Сделай Сам Свою Работу на 5

There are no universally accepted rules for writing e-mail, but here are some useful guidelines. Match each rule (a-g) to the reason (1-7) why it is useful.

aCreate a subject line with impact.

bWrite short sentences.

cKeep paragraphs short.

dDon’t always trust your spell check.

ePut your signature on the message.

fProofread the message before sending it.

gUse headings, bullets, numbering.


1. It saves people scrolling down to see if there’s more text.

2. These will guide the reader and make the message easier to grasp.

3. It can’t tell the difference between your and you’re, or there’s and theirs.

4. It is more likely that someone will read your e-mail.

5. There’s less chance the reader will miss anything.

6. It creates a more professional image if there are no silly errors.

7. You don’t need complex grammar or punctuation.



Tips for writing formal letters:

1. Write your own address in the top right-hand corner.

2. The date can go on either the left or the right.

3. Write the address, name and position of the person you are writing to.

4. Use Sir or Madam if you do not know the name of the person you are writing to, and use the person’s title ( Mr, Ms, etc.) and their surname if you do.

5. In your application use the wordpost, position or vacancy, not job.

6. Avoid contractions.

7. In British English end your letterYours sincerelyif you have begun it with a person’s title and family name. If you have begun Dear Sir or Madam,then end your letter Yours faithfully.

8. Sign your name and print it in full afterwards.

9. Encl. or enc. shows you have enclosed something.


22 Rocks Lane

Bristol BS8 9DF

20 April 2005

Ms Patricia Wright

Personnel Department

Multimedia Design

4 Albiton Road

London SE1 8DD


Dear Ms Wright,


I am writing to apply for the post of assistant designer advertised in the Evening Post of 18 April.

Please find enclosed a copy of my CV.

Since graduating from Cardiff University I have been working for EMS Corporate Imaging on a contract basis.

I have begun particularly interested in interactive and multimedia work and now wish to develop my career in that direction.

I would welcome the chance to work as part of a small dynamic team where I could make a significant contribution while developing my skills yet further. I would be happy to show you a portfolio of my work.

I am available for interview next week and look forward for hearing from you.


Yours sincerely

Mark Wallace

Enc. CV


Listen to the text “How do I read my e-mail?” and answer the question:

How does the narrator read his e-mail?



VIII. Surf the Net and find examples of different types of business letters. Then fill in the table below.

Type of business letters Useful phrases
Letter of Enquiry  
Thank you Letter  
Letter of Complaint  
Congratulation Letter  
Letter Giving Information  
Reference Letter  
Invitation Letter  
Letter of Apology  
Confirm Letter  







In pairs, discuss the following questions.

a. What is the importance of education in a career?

b. What is the purpose of science in your opinion?




2. Read the text to answer the question “What does the author mean when he says …?”

- the fundamental aim of science is to describe the facts of nature and natural events and not to “explain things”.

- every new discovery seems to widen the horizon and increase the extend of our contact with unexplored areas.


We may ask what we have a right to expect of science in its relation to our natural world. We shall list two general purposes that it may be said to have.

The fundamental aim of science is to describe the facts of nature and natural events and not, as is so commonly thought, to “explain things”. Confusion on this point has probably been the case of the so-called conflict between science and religion.

The basic of science is the belief that natural events have natural causes. Consequently, when science looks for the cause of any given natural phenomenon, it is simply looking for a set of circumstances which gave rise to the event, circumstances which themselves grew out of a still earlier set of conditions. It makes this search by observing facts, by organizing these facts. It does not attempt to say why the chain of events originated.

For example, it is within the province of science to build a picture of the universe with its myriad celestial bodies, a picture or theory which to be satisfactory must agree with all of the observed facts about the motions, positions, and other attributes of these bodies. It is not a part of the business of science to say why a sequence of occurrences was begun which led to the present astronomical organization. Such a problem involves factors which do not lend themselves to the collection of experimental data.

A secondary purpose of science is the formulation, on the basis of experimental facts, of principles and theories which are generalizations and which will lead to new studies and increased knowledge.

There would seem to be no need to fear that we will soon have solved all the problems and made known the entire unknown. In fact the reverse is much more probable since every new discovery seems to widen the horizon and increase the extent of our contact with unexplored areas.

There can be little doubt that man’s technical intelligence rating is very high; whether he is also smart enough to benefit permanently from these advances or so stupid that he will let them destroy his civilization will probably be decided shortly.


Predicate “is to describe” Some functions of “there / that / it / as” Infinitive : its functions and constructions Conjunctions of subordinate clauses Modal verbs Participle II and its functions


What is the purpose of science according to the author?


You have been asked to write an article presenting advantages and disadvantages of doing science. Write your article using 300-350 words.


Imagine that you are going to participate in a conference “Modernization of Russian Higher Education”. Choose any topic you like and prepare a report for the conference.

1. Advantages of modernization of Russian higher education.

2. Disadvantages of modernization of Russian higher education.

3. Specific features of two main cycles (undergraduate/graduate).

4. Differences in scientific statuses in Russia and abroad.




In pairs, discuss the following questions.

What parts should your thesis consist of? What are they?

What is the purpose of each part?


Read the text and speak on your manuscript structure.


Manuscript is a copy of a book before it has been written (Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary).

Manuscripts should in general be organized in the following order:

a. Title;

b. Name(s) and affiliation(s) of author(s);

c. Abstract; (abstract is a short piece of writing containing the main ideas in a document; summary is a short statement that gives only the main points of sth, not the details; the abstract should be no longer than 500 words)

d. Introduction;

e. Methods, techniques, material studied, and area descriptions;

f. Results;

g. Conclusions;

h. Acknowledgements;

i. References;

j. Tables;

k. Figure captions



The following phrases can be used to signal the purpose of each part of your thesis. Divide the phrases (a-l) into four groups according to their functions (1-4).

1 state the research question

2 present the hypothesis

3 introduce the method

4 introduce key results


a. An investigation was undertaken to explore…

b. It seems likely that…

c. Results show that…

d. The aim of the study was to…

e. The data suggest that…

f. The present study investigates…

g. The study provides strong evidence that…

h. We demonstrate that…

i. We expected that…

j. We investigated a new method of +V-ing

k. The method involved +V-ing

l. …was found to…



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