Сделай Сам Свою Работу на 5

Find the extract beginning with

”Stop, Basil.” and ending “the native land of the hypocrite”

Translate it and comment on.

5. Speak on the point, express your approval or disapproval:

- … every man who turned himself into an amateur curate for the moment always began by saying that (he didn’t want to preach ), and then proceeded to break his word.




1.Find English equivalents for the following word combinations. Reproduce the situation were they occur:

1. человек, которому дано право

2. быстро пробежала за панелью

3. кровь словно заледенела в его жилах

4. пересохший язык, липкий пот

5. опустился на расшатанный стул

6. не введи нас во искушение

7. очисти нас от скверны

8. всадить нож

9. капать на (2)

10. всматриваться в черный кипящий колодец мрака

11. направляя длинный луч своего фонаря на спящие дома

12. шаркать по коридору


2. Answer the following questions:

1) When did Dorian feel hatred for Basil?

2) What were the feelings of Dorian after the murder?

3) What did Dorian do to remain above suspicions?

Find the extract beginning with

a)”Hallward turned again to the portrait,…” and ending “in a watery grave was not so fearful”

b) “Then he remembered the lamp” and ending “ It was like a dreadful wax image.”

Translate it and comment on it.

4. Speak on the point, express your approval or disapproval:

- Each of us has Heaven and Hell in him

- The prayer of your repentance will be answered also.

- Dorian felt that the secret of the whole thing was not to realise the situation





1.Find English equivalents for the following word combinations. Reproduce the situation were they occur:

1. опираться на

2. с ужасающей отчетливостью

3. взять первую попавшуюся книгу

4. гравюра, переплет

5. невольно вздрогнуть

6. любовь, толкавшая его на сумасшедшие и восхитительные глупости

7. лить слезы из гранита в одиноком изгнании

8. жизненно важный

9. вздох облегчения сорвался с запекшихся губ

10. приступ малодушия

11. В его пристальном, испытующем взгляде, обращенном на Дориана, сквозило презрение

12. горсть пепла

13. умолять

14. смертельно побледнеть

15. небрежно написать

16. колокола пробили час дня

17. поручение

18. ужасный запах азотной кислоты

2.Answer the questions:

1. What made Dorian to kill Hallward?

2. What kind of letters did Dorian receive? What do you think who wrote them?

3.What brought Dorian and Alan Campbell together ? What was the real passion of Alan Campbell?

4. How did Dorian explain presence of a dead body upstairs?

5. What way did D. force Allan to do what he wanted?

3. Translate and learn the phrase:

Youth smiles without any reason. It is one of its chiefest charms.


Find the extract beginning with

”The suspence became unbearable.” and ending “Its very horror made him stone.”

Translate it and comment on.

5. Speak on the point, express your approval or disapproval:

- That awful thing, a woman’s memory!




1.Find English equivalents for the following word combinations. Reproduce the situation were they occur:

1. проводить в

2. в его висках бешено стучала кровь

3. спокойствие его поведения

4. нудный/скучный

5. обманывать

6. посредственность

7. очаровательная шепелявость

8. утешение

9. прекратить скучать

10. вы на себя не похожи

11. честное слово

12. быть достаточно дерзким

13. быть в прекрасных отношениях

14. неисправимый

15. подходящий

16. не хватает неподдающегося описанию очарования женской слабости

17. белые фарфоровые ножки

18. подтверждающие доказательства

19. быть в дурном настроении

20. вопрос вывел его из равновесия

21. содрогнуться

22. нервно закусить нижнюю губу

23. треугольный ящик

24. застывшая улыбка на лице

25. теплый шарф, обернутый вокруг шеи

2. Answer the following questions:

1) What way did Lord Henry describe Lady Naarborough?

2) According to Lady Naarborough why people living in the country get up early and go to bed early?

3) What does 'pushing nobody' mean?
4) What was in Chinese box? Describe its contents.

5) Where did Dorian go at midnight?

Find the extract beginning with

a)” What nonsense people talk about…” and ending “More than enough is as good as a feast.”

b) “He (Mr.Chapman) hoisted the Union Jack on the pinnacles of Thought. The inherited stupidity of the race – sound English common sense he jovially termed it – was shown to be the proper bulwark for Society.”

c) “It was a small Chinese box of black and gold-dust lacquer, elaborately wrought, the sides patterned with curved waves, and the silken cords hung with round crystals and tasselled in plaited metal threads. He opened it. Inside was a green paste, waxy in luster, the odour curiously heavy and persistent.”

Translate it and comment on it.

4. Speak on the point, express your approval or disapproval:

1) Perhaps one never seems so much at one's ease as when one has to play a part.

2) Inordinate joviality can atone for an entire lack of ideas.

3) A woman marries again because she detested her first husband. When a man marries again, it is because he adored his first wife. Women try their luck, men risk theirs.

4) Women love us (men) for our defects.





1.Find English equivalents for the following word combinations. Reproduce the situation were they occur:


1. где можно купить забвение

2. искупление

3. всё повторяли слова

4. заставляя трепетать каждый нерв, каждый фибр его тела

5. низость воров и подонков общества

6. условный стук

7. затрепетать от наслаждения

8. приветствовать, противно скаля зубы

9. добыча дьявола

10. было действительно делом его рук

11. с оскорбительной прямотой

12. быть движимым опасными инстинктами

13.предтеча зла

14. чуть не совершить ужасное преступление

15. не брать на себя отмщение

16. Чтоб у меня язык отсох, если я вру!


2.Answer the following questions:

1) What was Dorian thinking about while travelling to the opium-densi?

2) What new meaning did he find in Lord Henry’s words that dealt with soul and sense?


Find the extract beginning with

a)”Dorian winced and looked round...” and ending” He wanted to escape from himself.

b)”One’s days were too brief...”and ending” it was a rebel that he fell.”

Translate it and comment on it.

4.Speak on the point, express your approval or disapproval:

-It is said that passion makes one think in a circle.

-In her dealings with man Destiny never closed her accounts.

-For all sins as theologians weary not of reminding us, are sins of disobedience.





1.Find English equivalents for the following word combinations. Reproduce the situation were they occur:

1. лампа под кружевным абажуром

2. плетеное кресло с шёлковой подушкой

3. тоном предостережения произнесли её красивые губы

4. заражаясь её настроением

5. умалять значение

6. пережиток напористости

7. распространённый суррогат веры

8. вы окончательно загнали меня в угол

9. бессовестно кокетничать

10. скакать бросив поводья

11. увлечение древностью

12.. преждевременная капитуляция

13. .путь к отступлению

14. в глубоком обмороке


2.Translate the phrases:

1. I never quarrel with the actions. My one quarrel is with words.

2. Our countrymen ...are more cunning than practical. When they make up their ledger, they balance stupidity by wealth, and vice by hypocrisy.

3. A burnt child loves the fire.

3. Find the extract beginning with"Romance lives by repetition..." and ending"..as often as possible". Translate it and comment on it.

Speak on the point, express your approval or disapproval

- Names are everything... The man who could call a spade a spade should be compelled to use one. It is the only thing he is fit for,

- From a label there is no escape.

- Ugliness is one of the seven deadly virtues.

- To define is to limit.

- All good hatas are made out for nothing. Like all good reputations...Every effect one produces gives one an enemy. To be popular one must be mediocrity





1.Find English equivalents for the following word combinations. Reproduce the situation were they occur:


1. неосуществлённые намерения

2. запотевшее стекло

3. заставляет раскаяние следовать по пятам за преступлением

4. чрезмерность мук

5. утончённые натуры

6. дурной знак

7. запретная тема

8. вера в безнравственность

9. ради красного словца

10. с трудом овладеть собой

11. томными глазами

12.старость туга на ухо

13..прообраз смерти

14.осмелился вас побеспокоить

15..деревья призрачной процессией неслись мимо

16.прислоняясь к дверному косяку

2. Translate the patterns, give our own examples of their usage:

1. It was not till the third day that he ventured to go out.

2. But it was merely the physical conditions of environment that had caused the change.

3. I can't help feeling that something of the kind may happen to me.

3. Answer the following questions:

1. What helped Dorian recover from his fear after the accident in the conservatory?

2.Why does Lord Henry say Dorian and the Duchess are excellently matched?

3."What are you looking for?", she (the Duchess) inquired.

"The button from your foil", he (Lord Henry) answered.

"You have dropped it..." "I have still the mask". What do they mean by this?

4. Who says "Spoiled my shooting for the day" and "It does not do to pepper beaters. It makes people think that one is a wild shot and how do their words characterize them?

4. Translate:The crisp frost lay like salt upon the grass. The sky was an inverted cup of blue metal. Л thin film of ice bordered the flat reed-grown lake.

5. Find the extract beginning with"...and yet if it had been merely an illusion..." and ending"... the image of his sin". Translate it and comment on it.


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