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в 10-м классе (английский язык)

Фрагмент урока по обучению рецептивной грамматике

Тема/проблема:Music in Our Life.

Образовательная цель: Знакомство с различными популярными музыкальными группами Великобритании, расширение лингвистического кругозора, формирование рецептивных грамматических навыка на материале (Complex Object), совершенствование лексических навыков говорения, развитие умений чтения.

Развивающая цель: Развитие способности к предвосхищению структуры фразы по формальным признакам, развитие языковой догадки, а также механизмов зрительной памяти.

Воспитательная цель: Воспитание культуры взаимоотношений сосверстниками на уроке.


q Учебник английского языка для X – XI классов школ с углубленным изучением английского языка / В.Н.Богородицкая, Л.В.Хрусталева. – 4-е издание. – М.: Версия, 2003.

q Андреасян, И.М. Английский язык: учеб. пособие для 10 (11)-го класса учреждений, обеспечивающих получение общего среднего образования, с белорус. и рус. яз. обучения (углубленный уровень / И.М. Андреасян, ЮВ. Маслов, В.В. Дармоян. - 2-е изд. - Минск: Выш. шк., 2008.

q Настольная книга преподавателя иностранного языка: Справ. пособие/ Е.А.Маслыко, П.К.Бабинская, А.Ф.Будько и др. – Мн.: Высш шк.,1992.

q Раздаточный материал с текстами.

q Таблицы с грамматическим материалом.



Этап Задача этапа Содержание Время
Teacher Pupils
Начало урока Введение в атмосферу иноязычно-го общения – Good morning friends! Glad to see you again. How are you today? You look so fresh and energetic! Is it music that makes you feel so? – Do you listen to the music when you get up? – What kind of music do you listen to in the morning? Why? Учащиеся настраиваются на работу
Совершен-ствование лексич. навыков говорения по теме «Music» – Тоday we are going to continue our talk about music. Let’s discuss your preferences in music. – I suggest you to exchange information about your favourite kind of music with your classmates in order to make up the list of the most popular styles among the people of your age. – Wonderful, you have quite different preferences. And how would this list look like if the survey was conducted among your parents? Why do tastes differ?   Учащиеся обмениваются информацией     Учащиеся отвечают на проблемный вопрос        
Работа с текстом Развитие умений чтения – Now I’d like you to split up into 3 groups. Each group will get a part of a text. This text is about famous classical composers Handel and Britten. Your task is to read the passage attentively and prepare a short summary. And now exchange your summaries and make up the whole text. Уч-ся делятся на 3 группы. и читают свой фрагмент текста   (Jigsaw reading)    
Введение грамматической cтрукту-ры Complex Object Формирование знаний и первичных умений распознавания грамм. структуры в письмен-ном тексте – Let me pay your attention to one of the sentences that is marked in the text. How would you translate it into Russian? В тексте выделено предложение с Complex Object. The construction that is used here is called Complex Object and the sentence with this construction is translated as a subordinate objective clause. – Let’s analyze how it is formed. COMPLEX OBJECT NOUN + (TO) INFINITIVE PRONOUN IN OBJECTIVE CASE   – There are some more examples. Let’s analyze them in the same way: 1. I hate her to come home late. 2. I saw my friend cross the street. 3. She makes me drink milk. Etc. – You see that in some cases Complex Object is used without particle to. What are these cases? Let’s analyze together. – So you see that Complex Object is used after: ▪ the verbs of supposition: to consider, to think, to believe, to expect. (To) inf. ▪ the verbs of wish: to want, to wish, to like. (To) inf. ▪ the verbs of perception: to see ,to watch, to hear.Toinf. ▪ the verbs: to let, to make. To inf.   – And now my friends can you tell me where the usual place of Complex Object in a sentence is? E.g. We believe him to be a talented scientist. That is:     Учащиеся сами формулируют правило образования Complex Object. Записывают схему на доске.            
Тренировка грамматической структуры Формирование рецептив-ных грамматических навыков распознавания Complex Object в письмен-ном контексте – Look through the following sentences and underline Complex Object: 1. Longfellow considered music to be the universal language of the world. 1. She expected her daughter to be a great pianist. 2. I expect him to understand our problem and help us to solve it Etc.   – Read and compare: 1. I expect that she will inviteme to the concert. – I expect her to invite me to the concert. 2. I know that he isa great musician. - I know him to be a great musician. 3. I expected that she would behavequite differently. – I expected her to behavequite differently. Etc.   – Rephrase the following sentences using Complex Object: E.g. I did not expect that my brother would forget to send her flowers. I did not expect my brother to forgetto send her flowers. 1. He knows that my mother is a very kind woman. 2. I know that your uncle is a very clever mathematician. 3. I expected that she would participate in the performance. Etc. – Match the parts of the sentences and join them: Part A Part B 1. I know her … A .to make noise. 2. My mother always B. to be a very makes me… clever woman Учащиеся выделяют в предложении новую грамматическую структуру   Учащиеся осуществляют трансформацию и подстановку новой грамматической структуры            
    3. The teacher wants her C. eat the soup pupils 4. I hate the children D to be a very talented singer.    
Конец урока Подведе-ние итогов урока, коммента-рии, сообщение д/з. – Thank you very much for your work. Today we have learnt about your likes and dislikes in music, started to train a new grammatical phenomenon. I enjoyed your participation. Your task for the next lesson would be to translate sentences from Russian into English using Complex Object. (Cards)      



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