Сделай Сам Свою Работу на 5

Would you wait for me, please? Would you have lunch with us tomorrow?

Для выражения просьбы глагол would может употребляться в условных придаточных предложениях:

We would be greatly obliged to you if you would help us. – Мы были бы вам очень обязаны, если бы вы помогли нам.

8. Фраза “would rather” употребляется, чтобы показать, что вы предпочитаете одно другому:

I would rather have tea. I don't like the coffee here. – Я бы лучше выпила чая. Мне не нравится кофе здесь.


Модальный глагол shall употребляется только с неперфектным инфинитивом. В предложении он может иметь следующие значения.

1. Модальный глагол shall может выражать официальное принуждение или долженствование, ограниченное официальными правилами и распоряжениями:

Students shall return books on time.

В технических инструкциях глагол shall употребляется, чтобы показать обязательность следования им.

The device shall be unplugged before cleaning. – Перед тем как помыть прибор, его нужно обязательно отключить.

2. Модальный глагол shall употребляется с подлежащим, выраженным личным местоимением 2-го лица, или с подлежащим в 3-м лице, для выражения угрозы (threat) или предупреждения (warning):

He shall be punished. – Он будет наказан!

Такое употребление модального глагола shallв современном английском языке встречается редко; вместо него может употребляться глагол will:

He will be punished.

3. Модальный глагол shall может выражать обещание (promise)или твердое намерение(determination) выполнить действие, выраженное инфинитивом смыслового глагола, с подлежащим, выраженным 2-м или 3-м лицом; в современном английском языке в этом значении чаще употребляется глагол will:

You shall get what you want, dear. – Ты обязательно получишь то, что ты хочешь, дорогая (я обещаю).

You will get what you want, dear.

4. В вопросительных предложениях с подлежащим, выраженным личным местоимением 1-го лица, глагол shall выражает предложения (suggestions, offers) или говорящий хочет получить инструкции (asking for instruction):

Shall I open the window? – Открыть окно? (Вы хотите, чтобы я открыл окно?)

Shall we wait for them a little more? – Нам еще подождать их?

5. Фраза ‘We shall see’ употребляется, когда вы не знаете, что произойдет в будущем, и не хотите дать определенный ответ:

Let's have a picnic on Sunday. - We shall see. – Давайте, устроим пикник в воскресенье. – Посмотрим.


Полу-модальный глагол dare употребляется только с неперфектным инфинитивом с частицей ‘to’или без нее. Глагол dareможет выражать следующие значения.

1. Глагол dareимеет значение“решиться, осмелиться (to be brave enough to do something):

She wouldn't dare (to) enter this house again. – Она не решится снова войти в этот дом.

2. Глагол dareупотребляется и в тех случаях, когда инфинитив смыслового глагола обозначает грубое или шокирующее действие:

I wouldn't dare tell her this. – Я не решусь сказать ей об этом.

3. Фраза ‘How dare you’ употребляется в устной речи, чтобы показать гнев говорящего; в этом случае инфинитив употребляется без частицы ‘to’:

How dare you accuse me of lying! – Как ты смеешь обвинять меня во лжи!

4. Фраза ‘Don't you dare’ употребляется в устной речи, чтобы предостеречь человека от поступка, который может вызвать у вас гнев; в этом случае инфинитив употребляется без частицы ‘to’:

Don't you dare talk to me like that! – Не смей разговаривать со мной так!

5. Фраза ‘Idare say’ употребляется в устной речи, когда вы считаете что-то правдой или соглашаетесь с кем-то:

I dare say that things will improve. – Я полагаю (Осмелюсь сказать), что дела пойдут на лад.


Ex. 1State the meaning of the modal verbs in the following sentences:

1. Harris and I frowned at him. This mighthave wounded a more sensitive nature, but Bigg’s boys are not, as a rule, touchy.

2. The people would flock to it to see what could have been the matter with it.

3. You might look daggers at him for an hour and he would not notice it, and it would not trouble him if he did.

4. I wished that I could let them know that I had done it, because I wanted to make them happy.

5. “Oh, please could you spare us a little water?”

6. I did not see how that was possible; though, as I suggested, we might have somehow got into the weir stream, and be making for the falls.

From: Jerome J.K. Three Men in a Boat

Tips (Obligation and Necessity):

Модальные глаголы могут выражать различного рода обязательства. Различные контексты в письменной речи и различные ситуации устной коммуникации требуют употребления разных модальных глаголов.

Must – употребляется, когда действие, выраженное инфинитивом смыслового глагола, необходимо и важно; чаще всего употребляется, чтобы выразить волю говорящего;

Have to – обязательство обусловлено обстоятельствами, в том числе законами, распоряжениями и приказами других людей:

I must take up swimming (my wish).

I have to take up swimming (doctor’s order).

Глагол ‘must’ не может выражать долженствования в будущем, но может выражать приказ относительно выполнения действия в будущем:

You must come in time for dinner tonight.

Глагол ‘have to’ в форме будущего времени употребляется для выражения будущих обязательств:

When you arrive at the airport you will have to check in your luggage.

Отрицательная форма ‘must’ употребляется, чтобы выразить запрещение, в то время как отрицательная форма глагола ‘have to’ выражает отсутствие необходимости выполнять действие, выраженное инфинитивом смыслового глагола.

Need – выражает необходимость, существующую в определенный момент, а не вообще:

Hurry up. I need to catch the morning train or I’ll be late for the club’s meeting.

I have to take the earliest train to town to be in time for my classes.

Be to – выражает то, что нужно сделать в соответствии с планом и чаще употребляется в официальной речи.

Should / ought to – показывает что что-то следует сделать, потому что так будет лучше.

Shall – выражает обязательства в контрактах, юридических документах.

Ex. 2 Choose the proper modal verb to express different kinds of obligation, necessity, absence of necessity or prohibition:

1. Where are you? You _____ have come here half an hour ago. 2. He knew that his sister would _____ walk along this street – there was no other way home. 3. According to their plan, Jane _____ go to the camp that summer. 4. You _____ call your mother immediately. She is so worried because she doesn’t know where you are. 5. You _____ pay more attention to what he says – he is much more experienced than you are. 6. You _____ drive so fast – the road is bad here. 7. You _____ park your car where there is no parking. You will be fined sooner or later. 8. I _____ go to the office yesterday as it was my day off. 9. You _____ say such things to people, it is really very rude. 10. I _____ have bothered to tell them about the schedule of the trip, the meeting committee changed it again. 11. Must she really look through all these papers again? – No, she _____. The secretary will do it. 12. They _____ have discussed this matter yesterday but the expert hadn’t arrived.

Ex. 3 Use the correct form of the verbs ‘need’ and ‘have to’ and the infinitive to fill in the blanks:

1. You ____________ (to mix) sugar and eggs first. 2. Ed _________ (to change) trains in Leeds. There’s a through train to Bath from here. So his trip was shorter than he had expected. 3. Ed _________ (to change) trains in Leeds. It made his trip much longer while there’s a through train to Bath from here. 4. You ____________ (to apologize), Mrs. Parker, I know you are right. 5. Mother __________ (to wake) him up so early in the morning. He got upset when she did as it was his day off. 6. The interpreter ____________ (to translate) the article word for word as we knew the problem described. 7. George ______________ (to go) to the British Museum to read the medical encyclopedia. He only felt worse. 8. He _______________ (to apologize) for his absence; otherwise his reputation will be ruined. 9. He ______________ (to explain) the problem twice. The audience was well prepared to listen. 10. Must I telephone the hospital at once? No, you ___________. 11. You _____________ (to give) so many figures in your report, as they were all printed in our handout.

Ex. 4 Choose the correct modal verb:

1. I think, I have enough time to complete the work, so you ____________ worry. (mustn’t / needn’t)

2. We won’t ___________ meet again tomorrow, as I am going to complete the project on my own. (must / have to)

3. Twenty years ago we didn’t have e-mail and __________ write letters. (must / had to)

4. Attention, please. Students ___________ to take books out of the reading room. (are not / don’t have)

5. Alan _____________________ money for a new guitar as his uncle gave him one for his birthday. (needn’t have saved / didn’t have to save)

6. Sorry, dear. I _____________ to go to the dentist now. Let’s put off the movie. (must / have got)

7. Everybody ____________ to visit the dentist regularly, at least 3 times a year. (has / has got)

8. You ___________ apologize. It isn’t very important. (haven’t to / needn’t)

9. I _________________ have seen my dentist last Monday, but he was down with the flue. (was to / must)

10. He fell ill and _______________ to cancel all his appointments last week. (had / was)

Tips: Supposition (speculation)

Разная степень уверенности выражается разными модальными глаголами. Употребление модального глагола может также регламентироваться коммуникативным типом предложения и временем действия, относительно которого высказывается предположение.


I doubt he knows the news. – Can he know the news?

I doubt that he has done it himself. – Could he have done it himself?


I’m surprised he knows about it. – How can he know about it?

Incredulity / negative assurance:

I don’t believe that he said it. – He couldn’t have said it.

Supposition implying uncertainty / doubt:

Perhaps she already knows about your arrival. – She may already know about your arrival.

Supposition bordering on assurance (strong probability):

Obviously he is busy now. – He must be busy now.

Probably he is out now. – He must be out now.


Probably the weather will be fine there. – The weather should (ought to) be fine there.

I’m sure everything will settle down. – Everything has to settle down.

Ex. 5 Change the following sentences using modal verbs can and could in the proper form:

Model: Surely she is not at home now. – She can’t be at home now.

I doubt she wasat home yesterday. – She couldn’t have been at home yesterday.

1. Surely he didn’t do it. 2. Surely it isn’t true. 3. What you say is not likely to happen. 4. You say she asked about me. It certainly surprises me. 5. I don’t believe she has asked about me. 6. I doubt he has ever met Ann. It’s her first visit to our country. 7. Apparently he doesn’t know about your plans. 8. Surely you didn’t tell him about our plans? 9. I just cannot believe this is happening to me! 10. I doubt they have returned to town. They promised to call me as soon as they were back.

Ex. 6 Change the following sentences using modal verbs may and might:

Model: Maybe it is a good idea. – It may (might) be a good idea.

Perhaps it was a good idea. – It may (might) have been a good idea.

1. It was possibly their idea. 2. Perhaps he has forgotten that he promised to call. 3. Maybe he will do it, maybe he won’t. 4. The exhibition seems to be a success. 5. I think he will return next week, but I’m not sure. 6. Perhaps she has cooked something already. 7. Maybe they are still waiting for you. 8. Maybe it is better to tell them the truth. 9. Perhaps it will help you if you talk to the Dean. 10. I believe she needs your help but I am not sure. 11. As likely as not she has told her husband about our plans. 12. I believe they don’t realize that they are making a mistake.

Ex. 7 Change the following sentences using the modal verb mustwith the proper form of the infinitive:

Model: I’m sure he is working now. – He must be working now.

I’m sure he worked the whole day yesterday. – He must have worked the whole day yesterday.

1. I’m sure they are aware of their mistake. 2. He is certainly tired of having to do it so many times. 3. Probably she has already decided what she is going to do. 4. He is sure to be disappointed with the result of the talks. 5. Surely he misunderstood your intentions. 6. There is no doubt that the boy caught a cold when he was in the camp. 7. I’m sure that she has followed your advice. 8. I think it was at the exhibition that she came across him. 9. I’m sure there was a reason why they refused your proposal. 10. I think he didn’t call you because he doesn’t remember your telephone number.

Ex. 8 Change the following sentences using modal verbs ‘must’, ‘have to’, ‘should’, ‘be to’ to express supposition or something unavoidable; remember that must is not used to speak about future actions.

1. It was probably her best song. 2. Probably she has consulted the doctor already. 3. They are likely to know about your proposal. 4. The fruit are sure to be ripe in a week or two. 5. The clouds are dark and heavy. It is sure to snow today. 6. Their adventure will surely end in disaster. One can’t tempt fate forever. 7. I think somebody is in – there is light in the windows. 8. Surely, he knew what he was talking about. 9. Probably he didn’t understand what you wanted from him. 10. We knew they would meet again. There is no escaping fate and they are really good for each other.

Ex. 9 Insert the correct forms of the modal verbs ‘can’, ‘must’ and semi-modal verbs ‘have to’ and ‘be to’ and the infinitive of the verbs in brackets.

1. Tom is constantly ill. He ______________ (send) for the doctor at least three times this month. 2. I ______________ (go) on holiday last week, but I decided not to. 3. Teenagers often don’t like that they _______________ (do) what their parents tell them. 4. We ______________ (save) money for a new car, as my husband got a car as a prize for his Olympic record. 5. He ____________ (turn up) at our offshore office at 12 o’clock but he didn’t. Later he ____________ (call) to report that his flight was cancelled. 6. I looked at my watch. I ______________ (wait) for almost half an hour. 7. He ________________ (forget) about our meeting. 8. But I ______________ (worry). Soon he turned up with apologies and a bunch of flowers. 9. They ______________ (stay) in Las Vegas a week longer. But they returned as they had run out of money. 10. My washing machine is all right! But he _________________ (repair) it. He doesn’t know how! 11. With the present rate of inflation the prices _________________ (go up) again in autumn. 12. He looks quite miserable. He __________________ (fail to consult) his doctor about the pain.

Ex. 10 Task 1: Underline the correct modal verb in questions (1-7).

Task 2: Then match the questions to responses (a-g).

1. May / Would I leave my coat here? a. I can call at 6 if you don’t mind.
2. Shall / Could I borrow your pen for a moment? b. Sorry, I need it myself.
3. Could / Would I carry this heavy bag for you? c. Thanks, I could accept some help.
4. Will / Might you wait for me a little? d. Of course you can. Here you are.
5. I’m so thirsty. Will / Can I have a glass of water, please? e. OK. Only if it’s a matter of your health.
6. Could / May I stay away from classes tomorrow? f. Sure, if it is not too long.
7. Will / Could you mind to call me back later? g. I’m sorry, you can’t. I’m closing the office.

Ex. 11Complete the following offers and suggestions using the beginnings of the sentences given below:

- ‘Shall we / We can (could)’ for making suggestions;

- ‘Shall I / we...’, ‘Can / Could I ...’, ‘May I ...’, ‘I / we can (could) ...’, ‘Let me ...’ to express offers.

1. _____________ carry this heavy trunk for you? 2. ______________ open the tin myself. 3. ______________ help you to unlock the door? 4. _______________ fix the water tap for you. 5. _________________ make tea for us. 6. _______________ have breakfast together? 7. ________________ offer this new book to you. 8. _____________ go out for lunch.

Ex. 12 Find 6 mistakes and write the correct forms in the right column.

1. You oughtn’t have eaten so much cake. You may be sick.  
2. You shouldn’t have wasting your time like that.  
3. I better not call her. I’ll write her a letter.  
4. Should I take pills before meals?  
5. You’d better to reserve tickets in advance.  
6. We should have order a bottle of wine for supper.  
7. You ought to understand such things.  
8. Don’t you think we should hurry up?  
9. You must work harder, or you’ll never get a good mark.  
10. You must be writing your report... Why are you watching TV?  

Ex. 13Use the proper modal verb (can. could, may, might, must) in the text in the left column to express the meaning given in the right column; mind that the modal verb can be in the affirmative or negative form:

- Have you met Ann? - Where (1) ____________ I have met her?   Surprise
- You graduated from the same University. You (2) _________ have met her there. Supposition implying uncertainty
- I graduated ten years ago and she is quite young. I (3) ___________ have possibly met her. Negative assurance
- You are right. She (4) ____________ be still in early twenties. Supposition bordering on assurance
- (5) ___________ you introduce me to her? Polite request
- I think I (6) ________ do this. She (7) __________ come around tonight if she is not busy. Ability; Supposition implying uncertainty
- I think I (8) ___________ come too. Shall I bring something? Hypothetical possibility
- Yes, you (9) ____________ bring some candies. Hypothetical possibility
- I (10) ___________ certainly do it. Ability
- Only don’t fall in love. There is a guy she talks a lot about. She (11) __________ be engaged.   Supposition implying uncertainty
- (12) _________ she be planning to marry? No, she is too young. I don’t believe it. Doubt
- She (13) ___________ or she (14) _________. Who knows? Supposition implying uncertainty
- You (15) _________ know. You are her friend. Supposition bordering on assurance
- Even if I know, I (16) ____________ tell you. It’s none of my business. Ability (negative)

Ex. 14 Paraphrase the sentences to express the following modal meanings with the help of the modal verbs; mind the forms of the Infinitives.

Meanings: 1) Obligation / necessity, 2) doubt, astonishment, 3) incredulity (negative assurance), 4) supposition, implying uncertainty, 5) supposition, bordering on assurance, 6) advice, 7) criticism of a past action.

Model: He gave up this idea. –

1) obligation / necessity: He had to give up this idea.

2) doubt, astonishment: Could he have given up this idea?

3) incredulity (negative assurance): He couldn’t have given up this idea.

4) supposition, implying uncertainty: He may have given up this idea.

5) supposition, bordering on assurance: He must have given up this idea.

6) advice: no advice as the sentence refers to the past.

7) criticism of a past action: He shouldn’t (oughtn’t to) have given up this idea.

1. She became a top manager.

2. Now she always wears a white blouse with a badge.

3. She instructs a new operator about his duties.

4. She is a good manager. She works a lot.

Ex. 15 Choose the proper form of the predicate in the object clause:

1. They suggest that he ______ the accident.

a) will report b) reports c) should report

2. He suggests he ______ through the papers himself.

a) should look b) will look c) may look

3. I find it strange that they _______ to support you at the conference yesterday.

a) should refuse b) should have refused c) would refuse

4. I insist that you ______ all the classes.

a) would attend b) should attend c) will attend

5. The captain ordered that the passengers ______ on their life vests.

a) might put b) would put c) should put

6. He insisted that his mate _____ the passengers about the danger.

a) would inform b) informed c) should inform

7. He believed it important that you _______ him all the papers you had. He really expected you to do it.

a) should show b) should have shown c) showed

Ex. 16 Use the proper form of the Infinitive in the following predicative and subject clauses:

1. The suggestion was that all the teams should _______ (start) at once. 2. It is necessary that the perishables should _________ (keep) in the fridge. 3. The captain’s order was that the passengers should __________ (leave) the ship. 4. It was desirable that he should_________ (find) a summer job. 5. They didn’t call and so we decided it was possible that they might _________ (change) their mind to join us. 6. My request was that you should not __________ (discuss) such matters in her presence. 7. It is doubtful that he should __________ (arrive). If so, he would already be here. 8. It is possible that the blizzard may __________ (continue) for another day or two. 9. It is strange that he should _________ (expect) your help – he was supposed to do everything himself. 10. It is quite natural that the exhibition should ________ (impress) him. It was really magnificent!

Ex. 17 Use ‘should’ in subject subordinate clauses after the given phrases.

1.It is necessary that (чтобы) я позвонил ему немедленно. она приехала в субботу. староста узнал расписание.
2. It is important that It is vital that (чтобы) он узнал правду. он думал о своей карьере. вы нашли подход к детям.
3. It is normal that (что) у мальчика так много друзей. цены на новый товар выше. у вас частый пульс после пробежки.
4. It is interesting that (что) вы удивлены. вы говорите мне это. она задает мне этот вопрос.
5. It is strange that (что) он все-таки сказал вам правду. он ездит на такой старой машине. он пришел на вечеринку один.

Ex. 18 Rewrite the recommendations and advice using must/mustn’t, should/shouldn’t, ought to/ oughtn’t to.

How to be fit:

1. It is very important to keep to a healthy diet. __________________

2. It is necessary to drink enough pure water.________________.

3. It is important to be always dressed to the weather. __________________

4. It is not a good idea to take medications without a doctor’s prescription. __________________

5. It’s good to spent as much time as possible in the open air. __________________

6. It is good to have a walk before bedtime. __________________

7. A shower is strongly recommended after jogging. __________________

8. It is very important to have proper rest after work. __________________

9. It is essential to have regular meals. __________________

10. It’s a bad idea to sit up late every day. __________________

11. It’s necessary to have enough sleep. __________________

Ex. 19 Paraphrase the sentences using the modal verbs ‘should’ and ‘ought to’ to express advice, criticism of a past action, probability.

1. I knew it was wrong to make him wait. __________________

2. It is unpardonable of you to lie to your friend. __________________

3. I wish you had left me a message instead of waiting for me. __________________

4. I recommend the students to pay more attention to their pronunciation. __________________

5. I expect the wine in the old bottle to be in mint condition. __________________

6. Look at the sunset. It’s going to be windy tomorrow. __________________

7. I disapprove of your watching TV so much. You’d better practice your grammar. __________________

8. I know it was improper to disturb you but it was an urgent matter. __________________

Ex. 20 Use the proper form of the infinitive of the verb in brackets:

Judy was an orphan. She wouldn’t have been able (1) _________ (get) proper education if her trustee couldn’t (2) ___________________ (help) her. Her trustee must (3) ___________ (guess) that she had more than average abilities. According to his plan Judy was (4) __________ (go) to college. He must (5) _________________ (like) her a lot, so he took care of her. She had (6) ___________ (study) hard to catch up with the other girls at college. She would (7) ____________ (read) books at night because she understood how much she had (8) ____________ (learn). Sometimes she felt disappointed that he didn’t answer her letters. “He could (9) _____________ (be) more interested in my life,” she thought. She wrote again and again, but he wouldn’t (10) ___________ (answer) her. Of course, the book has a happy ending. They met and they were (11) ___________ (fall) in love. What other ending could there (12) _________ (be)? The author didn’t dare (13) ___________ (disappoint) her readers.

Ex. 21 Translate the following sentences into English using modal verbs.

1. Его сестра должна писать стихи. Она талантлива. 2. Если она не умеет писать стихи, можно попробовать прозу. 3. С какой стати она станет писать прозу? Ей просто суждено стать поэтессой с ее талантом. 4. Не может быть, чтобы она писала стихи. Она такая прагматичная. 5. Как она может писать стихи, если она говорить правильно не умеет? 6. А ей не приходится читать свои стихи. Никому это не нравится. Ее брат это делает за нее. 7. Мне необходимо поговорить с ней об этом. Кто-то же должен сказать ей, что она впустую тратит время. 8. Ты могла бы это сделать сейчас. 9. А ты могла бы это сделать давным-давно! Ты же ее лучшая подруга. 10. Да. Напрасно бедняжка потратила столько времени, сочиняя стихи. Никто их не читает. 11. Как ты можешь так говорить? Нельзя быть такой безжалостной. 12. Должен все-таки быть человек, которому ее стихи нравятся. 13. Такого человека не найти, я уверена. 14. Не стоит так волноваться по этому поводу. 15. Она может стать знаменитой когда-нибудь в будущем. 16. Посмотри! Она плачет. Должно быть, она услышала наш разговор, и он задел ее чувства. 17. А мне кажется, ей в очередной раз не удалось опубликовать стихи в журнале. 18. И почему редактор так не справедлив к ней? 19. Но ему же приходится думать и о читателях тоже. 20. Вкусы у всех разные. Кому-то ее стихи могли бы понравиться. Наверное, ему они не нравятся.

Ex. 22 State the meaning of the modal verbs in the following sentences:

1. Nowadays one may buy tickets online. 2. They might not have had enough time to investigate the case. 3. Her eyes are red and swollen. She must have been crying. 4. Can there be life on other planets? 5. You needn’t have come to the University so early. The first lecture has been cancelled. 6. We could go out and have a little coffee party this afternoon. 7. He was to have finished the portrait by Saturday but he fell seriously ill. 8. ShallI make you a cup of tea, Meg? 9. It’s late. The child should go to bed. 10. You should have arranged everything before I came. 11. The rain is warm. Mushrooms ought to grow well after it. 12. You ought to know what your child’s troubles are. 13. What’s his name? – Why shouldItell you? 14. When we have found out the details you shall be the first one to hear about them. 15. When a child, he would drink a glass of warm milk before going to bed. 16. No matter how hard I tried the box wouldn’t open. 17. In fine weather she willoftensit on the terrace looking at the sun. 18. I’m afraid they missed their train. They ought to have hired a taxi. 19. He isn’t in the office. He must have been sent on a business trip. 20. She couldn’t have taken the car – her husband always uses it.


Рекомендации по выполнению:Тесты следует выполнять после тщательного изучения правил и выполнения тренировочных упражнений, предложенных в учебных пособиях. Если вы допускаете ошибки при выполнении правил, обратитесь снова к учебному пособию; если ошибка остается непонятой, обратитесь за разъяснением к своему преподавателю.

Шкала оценки:

Выполнение 100% - 90% (60 – 54 points) – отлично

Выполнение 89% - 70% (53 – 42 points) – хорошо

Выполнение 69% - 50% (41 – 30 points) – удовлетворительно

Выполнение менее 50% (29 – 0 points) – неудовлетворительноМаксимальное количество баллов по каждому заданию указано после названия задания; количество баллов для конкретной оценки указывается в начале каждого теста.

Task 1

Use the correct modal verb to express the following:

(15 points)

1. Possibility: Try to do it again. You _______ cope with it.

a) may b) is to c) must

2. Future possibility: They ___________ call us tonight, it’s not late yet.

a) must b) might c) can

3. Hypothetical possibility: They _________ go by plane if it were summer now.

a) could b) must c) will

4. Supposition implying uncertainty (in the past): John didn’t call us yesterday. He __________ have had no news yet.

a) could b) must c) may

5. Supposition (negative assurance about smth. in the past): He _________ have fallen ill. I saw him yesterday and he was quite well.

a) mustn’t b) might not c) couldn’t

6. Obligation, duty: You _________ tell her the truth or she won’t trust you.

a) need b) must c) have to

7. Absence of necessity: You ___________ see a doctor yesterday, did you?

a) didn’t have to b) mustn’t c) wasn’t to

8. Absence of necessity for a performed action: You _____________ have cooked. We are dining out today.

a) didn’t have to b) needn’t c) were not to

9. Certainty, almost a conviction: The park looks so beautiful. They ___________ be taking good care of it.

a) have to b) are to c) must

10. Reproach: You ___________ have let me know in advance that you wouldn’t come. Then I wouldn’t have wasted so much time waiting for you.

a) may b) could c) must

11. Advice : You __________ book the rooms in advance.

a) might b) must c) should

12. Certainty (present or future): He _________ be back pretty soon.

a) will b) can c) may

13. Criticism of the past action: She ____________ have said that. Now everybody is upset.

a) mustn’t b) needn’t c) shouldn’t

14. Possibility: His novels ___________ be found in every library now.

a) must b) should c) are to

15. Probability: The letter __________ arrive in a couple of days. She says she has sent it already.

a) must b) has to c) might

Task 2

Use the proper form of the Infinitive in brackets:

(15 points)

1. Why didn’t you go to the party? You could ____________ (have) a good time.

2. You might _____________ (see) the film – it was on for a long time.

3. Will you help her? She might ___________ (cook) dinner now.

4. She could ____________ (be) right. But it was so difficult to believe it then.

5. There are puddles everywhere. It must _______ (rain) at night.

6. She needn’t ________ (rent) a flat, she could have stayed with us.

7. She failed her exam. She should __________ (work) harder.

8. I’m afraid you cannot ___________ (wait) here. This room is for the staff only.

9. You should __________ (set) the alarm clock in order to get up so early.

10. They must __________ (like) the place where they spent their vacation.

11. They were to ___________ (arrive) an hour ago. I don’t know why they are not here yet.

12. Your passport expired last month. You ought to ________ (think) about it long before your trip.

13. Do you see that woman with a briefcase? This ought to _______ (be) the secretary we are waiting for.

14. You should _________ (go) to the theater with us. You would have enjoyed the show.

15. We needn’t __________ (prepare) all these data. Nobody asked us.

Task 3

State the meaning of the modal verb or phrase in the following sentences:

(15 points)

1. He couldn’t have gone hiking. He had promised to wait for us.

2. If you still feel pains, you might need to see a doctor.

3. I don’t see my keys. Julie must have taken them again.

4. Shall I give you something hot?

5. It’s late; we all should go to bed.

6. You could have cooked everything before they came.

7. Where is his car? He should have left it here and now we have to walk.

8. Would you help me with these flowers?

9. When alone she would sit staring at the opposite wall.

10. You were to have sent the papers yesterday. Why didn’t you?

11. When is he going to finish his report? How should I know?

12. You needn’t have mentioned the fact. Everybody knows about it.

13. The weather forecast says it ought to be fine tomorrow.

14. I wanted to ask you for a day off, but I didn’t dare.

15. No matter how hard I tried the box wouldn’t open.

Task 4


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