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Ex. 17. Напишите сложные существительные, исходя из объяснений.

Например: A machine for drying hair – hair drier.

1. A thing for opening tins - ... . 2. A machine for playing records - ... . 3. A machine for mixing food - ... . 4. A thing that times eggs (when they are boiling) - ... . 5. Things for warming people’s legs - ... . 6. Stuff that kills flies - ... . 7. A liquid that removes paint - ... . 8. A tool that opens bottles - ... . 9. A thing for peeling potatoes - ... . 10. A liquid for removing eye makeup - ... . 11. Stuff for freshening the air - ... .


Ex. 18. Распределите прилагательные по трем группам: 1) люди, 2) места, 3) вещи:

Obstinate, unspoilt, hand-made, waterproof, easy-going, breathtaking, aggressive, deserted, overgrown, overcrowded, cunning, picturesque, arrogant, long-lasting, spoilt, automatic, accurate, artificial.


Ex. 19. Выберите слово с нужным по смыслу префиксом или суффиксом.

1. I know Jim Kerry is very popular but I find him totally childish / childlike. 2. I couldn’t work out whom the letter was from. The signature was childish / childlike. 3. Sarah is so childish / childlike. She always plays trick on her friends. 4. It was wonderful to watch the tiny lambs playing. I got such childish / childlike pleasure from the experience. 5. Sophie is extremely sensitive / sensible at the moment. Anything you say seems to upset her. 6. Karen is not a very sensitive / sensible person. She wore high-heeled shoes for our four-mile walk. 7. I’ve never known her to tell a lie. She’s a very true / truthful person. 8. I can never watch sad films that are based on true / truthful a story. They always make me cry. 9. Susan is so intolerable / intolerant of other people. She never accepts anyone else’s opinion, and she always thinks she knows best. 10. I find Mark’s behaviour intolerable / intolerant. It’s unfair to be so selfish. 11. We’re having an economic / economical crisis at the moment. James has lost his job and I don’t know how we are going to pay the rent. 12. It’s more economic / economical to drive slowly. You can do a lot more miles to the gallop.


Ex.20 Подберите к каждой тройке слов такое, чтобы с его помощью образовать составные существительные, используйте слова:

board, green, paper, book, birthday, blood, rain, site, road, sports, ice, water, day, night, hand, case, sun, bag.

Например: camp..., building..., bomb... – campsite, building site, bomb-site.

1. ...test, ...pressure, ...donor. 2. ...fall, ...melon, ...skiing. 3. ...house, ...grocer, ...salad. 4. ...club, ...mare, ...shift. 5. brief..., suit..., book... . 6. paper..., plastic..., shoulder... . 7. ...bow, ...coat, ...drop. 8. ...shine, ...rise, ...set. 9. ...works, ...sign, ...rage. 10. black..., floor..., notice... . 11. ...light, ...break, ...dream. 12. ...shake, ...writing, ...book. 13. ...cube, ...berg, ...rink. 14. ...cake, ...present, ...card. 15. ...scape, ...lady, ...slide. 16. ...car, ...center, ...ground. 17. address..., visitor’s..., note... .



Ex. 21 Дополните предложения сложными существительными в скобках (это могут быть и составные существительные, и существительные в притяжательном падеже в простой или аналитической форме).

1. Your coat is on the ... (back, chair). 2. You’ve just spilt the ... (milk, cat). 3. Can you buy some ... (paper, toilet). 4. I never listened to my ... (advise, parents). 5. Can you buy a ... (wine, bottle) to have with supper? 6. What did that ... (road, sigh) say? Did you see it? 7. It’s such a mess in here. There are empty ... (wine, bottles) everywhere. 8. The ... (Prime Minister, duties) include entertaining heads of the state. 9. The ... (my shoe, heel) has come off. 10. Can I borrow your ... (brush, hair)? 11. What happened at the ... (film, end)? 12. Here is ... (today, news). 13. Where is the nearest ... (Metro, station)? 14. It’s my ... (anniversary, parents, wedding) next week. 15. The ... (company, success) is due to its efficiency. 16. I’ve got a ... (fortnight, holiday) next month. 17. The ... (government, economic policy) is confusing. 18. My children go to the local ... (school, state). 19. The annual ... (rate, inflation) is about 4 percent. 20. Are there any ... (coffee, cups) in your bedroom? There are none in the kitchen. 21. Do you want a ... (coffee, cup)?



Ex.22. Заполните пропуски глаголом или существительным:

advice – to advise, use – to use, abuse – to abuse, belief – to believe, relief – to relieve, grief – grieve, excuse – to excuse, breath – to breathe, half – to halve, house – to house, safe – to save, bath – to bathe.


1. It is my personal ... that this man is innocent. 2. Let me listen to your chest. Take a deep ... and say “Ah”. 3. You should put your valuables in the ... . 4. Drug ... is a terrible problem all over the world. 5. I know it isn’t good for my skin, but I love sun ... . 6. I’ve been so worried about you! It’s such a ... to see you at last! 7. “What are we going to do with this cake?” “Cut it in two. You take ... and I’ll take ... .” 8. Can you show me how to ... this new coffee machine? 9. The refugees are ... in temporary accommodation. 10. She apologizes for her behavior, and said it was because she’d had a busy day, but that’s no ... for breaking all the plates. 11. People need time to ... after the death of someone they love. 12. Take my ... . Never marry for money. Marry for love.


Ex. 23. Напишите слово противоположное по значению, используя префикс


Kind, honest, credible, appear, fair, equal, pleased, continue, fasten, normal, employed, friendly, trust, professional, known, cover, safe, use, probable, important, emotional.



На аффиксальное словообразование

Чтобы проверить правильность выполнения выделите черное поле и поменяйте цвет шрифта на белый.

I. Change the green word.

1. Most office work don’t change their jobs because they earn much in the office.

2. Will you fill in the apply form?

3. His new job is very stress.

4. Her desk is so tidy that it’s possible to find what she wants.

5. My teacher courage me to enter this profession.

6. She was award a first-class Diploma.

7. When I was in the USA, I was impress by the hospitable I received.

8. This iron is broken; it needs mend.

9. I hate that bright coloured pullover.

10. I’m going to do lots of shop while I’m in Paris.

KEYS: 1)workers, more 2)application 3)stressful 4)untidy, impossible 5)courageous 6)awarded 7)impressed, hospitality 8)mending 9)brightly 10)shopping

II. Change the yellow word.

The Pilgrim Route to Santiago

If you’d like to do something differ on your holiday, you might be interest in following the Pilgrim Route to Santiago. The journey starts in France and takes you through the marvel scenery of the Pyrenees to Santiago in Spain.

It normal takes about five weeks to complete the 800-kilometre walk, which gives you much than enough time to go sight. There are plenty of camp, but you can also get rooms in monasteries, which cost little or nothing. Alternatively, you can stay in comfort hotels, but these are obvious more expense.

The Pilgrim Route can be quite crowd during the summer. Some people find it more enjoy to go in October and November, which are quiet months, but the advantage of traveling then is that some of the hotels are closed.

KEYS: different, interested, marvelous, normally, more, sightseeing, camping, comfortable, obviously, expensive, (over)crowded, enjoyable, quieter, disadvantage

III. Fill in the gaps.

Заполните предложения прилагательными, образованными от существительных, данных в скобках, при помощи суффиксов -ful, -ly или -у. Помните о возможных изменениях в написании: beauty -beautiful, life - lively, noise - noisy.


1. You must be.....................when you open the door. (CARE)


2. The countryside looks very......................now. (COLOUR)


3. That was a very..................thing to do! (COWARD)


4. He has a.....................routine of exercises. (DAY)


5. She was.....................when I told her my plan. (DOUBT)


6. It was very....................so I drove slowly. (FOG)


7. It's nice meeting such a...................person. (FRIEND)


8. He looked very.....................in that hat. (FUN)


9. They saw a.....................figure at the castle door. (GHOST)


10. Working on the car made her hands..................... (GREASE)


11. Let's go for a..................walk in the fresh air! (HEALTH)


12. We're......................that they'll agree to come. (HOPE)


13. Seeing all that food made me very.................... (HUNGER)


14. She married a....................businessman. (SUCCESS)


15. He looked.......................when he heard the news. (THOUGHT)


16. You can trust her. She's a very.....................girl. (TRUTH)


17. This map was very....................on my holiday. (USE)


18. It was.....................to see him again. (WONDER)


KEYS: 1. careful, 2. colourful, 3. cowardly. 4. daily. 5. doubtful. 6. foggy. 7. friendly. 8. funny, 9. ghostly. 10. greasy, 11. healthy, 12. hopeful, 13. hungry, 14. successful, 15. thoughtful, 16. truthful. 17. useful. 18. wonderful.


IV. Form the antonyms.

Образуйте слова с противоположным значением, используя префиксы: in-, im-, ir-, il- и переведите фразы на русский.

1)....accurate information 7).... logical response


2)....moral behaviour 8) ... .correct decision

3) ....capable of telling the truth 9) ....rational fear

4)....regular mail 10).... definite opinion

5)....considerate of others 11) ... .personal suffers

6)....patient pupil 12) ... .dependent commission

13) ....legible letter 18) ....curable disease

14)....probable adventures 19) ... .responsible worker

15)....different listener 20)....possible solution

16)....polite treatment 21).... legal literature

17) ....expensive gift

KEYS: in-: 1, 3, 5, 8, 10, 12, 15, 17, 18. im-: 2, 6, 11, 14, 16, 20. ir-: 4, 9, 19. il-: 7, 13, 2


V. Образуйте от данного слова все возможные производные.

Существительное (noun)

Прилагательное (adjective)

Глагол (verb)

Например, success successful succeed


day annoy behave final information high compete strong solve addition

special help shop suggest part inventive


KEYS: Daily, annoyance, annoying, behaviour, behaving, behavioural, finalize, finalization. informative, inform, height, competition, competitive, strength, strengthen, solution, solving, additional, add. speciality, specialize, helpful, help, shopping, shop, suggestion, suggestive, partial, part / depart, invention, invent.


VI. а) Образуйте существительные от данных глаголов и запишите их в таблицу:




to signify

to disappoint

to appear

to depend

to prefer

to enter

to obey

to acquaint

to disagree

to differ

to correspond

to attend


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