level – number of morphemes, their types, free and bound morphemes, root words, derived and compound words;

b) on the derivational level – types of stems, simplified stems, roots equal to stems;

c) on the Immediate Constituents level, revealing the morphological motivation of words.

iii. Word building

1. Give examples of words formed through affixation, characterize prefixes and suffixes according to their origin, meaning, type (convertive or non-convertive), productivity, frequency, stylistic reference, emotive charge, valency, part-of-speech meaning.

2. Give examples of compound words, characterize them according to the type of composition, idiomaticity, the way of joining components.

3. Find examples of words formed through conversion, characterize conversion pairs according to the main points of difference and similarity between the members of a pair; semantic relationship between them; direction of derivation.

4. Characterize examples of other ways of word-building; shortening, blending, back-formation, onomatopoeia, distinctive stress and sound interchange.

iv. Semasiology

1. Find several (5-6) lexical units with different types and degrees of motivation.

2. Point out instances of semantic change (widening, narrowing, degradation, amelioration of meaning). Characterize different cases of semantic transfer (metaphor, metonymy, etc.).

3. Point out polysemantic words, characterize their lexico-semantic variants. Supply some words in the text with homonyms, speak on their source, type, degree.

4. Define the type and source of synonyms to some words in the text.

5. Find homonyms to several words from the text, define their source and types.


4.4 Технические средства обучения и контроля, использование ЭВМ

В процессе освоения теоретического материала используются презентации, составленные в системе Power Point, для иллюстрации основного содержания лекций. При подготовке к практическим заданиям, докладам по темам самостоятельной работы студентами могут быть использованы мультимедийные средства.


Раздел 5 Программно–информационные продукты и обучающие материалы

5.1 Контрольно-измерительные материалы предоставлены с использованием открытой платформы “Moodle”.

Раздел 6 Материально-техническое обеспечение дисциплины, (приборы, установки, стенды, номер темы практических и (или) лабораторных работ)

Перечень оборудования: проектор, интерактивная доска, компьютер


Раздел 7 Учебно-методическое и информационное обеспечение дисциплины

Карта методического обеспечения дисциплины


Автор Название Издательство Гриф издания Год издания Кол-во в библиотеке Наличие на электронных носителях Электронные уч. пособия, размещенные на сайте ЦДО (кафедры)
7.1 Основная литература
7.1.1. Антрушина Г. Б., Афанасьева О. В., Морозова Н. Н.   Лексикология английского языка Дрофа Министерство образования РФ + +
7.1.2. Зыкова И.В. Практический курс английской лексикологии = A Practical Course in English Lexicology Издательский центр «Академия» УМО по образованию в области лингвистики МО и науки РФ    
7.1.3. Кульгавова Л.В. Лексикология английского языка. АСТ: Восток-Запад, 2008. (на англ. яз).        
7.1.4. Арнольд И.В. Лексикология современного английского языка. 3-е изд., перераб. И доп. Высшая школа Министерство образования РФ +  
7.1.5. Муругова Е.В. Лексикология современного английского языка. ИПО ПИ ЮФУ   +  
7.2 Дополнительная литература
7.2.1. Муругова Е.В. Types of Modern English Dictionaries. (Учебное пособие по лексикографии) - Ростов н/Дону: РГПУ.   +  
7.2.2. Муругова Е.В. Взаимодействие частей речи и способов их словообразования в лингвокреативной деятельности человека. (Монография). Ростов н/Д.: Изд-во СКНЦ ВШ АПСН   +  
7.2.3. Загоруйко А.Я. Лекции по лексикологии современного английского языка Изд-во РГПУ      
7.2.4. Бабич Г.Н. Лексикология английского языка. Уральское издательство; Москва: Большая медведица.      
7.2.5 Дубенец Э.М. Современный английский язык. Лексикология: Пособие для студентов гуманитарных вузов М./СПб.: ГЛОССА/КАРО,      
7.2.6. Кунин А.В. Курс фразеологии современного английского языка. Высш.шк. Дубна: Феникс Министерство образования РФ +  
7.2.7. Ярцева В.Н. и др. Языкознание. Большой энциклопедический словарь.\ Гл.ред.В.Н. Ярцева. Большая Российская энциклопедия   7. 11998.      
7.3 Периодические издания
7.4 Практические (семинарские) и (или) лабораторные занятия
7.5 Курсовая работа (проект)
7.6 Контрольные работы (очная, заочная форма обучения)
7.7 Интернет-ресурсы
7.7.1 И.В. Арнольд Лексикология современного английского языка   http://site-creator1.narod.ru/in-angl.htm          
7.7.2. Lexical Resources Principles of Computational Lexicology   http://www.clres.com/Lexicology.html          
7.7.3. Русский филологический портал Учебники и статьи по языкознанию(лексикология, социолингвистика, вариантология ит.д.) http://www.philology.ru/linguistics.htm          
7.7.4. И.П. Сусов Язык и социум http://homepages.tversu.ru/~ips/Hist_10.htm#10.2.5          
7.7.5 Р.3.ГинзбургС.С.Хидекель, Г.Ю.Князева и А.А.Санкин Лексикология английского языка http://www.multikulti.ru/Strategy/info/Strategy_info_199.html          


Экспертное заключение

Научно-методического совета направления 031100 Лингвистика по рабочей программе дисциплины «Лексикология», предусмотренной учебным планом подготовки бакалавров по направлению «Лингвистика».

Рассмотрев структуру, содержание и качество оформления рабочей программы по дисциплине совет отмечает:

– рабочая программа по содержанию соответствует Государственному образовательному стандарту высшего профессионального образования в части выполнения требований, предъявляемых к уровню профессиональной квалификации выпускников, их знаний, умений и навыков по соответствующему циклу дисциплин и по самой дисциплине, а так же требованиям СТО ДГТУ 1.2.01-2011 Рабочая программа учебной дисциплины (ГОС);

– соотношение объемов основных разделов выбрано логично в целесообразных пропорциях;

– бюджет времени, отводимый на различные виды аудиторных занятий, согласуется с бюджетом времени, выделяемого для выполнения самостоятельной работы;

– объем и количество видов самостоятельной работы обоснованы, соответствуют фактическим трудозатратам на их выполнение;

– достаточную полноту информационно-методического обеспечения (используется учебное пособие «Лексикология современного английского языка» Муруговой Е.В. на модульной основе, включающее краткий лекционный материал сопровождающийся комплексом практических заданий для самостоятельной работы, тестами, рекомендуемой литературой, имеется учебное пособие по лексикографии «Types of Modern English Dictionaries»).

Рекомендации Совета:

подготовить заявку на приобретение учебной литературы с грифом УМО РФ, создать контрольно-измерительные материалы с использованием открытой платформы “Moodle”.

На основании вышеизложенного, совет направления предлагает утвердить рабочую программу по дисциплине «Лексикология», представленную на экспертизу.


Председатель совета направления _______________ Н.В. Требухина

личная подпись инициалы, фамилия

Члены экспертной группы: _______________ Е.Ю. Богатская

личная подпись инициалы, фамилия

_______________ С.В. Невольникова

личная подпись инициалы, фамилия

_______________ Л.Е. Яровая

личная подпись инициалы, фамилия

_______________ А.А. Агапитова

личная подпись инициалы, фамилия
Лист ознакомления


Должность Фамилия, инициалы Дата Подпись



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