Сделай Сам Свою Работу на 5

Определите, какие из перечисленных ниже глаголов даны в форме пассивного залога.


1. was translated 9. will have been completed

2. had been done 10.had come

3. received 11.had been given

4. has developed 12.will have finished

5. will be discussed 13.were being written

6. will become 14.has been working

7. were doing 15.intends

8. were done 16.had been doing

Время, в котором стоит глагол в пассивном залоге, определяется только по форме вспомогательного глагола to be, смысловой же глагол во всех временах имеет одну и ту же форму – Participle II.


  Indefinite be + V3 Continuous be + being + V3 Perfect have + been + V3
  Present am is asked are am is being asked are have been asked has
  Past was asked were was beingasked were   had been asked
  Future   will be asked     _   will have been asked

Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на видо-временную форму глагола-сказуемого.

1. Refrigerators are repaired at this service centre.

2. The refrigerator was repaired yesterday.

3. Your TV set will be repaired next week.

4. Your car is being repaired now.

5. The car was being repaired from 2 to 5 o'clock.

6. Your dishwasher has just been repaired.

7. Our car had been repaired by Saturday.

8. Our vacuum cleaner will have been repaired by 3 o'clock.


4. Из данных английских грамматических форм выберите форму, необходимую для перевода следующих предложений (см. ключ на стр. 30):

1. Студентов экзаменуют два раза в год.

a. were examined b. are examined

c. is examined d. will be examined

2. Студента экзаменовали вчера в это время.

a. am examined b. have been examined

c. was being examined d. was examined

3. Летом студенты будут экзаменоваться по пяти предметам.

a. will be examined b. are examined

c. will have been examined d. will examine

4. Не входите в аудиторию. Там экзаменуют студента.

a. is examining b. is being examined

c. are being examined d. is examined

5. Всех студентов уже проэкзаменовали.

a. have been examined b. have examined

c. are examined d. has been examined

6. Все студенты будут проэкзаменованы к трем часам.

a. were being examined b. will be examined

c. will examined d. will have been examined

7. Все студенты были проэкзаменованы еще до Нового года.

a. examined b. were examined

c. had been examined d. are being examined


5. Выберите русские эквиваленты для следующих английских предложений (см. ключ на стр. 29):

1. My friend was recommended an interesting book.

1. Мой друг рекомендует интересную книгу.

2. Мой друг рекомендовал интересную книгу.

3. Моему другу рекомендовали интересную книгу.

1. The student has been listened to with great interest.

1. Студент слушал с большим интересом.

2. Студента выслушали с большим интересом.

3. Студента слушали с большим интересом.

2. She will be met by them at the station.

1. Они встретят ее на вокзале.

2. Она встретила их на вокзале.

3. Она встретит их на вокзале.

3. He has been invited to our party.

1. Его пригласили на наш вечер.

2. Он пригласил нас на вечер.

3. Он приглашает нас на вечер.

4. Their talk was interrupted by the children.

1. Они прервали беседу детей.

2. Дети вмешиваются в их разговор.

3. Дети прервали их беседу.

5. The students will be shown an interesting experiment.

1. Студенты показали интересный эксперимент.

2. Студенты покажут интересный эксперимент.

3. Студентам покажут интересный эксперимент.


Сравните пары предложений и переведите их на английский язык.

1. Я попросил своего друга перевести этот текст. Меня попросили перевести этот текст.

2. Мы выполняем (делаем) упражнения на каждом занятии. Упражнения выполняются на каждом занятии.

3. Он вчера купил новую машину. Машину купили вчера.

4. Почтальон приносит газеты и письма каждый день. Газеты и письма приносят каждый день.

5. Он задает слишком много вопросов. Ему задают слишком много вопросов.

6. Я читаю журналы каждый день. Журналы читают каждый день.

7. Они покажут мне мою комнату. Мне покажут мою комнату.


Переведите следующие предложения, содержащие пассивные конструкции.

1. The car was stopped.

2. My friend will be offered this job.

3. This specialist will be sent to our factory.

4. I was asked to help them.

5. This engineer is often seen at our plant.

6. When will he be bought a new computer?

7. Nobody knows when the wheel was invented.

8. These letters were brought in the morning.

9. What was he promised?

Ключи к заданиям 4, 5

Задание 4: 1 – b; 2 – c; 3 – a; 4 – b; 5 – a; 6 – d; 7 - c

Задание 5: 1 – 3; 2 – 2; 3 – 1; 4 – 1; 5 – 3; 6 - 3

Unit 7


Прочтите и переведите следующий текст

Text 7

The Cabbies Are Smarter Than Google Maps

London has the most informed cab drivers in the world – and they’ve got diplomas to prove it. To become a certified taxi operator in London, a driver must first pass “the Knowledge”, an extraordinarily difficult exam that involves the detailed recall of 25,000 streets within a six-mile radius of London’s Charing Cross railway station. But that’s just the beginning. Cabbies must also memorize the ‘points of interest’ along the routes including streets, squares, clubs, hospitals, hotels, theatres, embassies, government and public buildings, railway stations, police stations, courts, diplomatic buildings, important places of worship, cemeteries, parks and open spaces, sports and leisure centres, places of learning, restaurants and historic building. Plus they have to be fluent in English.

Most drivers take three years to master the Knowledge, and much practice by tracing the routes on a bicycle. It’s not uncommon to see future cabbies pedaling through the city in the early morning with plastic-covered maps clipped to their handlebars. Drivers must know their directions backwards and forwards, which is a complicated task in the maze of London’s one-way streets and blocked-off pedestrian zones.

The testing process isn’t quick, either. The exam comprises a six-month series of evaluations that includes written, oral and practical tests, and only one-quarter of the candidates make it through.

Taxi-driver applicants must be ‘of good character’, meeting strict requirements1 regarding any criminal record2. During testing Knowledge boys and girls must, without looking at a map, identify the quickest and most sensible route between any two points in metropolitan London that their examiner chooses.

But there is an additional benefit for those who pass the exam. In 2000, researchers at the Welcome Trust in London scanned the brains of 16 London taxi drivers and found that each cabby’s hippocampus – the area of the brain associated with memory – was larger than that of control subjects. Scientists believe that the hippocampus grew larger as the drivers spent more time on the job. Storing and retaining that much information could actually be a prescription for avoiding dementia.


1 meeting strict requirements - отвечая строгим требованиям

2 criminal record - судимость


cabby - таксист

map - карта

prove - доказывать

involve - включать

route - маршрут

embassy - посольство

court - суд

worship - поклонение

cemetery - кладбище

handlebar - руль

maze - лабиринт

pedestrian - пешеход

include - включать

oral - устный

applicant - кандидат, претендент

sensible - разумный

benefit - польза, выгода

researcher - исследователь

brain - мозг

retain - удерживать, сохранять

prescription - рецепт

avoid - избегать

dementia - слабоумие

Переведите следующие предложения, учитывая значения модальных глаголов и их эквивалентов

1. I can give you my book for a couple of days.

2. You must work hard at your English.

3. The children cannot carry that box: it is too heavy.

4. May I take this book for a little while? - I'm sorry, but I must return it to the library at once.

5. The lecture is to begin at three.

6. She had to stay at home yesterday because she did not feel well.

7. Nobody could tell me the way to the post office.

8. I think, she will not be able to solve this problem.

9. May I ask you a question?

10. The chief must be in his office now.

11. The mixture is to be heated before the experiment.

12. I think, you will not have to wait for them long.

13. You should consult the doctor before using this medicine.

14. Will you be able to send him e-mail tonight?



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