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VII. Make a presentation on any topic you like. The information below will help you.

Преподаватель: Шитикова Елизавета Владимировна

Вариант 1

I. Put the following into indirect speech:

1. "Lock the door when you leave the house," said my elder sister to me. 2. "Have you received a telegram from your wife?" she asked Robert. 3. Mabel said: "Nothing will change my decision and I shall leave for Cape Town tonight." 4. "Pease don't smoke in the room," said the old woman to her nephew. 5. "I am shivering with cold," said the girl.


II. Open the brackets :

1. If he reads fifty pages every day, his vocabulary (to increase) greatly. 2. If they (to know) it before, they would have taken measures. 3. If I (to get) this book, I shall be happy. 4. If you really loved music, you (to go) to the Philharmonic much more often. 5. If you had not wasted so much time, you (not to miss) the train. 6. If you (not to miss) the train, you would have arrived in time.

III. . Translate into English:


1. Вам приходится очень рано вставать, не так ли?

2. Я не должен был говорить с ней таким тоном, мой тон, должно быть, обидел ее.

3. Мы, должно быть, пропустили его; мы должны были придти пораньше, мы ждем его,

4. Он должен был придти в 5, а он еще не пришел.

5. В темноте я не могла разобрать, сколько там людей.

6. Не может быть, чтобы он забыл свое обещание. Он, вероятно, очень занят сейчас.

7. Тебе следует встретиться с ним и подробно обсудить этот вопрос.

8. Возможно, он забыл о нашей встрече. Он должен был прийти в 10 часов, а сейчас уже 12


IV.Замените выделенные части предложений инфинитивными оборотами.

1.Here is something which will warm you up. 2.Here is a new brush which you will clean your teeth with. 3.Here are some more facts which will prove that your theory is correct. 4.Here is something which you can rub on your hands. It will soften them. 5.Here are some screws with which you can fasten the shelves to the wall.1.She has got so fat that she cannot wear this dress now. 2.The accident was so terrible that I don’t want to talk about it. 3.They were so empty-headed that they could not learn a single thing. 4.The window was so dirty that they could notsee through it. 5.She was so foolish that she could not understand my explanation.


V. Choose the right variant (1, 2, 3 or 4) to complete the sentences below


Al. Galileo______ his first telescope in 1609.

1. builds 3. were built

2. built 4. has built

A2. We____ here for 7 years already.

1. had lived 3. are living

2. was living 4. have lived

A3. He ____ to the theatre the other day.

1. has gone 3. was going

2. went 4. had gone

A4.1 _____ to talk to you now,

1. wanted 3. want

2. am wanting 4. has wanted

A5. Something ____ good. Are you cooking a pie?

1. smelt 3. smells

2. is smelling 4. smell

A6. By the time I got to the station, the train _____.

1. was leaving 3. left

2. is leaving 4. had left

A 7. Computers can ____ in many fields.

1.use 3. have used

2. be used 4. is used

A8.1 don't know when I _______ a job.

1. will find 3. am finding

2. find 4. would find

A9. My mother asked if I ____ her letter.

1. will post 3. had posted

2. am posting 4. was posting

A10. ____the government disapproves, cultivation of the opium poppy continues.

1.as if 3. so that

2. until 4. even though

All. I have worked ______ this company for 5 years.

1.with 3. on

2. for 4. -

A12. Of all the economically important plants, palms have been______.

1. the least studied 3. study the least

2. study less and less 4. to study the less

Al3. The smaller a garden is, ____ it is to look after.

1. the easier 3. easier

2. more easy 4. more difficult

A14. I've always _______ cheap food.

1 could 3. had to

2 might 4. should

A15.I have read about the pirates of _______ Caribbean Sea.

1.a 3. the

An 4._

A16. Have you ever taken ____part in competitions?

1.a 3. the

An 4._

A17. He will arrive ____ next Monday.

1-a 3. the

2. an 4. –

A18. _____ rich don't understand those who are poor.

1.a 3. the

An 4. -

A19. There is a small table in ______ middle of the room.

1.a 3. the

An 4. -

A20. Belarus was a part of _____ Soviet Union.

1.a 3. the

An 4. -

A21. Remember _____ an envelope. I need to post a letter.

1. buying 3. buy

2. to buying 4. to buy

A22. Nobody ______ to the dentist.

1. enjoy to go 3. enjoy going

2. enjoys go 4. enjoys going

A23. The boys watched the yachts _____ one by one.

1. to sail 3. sailed

2. sailing 4. to sailing

A24.1 _____ early and got out of bed.

1. wake up 3. waked up

2. woke up 4. had woken up

A25. In the evening _____ will be a disco.

1.it 3. that

2. there 4. -

A26.1 like my computer but _____ would be better to have a more modern one.

1. there 3. it

2. here 4. its

A27. This toaster switches____ off.

1. himself 3. itself

2. him 4. its

A28. All of ______ have fair hair and blue eyes.

1.they 3. them

2. their 4. theirs

A29. If you _____ late, I can take your dog out for a walk.

1.are 3. will be

2. is 4. were

A30. He is fond of _________ anecdotes to everybody.

1.tell 3. telling

2. tells 4. having been told

A31. _____ Jane and Tom like driving.

1. both are 3. both

2. what both 4. that both

A32. Stallholders in the old market wondered how much ____ be able to stay there.

1. would they longer 3. they would longer

2. longer they would 4. they longer would

A33. _______ range in colour from pale yellow to bright orange.

1. canaries 3. canaries which

2. that canaries 4. canaries that are

A34. He _______ very keen on sport in those days.

1. used to being 3. didn't use

2. was never used to be 4. didn't use to be

A 35. They _____ Sunday mornings reading newspapers.

1. used to spend 3. do not use to spend

2. use to spend 4. use not to spend

A36. What ______ for?

1. people go there 3. shall I do there

2. do people go abroad 4. abroad shall I do

A37.1 am not that stupid, _____ I?

1.do 3. is

Are 4. am

A38. Let's go for a dance,_________ we?

1. let not 3. shall

2. let 4. shan't

A39. Open the window, ____you?

1.will ' 3. don't

2. won't 4. shall

A40. This pair of binoculars _____ to my grandfather.

I. belong 3. have belonged . 2. belongs 4. was belonged



VI.Read the text,translate it and put all possible questions:

Bad line on behavior


What drives you to lose your temper on the telephone? Being kept waiting, being connected to voice mail or being passed to someone else are all common flashpoints. But what infuriates people most of all is talking someone who sounds inattentive, unconcerned or insincere, according to a survey punished today.

The study by Reed Employment Services, a recruitment company, found that nearly two-thirds of people feel that ‘phone rage’—people losing their temper on the telephone—has become more common over the past five years. More than half the respondents, who were from 536 organizations, said that they themselves had lost their tempers on the phone this year.

The reasons for this are threefold, according to Reed. People are much more likely to express anger over the phone, rather than in writing or face-to-face. Moreover, telephone usage has been rising steeply over recent years. Increasing numbers of transactions take place entirely by phone, from arranging insurance to paying bills.

In addition, people’s expectations have risen. Nearly three-quarters of respondents to the Reed survey said they are more confident that their problems can be solved over the phone than they were five years ago.

Companies are taking steps to improve their staff’s telephone answering techniques. The survey found that 70 percent of organizations require their staff to answer the telephone with a formal company greeting. In 43 percent of organizations, staff have to give their own names when they answer the telephone.

But a third of organizations do not give any training, or they train their receptionists. That may not be enough, the report says. As companies move towards ‘remote working’, the need for the right tone of voice extends to every level of the organization.


Build a list of vocabulary – useful language for efficient and helpful telephone conversation.

-How do you read telephone numbers?


VII. Make a presentation on any topic you like. The information below will help you.


The structure of presentation.

Comment on the following statements. In your opinion are they a) essential b) helpful c) unhelpful for a successful presentation.

- tell a joke at the beginning,

- speak more slowly than you normally do,

- smile a lot,

- involve the audience,

- invite questions during presentation,

- always keep to your plan,

- move around during your presentation,

- use a lot of gestures to emphasize important points,

- read out your presentation from a script,

- stand up when giving your presentation.


Useful vocabulary.


Introducing yourself

- Good morning, everyone.

- Hello, everyone, welcome to ... .

- On behalf of myself and Focus Advertising, I'd like to welcome you.

- My name's Sven Larsen.

- Hi everyone, I'm Dominique Lagrange. Good to see you all.

Introducing the topic

- I'm going to tell you about the ideas we've come up with for the ad

- This morning, I'd like to outline the campaign concept we've developed

for you.

Structuring the presentation

I'm going to divide my talk into 4 parts.

First, I'll give you ... . After that,... . Finally, ... .

Inviting questions

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.

I'll be glad to answer any questions (at the end of my talk).

Giving background information

I'll give you some background,

Let's start with the background.

Referring to the audience's knowledge

As you know, . . ..

As you are aware, ….

Changing the topic

Right, let's move on to ... .

OK, I'll look a t . . . .

Referring to visuals

If you look at the graph . . ..

Could I draw your attention to the chart?

Inviting questions

If there's anything you're not clear about, go ahead and ask any questions you want.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to interrupt me.


To sum up, . . .

To summarise, . . .


Thanks very much. Any questions?

Well, that's all I have to say.

Thank you for listening.



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