Сделай Сам Свою Работу на 5

State the form of the infinitive. Identify the function of the infinitive. Translate the sentences.

1. The Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank began an uprising to halt the Israeli occupation. (W.P.)

2. To return all Sinai to Egypt a 1979 peace treaty between Israel and Egypt was signed. (M.T.)

3. The aim of an Arab-Israeli peace conference in December 1973 and American shuttle diplomacy was to withdraw Israel from the Suez Canal. (I.H.T.)

4. After the two meetings Israeli and Palestinians observers of the peace process said there was little reason to expect that the sides would soon break their stalemate and return to negotiations. (G.)

5. When Israeli tanks entered Palestinians –controlled territory in the Gaza Strip in April, US Secretary of state Colin Powell called the incursion ”excessive and disproportionate”. The tanks were quick enough to move out again. (BBC)

6. The Arab countries ought to be working to convince Palestinian Authority President Yassir Arafat to halt the violence and restart the negotiations. (M.T.)

7. To say that peace is in the interest of both sides is not to say it is inevitable. (I.H.T.)

8. ”There are no more relations to be opened until they go back to the right path of peace. If they have time-out, we also have a time-out,”said Mr.N., referring to the Israeli government’s decision to suspend the peace process for the time being. (F.T.)

9. The first Arab country to sign a peace treaty with Israel was Egypt which joined Jordan in arguing for a more moderate stand. (M.T.)

10. Former Egyptian Foreign Minister, who has been active in negotiating with Israel, said:” Our intention is not to talk or fall into the trap of talking about peace proposals while we see that the Israeli government does not really mean it.”(I.H.T.)

11. The first step is to transform the “peace process”, which was in danger of succeeding in establishing a small Palestinian state, into a religious war process ”for control of Jerusalem and a state incorporating Jordan and Israel.” (W.P.)

12. Needlees to say, the Clinton administration also has to consider its relations with the wider Arab world, especially in an election year during which oil prices already have become an issue. But perhaps the most compelling reason for maintaining a partnership with Mr. Arafat, officials say, is the same one it has always been-he is the only leader the Palestinians have. (F.T.)

13. ”If the situation on the ground is to improve, then Israel must also take the economic and security steps that are necessary to alleviate the pressure and the humiliations of the Palestinian population,” said State Department spokesman.



Exercise 8.

State the form of the infinitive. Identify the function of the infinitive. Translate the sentences.

1. The Israeli Prime Minister also gave a hint of the broad outlines of a possible agreement to ease the crisis, suggesting that Israel might now be willing to accept some kind of international body to examine the causes of the latest violence. (I.H.T.)

2. The Israeli prime minister must defend and protect Israeli lives. But he should do his best to bring an end to the violence. (M.T.)

3. A senior Israeli general has warned that the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians could continue for years unless Palestinian leader Yassir Arafat takes a tough decision to call to halt the violence. (BBC)

4. Egypt’s decision Tuesday to recall its ambassador from Tel Aviv marks the end of a long period of restraint in the Arab-Israeli relations. (M.T.)

5. The goal, say American officials, is to narrow the gaps between the two sides enough to hold a three-way summit meeting this summer –an event, if it occurs, that Palestinians and Israelis are likening to the Camp David negotiations, mediated by President Carter, that produced a peace accord between Israel and Egypt in the mid-1970s. (I.H.T.)

6. Many Israelis have come to agree that the Jewish settlers living in Palestinians areas have become an obstacle to an eventual peace between the two sides. Thousands of Israeli soldiers are deployed in Palestinian-populated areas of the West Bank and Gaza to protect the settlers and the roads that link the settlements, and the military checkpoints at the entrances to settlements have become the focus of many of the bloody clashes during the uprising that began last September. (W.P.)

7. American secretary of state said the negotiators were to arrive in the United States early in the week to begin open-ended talks. On Wednesday, the Palestinian leader, Yasser Arafat is to meet with President Clinton at the White House. Mr. Arafat has vowed to declare the independent state of Palestine by September, 13.(I.H.T.)

8. The Palestinian leader dilemma is how to exploit strong Palestinians feeling in ways that will strengthen rather than sink the Oslo process. (G.)

9. ”The basic deal in Oslo was that we gave the Palestinians territory and they gave us a pledge to fight the terrorist organizations from that territory,” the Israeli premier said late last month. (W.P.)

10. An unstated aim of the conference was to find common Palestinian positions before the final-status talks on Jerusalem, refugees and settlements. (F.T.)

11. The British foreign secretary was speaking in Hebron on an unscheduled visit to underline that hope of reviving the peace process requires rapid agreement between Israel and the Palestinians on the disputed and explosive West Bank town. (I.H.T.)

12. Israeli radio said last night that under the “Gaza-Jericho first” proposals, Palestinians would be granted limited self rule if the PLO, in turn, undertook to halt terrorism against Israeli targets and to delete references in its charter to the destruction of the Jewish state. (G.)

13. The implication for the Bush administration is that if policy on Iraq is to change, it would have to change most in the military dimension. (F.T.)

14. Palestinian disillusionment is too deep to be dissipated by new promises. (I.H.T.)

15. A Taliban official in Pakistan, who did not want to be identified, said the Islamic world waited too long to send its scholars to Afghanistan. (The M.T.)


Exercise 9 .

Translate the sentences.

1. Целью резолюции ООН 1947 года было разделение территории Палестины на два государства: еврейское и арабское.

2. Война за независимость Палестины 1948-49гг закончилась триумфальной победой Израиля, целью которого был контроль над Палестинским государством.

3. В планы Израиля входило нападение на Египет, Сирию и Иорданию: захват Синайского полуострова, сектора Газа у Египта, Голанских высот и восточной части Иерусалима у Иордании.

4. Египет, Израиль и США подписывают соглашения в Кэмп Дэвиде, чтобы ввести ограниченную автономию Палестины на оккупированных территориях.

5. В 1973 году была подписана резолюция 242, чтобы немедленно начать мирные переговоры.

6. Соглашение между Израилем и Египтом, которое предусматривало возвращение Синайского полуострова Египту, было подписано в 1979 году.

7. В 1988 году Ясир Арафат (лидер Палестинской Организации Освобождения) признаёт право Израиля на существование и не приемлет терроризм.

8. Необходимо заметить, что очередное вооружённое восстание против Израиля вспыхнуло на Западном берегу реки Иордан и в секторе Газа.

9. Целью мадридской конференции 1991 года было инициирование мирного процесса и прекращение насилия на Ближнем Востоке.

10. Разрешение трёх актуальных проблем, связанных с установлением статуса Иерусалима, еврейских поселений, границ Израиля и судьбы 3 миллионов палестинцев было первоочередной задачей переговоров в 1993 году.

11. Израиль захватил Синайский полуостров, чтобы уничтожить арабские военные базы в октябре 1956 года.

12. 5 июля 1982 года, через 6 недель после вывода израильских войск с территории Синайского полуострова, отношения между Израилем и Палестиной обострились.

13. Палестинцы, проживающие в секторе Газа и на западном берегу реки Иордан, находятся в полном отчаянии. Нежелание Израиля выполнять соглашения, принятые в Осло, остановили мирный процесс.

14. Целью мирных переговоров между Израилем и Египтом 26 марта 1979 года было установление нормальных дипломатических отношений между двумя странами.

15. По сообщению израильского радио, премьер-министр Израиля встретился с министром обороны этой страны, чтобы спланировать линию поведения Израиля и подавить восстание.

16. Если снова вспыхнет восстание, мирные переговоры зайдут в тупик.



THE INFINITIVE CONSTRUCTION ”THE COMPLEX SUBJECT” (Сложное подлежащее) 1.With the verbs seem, appear, prove, happen, turn out. The decision to keep tanks and troops in Beit Jala appears to mark a change of tactics for Israel which hasn’t previously occupied Palestinian-controlled areas .(BBC) По-видимому, решение дислоцировать танки и все войска в Бейт Джале означает изменение тактики Израиля, который ещё не оккупировал контролируемые Палестиной территории.
2.is reported to-сообщают (сообщается) is believed to –полагают, считают, что is considered to-считают,что is thought to-считают,что is expected to-ожидается, предполагается is alleged to-говорят, считают, что is seen to-считается, рассматривается is felt to-считают,что is understood to-считают, что The Israeli Prime minister and the Israeli defence minister were speaking hours before an extraordinary session of the Israeli cabinet which was expected to approve the peace plan by an overwhelming majority. (F.T.) Премьер-министр и министр обороны Израиля долго беседовали перед внеочередным заседанием кабинета, который, как ожидалось, должен был одобрить мирный план большинством голосов.
3.is likely-вероятно, по-видимому is unlikely-маловероятно, чтобы…,едва ли… is sure(certain)-обязательно, непременно Israel is unlikely to want to fight on three fronts: in Lebanon, in the West Bank, and in the Gaza Strip. (The T.) Маловероятно, что Израиль захочет воевать на трёх фронтах: в Ливане, на западном берегу и в секторе Газа.  

Exercise 10 .


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