Text 3. Some Dos and Don’ts for Travellers.
Sensible precaution - разумная предосторожность
Valuables - ценности
Pickpocket - вор-карманник
Thieve - вор
It is not unknown for bags to vanish - известны случаи исчезновения сумок
Unattended - без присмотра
Steal (stole, stolen) - красть
Suspect - подозревать
Cause a security alert - вызвать внимание служб безопасности
Plenty - множество
Mugger - уличный грабитель
Rapist - насильник
Rashness - неосторожность, необдуманность
Exaggerated caution - чрезмерная предосторожность
Be inappropriate - не соответствовать, быть не к месту
Purchase - покупать
Take sensible precautions with personal property at all times. Don’t carry your valuables around with you; take jus as much cash as you need. Pickpockets and thieves may sometimes pose an immediate problem. Never let your handbag or case out of your sight – particularly in restaurants, cinemas, etc. where it is unknown for bags to vanish from between the feet of their owners. Never leave bags or briefcases unattended in tube or train stations – they will either be stolen or suspected of being bombs and therefore cause a security alert. Stick to the well-lit streets with plenty of traffic. Muggers and rapists prefer poorly lit or isolated places like back-streets, parks and unmanned railway stations. If you avoid these, especially at night, or travel round in group, you should manage to stay out of danger.
- Deposit your travelers cheques and valuables in your hotel safe;
- Always lock your doors;
- Travel in pairs or in groups at night on the Underground;
- Remember that both rashness and exaggerated caution are inappropriate.
- Don’t count your money in public;
- Don’t purchase anything from strangers in the street;
- Don’t walk along deserted streets or in parks at night;
- Don’t talk to strangers who try to strike up a conversation with you unless there are other people about.
Exercise 1.Give the Russian for:
valuables, cash, pickpockets, handbag, out of your sight, unattended, to be stolen, rapists, unmanned, lock your doors, travel in pairs, inappropriate, purchase, deserted streets.
Exercise 2.Give the English for:
разумная предосторожность, ценности, воры, исчезать, оставлять сумки, подозревать, вызывать внимание, службы безопасности, улицы с хорошим освещением, множество, уличный грабитель, плохое освещение, избегать, опасность, сейф в отеле, неосторожность, чрезмерная предосторожность, считать деньги на публике, разговор.
Exercise 3.Match the following English words and expressions with their Russian
personal property быть украденным
sensible precautions сейф в отеле
to leave bags избегать
to be stolen улицы с хорошим освещением
to cause a security alert покупать что-либо у незнакомцев
well-lit streets личная собственность
muggers разумная предосторожность
to avoid вызывать внимание служб безопасности
hotel safe оставлять сумки
purchase anything from strangers уличные грабители
Text 4. A Holiday for All Seasons
Take break - отдохнуть
Getaway - бегство, побег, отдых вдали от дома
Weekend escape - отдых на выходных вне дома
Santa - Санта Клаус
Reindeer - северный олень
Stunning - великолепный, ошеломляющий
Sleigh ride - поездка-катание на санях
Tiptoe - ходить на цыпочках
Bulb - луковичный
Packed lunch - сухой паёк
Gala - праздничный
Hail - окликать, звать
With a difference - не такой, как другие
Retreat - убежище, уединение
Inexpensive - недорогой
There is no need to agonize over where and when to take break next year: there are month-by-month vacation charts suggesting holidays each month to suit all tastes, from beaches, skiing, family and under-25 getaways to cruises and weekend escapes.
Who believes in Santa? Fly across the Arctic Circle to Finnish Lapland to meet him and take a reindeer sleight ride.
Get next to nature for a close-up view of geysers and glaciers. Reykjavik isn’t cheap but it is clean – and the sights are stunning.
Tiptoe through the tulips on a Dutch bulb-fields tour. Take in Amsterdam’s canals and the Hague’s museums for more colour and culture.
Join a coastal steamer to discover Norway’s spectacular fjords and fishing villages.
Sky in the morning and go biking, hiking, rafting or play tennis or golf after lunch. A trip to Austria is offered for a week including breakfast, packed lunch and dinner with wine.
Celebrate the arrival of spring with a three-night gala weekend in Paris. A dinner and show at Lido or Moulin Rouge, plus a river cruise, will be provided.
Hail a passing gondola or hop on a water bus for a city tour with a difference. The canals and palaces of Venice give it a unique appeal.
Take a Turkish bath and tour the dazzling Topkapi palace, see Istanbul’s exotic attractions, have cheap shopping and enjoy eating out at excellent restaurants.
Spend nights under the stars on a 14-day exploration of the deserts and mountains of Morocco.
Discover the temples and superb sandy beaches of Bali, a desirable retreat for romantics and water-sports enthusiasts.
Sail around the Malay Peninsula and southern Thailand abroad a luxury motor yacht.
Camping expeditions may be an inexpensive, fun way of touring the western USA. You will visit San Francisco, the Grand Canyon and Las Vegas.
Exercise 1.Write an essay on the following topic: What is the best season for travelling?
Dialogues: Travelling and Packing
Dialogue 1. Read and translate the following dialogue.
Mary and Jane are talking about travelling.
Mary:Do you like travelling?
Jane:Yes, travelling is my hobby!
Mary:What kind of travel do you prefer: by train or by plane?
Jane:I like travelling by car but sometimes I travel by plane.
Mary:Oh, really? What places did you visit?
Jane:I visited many countries – France, Germany, The Great Britain, Poland, Italy, Spain and Belgium. I would like to visit the USA.
Mary:USA? I am going to visit it next month. Let’s visit it together.
Jane:Good idea. Have you booked your tickets already?
Mary:Not yet. Well, let’s do it together tomorrow.
Dialogue 2. Read and translate the following dialogue.
I Would Rather Pack Now
Bill:Well, Mary, here we all are to take you out to dinner before our holiday begins tomorrow.
Mary:Oh, but I have not packed yet.
Bill:Neither have I. But you must eat sometime.
George:Yes, Mary. We can help you pack now later.
Ann:However, perhaps she would better do it now.
Mary:Yes, I would rather do it now. Need I take a lot of things? Do I need more than one case?
George:No. Only what is necessary for a few days.
Bill:You would better take a change of clothes – and of course your toothbrush. And you may need something to eat on the train or boat.
Ann:You ought to take a book to read, your camera, and of course your bathing-costume.
Mary:Hm! If you add much more, I will have to take two cases after all.
George:But would not you rather take too much than too little? If you wanted some special thing in Jersey, and then found that you had left it in London, you would be very cross, would not you?
Mary:If I forgot anything, I could buy it in Jersey, could not I?
Bill:Of course you could. You would better not listen to George. But you must not take more than you can carry because we may not always find porters to carry our things.
Ann:Oh, that does not matter, Bill. You and George will have to carry them if we cannot find porters.
George:Do you hear that Bill, Will you be able to carry Mary’s bags as well as your own?
Mary:Of course he will! I will be able to get everything into one case, I am sure. I will fetch some of my things.
Bill:And if we started packing now, we might still be in time to get something to eat. Come along, Ann, you can help her to find what she wants.
Ann:Well, if we cannot shut the case, you and George will have to sit on it to help.
Mary: (coming in) Here are some dresses and shoes. Why, you are still talking/ Hurry up, everybody!
George:Yes, I am getting hungry. If we had not talked so much, we should have finished before now. Here is your case.
Mary:I have opened it for you.
Exercise 1. Answer the following questions:
- Why have Mary’s friends come over to her place?
- What would Mary rather do before they take her out to dinner?
- Why does she want to pack? Is she going anywhere?
- To what place is she going on holiday?
- Is Jersey a British or a French island?
- Do you know if it is always been a British island?
- What things do her friends say she ought to take with her?
- Why had she better not take more than a change of clothes, a few dresses, a bathing-costume and her camera?
- Who will have to carry Mary’s things if they o not fine porter?
- Do you think Bill will be able to carry Mary’s things as well as his own?`
Exercise 2. Work with a partner. Have you ever travelled for any of these reasons? Tell your partner.
- to escape boredom
- to run away from a broken heart
- to broaden your experience of the world
- to learn languages
- to take a break from your career
- to visit historical sites or travel along a historical route
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