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Exercise 5. Write questions to which these sentences are the answers.


1. I am very fond of thrillers and documentaries.



2. The script was written by H. Cooper.



3. They were showing a new two part film “Without Precedent”.



4. They went inside cinema hall to take their seats.

_________________________________________________________________________________5. No, British cinema-goers see mainly English and American films.



6. No, I never book tickets in advance.



7. She will star in his new film.


8. Contemporary trends in motion pictures in the United States include a trend toward escapism.



9. Yes, cinemas in England are usually large and more comfortable than the theatres.



10. Cinema-going is more popular in industrial towns in the North of England and Scotland than in the South.



Exercise 6. Choose the correct answer to finish the sentences.


1. The person or group or company who finances a film and therefore exercises control over it is the film _______________.

a. director

b. composer

c. manager

d. producer


2. The person responsible for the artistic side of a film is the film __________.

a. director

b. producer

c. artist

d. production manager


3. To be employed in the film industry means ___________________.

a. to be on the stage

b. to be in films

c. to be filmed

d. to screen


4. ‘Movie’ is the synonym of the word “_______________”.

a. film

b. show

c. film music

d. sound track


5. Where was this film _______________?

a. shoot

b. shut

c. shot

d. short

6. The recording of all the sounds in a film is called the _______________.

a. subtitles

b. sound mixer

c. sound track

d. slow motion


7. Tragedy, comedy, historical films, thrillers are types of ________________.

a. horror films

b. feature films

c. silent films

d. documentaries


8. In a cinema you see the film on a big white _________________.

a. blanket

b. sheet

c. script

d. screen


9. The dialogues and the story of the film make its ________________.

a. script

b. sound track

c. screen

d. script writer


10. A film especially intended to arouse fear is a _______________.

a. war film

b. historical film

c. horror film

d. tragedy

Exercise 8. Give English equivalents of the Russian words in brackets.


1. (Экранизация) of the novel "War and Peace" was a great success with (зрителей).

2. It takes a lot of time (дублировать фильм).

3. The work of the (оператора) was excellent.

4. Many (звезды) were in the cast.

5. The film (идет) at the Aurora.

6. Very much depends on the (постановщика) of the film.

7. It's a very old film, it's not dubbed, it's (с титрами).

8. Where can I check up the time of the (сеанса)?

9. (Научно-популярные) films can be very interesting.


Exercise 9. Read the text and translate it.


I'm a great cinema-goer. I see all the best films that are on in Moscow. I prefer feature films though I enjoy documentaries almost as much, to say nothing of animated cartoon films. I usually go to the cinema for the matinee performances. If I want to go to the cinema in the evening I book tickets beforehand.

I always come to the cinema in time. If there is a long time to wait I usually look at the portraits of Russian and foreign film stars hanging on the walls of the foyer, or listen to a little performance that is usually given for the cinema audience in some cinemas of our city.

Next week they are announcing a new film produced by Focus Features. They say it is done very well. I'll be glad to go there. I hope I'll have a good time. This film has been dubbed in Russian and it is done so well that when you watch the close-ups you get the impression that they are talking Russian as the lip movements coincide so well with the Russian script.

I don't like films based on any book. I think it is better if we don't know the plot of a film. I'm fond of serious films but a friend of mine prefers thrillers and musicals. The other day he saw a film. He liked it immensely and said it was one of the best he had ever seen. This very film had a successful run as the cast was good and the plot was thrilling. I made up my mind to see this film and as it is very difficult to get tickets I’ll get them in advance by telephone.


Answer the questions.

Are you a cinema-goer? What is the name of your local cinema? How often do you visit it? With whom do you usually go to the cinema? You prefer the evening performance to the matinee one, don't you? What kind of films do you like best?


Exercise 10. Speak about your favourite actor (actress), using the following words and expressions:


I should like to start by saying that...; to be born in the town (village) of...; his (her) parents were...; to study hard; to be talented; at the age of...; to appear in the film ... for the first time; to star in the film...; to attract smb's attention; there is no doubt about it; to be a success with the audience (film audience);
to make a new film (сниматься в новом фильме).

Exercise 11.


Say it in English:

состав действующих лиц в пьесе или в фильме, звуковой фильм, контролер, экранизация романа (рассказа), зрители кино (театра), кадр, художник, декорация в театре (в кино), широко-экранный фильм, поставить пьесу (фильм), кинохроника.

Explain in English:

a sound track, in good time, a close-up, cast, to dub, billboard, to release a film, a cloak-room,
a designer, the screen version of a story, to admit, a trailer, "all sold out".


Exercise 12. Act out the following dialogues.

A: Shall we see a film this evening?

B: That would be delightful. I haven’t seen any films for many weeks.

A: There are several movies in my neighborhood which show the latest pictures.

B: Let’s consult the newspaper to see what movies are being shown in town.

A: A splendid idea.

B: At the nearest cinema house they show a film which is considered the best film of the year.

A: My wife and I have already seen it. We enjoyed it immensely.

B: Here is a good programme. They show two main pictures: a French film and an American. I don’t think you have seen them.

A: I have seen neither of them. Shall we be able to obtain seats? That movie house is always full.

B: Seats are not reserved at that movie house, but I am sure we’ll be able to get in. Most likely we’ll have to wait for stall seats. Shall we buy balcony seats, if stall seats are not available?

A: Please don’t. I have seen a film from the balcony. It is too far from the screen. You know my eyesight is rather poor. I wear glasses.

B: The movie starts in ten minutes. There are many comfortable seats in the foyer. We can wait there. After the picture ends there will be many vacant seats.

A: Well, what do you think of the films?

B: I enjoyed both of them. In the French film the actors spoke English with a slight French accent. The acting was faultless. The plot of the English film was extremely interesting.

A: You have said it - I was carried away by the plot, so I didn’t see any faults.

B: I liked the newsreel. Actually I had a lovely evening.

A: Thank you for a pleasant evening. I am planning to go to the opera house with you in the near future.

B: I am all for it.

Exercise 13. Correct the given false statements and give your reasons. Use conversational phrases. Work in pairs. Enlarge the dialogues.


– Jean didn’t like going to the cinema but she didn’t refuse Robert’s invitation not to hurt him.

– I’m afraid you’ve got it all wrong. She hadn’t been to the cinema for a long time, etc.


1. Jean wasn’t going to accept Robert’s invitation to the cinema.

2. She looked quite calm when Robert met her at the entrance of the cinema.

3. The tickets were rather expensive.

4. The film was a merry comedy.

5. The actors produced little impression on Jean.

6. Neither Jean nor Robert liked the film.

7. While watching the last scene Jean couldn’t help laughing.

Exercise 14. Fill in the missing parts of the dialogue. Use the words from the list below.

No, fear; Oh, bother; or; wrong; just (two times); to quarrel; (to be) cross (two times); Cheer up; to see to something; Come along; because of; Really.

– Be quick __________ we’ll be late for the film, and I hate being late.

– _________ The cinema is ____________ round the corner.

– You’ve got the tickets, haven’t you?

– They must be here. ____________! Where did I put them?

– You and your habits. There’s always something ____________ with you.

– I put them into my bag last night. Don’t be ___________. Let’s not _________ over such a small thing.

– I’m not ____________, but we are always late everywhere __________ you.

– ______________, old man. I’ve found them. Here they are.

– _____________? I _______________ can’t believe my own eyes. Next time I’ll ____________ it that you put the tickets in a place where you can easily find them when they are wanted.

– ________________. There’s only ten minutes left by my watch.


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