Сделай Сам Свою Работу на 5

Are you a drunkard or not?

1. How often do you drink spirits?

Never 0

Once a month or less 1

Two-three times a month 2

Two-three times a week 3

Four and more times a week 4


2. How many strong drinks do you drink on your typical drinkday?

1 or 2 0

3 or 4 1

5 or 6 2

7, 8 or 9 3

10 and more 4


3. How often do you drink 6 and more strong drinks when you have an occasion?

Never 0

Less than every month 1

Every month 2

Every week 3

Almost every day 4


4. How often did you think about alcohol last year?

Never 0

Less than every month 1

Every month 2

Every week 3

Almost every day 4


5. How often did it happen last year that you lost your control of alcoholconsumption?

Never 0

Less than every month 1

Every month 2

Every week 3

Almost every day 4


6. How often did it happen last year that you had black-outs after having drunk a lot?

Never 0

Less than every month 1

Every month 2

Every week 3

Almost every day 4


7. How often did it happen last year that you wanted a glass of alcohol to feel well?

Never 0

Less than every month 1

Every month 2

Every week 3

Almost every day 4


8. How often did it happen that you felt guilty because of your behaviour after your drinking-day?

Never 0

Less than every month 1

Every month 2

Every week 3

Almost every day 4


9. Have you ever beaten smb. being in tipsy condition or were you beaten?

No 0

Yes, but not last year 2

Yes, last year 4


10. Has anybody talked to you on the occasion of your drink-behaviour?

No 0

Yes, but not last year 2

Yes, last year 4


SUM TOTAL______________




If you as a woman have more than 13 pointsand as a man more than 15 points, you drink too much! Your alcohol-consumption can be injurious to your health. It can lead to serious problems in your family and at your workplace. You need help.


9-13 points (W), 11-15 points (M).You can do harm to yourself or to others through your drink-behaviour. Try to reduce your alcohol-consumption.


Less than 9 points (W), less than 11 points (M).Great! You can feel slack. You have no problems with alcohol. Be always so.


6.Write composition “ In vino neritas“.


II Dialogues.

1.Read and translate the dialogues.


A) Dinner with friends.

Ted: Hello!

Bob: Hello, Ted. Hello, Helen. Come in. Dinner is nearly ready.

Ted: Where’s Ann?

Bob: Oh, she’s in the kitchen. She’ll be here in a minute. Go into the dining-room, please. How about a drink before dinner?

Ted: That’s a nice idea.

Ann: Here we are! Dinner’s ready. Let’s start with salad.

Helen: Thank you, Ann. It looks wonderful and it smells delicious, too.

Ann: Shall I serve some roast meat?

Helen: No, it’s all right. I can help myself.

Ann: Bob, will you pour the wine, please? Ted, help yourself to vegetables, too.

Bob: Would you like some more brandy, Helen?

Helen: Oh, no, thanks… no more for me. I’m driving tonight. I’d better help Ann with the washing-up.

Bob: The washing-up? No, no, don’t worry. We always leave that until the morning.


B) Tastes differ.

- Are you hungry?

- Oh, yes, I am.

- And I’m awfully thirsty.

- Would you like a glass of orange juice?

- Thanks, I’d love one. I like orange juice very much.

- And I prefer apple juice.

- All juices are good for health: tomato, apple, apricot and, of course, pine-apple juice.


- What shall we have?

- A three-course meal, I suppose. I’m hungry.

- Well, you choose.

- Let’s start with salad, then chicken broth, fish and chips.

- I think, I’ll have green peas, fruit and a cup of tea without sugar.

- Are you on a slimming diet?

- Yes, I am. I don’t live to eat, but I eat to live.

- As for me, I enjoy good food. My motto is “Eat with pleasure, drink with measure, and enjoy life as it is”.


- Tom!

- Yes, sir.

- I want an early lunch today.

- Yes, sir. What time?

- 12 o’clock, and, please, lay the table for six.

- Yes, sir.

- And, please, lay the table carefully. Put silver spoons, forks and knives. Don’t forget the crystal wine glasses Mary Brown has given us as a present. We’re having very important guests tonight.

- Yes, sir. Anything else?

- Be careful about Japanese plates. Don’t break them. They’re very expensive.

- No, sir, I won’t. I’ll be very careful.


- Hello, John. We are having lunch. Would you like to have lunch with us?

- No, thank you, Mary. I’ve already had lunch. I had lunch at half past one.

- Have a cup of coffee then.

- I’ve just had one. Thank you. I had a cup of coffee after my lunch.

- Have an apple then.

- No, thank you, I’ve just had one. I had one half an hour ago.

- Have a drop of brandy then.

- Oh, I’ve taken one but I’d do with one more.


-Thank you very much. The dinner has been delicious.

- I’m glad you liked it. I was so worried when I was cooking. I wasn’t sure if you would like Chinese food. Tastes differ, you know.


-Have you had your lunch yet?

- No, not yet.

- How about going to the cafe across the street? They serve good food there. And there’s a wide choice of cakes and ice-cream you like so much.

- OK! It’s a great idea!


- Waiter! These vegetables aren’t fresh.

- But they are fresh, sir.

- Well, they don’t taste fresh to me.

- I’m sorry, sir.

- And the table-cloth, it’s so dirty. Can you bring a cleaner one? And I want a napkin, too.

- I’ll get the manager, sir.


2. Find new useful word and phrases and write them down.

3. Reproduce one dialogue in pairs (you can also change something).

4. Put the sentences into the right order to have a dialogue and present it.

5. Guess the puzzle and perform it in class.

6. Guess what they are talking about.

7. Make up your own dialogues. Use the words and phrases you have from ex.2.

§ At the table (family dinner)

§ Laying the table for the guests, etc

8. Read the dialogue “At the retaurant”.

Waiter: (answering a phone call): Dino’s restaurant. Good evening.

Customer: Good evening. I’d like to book a table for this evening.

Waiter: Certainly, sir. For how many?

Customer: For four.

Waiter: Right. For what time?

Customer: 8.30.

Waiter: 8.30 for four. And what name is it, please?

Customer: Smith. S-M-I-T-H.

Waiter: Right. I’ve got that. We’ll see you at 8.30 then, sir.


9.What can you say about restaurants in your country and your taste in food?

1.Do you normally need to book a restaurant in advance?

2.Is it common to give the waiter a tip? If so, how much?

3.Do you normally eat three courses in a restaurant? If not, how many courses do you normally have?

4.How many of these do you normally find in the table in a restaurant in your country?

salt pepper oil

vinegar napkins

5.Generally, do you add some salt to your food when you eat in restaurants?

6.Do you like steak? If so, how do you like it cooked?

7.Would you say that food in your country is very spicy?

8.Would you say that food in your country is generally quite fattening?

9.Try to put the sentences in order. Then listen and check your answers.

Yes, sir. Over here, by the window.

Have you got a table for two?


How would you like your steak?

Oh all right then. I’ll have a rump steak.

I’ll start with soup, please, and then I’ll have roast beef.

I’m sorry, madam, there’s no more roast beef.

Rare, please.


Vegetables, sir?

Chicken for me, please.

Mushrooms and a green salad, please.

And for you, sir?


10.The conversation continues. Try to guess what goes in the blanks. Then listen and check.


……… You something to …..?

Just …… water, please.

Certainly, madam.

I’ll …… a larger ….. . And ….. you …… . Me some water, too?

…….. course, sir.


How’s the chicken?

Not too bad. …… about …… steak?

A bit tough. The vegetables are …… , Though.


Is …… all right?

Oh, yes, excellent, ….. you.

…………….. good.


……….. I …… you a little more coffee?

No, thank you. ( Yes, …….)


……. you …… us the bill, please?

……….., madam.

Is service included?

No, …….. .


11.Gues the quiz.

What do you know about drinks around the world?

Work in small groups and find the correct columns.


True False Don’t know

1. Kenya is the largest producer

of coffee in the world.

2. In Morocco, tea is usually

served in small glasses.

3. Japanese rice wine ( sake ) is

usually served hot.

4. Turkish coffee is made by

boiling water, sugar and

coffee together.

5.In Britain, tea is usually

drunk with lemon.

6. A real bottle of Mezcal from

Mexico should have a worm in it.

7. Cola is made from a small,

black fruit that is grown in

North America.

8. In Sweden, people often

drink milk with meatballs.

9. You should store wine


10. Irish coffee contains Irish

whiskey, beer and fresh


12.Find the mistakes in the dialogue.

Waiter: What would you like for breakfast, madam?

Mother: I’d like a cereal and some coffee. With hot milks, please. And my daughter would like two eggs, some apple, some toast with butters and a glass of water.

Daughter: No, no mother. No eggs, please. I’d just like a banana and some roll with jam.


13.Make up a menu.

14.Work in groups of three.

You are:

- an Englishman at the Russian restaurant ( or a Russian at the English restaurant )

- a waiter

- an interpreter

Play the situation ’ Dinner at the restaurant ’

15.Fill in the table about cuisin.


Translate the dialogue into English:

- Добрый вечер, сэр! Вы один?

- Добрый вечер. Да, я один.

- Не желаете ли сесть вон там? Около окна.

- Да, благодарю Вас. Можно посмотреть меню?

- Конечно. Вот, пожалуйста.

- Вы уже выбрали что-нибудь, сэр? Могу я принять заказ?

- На первое я, пожалуй, закажу куриный бульон… Хотя, нет. Лучше луковый суп.

- Хорошо. А что вы будете на второе, сэр?

-Я не совсем уверен.. Может быть, Вы что-нибудь посоветуете?

- На Вашем месте, сэр, я бы заказал бифштекс в винном соусе. Мне самому он очень нравится. Кроме того, это сегодня фирменное блюдо.

- Хорошо, пусть будет бифштекс.

- Что Вам подать с бифштексом, сэр?

- Салат и картофельное пюре, пожалуйста.

- Что-нибудь выпить?

- Да, минеральной воды, пожалуйста. Могу я посмотреть список вин? Я бы выпил французского вина.

- Да, сэр, хотите счёт?

- Да, сколько с меня?:

- Семь фунтов, двадцать пять пенсов, сэр.


III. Additional texts

1. Put the paragraphs of the text into the right order.




A. The story began in the 1950s, when California was crazy about drive-in takeaway food, two brothers, Maurice & Dick McDonald started their business in 1955 selling burgers & milkshakes to movie-goers. A travelling representative Ray Kroc bought their name & recipes & opened his first McDonald restaurant near Chicago, Illinois. It was a success.


B. Before his death in 1984 Ray Kroc said: “We’re not in the hamburger business, we’re in show business.” In fact, the corporation’s budget for advertisements is half a billion dollars every year. Whenever you are in the world 7 whatever you think about their product, McDonald’s is one of the symbols of the triumph of international consumer culture.


C. McDonald’s is the world’s largest restaurant chain with over 11.500 restaurants in 52 countries. Like Coca-Cola & Walt Disney it is a living legend of the Great American Dream & it brings consumer culture to all the corners of our planet.


D. There are many factors, which explain this phenomenon. From the beginning he had a simple philosophy – a rationalisation of production methods & standardisation of product, so that every French fry, every burger & every milkshake always tastes as the one before it & the one after it. The company’s motto is: QSC&V (Quality, Service, Cleanliness & Value).


E. In the 1980s & ‘90s the chain continued to grow. By 1984 McDonald’s were serving 18 million customers a day (the population of Greece & Sweden together). In 1990 McDonald’s opened it’s largest restaurant with 900 seats in Pushkin Square, Moscow, making Russian the 28th language of the company.


F. From these small beginnings in 1955 the company grew steadily – within 13 years there were over 2000 McDonald’s in the US. In 1967 the world got a taste of McDonald’s because there opened the first restaurants outside the USA in Canada & Puerto Rico. And by 1972 sales had come over 1 billion dollars & a restaurant per day was being opened. Britain’s first McDonald’s opened in 1974 & within 10 years there were 200 more.



Chain - цепь

Consumer culture – культура потребителя

Corner – угол, уголок

Drive-in takeaway food – the food which you buy sitting in the car & can take with you

Movie goer = cinema goer

Representative - представитель

Success - успех

Quality - качество

Value - цена

Steadily – постоянно, стабильно

Sales - продажи

Per day = every day

To grow (grew, grown) - расти

Customer – покупатель, клиент

Budget - бюджет

Triumph - триумф


2. Use the information from the text & complete this chronological chart of McDonald’s history:

1955 –

1967 –

1972 –

1974 –

1984 –

1990 –

now –

3. Read the text “Do we live to eat?” and find the most suitable heading for each paragraph. Remember that one heading is extra!




How much food do you think you will eat by the time you are 79?

The Frenchwoman, for example, will eat:

25 cows \ 40 sheep \ 35 pigs \ 1200 chickens \ 2 tonnes of fish \ 13000 eggs \ 50 000 loaves of bread \…

Delicious, is`t it? How many pigs and sheep have you already eaten?

According to World Health Organisation, Americans are the fattest people in the world. 55% of women and 63% of men are overweight or obese. “Compared to Europeans, Americans eat all the time. At the hairdressers, in the cars, during college lectures, at the cinema.” Though America is the world leader in obesity, Europe tries to catch up too. Russia also has some of the heaviest people in Europe. Even in such countries as France, Italy, Sweden people (especially women) are becoming fat.

If you are young, do not think that it is not your problem. Teenagers, too, are getting fat. Statistics shows that the favourite foods among teenagers both in Europe and in USA are: hamburgers, chips, hot dogs, pizza.

Another reason is the lack of exercise. We spend too much time in front of our computers and TV-sets. We walk less, because we prefer to use cars and public transport.

We live in the era of fast food culture. We are always in a hurry. We have no time to relax and enjoy meal. We want to eat now and we want to eat fast. Every day a new Mc Donald`s restaurant opens somewhere on our planet. Soon American food will take over the whole world.

Doctors say that chips and pizza are fattening, Coca-Cola spoils our teeth, and coffee shortens our lives. If you eat too much you will become obese and obesity leads to hart disease. Some scientists think that our food influences not only our bodies but our spirits as well. Food with lots of fat and sugar can make you violent. Natural food, like fresh vegetables and fruit with lots of vitamins and minerals can make you intelligent, optimistic.

More and more people become vegetarians. A diet free from meat has all the vitamins, minerals you need. And you can live longer as a veggie! A vegetarian diet is not only healthy but also kind. Animals, you eat, pigs, chicken are locked in boxes. If you really care about animals – stop to eat them.


What is tasty is not always healthy.



5. Discuss the following questions:

1. Do you like fast food?

2. What kinds of fast food do you know and which do you prefer?

3. How can it influence our health?

4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of fast food?

5. What can you tell about fast food in our country?

6. Where is it sold?

7. Are you a vegetarian?

8. What is your attitude to such people?

9. What is the future of fast food?

6. Write an essay “Do you eat to live or do you live to eat?”

7. Make up a topic “Meals”.




Krasnoyarsk is a large city with a population of almost one million people. It is situated in the centre of Russia on the banks of the great Siberian river Yenisey. It was founded by a Moscow nobleman Andrey Dubenskoy in 1628. People named the fortress Krasny Yar because of its position and the beauty of the place.

The history of Krasnoyarsk is marked with many famous names.Krasnoyarsk is the birthplace of the Russian painter Vasily Surikov. Citizens of Krasnoyarsk proudly keep his memory alive. The house where Surikov was born is now a museum named after him. A school of Arts and street in the city are named after the painter too.

The leading Russian author Victor Astafyev is in the list of these well-known people. He writes mostly about Siberia. A top favourite is his «King Fish» in which he expands on Yenisey life.

Dmitry Khvorostovsky, a name known to opera fans around the world today.

The architectural face of the city reflects its history. The oldest of the buildings is Pokrovskaya Church built in 1795 in Siberian Baroque Style. Among other interesting pieces of architecture are the Organ Hall, the building of the Regional Museum looking like an Egyptian temple.

Krasnoyarsk is a beautiful city but to a very complex ecological situation the Fauna and Flora are gradually perishing. The main reason is that Krasnoyarsk is a big industrial centre. It is known for the production of Aluminium Plant, Metallurgical works, a number of chemical enterprises and so on. Krasnoyarsk is a big scientific centre of the Eastern Siberia. Now there are 12 higher schools in the city, more than 50 scientific research institutes. They solve important problems of industrial, agricultural and cultural life.

Krasnoyarsk is a city of long-standing cultural traditions. At presents there are 5 theatres, such as: the Opera and Ballet House, the Musical Comedy Theatre, the Drama Theatre, the Young Spectator`s Theatre and the Puppet Theatre.




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