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Most/mostly; near/nearly; hard/hardly

1. The company is … in debt and is likely to go bankrupt soon. 2. The situation they’ve found themselves in seems to be … complicated. 3. For our company to remain competitive, we need a …-skilled and …-educated workforce. 4. He knows … well everything there is to know on the subject. 5. The personnel manager had … finished to interview all applicants when some new cropped up. 6. The factory has been sold just … to a small engineering firm. 7. If people could travel … on public transport there wouldn’t be so much traffic congestion. 8. He gave … of both his time and money to many worthy causes. 9. Work …, play … and be happy. 10. A number of …-ranking officials have resigned in the wake of the scandal. 11. The … they can expect is a 4% pay increase. 12. You can … expect a pay-rise when you’ve been working for the company for two weeks.

15.Complete the following passage by putting the verbs in brackets into the correct tense form.

Managers and management scholars alike long (to be intrigued) by the fact that some employees consistently (to work) harder than others who equally (to be talented) and qualified. The study of motivation (to help) managers understand this kind of variance in performance. More importantly, a working knowledge of what (to motivate) people (to enable) managers to take constructive steps to improve their employees’ job performance. The term motivation (to derive) from the Latin word movere, meaning “to move”. It is virtually impossible to determine a person’s motivation until that person (to behave) or literally (to move). By observing what someone (to say) or (to do) in a given situation, one can draw reasonable inferences about his or her underlying motivation. As it is used here, the term motivation (to refer) to the psychological process that (to give) behavior purpose and direction. By appealing to this psychological process, managers (to attempt) to get individuals to willingly pursue organizational objectives. Before describing specific motivation theories and related applications, it is necessary to examine three important background factors. First, motivation (to occur) amid complexity, not in isolation. Second, managers often (to make) faulty assumptions about what employees (to want) from their jobs. Third, social change (to erode) the usefulness of traditional motivational tools.

16.Fill in the gaps with the correct article if necessary.

Human resource development in Japan consists of four principal elements. Managers in many Japanese companies believe that … most important element is … on-the-job training (OJT). … second element is … focus on … intellectual skills - … know-how to deal with unusual situations such as changes in or problems with … pro-duction. For example, if … machine is producing defective parts workers must have sufficient reasoning skills and knowledge to rectify … problem. … third element of Japanese human resource development is … use of … variety of OJT experiences coupled with short, intensive, off-the-job training (off-JT) to develop necessary skills. Workers gain … experience in two to three dozen positions with … cluster of related workshops or worksites. This broad OJT allows workers to become familiar with … variety of machinery and production methods, and it provides … basis for developing vital intellectual skills. Theory-oriented off-JT helps workers develop … ability to theorize about and systematize their on-the-job experiences. Japanese workers participate in short (two days to one week) off-JT experiences inserted between off-JT every … few years. … fourth element of human resource development in Japan is fair assessment of … skill development and fair compensation. If two workers are doing … same work but one is better at … problem solving, that person is compensated accordingly.

17.Fill in the gaps with the correct modal verb.

1. In any business it is important that managers … be efficient. They … be able to achieve their objectives and to get the right things done. 2. Effective managers learn how to manage their time. They never forget that time … not be replaced. 3. Before being able to control the time, the manager … find out how he is actually using it. He … know where it goes. 4. The manager … not rely on memory when logging time. 5. This logging time … be done once or twice a year: it shows the executive how he actually spends his time at work. 6. Once the manager has an accurate picture of how he uses his time, he … analyse the time log. 7. As a result of such analysis the manager will get rid of some activities which … be done just as well by someone else. 8. Some managers like to set aside certain time for important tasks. For example, they … work at home one day a week. 9. A common method of managing time is as follows. The manager works out all the jobs he … do in the coming day or week. Then he lists the tasks in order of priority. 10. Peter Drucker, the American expert on management believes that effective executives … acquire the ability to use time efficiently.

18.Render the following passage in Russian (10-12 sentences) focusing on key vocabulary.

Training and Development

Training and development of human resources involve change: change in skills, knowledge, attitudes, and/or social behavior. To remain competitive, changes in these areas are needed. Training is, in short, an attempt to improve current or future employee performance. In most organizations, that emphasize quality, training is done in problem-solving, problem analysis, quality measurement and feedback, and team building. The following specific points are important to know about training:

· Training is a systematic process of altering employees’ behavior to further organizational goals.

· Development is the acquisition of knowledge and skills that may be used in the present or future. It is a more long-term focus.

· A formal training program is an effort by the employer to provide opportunities to the employee to acquire job-related skills, attitudes, and knowledge.

· Learning is the act by which individuals acquire skills, knowledge, and abilities that result in a relatively permanent change in their behavior.

· A skill is any behavior that has been learned and applied. Therefore, training’s goal is to improve skills. Motor skills, cognitive skills and interpersonal skills are targets of training programs.

In order to learn, a person must want to learn. In the context of training and development, motivation influences a person’s enthusiasm, keeps attention focused on the activities, and reinforces what is learned. For example, if a person is not motivated to improve the quality of his work, little can be accomplished in a training or development programs.

19.Render the following passage in English(10-12 sentences) using active


Курс менеджмента является одной из важнейших дис­циплин, изучающих законы рыночных отношений.

Слова «менеджмент», «менеджер» широко применя­ются в деловой и даже повседневной жизни.

Английское слово менеджмент переводится на рус­ский язык как управление, организация, руководство, В общем плане оно означает управление, т. е. Организа­цию и руководство тем или иным видом деятельности: производством, экономикой, финансами и другими сфера­ми деловой жизни человека.

В зарубежной литературе имеется много определений понятия «менеджмент». Приведем три из них: 1)достижение целей организации посредством скоорди­нированных усилий работающих в ней людей; 2)особый вид деятельности, превращающий неорганизо­ванную толпу в эффективную, целенаправленную и про­изводительную группу (организацию); 3) процесс планирования, организации, руководства и контроля для достижения целей организации посредст­вом скоординированного использования человеческих и материальных ресурсов.

И хотя эти определения очень различны, они, тем не менее, имеют три общие черты: обязательное наличие цели при управлении; особый, интеллектуальный харак­тер этого вида деятельности; управление имеет место в организации (на этом последнем элементе мы остано­вимся несколько подробнее в следующем параграфе). В третьем определении дополнительно к перечисленным чертам содержание менеджмента характеризуется как со­вокупность пяти процессов: планирования, организации, руководства, координации и контроля.


1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of practicing management as art or science?

2. Explain why employee selection is a particularly challenging area for managers today.

3. Which motivation theory - Maslow’s or Herzberg’s - do you feel has the most practical value for today’s managers?

4. How do the planning and control functions work together?

5. Why is worker performance closely related to motivation? Why is it complex?

6. How can you define motivation? Do all people need motivation?

7. Is it possible to define some general motivations for every person?

8. Differentiate between fundamental and personal needs.

9. Explain: “Wants are many, needs are limited”.

10. Name main sources of recruitment. Speak on the most efficient from the point of view of a personnel manager.

11. From the standpoint of enhancing motivation, what advantage does job enrichment have over job enlargement?

12. Would you like to work in theory Z? Why?


Express your opinion on the following (150-200 words): a) P.Drucker: “The only choice for an institution is between management and mismanagement… Whether it is being done right or not will determine largely whether the enterprise will survive and prosper or decline and ultimately fail”.

b) Keith Davis: There are no simple, cookbook formulas for working with people”.

c) H.J. Zoffer: “It is becoming more apparent that international

competence is needed as a prerequisite for all future managers, whether or not they work abroad”.

Key Vocabulary

Management objectivity decision making staffing controlling performance management by objectives performance appraisal recruitment job advertisement dissatisfiers/satisfiers subjectivity managerial functions organizing motivation scientific management incentive theory X theory Y job vacancy initial screening internal recruitment preliminary external recruitment hierarchy of needs physiological needs safety needs social needs self-esteem needs self-actualization needs




1. What does the term market mean? What types of markets do you know?

2. Why is the market so important for a business person?

3. Products can be classified as either consumer or industrial goods. How would you classify the following products? a) Johnson’s baby shampoo, b) a Black and Decker two-speed drill, c) an arc welder.

4. What do you think of when you see the term marketing?

5. “Marketing helps people satisfy their needs and wants”. Give your arguments.


Text 1

Read the following text and answer the questions that follow it.


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