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From the History of Petroleum



Методические указания для практических занятий по направлению 131000.62 «Нефтегазовое дело» для студентов

I-III курсов всех форм обучения


Составители Л.М. Калянова, Ю.А. Вишневецкая



Английский язык: методические указания для практических занятий по направлению 131000.62 «Нефтегазовое дело» для студентов I-III курсов всех форм обучения / сост. Л.М. Калянова, Ю.А. Вишневецкая; Тюменский государственный нефтегазовый университет. – Тюмень: издательский центр БИК, ТюмГНГУ, 2013. – 35с.



Методические рекомендации рассмотрены и рекомендованы к изданию на заседании кафедры гуманитарных и экономических дисциплин «02» октября 2013 года, протокол № 3.




В данных методических рекомендациях представлены тексты технической направленности, предназначенные для чтения, перевода и извлечения специальной информации. Также представлены различные виды заданий для контроля лексики и совершенствования навыков владения английским языком в профессиональной деятельности, связанной с нефтяной промышленностью.



Главной целью данных методических указаний является развитие у студентов навыков чтения и понимания текстов на английском языке по будущей специальности, а также развитие навыков устной речи в профессиональной сфере и формирование терминологической базы.

В указания включены 10 разделов, которые состоят из основных поурочных текстов и текстов для дополнительного чтения, которые направлены на развитие навыков самостоятельной работы.

При составлении данных методических указаний подбирались тексты, связанные с будущей профессиональной деятельностью студентов: «Инженер-нефтяник», «Из истории нефти», «Добыча нефти и газа», «Нефть и природный газ», «Методы бурения», «Буровые растворы» и др.

В каждом разделе представлена система упражнений для усвоения лексики (аутентичные тексты, лексический минимум, предтекстовые и послетекстовые задания, нацеленные на развитие навыков устной и письменной речи, упражнения по переводу).

Грамматические упражнения представлены на базе терминологии по специальности.

Методические указания предназначены для студентов технических вузов, обучающихся по направлению «Нефтегазовое дело» а также для всех, кому необходимо совершенствовать свои умения и навыки владения английским языком в профессиональной деятельности, связанной с нефтяной промышленностью.


В результате освоения дисциплины обучающийся должен уметь:

- общаться (письменно и устно) на иностранном языке на профессиональные и повседневные темы;

- переводить (со словарем) иностранные тексты профессиональной направленности;

- самостоятельно совершенствовать устную и письменную речь, пополнять словарный запас.

- осуществлять письменный обмен информацией в форме записей, выписок, аннотаций и конспектов, составлять деловые письма, отражающие определенное коммуникативное намерение.



Lesson One


I. Words and expressions to be learnt:

1. to meet the task - выполнить задачу

2. to produce - производить, добывать (зд.)

3. to consume - потреблять

4. challenge - вызов, задача (зд.)

5. to provide - снабжать, обеспечивать

6. rate - темп, скорость

7. at least - по крайней мере

8. to be concerned with - иметь дело с …

9. to create - создавать, созидать

10. to evaluate - оценивать

11. to oversee - наблюдать, контролировать (зд.)

12. activity - деятельность, работа

13. to implement - внедрять

14. to simulate - моделировать

15. to own - владеть

16. to recover - добывать, извлекать

17. to devise - разрабатывать

18. to enhance recovery - увеличить отдачу нефти

19. to inject - закачивать, впрыскивать

20. combustion - горение, сгорание

21. to treat - обрабатывать, очищать

22. to release - освобождать, разъединять

23. opportunity - возможность

24. facility - средство

25. to apply - применять

26. oil shale - горючий сланец

28. tar sand - битумный песчаник

29. conventional - нормальный, обычный

30. trap - ловушка

31. pore - пора



II. Read and translate the text:

What does a Petroleum Engineer do?

Meeting the task of producing oil and gas and other resources from the earth is the primary challenge of the petroleum engineer. Petroleum provides over 70% of world energy consumption. It is likely to continue at this rate at least another 50 years, probably 100 years. No other branch of engineering is more concerned with our everyday lives. Economic and environmentally safe production of petroleum resources requires creative application of a wide spectrum of knowledge, ranging from the basic sciences of mathematics, physics, geology and chemistry to almost all engineering branches of knowledge (mechanical, chemical, electrical, etc.)

The petroleum engineer evaluates potential producing reservoirs, oversees drilling activities, selects and implements recovery schemes and designs surface collection and treatment facilities.

The petroleum engineer is increasingly concerned with the application of computers in these functions, not only in exploration data analysis and simulation of reservoir behavior, but also in automation of oil field production and drilling operations. Most of the world’s supercomputers are at the hand of petroleum companies.

Petroleum engineers have a future full of challenges and opportunities. They must develop and apply new technology to recover hydrocarbons from oil shales, tar sands and offshore oil and gas fields. Petroleum engineers must also devise new techniques to recover oil left in the ground after application of conventional producing techniques. Examples of these “enhanced” recovery methods are steam injection, underground combustion, and injection of chemically treated water to release oil trapped in the pores of rock. Since conventional producing method will recover only an average of 25% of oil in place, these new methods are aimed at recovering additional petroleum from known reservoirs. Techniques developed for the recovery of petroleum will increasingly be applied to the extraction of other important minerals.

Since many petroleum companies conduct worldwide operation the petroleum engineer may have the opportunity for assignments all over the world.


Answer the questions:

1. What is your future speciality?

2. What is the primary challenge of the petroleum engineer?

3. Is there any branch of engineering which is more concerned with our everyday life?

4. What must the petroleum engineer know to ensure economic and environmentally safe production of petroleum resources?

5. What subjects do you study now?

6. Are you taught to evaluate potential producing reservoirs?

7. Will you be able to oversee drilling activities, select and implement recovery schemes?

8. Who designs surface collection and treatment facilities?

9. Will you be able to apply computers in automation of oil field production?

10. Who can devise and apply new techniques to recover oil left in the ground?

11. Can you give examples of “enhanced” recovery methods? What are they?

12. What are new enhanced methods aimed for?

13. Are the new methods of petroleum recovery applied to the extraction of other important minerals?

14. What opportunities have the petroleum engineers and why?

15. Do you like your future speciality?


Lesson Two


From the History of Petroleum


I. Words and expressions to be remembered:

1. however – однако

2. production – производство, добыча

3. to escape - давать утечку, выходить из...

4. to extract - извлекать

5. to accumulate - накапливать

6. relief - рельеф

7. volatile - летучий

8. ancient - древний

9. to refer - относиться, ссылаться на…

10. to abound - изобиловать, иметься в большом количестве

11. deficiency – недостаток

12. to force - заставлять

13. dwelling - жилище

14. adjacent - прилегающий

15. to dig - копать

16. depression - углубление, впадина

17. to occur - встречаться

18. to mention - yпоминать

19. seepage - утечка

20. stratum (strata) – пласт (пласты)

21. formerly – раньше, прежде

22. to illuminate – освещать

23. to cook – готовить (пищу)

24. purpose – цель

25. inhabitants – жители

26. peat – торф

27. to date back – датироваться

28. i.e. – id est, (лат.), that is (англ.)

29. petroliferous – нефтеносный

30. case - случай

II. Rеаd and translate the words:

petroleum, oil, production, scale, industrial scale, start, century, present century, гoсk, method, primitive method, good method, new method, modern method, document, ancient document, illumination


III. Make up nouns with the help of the suffix “tion” and translate them:

product, extract, form, accumulate, illuminate


IV. Translate into English:

добыча нефти, добыча газа, промышленный масштаб, упоминать, рань­ше, пласт, пласты, нефтеносный пласт, твердый, жидкий, состояние, терять, топливо, твердое топливо, жидкое топливо, использовать, отопление, освещение, отсутствие, недостаток


V. Read and translate the text:


From the History of Petroleum


Petroleum and natural gas have been known to man long before our era. Petroleum production on an industrial scale, however, was started only a little more than one hundred years ago, while the production and use of natural gas - only in the present century.

Petroleum and gas can be found escaping from rocks in many places all over the world. Such occurrence of petroleum and gas are mentioned in the writings of Herodotus (5th century B.C1.), Plutarch, Pliny the Elder, Marcus Vitruvius (1st century A.D2.).

Formerly, petroleum was extracted by most primitive methods, i.e. by digging wells to the petroliferous strata where the petroleum was still in the liquid state. Cases are known when surface seepages of petroleum were so considerable that it accumulated in the depressions of the relief forming petroleum lakes. But in these cases the petroleum with time lost its volatile components and turned into asphalt. As can be seen from ancient historical documents the use of petroleum as fuel dates back to extremely early times. Not only liquid petroleum but asphalt was also used as fuel.

The use of petroleum in early times refers to the Apsheron penin­sula and other regions of the Caspian shores which abounded in petroleum and where there was the deficiency of other kinds of fuel (coal, peat, wood), this forced the inhabitants to use petroleum as fuel for heating their dwellings, cooking purposes, etc.

We learn that petroleum had been used for illumination in the countries adjacent to the Caspian and the Mediterranean Seas as far back3 as several centuries B.C.



1. B.C. (before Christ) - до новой эры

2. A.D. (Anno Domini) - новая эра

3. as far back as – eщe


VI. Answer the questions:

1. When have petroleum and natural gas been known to man?

2. When did the production of petroleum and natural gas begin?

3. How was petroleum extracted?

4. What was petroleum used in early times for?

5. When did the history of using petroleum as fuel begin?


VII. Speak on:

1. The extraction of petroleum in early times.

2. The use of petroleum.

VIII. Find the predicates and translate the sentences into Russian:

1. Petroleum and natural gas were known long before our era.

2. The production of petroleum and natural gas on an industrial scale was started only last century.

3. At first men used petroleum as fuel for heating their dwellings.

4. Petroleum was used for illumination several centuries B.C.

5. Long ago petroleum was extracted by primitive methods.

6. Gas can be found escaping from the rocks.

7. Asphalt was also used as fuel.

8. This phenomenon was mentioned in ancient writings.

Lesson Three


I. Words and expressions to be remembered :

1. petroleum – нефть

2. raw material – сырье, сырьевой материал (нефть-сырец)

3. hydrocarbons [´haidrou´kɑ:bǝnz] – углеводороды

4. sample – образец, проба

5. to prove – доказывать

6. to consist of – состоять из

7. to contain – содержать

8. to depend on – зависеть

9. composition – состав

10. to fall into – делиться на

11. colour – цвет

12. odour [´oudǝ] – запах

13. agreeable [ǝg´riǝbl] and disagreeable odour – приятный и неприятный запах

14. specific gravity – удельный вес

15. value – ценность

16. valuable – ценный

17. viscosity – вязкость

18. measure – мера

19. impurity – примесь

20. rock – горная порода

21. compound – соединение

22. hydrogen [´haidridʒǝn] – водород

23. oxygen [´oksidʒǝn] – кислород

24. uniform – однородный

25. the boiling point – точка кипения

26. volatile – летучий

27. nitrogen [´naitrǝdʒǝn] – азот

28. naphthenes [´næfѲi:nz] – нафтены, циклопарафины

29. paraffin(e) [´pærəfin] – парафин; керосин

30. paraffin(e) hydrocarbon – парафин, предельный углеводород, углеводород парафинового ряда

31. unsaturated - ненасыщенный


II. Read and translate the text:



Petroleum is a valuable raw material. It is a mixture of hydrocarbons. Analyses of petroleum proved that it consists of carbon and hydrogen. There are also other compounds which contain oxygen, nitrogen and inorganic matter. The physical and chemical properties of different samples of petroleum are not uniform. These depend on the composition of oil and presence of impurities.

Petroleum contains gaseous, liquid and solid hydrocarbons of different composition and properties. Thesе gaseous, solid and liquid hydrocarbons fall into three main classes: the paraffines, naphthenes and aromatic hydrocarbons.

The colour of petroleum varies considerably. Some oils may be almost colourless, others – light yellow, red, green, brown or black.

The odour of crude oil is also determined by its composition. The paraffines and naphthenes give agreeable odours whereas unsaturated hydrocarbons containing nitrogen compounds and sulphur cause the disagreeable odours.

The specific gravity of crude oil is an index of its value. The lighter oils have greater value because they contain larger quantities of gasoline and other valuable products.

The boiling point depends on the presence of hydrocarbons of low and high boiling points. The more volatile hydrocarbons are in the crude oil, the lower the boiling point.

Natural hydrocarbons are widely used as fuel for domestic and industrial needs. They also serve as a raw material in the petrochemical industry.


III. Answer the questions:

1. What is petroleum?

2. Does it contain only carbon and hydrogen?

3. What other elements does it contain?

4. Are physical and chemical properties of different samples of petroleum uniform?

5. What do these properties depend on?

6. How many classes do gaseous and liquid hydrocarbons fall into? What are they?

7. What can you say about the colour of petroleum?

8. What is the odour of petroleum determined by?

9. What is an index to the value of oil?

10. What oils have greater value?

11. What are the main uses of natural hydrocarbons?



IV. Read and translate the following words:

a) inorganic matter, liquid, solid, gaseous, physical, chemical structure, class, paraffines, viscosity, naphthenes, aromatic hydrocarbons, oxygen;

b) yellow, green, brown, black, red, light, great, different, main;

d) consist of, contain, depend on, composition, compound, property, prove, fall into, utilize.


V. Read and translate the words of the same root:

Value – valuable, physics – physical, chemistry – chemical, gas – gaseous, considerable – considerably, agree – agreeable – disagreeable, colour – colourful - colourless, odour – odourless, vary – variable, wide – widely


VI. Translate into Russian:

a) short – shorter – shortest, important – more important – most important, good – better – best;

b) the nearer … the denser, the more … the better, the lower … the higher


VII. Find English equivalents to the following Russian sentences in the text:

1. Чем больше летучих углеводородов в сырой нефти, тем ниже точка кипения.

2. Более легкие нефти имеют большую ценность.

3. Некоторые нефти могут быть бесцветными.

4. Более легкие нефти содержат больше бензина.


VIII. Translate the following words and expressions:

состоять из, ценное сырье, другие соединения, неорганические вещества, химический состав, жидкий, твердый, удельный вес, точка кипения.

IX. Use the prореr words and expressions:

1. Petroleum (contains. consists, proves) of' carbon and hydrogen.

2. Physical and chemical properties (protect, depend) on the che­mical composition and presence of impurities.

3. The odour of сrude oil is (made up, determined) by its composition.

4. The boiling points of crude oil are quite (the same, different, variable).


X. Translate into English:

1. Нефть - ценное углеводородное сырье.

2. Она состоит из углерода и водорода.

3. Различные нефти обладают различными свойствами.

4. Жидкие и твердые углеводороды делятся на 3 класса.

5. Удельный вес нефти - показатель ее ценности.

6. Углеводороды широко используются в качестве топлива и сырья для нефтеперерабатывающей промышленности.


XI. Read and translate the text without a dictionary in a written way:

Petroleum is a hydrocarbon, that is, it consists оf molecules containing atoms of hydrogen and carbon. The raw material of crude oil is found in oil fields where oil has accumulated in reservoir rocks rather dееp below ground. Crude oil is a mixture of molecules which differ mainly in the number of atoms of hydrogen and carbon out of which it consists. Usually small amounts of other substances are also found in crude oil. There are obviously а large number of possible mixtures and crude oils vary from field to field.


XII. Speak on:

1. Petroleum composition.

2. Physical and chemical properties of crude oil.




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