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Text №2

Time will stop in 3.7 billion years

A group of physicists from the United States and Japan argued that, according to their calculations, there is a 50% probability that the time will "cease to flow" in the next 3.7 billion years. However, other theorists are extremely skeptical about their conclusions, calling the authors "sophists."

The universe was formed approximately 13 billion years ago as a result of the Big Bang and since then continuously expanded. Also, all data from the observable part of space suggest that this expansion is accelerated, which means that the universe will expand indefinitely.

Rafael Bousso of the Center for Theoretical Physics, University of California at Berkeley and his colleagues rebelled against the idea. In their article posted in the electronic library at Cornell University, they claim that the infinitely expanding universe cannot exist because the laws of physics do not work in infinite space. For these laws to make at least some sense, the universe must be finite, and they calculated the most probable date when it will end.

Endless inflation (expansion of the universe) has several important consequences. Any event in it, which has non-zero probability, will happen an infinite number of times, the scientists say. But if there is an infinite number of each possible observation, it becomes impossible to determine the probability of any event. The laws of physics simply do not apply to this situation.

The only way out of this conundrum, the authors of the article say, is to assume some type of disaster that would end the universe. Then all the probabilities again become meaningful and the laws of physics will regain power. The time is unlikely to come to an end in our time, but there is a 50% chance that the time will stop in the next 3.7 billion years, they wrote. This means that the end of times will happen during the lifetime of the Sun and the Earth. However, Rafael Bousso points out that although it is unknown what type of disaster will lead to the end of time, humanity will not be able to see when it happens. In other words, people "will fly into" the disaster at full speed before they have time to see some of its impact.

Other theorists are extremely skeptical of this work, as well as other works of Bousso. "He is a fan of sophistry, a modern Zenon," said Alexei Starobinsky, chief researcher of the Institute of Theoretical Physics of Landau. According to him, the statement of the authors that if there is the end of time, it cannot be observed in normal human understanding means that there is no end of our time there. Starobinsky notes that Bousso and his team have misunderstood the phrase "eternal inflation."

"It must be understood not literally, but in high philosophical sense - as we understand the thesis "matter is eternal." But our universe (or more precisely - the observable part) was at the inflationary stage in the past for a finite period of time," said the scientist.

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Text №3

In 2013, the Sun will destroy all means of

Communication on Earth

A frightening forecast was published recently by experts of Space Agency NASA. According to American astronomers, in 2013, after years of hibernation, the Sun will wake up, and Earth will be threatened with unfortunate consequences. Widespread outbreaks on the hot star can lead to a global failure of satellite communications. As a result, the planet is awaiting chaos. In his report, Defense Secretary Liam Fox noted that the perfect electromagnetic storm will lead to a technogenic disaster on Earth. He reinforced his words with the recent statistics which indicates that the surface temperature of hot stars is rapidly increasing.

Solar storms will generate a great level of radiation that will affect the Earth's magnetic field. This could prove to be a collapse for the humanity - trains and planes will stop, GPS-navigation will be affected, mobile and radio networks will disappear. As Liam Fox stressed in his address, the society is too dependent on technology, and this makes it very vulnerable. Natural protectors of Earth will simply not cope with the "riot" of the Sun, which will lead to the failure of all computers. Also, due to solar activity banking system can be affected, The DailyMail reports.

Failures in electric power around the world can stretch from hours to several months. However, negative consequences of this outbreak can be minimized if we prepare for the collapse in advance. Scientists have been investigating solar activity for 11 years. Previous years have been rather quiet. But, according to experts, this is the calm before this storm. Rings of fire, ready to escape from the surface of the Sun in the near future, are equal to a hundred hydrogen bombs in terms of power. If their destructive power reaches Earth, it will cause great economic losses. According to preliminary estimates, they will be 20 times greater than the damage from the famous Hurricane Katrina. For information: solar flares are the most powerful of all manifestations of solar activity. The energy of a large solar flare reaches 1032 erg, which is approximately 100 times greater than the thermal energy that could be obtained by burning all known oil and coal reserves on Earth. Strongest corpuscular flow perturbs the magnetic field of our planet, resulting in very fast and strong change its characteristics. Particles moving at speeds of 400-1000 km / s, reach earth's atmosphere within a day or two. This process is called magnetic storm. It has long been known that solar flares provoke magnetic storms on Earth. In those days, doctors ask weather-sensitive people to be careful and avoid stress, both physical and emotional, because such cosmic phenomena increase the risk of cardiac diseases. It was observed that 13% of cases of myocardial infarction occur during magnetic storms.

Typically, these storms are accompanied by disturbances of the ionosphere, which in particular leads to interruptions in radio communication. Solar flares are a frequent and quite serious phenomenon. It is accompanied by a surge of electromagnetic radiation that can cause irreparable harm to our planet. In 2002, NASA satellite recorded a giant flare on the Sun. It caused formation of prominence whose diameter is 30 times greater than Earth's. Scientists said that we were lucky: there was no release of energy in the direction of our planet. Otherwise, the emission of such a force would have lead to significant distortions in the magnetic field.

In November of 2003 there was another powerful flare that brought down a Japanese communications satellite Kodama, which was first transferring clearly wrong information, and then disconnected. This ejection of stellar matter was the third largest on record. Let us see what 2013 has in store for us.


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