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Вариант 1

Задание 1. Переведите текст на русский язык:


Legally marriage is a civil contract entered by two consenting and
capable parties and it cannot be terminated at will by the two persons
involved. Unless the bond is dissolved by the state, it's binding until
the death of one of the parties. The validity of marriage is determined
by the laws of the state in which it takes place.

The legal relationship of marriage creates certain obligations for
both parties. Theoretically the husband is the head of household. It's
his duty to support and provide for his wife and children. In return
according to common law theory the wife is supposed to render serv-
ice to her husband. The husband is obliged to support his wife al-
though she may have property and earnings of her own. But if they
separate due to the wife's actions the husband is not required to con-
tinue support. Among his responsibilities is the husband's duty to pro-
vide his wife and family with the necessities of life. In addition to the
common necessities of food, clothing and shelter many courts require
him to maintain his family in accordance with his economic position.
Traditionally the wife is expected to perform household and other
tasks for her husband. These services are to be rendered «free». For
example a husband can sue to recover damages for «the loss of his
wife's services» if she is injured by the negligent action of any other.

Задание 2. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту и подготовьте пересказ текста:

1. What are the conditions for dissolving matrimonial bond?

2. What is the husband's main duty?

3. In what case is the husband not required to continue support?

4. What are the wife's responsibilities?

5. What can the husband do if his wife is not able to take care of him
because of the negligent actions of another persons?

Задание 3. Словообразование:

а) Назовите слова, противоположные по значению:
legal - illegal
small - large

1. responsible 6. to terminate

2. married 7. theoretically

3. negligent 8. to separate

4. dissolved 9. expected

5. civil 10. necessary

b) Образуйте слова при помощи префиксов pre
sub-, ove-, runder-:

Model: position - preposition

dominate, arctic, contract, developed, age, come, load.

c) Дайте английские эквиваленты следующим сло-
вам, используя префиксы in-, im-, mis-, dis-, il-, un-:

Model: comfort - discomfort

неопознанный, неизвестный, нетерпеливый, нераздельный, не
соглашаться, обвинительный акт, безответственность, незаконно

Задание 4. Выберите подходящие по смыслу союзы и вставьте в предложения:

(either ... or; neither ... nor, both ... and)

1. Did anybody come to see you last time? - Nobody did... Julia ...

John were there.

2. It's getting dark. You must... go at once ... wait till tomorrow.

3. Haven't you heard that Sally lives not far from us? She has ...
bought a new flat... rented it.

4.... my friend ... I enjoyed the trip.

5. They dreamed about children ... girl... boy.

Задание 5. Выберите правильный вариант модального глагола:

1. They ... to meet at the station.

a) should b) can c) were

2. You ... quote this passage.

a) mustn't b) couldn't c) needn't

3. The lift was out of order and we ... to walk up.

a) had b) must c)have

4. He ... have committed the crime.

a) may b) couldn't c) should

5. ... you like to listen to this record?

a) could b) would c) might

Задание 6. Соотнесите предложения с правильным переводом:

1. She may come 1. Ей можно не приходить

2. She couldn't come 2. Ей можно прийти

3. She must come 3. Ей не следует приходить

4. She had to come 4. Она должна прийти

5. She shouldn't come 5. Она не могла прийти

6. She'll be able to come 6. Она сможет прийти

7. She needn't come 7. Ей не разрешают прийти

8. She isn't allowed to come 8. Ей пришлось прийти

9. She must have come 9. Возможно она пришла

10. She may have come 10. Она, должно быть, пришла


Задание 7.Определите, в какой функции выступает слово one в предложении: неопределенно-личного подлежащего, слова-заместителя или количественного числителя. Предложение со словом one в качестве слова-заместителя трансформируйте во множественное число. Переведите:

1. One can say that the lobbyists in American legislation are very of-
ten more influential than the Congressmen.

2. There is only one way out of this situation.

3. I liked this film more than that one.

Задание 8.

а) Распределите предложения в две группы:
I) Complex Object II) Complex Subject

Переведите предложения:
Model: a) He believes his parents to be at home now.

Он полагает, что его родители сейчас дома,
b) These facts are expected to help identify the offender.
Предполагается, что эти факты помогут опознать

1. I should like you to tell the truth.

2. In theory the Sovereign in the UK is regarded to be an active party to the making of laws.

3. The policeman saw the criminal run away.

4. We consider the traces to be very important for the investigations.

5. The neighbour saw a young girl enter the room.

6. He was expected to arrive in the morning.

7. The person to be interviewed is supposed to have witnessed the

b) Переведите предложения. Укажите, в какой
функции в каждом из них выступает инфинитив: под-
лежащего, дополнения, обстоятельства, определения
или части сказуемого:

1. То learn everything by heart is impossible.

2. There is nothing to argue about here.

3. The student proved to be very serious.

4. He is too young to understand it.

с) Назовите все формы инфинитива:

1) to investigate;

2) to adopt;

3) to send.

Задание 9. Переведите на русский язык в форме неопределенно-личного предложения:

1.You can't make an omelet without breaking eggs.

2. One mustn't smoke here.

3.They say there has never been such a warm summer.

Задание 10.

а) Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на сложные формы Participle 1, Participle 2, Gerund и отглагольные существительные.

1. When leaving the crime scene the criminal left some traces.

2. Having looked through all the papers and letters received on that
day he left his office.

3. The problem being discussed at the conference must be solved.

4. Having been heard by the jury before the case was absolutely clear
for them.

5. There is no hope of his being acquitted.

6. A wise legislator will prevent crime instead of meting out punishment.

7. While investigating the case the officer interviewed a lot of people.

8. He came up looking at me with interest.

9. Having been questioned a second time the woman confessed.

10. People live according to growing or falling of their well - being.

11. The English spoken by most educated people in Britain is known
as the Queen's English.

12. William was proud of having been spoken of as a promising solicitor.

13. They want the public order being always maintain.

14. He expected the growing of his income.

b) Переведите с русского языка на английский следующие причастия:

1) назначенный 6) принадлежащий

2) утверждающий 7) посвященный

3)арестованный 8) связанный

4) признаваясь 9) совершая

5) участвующий 10) обвиняемый

Задание 11.

a) Выберите правильный вспомогательный глагол:

1. If we get the tickets we ... go on Monday.

a) shall b) will c) should

2. If the delegations arrives you ... have to work.

a) will b) would c) should

3. If Benjamin Franklin hadn't worked so hard he ... have become the
symbol of America.

a) wouldn't b) won't c) shouldn't

b) Выберите правильную форму глагола:

1. If I... you I should choose profession of an lawyer.

a) was b) am c) were

2. If we .... that present she would have liked it.

a) had bought b) bought c) shall buy

3. If the weather ... tomorrow, it'll be fine.

a) changes b) changed c) will change

с) Укажите правильный вариант перевода:

1. If he asked me I could look it up in the dictionary.

a) Если бы он попросил меня, я мог бы посмотреть это в словаре.

b) Если он попросит меня, я могу посмотреть это в словаре.

2. If you don't apologize, he may get offended.

a) Если вы не извинитесь, он может обидеться.

b) Если бы вы не извинились, то он бы обиделся.

3. If I were sure they would like this film, I could offer them the

a) Если бы я был уверен, что им понравится фильм, я мог бы предложить им билеты.

b) Если я буду уверен, что фильм им понравится, я могу предложить им билеты.

d) Правильно соедините придаточные предложения
с главными:

1. If I had known it earlier a) I should help you to solve the problem

2. If I were with you b) I should have called you

3. If I pass my exam c) I shall be happy


Задание 12.Переведите письменно текст:


The explosive growth in the use of computers in the business world
in the past few years has brought with it a corresponding increase in
computer misuse. Traditional (precomputer) state and federal laws
applicable to such crimes as trespass and larceny are not necessarily
appropriate for prosecution of cases of computer fraud and computer
theft. For example, one court held that a city employee's use of the
city's computer facilities in his private sales venture couldn't support
a theft conviction absent any evidence that the city was deprived of

any part of value or use of the computer. In some cases, use of a com-
puter hasn't been deemed «property» within traditional theft statutes

Computer crimes fall mainly into three broad categories: simple
unauthorized access, theft of information and theft of funds. Among
schemes that have been subjects of litigations are stealing a competi-
tor's computer program; paying an accomplice to delete adverse in-
formation and insert favorable false information into the defendant's
credit file; a bank's president having his account computer coded so
that his checks would be removed and held rather than posted so he
could later remove the actual checks without their been debited; and a
disgruntled ex-employee's inserting a «virus» into his former em-
ployer's computer to destroy its records.

Задание 13. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты следующим выражениям:

1. Соответствующий рост случаев злоупотреблений компьютерами.

2. Не всегда являются подходящими для судебного преследования в
случае компьютерного мошенничества или компьютерной кражи.

3. Обосновать обвинения в краже.

4. Являлись предметами судебного спора.

5. Президенту банка закодировали информацию в его компьютере, обрабатывающем счета, таким образом, что ...


Вариант 2

Задание 1. Переведите текст на русский язык:


Under common law husband and wife were considered one person.
Under this theory the wife had no property rights. Today all state legislatures have modified if not eliminated this legal unit of husband and
wife. The wife now has rights to property, the right to make contracts
and the right to sue.

Since the husband is considered the head of the household he has
the legal right to choose the place of residence for his family.

Marriage settlements relate solely to property. These agreements
can be made either before or after the marriage takes place. In general,
a settlement is made by persons with property rights that would be
affected by marriage.

However, it can not affect the obligations of matrimony. For in-
stance, a husband can not use a settlement to limit his wife's annual
allowance for clothing and incidentals. On the other hand, he can pro-
vide by settlement that his wife will receive a stated share of his
wealth or interest in his property.

In general, any property acquired by the wife during marriage is
her own. For instance, if she wins a law suit for a certain amount of
money that sum is hers to keep or use as she likes. Several state, how-
ever, have adopted the community property system. Under these laws
all property obtained through the efforts of either persons or through
the work of both belongs to both - husband and wife. Separate property can be acquired during marriage by gift or heritance. Property
owned by one spouse before marriage remains the property of that
individual. Also income derived from separate property during marriage is also separate property.

Задание 2. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту и подготовьте пересказ текста:

1. Had the wife any property rights according to property law?

2. What can you say about the income derived from separate property?

3. Who and why has the legal right to chose the place of residence for
his family?

4. When can marriage settlements be made?

5. Whom will a sum of money belong to if she or he wins a lawsuit?

Задание 3.Словообразование:

а) Назовите слова, противоположные по значению:
Model: legal - illegal; small – large

1) marriage 6) to limit

2) income 7) to win

3) right 8) separate

4) wealth 9) agreement

5) legal 10) to eliminate

b) Образуйте слова при помощи префиксов pre-,
sub-, over-, under-:

Model: position - preposition

sleep, fix, man, standard, crowded, ground, diction.

c) Дайте английские эквиваленты следующим сло-
вам, используя префиксы in-, im-, mis-, dis-, il-, un-:

Model: comfort - discomfort

незаконнорожденный, неотделимый, невозможный, несогла-
сованный, обвинять в преступлении, не любить, иррациональный,
не правильно использовать.

Задание 4. Выберите подходящие по смыслу союзы и вставьте в предложения:
(either ... or; neither ... nor; both ... and)

1. Have they arrived yet? No they haven't but I expect them ... today
... tomorrow.

2. Charles lives ... in Camberly ... in Guilford.

3. What's happen to him? He has ... written ... phoned.

4. You should take this medicine ... before ... after meal.
5. ... his parents ... his friends knew about his plans.

Задание 5. Выберите правильный вариант модального глагола:

1. Не ... to keep a seat for you.

a) might b) had c) is

2. You ... have gone into details.

a) can't b) should c) needn't

3. These meetings bore me to death but I... attend them.

a) couldn't b) might c) have to

4. The police ... have failed to catch the criminal.

a) needn't b) will be able

5.... show me your ticket?

a) would b) should c) could

Задание 6. Соотнесите предложения с правильным переводом:

1. She couldn't come 1. Ей можно не приходить

2. She had to come 2. Ей можно прийти

3. She'll be able to come 3. Ей не следует приходить

4. She isn't allowed to come 4. Она должна прийти

5. She may have come 5. Она не могла прийти

6. She may come 6. Она сможет прийти

7. She must come 7. Ей не разрешают прийти

8. She shouldn't come 8. Ей пришлось прийти

9. She needn't come 9. Возможно она пришла

10. She must have come 10. Она, должно быть, пришла

Задание 7. Определите, в какой функции выступает слово one в предложении: неопределенно личного подлежащего, слова-заместителя или количественного числителя. Предложение со словом one в качестве слова-заместителя трансформируйте во множественное число. Переведите:

1. One should say that politics in the USA as in many other countries
is a «commercial enterprise».

2. It's my dictionary - you may take another one.

3. There is one answer which you will like.

Задание 8.

а) Распределите предложения в две группы:

I) Complex Object II) Complex Subject

Переведите предложения:

Model: a) He believes his parents to be at home now.

Он полагает, что его родители сейчас дома."
b) These facts are expected to help identify the offender.
Предполагается, что эти факты помогут опознав

1. I don't consider him to be the honest man.

2. Though the king is supposed to be the nominal Sovereign any par-
ticular parliament during the period of it's existence is legally su-

3. Criminality is considered to be social phenomenon.

4. Everybody knows him to be a highly qualified detective.

5. The investigator expected him to give all the information about that


6. The criminal investigation department is considered to be one of the
most complicated.

7. That evidence proved to be very important.

b) Переведите предложения. Укажите, в какой функции в каждом из них выступает инфинитив: подлежащего, дополнения, обстоятельства, определения или части сказуемого:

1. She proved to know everything about this case.

2. The witness is clever enough not to mention it.

3. The first thing to do is let them know.

4. I don't know how to do it.

с) Назовите все формы инфинитива:

1) to fine

2) to terminate

3) to bring

Задание 9. Переведите на русский язык в форме неопределенно-личного предложения:

1. You never know what you can do till you try.

2. One should know this rule exactly.

3. They say he entered the University this year.

Задание 10.

а) Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на сложные формы Participle 1, Participle 2, Gerund и отглагольные существительные:

1. Having been translated by the students before the text didn't seem difficult for them.

2. The experiment being carried out by the scientist is of great importance.

3. Having finished the work he put out the note-book.

4. The witness didn't remember having seen the man before.

5. Being elected for a term of 4 years the President is to carry out the programs of the Government.

6. When protecting a crime scene, the officer must remember that nothing is to be touched or moved.

7. Having been signed by the President the resolution came into force all over the country.

8. Each court of appeal in the circuit consists of between 3 and 15 judges depending upon the amount of work in the circuit.

9. His coming was a pleasant surprise to everybody.

10. Before defending him find out if he is really not to blame.

11. What's the name of the police inspector questioning this woman?

12. Based on a real life event, the story aroused everybody's interest.

13.1 heard the ringing of the telephone.

14. Public was disappointed at offender not having been imprisoned.

b) Переведите с русского языка на английский следующие причастия:

1) исключающий 6) изучаемый

2) одобренный 7) обслуживающий

3) написанный 8) арестованный

4) говорящий 9) обсуждаемый

5)принятый 10) сделав

Задание 11.

a) Выберите правильный вспомогательный глагол:

1. If she had done it she ... have had enough time.

a) should b) would c) will

2. If I see him by chance, I... let you know.

a) shall b) will c) would

3. It... be ideal if a search for latent prints could be conducted by a lab expert.

a) will b) should c) could

b) Выберите правильную форму глагола:

1. If I.... the letter tomorrow I'll phone you.

a) receive b) received c) shall receive

2. If I.... money I shall buy the book.

a) have b) shall have c) had

3. If he were in Moscow he .... us.

a) will visit b ) would visit c) wouia nave visitea

с) Укажите правильный вариант перевода:
1. If you had taken part in the tournament you might have won the prize.

a) Если ты примешь участие в турнире, то может быть выиграешь приз.

b) Если бы ты принял участие в турнире, то выиграл бы приз.

2. If you don't write down my phone number you'll forget it.

a) Если ты не запишешь мой телефон, то забудешь его.

b) Если бы он не записал мой телефон, то забыл бы его.

3. If he had done it would he have been in time for his appointment?

a) Если бы он сделал это, то смог ли бы он быть вовремя на встрече?

b) Если он сделает это, то сможет ли он быть вовремя на встрече?

d) Правильно соедините придаточные предложения с главными:

1. If the weather is fine 1. they spent the day outside

2. If the weather had been fine 2. we should go to the country

3. If the weather were fine 3. we shall have a good time

4. If the weather was fine 4. we shouldn't have stayed at home


Задание 12. Письменно переведите текст:

Some estimate that losses due to computer misuse may be as high
as $35 to $40 billion per year (including thefts of funds, losses of
computer programs and data, losses of trade secrets, and damage done
to computer hardware). These estimates may not be reliable, but it is
clear that a substantial amount of computer crime is never discovered
and a high percentage of that which is discovered is never reported
because companies don't want publicity about the inadequacy of their
computer controls and financial institutions, such as banks, fear that
reports of large losses of funds, even when insured, are likely to cause
depositors to withdraw their funds in the interest of safety. Whatever
the actual loss due to computer misuse, both Congress and the state

legislatures have passed statutes to deal specifically with computer

At least 45 states have passed laws dealing with computer crime.
Most of the statutes comprehensively address the problem, outlawing
computer trespass (unauthorized access); damage to computer soft-
ware (e.g. use of «viruses»); theft or misappropriation of computer
services , and unauthorized obtaining or disseminating of information
via computer. There have been relatively few prosecutions under these
state laws or the federal acts, leading some experts to suggest that the
problem of computer crime has been overestimated.

Задание 13. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты следующим выражениям:

1) высокий процент обнаруженного замалчивания;

2) вероятно, подтолкнув вкладчиков к тому, чтобы забрать свои вклады;

3) какими бы ни были потери из-за злоупотребления компьютерами;

4) большинство законов подходят к проблеме всесторонне;

5) несанкционированное получение и распространение информации;

6) предположить, что проблема компьютерных преступлений преувеличена.

Вариант 3

Задание 1. Переведите текст на русский язык:


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