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Unit 1. Cross-cultural Communication


2.1 k; 2 f; 3 e; 4 j; 5 b; 6 h; 7 c; 8 i; 9 g; 10 a; 11 d.

6.1. i; 2. J; 3.a; 4.k; 5.d; 5.e; 6.m; 7.f; 8.g; 8.h; 9.l; 10.n; 11.b; 12.c.

11.1.C; 2. A; 3. B; 4.D; 5.B; 6.A; 7.B; 8.D; 9.B;10.B; 11.C; 12.B.

14.1.OF, OF, OF, FROM, TO; 2.OF, OF, FOR; 3.OF, AT ;4. BY, FOR ; 5.OF, WITHOUT ; 6. FROM, INTO; 7. OF, BY, INTO, OF; 8. ON, AT, WITH; 9. FOR OF; 10. ON, WITH; 11. FOR; 12. ON; 13. WITHIN, OF.

Unit 2. Economics


9.applicable, small, wonderful, beautiful, funny, green, produces, limits, anywhere, rooms, weak, childish, tiny, not, ancient, young.

10.competition, prices, system, quantities, consume, scarce, people, item, low, available, demand, reaction, supply, sufficient, needs, natural

11.1- within; 2-on; 3-with; 4- under; 5- over; 6- for; 7- --; 8- far beyond; 9- for; 10- to; 11-for; 12- at; 13- in; 14- on; 15- on; 16- to; 17- with.

16.1-j; 2-k; 30h; 4-m; 5-a; 6-I; 7-l; 8-b; 9-f; 10-g; 11-c; 12-d; 13-e.

18.were growing, were developing, were organized, called, were, were financed, supported, expected to protect, were developing, involved were dependent, to trade, financing, organizing, had, sailing, get, trade, went, had been playing, continued, to play, financing, establishing, supporting, was, to protect, had evolved, was marked, be classified, encouraged, limited, legitimized, financed, limited, to protect, favoured, allowed, to operate, kept, was not allowed, to respond.

Unit 3. Goods and Services


Text 2. 1-3; 2-10; 3-8; 4-7; 5-2; 6-4; 7-6; 8-5; 9-1.

Text 6. 1-F; 2-F; 3-F; 4-F;5-F; 6-T; 7-F; 8-T; 9-F;10-T.


4. green, profound, maximum, following, across, quantity, beautiful, clever, cherry, well, boring, annually, narrow, future, raw, plus.

6.1-a; 2-b; 3-c; 4d; 5-k; 6-j; 7-h; 8-e; 9-f; 10-g.

7.classify, generalization, customers, products, tangible, durable, nondurable, example, service, temporary, intangible, manufacture.

8. process, raw, broad, scope, includes, movement, storage, needed, production, planning, physical, occur, getting, customers, transportation, companies

12. 1-before; 2-of; 3-to; 4-due to; 5-with; 6-at; 7-on; 8-to; 9-at; 10-for; 11-on; 12-in, for; 13-on; 14-in,of; 15-into; 16-in.

15. 1. them meeting their partners at the airport. 2. the price to increase so fast.

3. us to purchase the equipment at a higher price. 4. you to check the data once again. 5. us to do it ourselves. 6. them to begin the manufacturing of new goods at the end of the year. 7. them discussing a new product with the director of the firm. 8. you to begin the development of a new package for your goods. 9. these goods to become out-of-date so soon. 10. to make the list of services your firm can offer to its clients.

Unit 4. Business Organisation:


4.1. multinational 2. parent company 3. associated company 4. commercial 5. venture 6. company 7. corporations 8. subsidiaries 9. acquisition 10. big business 11. conglomerates 12. mergers 13. shares 14. chairperson 15. chief executive;

5.1. image 2. ladder 3. performance 4. culture 5. governance 6. strategy 7. collapses 8. logo;

6.1. collapses 2. culture 3. strategies 4. ladder 5. governance 6. performance 7. logo; image;

7.to; with; of; in; into; of; in; of; at; into; for; of; of; with; from; among; to; at; on; to;

8.1 b; 2a; 3g; 4f; 5t; 6d; 7c;

11.1. multinationals 2. a holding company 3. a conglomerate 4. entrepreneur 5. board of directors 6. partnership 7. property 8. a franchise 9. private corporation 10. Takeover;

13.in; very; the; be; the; too; that; the; that; to; one; the; in; of; which; to; the; as; up;

14.has grown; observes; forced; forced; divides; began; have seen; were; has opened; rose; has increased; has also pushed; have always been; has just been built; have pulled;

15.1.who 2. who 3. who 4. who 5. who; which 6. which; who 7. which 8.which 9. which 10. what 11. what 12.who;

17.the; the; -; the; a; the; the; a; the; the; the; the; the; the; a; the; the; the; an; the; the; the; a; a; a; a; the; the; a; the; the; a; the.

Unit 5. Small Business. Entrepreneurship


Text 2

2. 1- c: 2 – d; 3 – b; 4 – a.


3. 1 possibility; 2 aware; 3 familiarity; 4 effective; 5 necessary; 6 willingness; 7 certain; 8 certain; 9 difficulty; 10 clear; 11 formalities; 12 personal; 13 creative.

6. 1 – i; 2 – d; 3 – h; 4 – f; 5 – b; 6 – c; 7 – j; 8 – g; 9 – a; 10 – e.

7. 1 – d; 2 – f; 3 – h; 4 – g; 5 – a; 6 – c; 7 – b; 8 – e.

8. pursue a dream, assume risk, recognize opportunity, own a company, make a profit, establish priorities, set goals, cut a budget, grant a loan.

10. 1 on/in; 2 with; 3 in; 4 with; 5 at; 6 on; 7 with, on, for; 8 of; 9 with; 10 of.

11. 1 - f; 2 - i; 3 - j; 4 - g; 5- l; 6 - a; 7 - e; 8 - d; 9 - b; 10 - c; 11- h; 12 - k.


1) a – U business; b – C a business; c – U business; d – C businesses; e – U business; f – C businesses; g. – C a business; h – U business; i – C a business; j – C businesses; k – U business.

2) a – C ventures; b – U venture; c – C ventures.

3) a – C a(n) enterprise; b – U enterprise; c – C an enterprise; d – U enterprise; e – C a(n) enterprise; f – U enterprise (2); g – C enterprises.

14. 1 survival; 2 entrepreneurs; 3 premises; 4 business plan; 5 incubation; 6 a fee; 7 incubators; 8 venture capital; 9 start-up; 10 success rate; 11 assistance.

16. 1 tiring; 2 shocking; 3 shocked; 4 challenging; 5 challenged; 6 exciting; 7 exciting; 8 disappointed; 9 interested; 10 depressed; 11 confusing; 12 rewarding; 13 inspiring.

17.1 are thinking; 2 am dealing; 3 owns; 4 costs; 5 are…staying, don’t know, deals; 6 are taking; 7 is getting; 8 am coming; 9 come; 10 is always breaking down; 11 expect; 12 ‘m expecting; 13 is growing; 14 isn’t selling.

18. 2 will be needed; 3 is distributed; 4 are sent back; 5 is offered; 6 is analysed.

19. Answer Key: 1 – the; 2 – a; 3 – the; 4 – -; 5 – -; 6 – a; 7 – the; 8 – -; 9 – a; 10 –the; 11 – -; 12 – an; 13 – a; 14 – the; 15 – a; 16 – a; 17 – -; 18 – the; 19 – a; 20 – a.

20. 1 own; 2 in; 3 staff; 4 though; 5 be; 6 ago; 7 so; 8 their; 9 used; 10 have; 11 able; 12 off; 13 have; 14 despite; 15 number; 16 has; 17 result; 18 by; 19 next; 20 into.

Unit. 6. Employment


4. 1-g, 2-c, 3-h, 4-f, 5-d, 6-b, 7-a, 8-e.

6. 1.authority, authorized; 2.apply, application, applicants;3.promotion, promoted; 4description, describes; 5. base; 6 competing; 7. determination;8.required, requirements; 9.qualified, qualifying; 10.recruitment.

8. dissatisfied, unsatisfied, dissatisfaction; motivating, unmotivated, motivation; fulfillment, fulfils, unfulfilled; inspiring, inspirator, inspirational; frustration, frustrating, frustrated.

10. 1-b, 2-e, 3-d, 4-a, 5-f, 6-c..

11.A. have been conducted, to be perceived, are entered, were given, were paid, were paid, are reduced. 11.B. to have it repaired, did not have it prepared, to have it fixed, to have it mended, to have them checked.

13 2.agency 3.positions 4.posts 5.application 6.shortlist 7.interview 8.apply 9.payroll 10.personnel 11.companies 12.manual 13.resources 14.stuff 15. finance 16.earn 17. minimum 18. tips 19. bonus. 20.company 21. pension

14. 3.interrupting 4.to meet 5. to spend. 6.entering 7.speakng 8.living 9.listing 10.to bring 11.to live 12. working 13. to support 14.being delayed 15.explaining

15. 1.flexitime 2.shift 3.telecoworking 4.freelance 5.contract 6.jobsharing

16. 1-b, 2-d, 3-a, 4-d, 5-b, 6-c, 7-d, 8-a, 9-c, 10-a, 11-c, 12-a, 13-d, 14-b, 15-b.

Unit 7. Trade


4. 1. d; 2. l; 3. e; 4. h; 5. c; 6. f; 7. i; 8. j; 9. m; 10. n; 11. o; 12. p; 13. q; 14. k; 15 a; 16. b; 17. g.

6.1. g; 2. b; 3. j; 4. f; 5. n; 6. a; 7. m; 8. c; 9. e; 10. h; 11. k; 12. d; 13. i; 14. l .

9.1. elastic; 2. inelastic; 3. unit-elastic; 4. the key piece of information;5. price-inelastic; 6 be sought in;7. frivolous luxury; 8. identify; 9. substitute, fulfils; 10. extreme;11. available, brands, function of nicotine provision; 12. еase of substitution.


Unit 1. Management.


2.1. manager 2. managerial 3. management 4. managed 5. manageress 6. manageable 7. manageability 8. managing 9. managership 10. managing 11. manage 12. manageable;

4.theory X – b, d; theory Y – a, c;

6.of; for; from; to; in; of; at; by; of; from; of; in; on; of; toward; from; from;

7.the set; to attract; attitudes; objectives; planning system; supply and demand; procedures; needs; knowledge; goals; minorities; the company; applicants; maintain; reputation; the pool; advertisements; potential; individuals; name; blind ads; applicant; permit; logo; employees; ads, business; attention; employee; to recruits;

8.have; the; one; to; been; the; of; its; there; to; them;

9.1. recruitment policy 2. employee 3. personnel 4. human resource planning 5. human resource management 6. management ability 7. leader 8. theory X, theory Y 9. hierarchy 10. bonus 11. workforce 12. age discrimination;

15.have long been intrigued; work; helps; motivates; enables; derives; behaves; moves; says; does; refers; gives; attempt; are; occurs; make; want; is eroding;

16.the; -; the; a; -; a; the; the; the; a; -; a; a; a; the; -; the; -; the; -;

17.1. should; must 2. can 3. must; must 4. should 5. should 6. can 7. can 8. may 9. must 10. must;

Unit 2. Marketing.


3.1.market 2. marketer 3. marketing 4. marketability 5. marketing 6. market 7. market 8. market 9. marketing 10. Market 11. marketing 12. marketable 13. marketeer 14. market 15. marketed;

4.production; products; produce; production; production; product; production; production;

7.1. consumerism 2. compete 3. market price 4. marketing mix 5. marketeer 6. consumer 7. market research 8. market forces 9. central markets 10. channel 11. market development 12. target market 13. middlemen 14. substitutes 15. market penetration 16. trademark 17. market segmentation;

8.from; of; with; of; with; of; at; through; of; in; in; by; of; with; for; after; for; for; of; in; for; on; in; of; with; to; on; to; with; of; for; for;

9.marketing; advertising; defined; delivery; broad; between; obvious; focuses on; welfare; set of; social; perform; making; company; supports; activities; advanced; needs; items; marketing system; middlemen; question; exists; definitions; micro-marketing; macro-marketing;

11.1c; 2a; 3b; 4e; 5f; 6d;

12.an; of; these; that; had; to; up; of; the; their; their; to; on;

15.1. the 2. the, the, the 3. the, -, the,- 4. a, - 5. -, the 6. the 7. the, the, a 8. -, the, the 9. the, the, - 10. an, a, -, a 11. a, a, the 12. -,-;

16.meeting; to serve; to meet; accomplishing; identifying and selecting; opening; sharing; sharing.

Unit 3. Advertising.


2.1. advertorials 2. advertise 3. advertisement 4. adverts 5. advertising 6. advertisers 7. ad 8. advertising 9. advertiser 10. advertising 11. Ad; advert, advertisement 12. advertisers;

5.1f; 2h; 3i; 4a; 5j; 6b; 7c; 8l; 9d; 10e; 11 g; 12k;

6.1. advertising 2. advertising agency 3. media 4. nonprofit advertising 5. post-testing advertising 6. pre-testing advertising 7. promotion 8. junk mail 9. advertising campaign 10. logo 11. hoarding 12. publicity;

7.1. billboards 2. a junk mail 3. newspapers 4. TV 5. Spam;

9.at; in; in; for; with; on; with; to; in; with; from; to; of; of; of; in; at; with; in; on;

10.for; the; be; the; to; very; an; of; the; the; the; this;

12.wait; seems; is convinced; was; has decided; is ditching; sought; was worth; faces up; has briefed; will be shown; includes; voted; will be; spends; has run; has used; is; is trying; continues; has stalled;

14.1. can; might 2. must 3. may 4. can 5. can 6. may/might 7. must 8. could 9. can 10. can 11. may 12. must 13. must 14. can;

15.the; the; a; a; the; the; -; the; the; the; the; the; the; the; -; -; the; the; the; a; the; -;

16.making; to build; to run; transforming; setting up; to bring; to reflect; creating; deciding; to appear; returning; to change; launching; drinking; to expand.

Unit 4. Banking


3.1.any 2.some, any 3. any 4.no, some 5.some 6.other 7.other 8. one, other

4. 1.many 2.a little 3.much 4.few 5.many 6.a few 7.little 8.few 9.much

5. 1.install 2. use 3. pays 4.have appeared 5. look 6. are competing 7.develop 8. lends 9.obtain 10.receives, receive 11.buys 12.increases 13. will extend 14. will invest 15. will secure

7. 1.can 2. need 3. have to 4. may 5. had to 6. can 7.need 8. may 9. must

9. 1. encodes 2. checked 3.selects 4. swipe 5. guarantee 6.collect 7. authorize 8.confirm 9. report 10.transfered

13 1.payment, payment, paid 2.accordingly 3.to accept, paid 4. accordance 5.failure, due 6.acceptance, due, payment 7. accept, payment 8.dually, to supply, suppliers

Unit 5. Accounting

Text 5.

4. D; A; F; C; K; G; H; L; I; M; J; B; E.


5. 1. unprofitable, 2. misunderstandings, 3. unsuccessful, 4. undesirable, 5. undecided, 6. incorrect, 7. deregulation, 8. underestimated, 9. irreplaceable, 10. abnormally, 11. discontinue, 12. abusing, 13. misappropriating

6. 1 − e; 2 − g; 3 − a; 4 − I; 5 − b; 6 − f; 7 − c; 8 − h; 9 − d.

7. 1 − i; 2 − a; 3 − d; 4 − e; 5 − h; 6 − b; 7 − c; 8 − f; 9 − g.

9. 1− e; 2 − g; 3 − b; 4 − h; 5 − j; 6 − l; 7 − c; 8 − d; 9 − a; 10 − f.

11. 1. assets; 2. budget; 3. depreciation; 4. balance sheet; 5. ledgers; 6. purchases; 7. stock; 8. debtors; 9. creditor; 10. profit; 11. loan; 12. audit.

12. a − 2; b − 7; c − 13; d − 1; e − 3; f − 11; g − 12; h − 5; i − 4; j − 6; k − 8; l − 9; m − 10.

14. 2 had been; 3 did you get; 4 finished (or had finished); 5 went; 6 hadn’t decided; 7 were; 8 was looking; 9 gave; 10 ‘d already taken; 11 completed; 12 sent; 13 interviewed; 14 felt; 15 changed; 16 went; 17 was working; 18 was becoming (or had become); 19 didn’t have; 20 had.

15. 2 roughly the same; 3 considerably more; 4 similar; 5 different; 6 a lot; 7 by far; 8 twice as much; 10 a little,many 2.a little 3.much 4.few 5.many 6.a few 7.little 8.few 9.much

5. 1.install 2. use 3. pays 4.have appeared 5. look 6. are competing 7.develop 8. lends 9.obtain 10.receives, receive 11.buys 12.increases 13. will extend 14. will invest 15. will secure

7. 1.can 2. need 3. have to 4. may 5. had to 6. can 7.need 8. may 9. must

9. 1. encodes 2. checked 3.selects 4. swipe 5. guarantee 6.collect 7. authorize 8.confirm 9. report 10.transfered

13 1.payment, payment, paid 2.accordingly 3.to accept, paid 4. accordance 5.failure, due 6.acceptance, due, payment 7. accept, payment 8.dually, to supply, suppliers

Unit 6. Finance


7. не терять голову; держаться незаметным; внимательно следить за кем-то; выполнять несколько работ одновременно; держаться подальше от кого-то; мужественно переносить трудности; сохранять спокойствие; разузнавать; не терять голову; молиться за кого-то; стараться выжить; напряженно работать; держать порох сухим; сдержать слово; держать кого-то в неизвестности; избегать дружеских отношений.

8. 1-at; 2-of; 3-to; 4-at; 5- in, with; 6-for; 7-from; 8-to; 9-for; 10 for, of; 11-into, with; 12- at; 13-in; 14- by; 15- to; 16- on; 17- at; 18-within/in; 19-in, by, on, over; 20- for;

10. 1-f; 2-h; 3-t; 4-a; 5-d; 6-I; 7-c; 8-g; 9-j;10-k; 11-b.

11. 1. Business can raise money either through debt or equity. 2. Raising money can mean becoming very dependent on lenders. 3. The greatest risk in business is the risk of simply doing nothing. 4. If you current, relevant and reliable information at your finger tips, then you have a much better chance of managing risk. 5. Raising money depends on the economy, on the concept of your business and on having the right people in your business.

15. gives, to buy, to sell, guarantees, doesn’t guarantee, give, allows, to instruct, to buy, to sell, use, are interested, changing, prevents, buying, selling, guarantees, lets, instruct, has fallen, to prevent, use, are concerned, is falling, is used, to protect, is place, are asked, want, to be, allows, to choose, remains.

17. forces, outcomes, prices, percentage, purchasing, index, factors, stock, output, rates, productivity, rate, redistribution, activities, inflation, compensation, amount, income, cost, interaction, level, government, currency, terms, quotation, value, market, agencies, combination.

19. cold, tiny, yellow, pet, gratefully, towards, marketing, supecios, recently, in, keep, subdivided, small, no, selling.

Unit7. Women in Business


4. 1.must 2.were able to 3.needn`t have, couldn`t have 4. should have, would have 5.need 6. has to, must, 7.must 8.could, have to 9.could 10. should have 11.must 12.needs, should 13.could 14.must 15. must have, could

5. 1.higly 2.firmly 3.deeply 4.much 5.vastly 6.bitterly 7.greatly 8. widely 9. totally 10.broadly 11.utterly 12.entirely 13.utterly 14.completely 15.fully 16.strictly

10. 1.care, site, sitters 2.time 3.workers 4.time 5.hour 6.sacrifice 7,pay 8.neutral, integrated 9.paying 10.woth

Unit 8. Business Law


Text 4. 1-3; 2-2; 3-6; 4-4; 5-1; 6-5; 7-7.

Text 7. 1-F; 2-T; 3-F; 4-F; 5-F; 6-T; 7-F; 8-T;9-T; 10-T.


9. 1-e; 2-f; 3-a; 4-b; 5-j; 6-c; 7-g; 8-d; 9-h; 10i; 11-k.

11. 1-in, on; 2- in, of; 3- for; 4-of, of, for; 5- from; 6-through, of; 7-on/upon; 8-to; 9-to, by; 10-for; 11-to; 12- despite; 13- on; 14- to; 15-in,for; 16- at; 17- due to.

12.навредить репутацию, терять позиции, падать духом, потерпеть поражение, терять хладнокровие, выжить из ума, выйти из себя, заблудиться в трех соснах, потерпеть поражение, преувеличивать, проводить радикальные изменения, произвести хорошее впечатление, легко и быстро получить большой доход, преувеличивать важность чего-то, сделать себе имя, делать из мухи слона, сводить концы с концами, добиться успеха, пан или пропал, делать кого-либо счастливым, сделать карьеру, поднимать нужный вопрос, вносить оживление (оказывать влияние).

15. bankruptcy, company, assets, whom, debts, procedure, divides, insolvent, person, among, organization, money, way, financial, declared, sold, are used, unpaid, left, charges, is divided, creditors, according, percent, each, have.

16. 11-f; 2-e; 3-g; 4-a; 5-b; 6-c; 7-d; 8-h; 9-I; 10-k; 11-j; 12-l; 13-m.

17.to protect; case law; information; generally; measures; substantial; ideas; criteria; formula; registration; the public; trade secrets.




1. Adamson J.E. Basic Law and the Legal Environment of Business. – Chicago, 1995. – 602p.

2. Betten L. International Labour Law, Kluwer, 1993. – 467p.

3. Block S.B., Hirt G.A. Foundations of Financial Management, 7th edition, Burr Ridge, Illinois, 1994. – 688p.

4. Business and society: Corporate strategy, public policy, ethics / Frederick William C., K. Davis, J.E. Post – 6th ed. – New York: McGraw – Hill Publishing Co, 1998. – 626 p.

5. Business review: Revision and extension for intermediate level students / Bruce Kay, B. Parish, A. Wood. – London: Longman, 1997. – 127 p.

6. Business, government, society: the global political economy / Goldsmith Arthur A. – Boston: Irwin / McGraw-Hill, 1996. – XVIII. – 558 p.

7. Colander D.C. Macroeconomics, Chicago, 1994. – 480p.

8. Colander D.C. Microeconomics, Chicago, 1994. – 508 p.

9. Corley R.N., Reed O.L., Shedd P.J. The Legal and Regulatory Environment of Business, 9th edition, New York, 1993. – 843p.

10. Cunningham B.M., Nikolai L.A., Bazley J.D. Accounting Information for Business Decisions. The Dryden Press, Harcourt Brace College Publishers, 1999.

11. Eaker M.R., J.B. Jawitz. Macroeconomics, New Jersey, 1984. – 370p.

12. Early Business Contacts / Brieger Nick, J. Comfort. – Cambrige: Prentice Hall, 1989. – 146 p.

13. Emmerson P. Business Grammar Builder. Macmillan, 2002.

14. English for Bankers and Brokers, Managers and Market Specialists / L.G. Kovtun, N.A. Obraztsova, T.S. Kuprikova, M.F. Matyavina. – Москва НИП «2Р» 1994. – 351 p.

15. Finance / Comfort Jeremy, N. Brieger. – Trawbridge: Prentice Hall International, 1992. – 170 p.

16. Hyman D.N. Modern Microeconomics, 2nd edition, Homewood, Boston 1988. – 689p.

17. International banking and finance / Snewd Michael R. – Trowbridge: Prentice Hall, 1992. – 100 p.

18. International Business: the challenge of global competition / Ball Donald A., W.H. McCulloch. – 6th ed. – Boston: Irwin / McGraw-Hill, 1996. – 809 p.

19. Johnson Christine. Banking and finance: Business English. – Harlow: Pearson Education Limited, 2000. – 96 p.

20. Kreitner R. Management, Houghton Miffin Company, 2nd edition, Boston 1993.

21. Longman Business English Usage / Strutt Peter. – London: Longman, 1996. – 321 p.

22. MacKenzie. English for Business Studies. A course for Business Studies and Economics students. Cambridge University Press, 1997.

23. Mass Media Vocabulary: учеб.-метод. пособие по общ.-полит. лексике / Сост. Т.К. Глазкова. – Мн.: Лексис, 2000. – 172 с.

24. Massie J.L., J. Douglas. Managing a Contemporary Introduction, 2nd edition, Boston, 1993.

25. Money, banking and financial intermediation / Smith Gray. –Lexington: D.C. Heath and Co., 1990 – 724 p.

26. Paul A. Test Your Professional English: Accounting. Penguin English, 2002.

27. Powers M.J., Gastelino M. G. “ Inside the Financial Future Market”, 3rd edition, New York, 390p.

28. Rothshield M.L. Advertising, D.C. Heath and Company, Toronto, 1995.

29. Schermerhorn J. R. Management of Productivity, New York, 1984, 729p.

30. Shetty A.G., McGrath F.J., Hammerbacher I.M., Burr Bridge, Illinois, 1995. – 613p.

31. Skinner S.J., Ivancevich J.M. Business for the 21st Century, Irwin, Boston, 1992.

32. Skinner S.J., Ivancevich J.M. Business for the 21st Century. Boston: Irwin, 1992.

33. Sturdivant Frederick. Business and society: a managerial approach, Vernon-Wortzel H. – 4th ed. – Homewood: IRWIN, 1990. – 361 p.

34. The Business of Banking / Klein Gerald, Lambert Hanice. – London: Methuen and Co. Ltd., 1987. – 238 p.

35. The business of banking / Klein Gerald, Lambert Janice. – London: Methuen and Co. Ltd., 1987 – 238 p.

36. The Business of banking / Klein Gerald, Lambert Janice. – London: Methuen and Co. Ltd., 1987. – 238 p.

37. Towards a policy of part-time employment / Jallade Jean-Pierre. – Maastricht: European Centre for Work and Society, 1984. – 56 p.

38. Understanding Business / Nickels Willliams G. a.o.; W.G.Nickels, J.M. McHugh, S.M. McHugh. – 3rd ed. – Boston: IRWIN, 1993.

39. Understanding employment / Summers Laurence H. – London: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1990. – 360 p.

40. Watson S. Dunn, Barban A.M. Advertising, Its Role In Modern Marketing, 3rd edition, Hinsdale, Illinois, 1990.

41. Weilbucher W.M. Advertising, 2nd edition, New York, London, 1984.

42. Базылев Н.И., Базылева М.Н. Основы бизнеса, Учебное пособие, Минск, 2003.

43. Плюхина З.А. Английский для бухгалтеров и аудиторов: Учебник. – М.: ГИС, 2002.

44. Ромат Е.В. Реклама ( история, теория, практика), 6-ое издание, Минск, 2003.

45. Сирополис Н.К. Управление малым бизнесом. Руководство для предпринимателей: Пер. с англ. – М.: Дело, 1997.



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