Сделай Сам Свою Работу на 5

Supply the correct prepositions where necessary.


А-Ж – 1 вариант,

З-Н – 2 вариант,

О-Ф – 3 вариант,

Х-Я – 4 вариант.

Контрольная работа выполняется в печатном виде, задания переписываются (например, 1. Supply the correct article where necessary) и далее выполняется; все моменты, сделанные Вами, выделитькурсивом,подчеркиваниемили жирным шрифтом.


1 вариант

I. Grammar Exercises.

Supply the correct article where necessary.

1. Pete and Mary have two children, ... boy and ... girl. ... boy is seven years old and ... girl is three.

2. I won’t be home for … dinner this evening. I’m meeting some friends after … work and we’re going to … cinema.

3. I have two brothers. … older one is training to be … pilot with … British Airways. … younger one is still at … school. When he leaves … school, he hopes to go to … university to study … law.

4. In my job, I do … business with people from all over the world.

5. When buying … house, you should take into … consideration how near it is to public transport.

6. … fog was so thick that we couldn’t see … side of … road. We followed … car in front of us and hoped that we were going … right way.

7. … worry about … state of his finances drove him to … despair ….

8. My first job was not …success.

9. Would you like to study at … Oxford University?

10. … Shishkin I bought yesterday was … copy.


Supply the correct prepositions where necessary.

1. Alice does well … drawing, but she isn't very good … reading.

2. Shall we do the translation … class? – No, you needn't. You can do it … home.

3. Soon we were all sitting … the table.

4. It is clear ... me that you don't know your lesson.

5. My wife turned … me and said “What the matter … you?”

6. Was he joking … me?

7. London is the capital ... Great Britain.

8. Suggest Nick taking … his coat.

9. Did you join … us?

10. ... nine o'clock the lecturer entered ... the hall, walked up ... the table, put his bag ... it, looked ... everybody and began his lecture.


Supply the correct forms of comparison.

1. The room is (clean) than it used to be.

2. This is (expensive) book of them all.

3. Take some of these sweets: they are very (nice). They are (nice) than the sweets in that box.

4. It was (bad) time of my life.

5. This test was (easy) of all.

6. Please be (careful) next time and don't spill the milk again.

7. Is N (intelligent) than S?

8. This river is (deep) in our region.

9. Show me the (far) room in your house.

10. Mother is much (young) than her husband.


Supply the correct tense-forms.

1. He said he (to listen) to the same stories for a long time.

2. By the end of the year he (to read) about two hundred pages.

3. At last the librarian (to give) me the book which I (to wait) for during two months. I was very glad. I (to go) home and (to begin) reading it at once.

4. Now she (to read) the book which I (to give) her yesterday.

5. You (to read) «The Murder of Roger Ackroyd» by Agatha Christie? – No, I (not yet to read) it. But I (to hear) that it (to be) a very interesting book. I (to read) it as soon as I (to get) it.

6. Victor asked me (to explain) the new rule to him, as he (to miss) the previous lesson.

7. Jane usually works in the library. She (to work) there now. She already (to gather) the necessary material and now she (to write) her report.

8. It (to be) nearly eleven o'clock when we (to begin) doing this work.

9. Hardly he (ask) his question when she (answer) them.

10. She said she (to teach) at this school for 20 years.


Change the following sentences in Direct Speech into Reported Speech.

1. Jane told her father: «I hope to pass exam».

2. Henry said to me: «The teacher is listening to us».

3. Bob said to Tom: «I made no mistakes in the last dictation».

4. I told the policeman: «I saw a thief in a shop».

5. Nick said: «Sometimes I go home by tram».

6. «Don't go there!» she said.

7. I asked her: «Where did you pass your holidays?»

8. Tabret said to Stella: «I am deeply grateful for all you have done for Mary».

9. He said: «We shall not do this».


II. Translate from Russian into English.

1. Мы всегда с удовольствием слушаем нашего лектора. Он прекрасно знает английскую литературу.

2. Весь вечер она писала сочинение в своей комнате.

3. Моя сестра учится, чтобы стать учителем литературы.

4. В нашей стране профессия учителя традиционно была уважаемой.

5. Воссоздать образы прошлого в художественном произведении это сложная задача, требующая хорошего знания истории и богатого воображения.

6. Я считаю, что роль русского языка определяется тем великим значением, которое имел и имеет в истории человечества русский народ – творец и носитель этого языка.

7. Для каждого человека очень важно читать. Чтение помогает нам узнать больше о жизни вокруг и лучше понимать людей. Чтение развивает также наше воображение.

8. Женщины любят читать любовные романы и мечтать о принце, умном, честном, красивом, который будет любить их до конца жизни.

9. Научная фантастика становится все более и более популярной среди молодежи. Молодых людей привлекают неизведанные миры и нереальные герои, наделенные авторами сверхъестественными способностями. Но если присмотреться – это все те же книги о людях и отношениях между ними.

10. Русская литература – настоящая сокровищница с бесчисленным количеством шедевров и талантливых авторов. Трудно переоценить вклад русских писателей в мировую художественную литературу.


III. Translate the text into Russian.

Daniel Defoe


Daniel Defoe (nee Daniel Foe) was born around 1659-1660 in Cripplegate, which is near London. He was a prominent English writer, essayist, pamphleteer, trader and spy. He became well-known after his novel «Robinson Crusoe». He was also the founder of economic journalism in the UK. His father was a tradesman, but he wanted his son to become a pastor. Thus, he sent Daniel to the seminary in Newington Green. The boy studied classical literature, as well as Latin and Greek there. However, he drew a completely different path – business and trade.

He was rather ambitious by nature and he could afford to buy a real estate or even a ship, but he was often trapped in debts. However, business was not the only interest of Defo. He lived a bright and busy life. He actively participated in political life of England and was one of the rebels against King James II Stuart. For that reason, he had to hide in different cities to avoid jail. In 1684 he married a daughter of a successful merchant. Nobody believed that his marriage with Mary Tuffley would last, but they actually lived together for 50 years and produced eight children.

His literary career began with pamphlets and satirical poems. His first remarkable publication was «An Essay upon Projects». In 1701 he wrote a pamphlet «The True-Born Englishman», in which he ridiculed the aristocracy. Although he gained incredible popularity, he was sentenced to the pillory and giant fine by the authorities. At that time he also lost his business. His imprisonment could be very long if he wasn’t rescued by Robert Harley, who was the speaker of the House of Lords. Since then, the writer became a secret agent who collected all the necessary information in England and Scotland for Harley.

2In 1704 he was hired as an editor of articles for the periodical «Review». Being a journalist, he found time to write literary works. In 1719 his book «The Life and Strange Surprizing Adventures of Robinson Crusoe» was released. This work was included in the treasury of world literature and brought its author instant success. The same year, he wrote «The Further Adventures of Robinson Crusoe», and a year later another sequel story. However, the glory of his first book about Robinson Crusoe was unattainable. Defo died in April, 1731, in London.



2 вариант

I. Grammar Exercises.

Supply the correct article where necessary.

1. I don’t usually like staying at … hotels, but last summer we spent a few days at … very nice hotel by … sea.

2. … government without … strong leader will not produce … good policies.

3. It isn’t easy, but I think we’re making … progress.

4. Make … love, not … war.

5. «No, I’ve heard … stories about … Englishmen, … Irishmen and … Scotsmen before and they are all … same.»

6. … temperature varies with … pressure.

7. … English of … 14th century differs from … Modern English.

8. … London train was on … point of … departure. It was yet … early morning, … hour of … milkmen and … postmen. … station had … chill, unused, deserted look; … passengers were few.

9. It’s _ novel our teacher mentioned at … last lesson.

10. … Language is means of … communication.

Supply the correct prepositions where necessary.

1. If I have no classes on Saturday, I'll join …you.

2. My explanation seemed strange ... the teacher.

3. … the war we were … the same front.

4. She invited me … her room.

5. He gave her a big bunch ... flowers.

6. He was on old friend … ours.

7. It was the most pleasant party … my life.

8. We tried to speak ... him, but he did not want to listen ... us.

9. You will see the New Year … … us.

10. There is a table and a few chairs … the balcony.


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