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Basic Compound of Any Real Estate

In historical background of the relation to property, as majorants of economic type of the society, it has undergone repeated modifications stipulated by the desire to overcome the contravention between scarcity of resources, involved in production, and increasing human needs. In searching paths of maximizing productive forces effectiveness the society has periodically transformed patterns of ownership on factors of production and mechanism of a state participation in the government of economy.

The relations of landownership have always been the central part of social and economic relations.

The Earth represents the unique natural resource. It is a unique place of mankind's existence, main and unique factor of creation of its productive forces participating in creation of all other products and goods. Scarcity and the irretrievability of this resource results in objective necessity of public regulating of the laws and conditions of land use.

At the same time, in market economy the land acquires the form of goods and can be a subject to the property agreements, the result of which can restrain interests of other people and societies as a whole. Therefore introduction of the market relations shows heightened demands to a system of the state registration of land lots, control over their legal status and acting encumbrances, turnover of land and its rational usage.

It means, that a part of the income, which is capable to generate the land lot by virtue of the location, natural properties and possible improvements which are not stipulated by economic activity of the holder itself, can serve as a source of public needs sufficing and be deducted as rental paying. It in turn requires the monitoring of cost characteristics of land lots as factors of production and plants of investment.

And, at last, land is a basic compound of any real estate. According to article 130 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation we refer to real things (real property, real estate), land lots, sites of subsoil, isolated aquatic plants and everything, that is strongly linked to ground, i.e. plants, which cannot be removed without disproportionate injury to their assigning, including forests, long – term green plants, buildings.

2. Найдите синонимы среди следующих слов:

Scarcity, suffice, satisfy, encumbrances, by virtue of, though, proportion, discourages, part, increase, enhance, deficit.


3. Найдите антонимы среди следующих слов:

Retrievable, easy, different, useless, irretrievable, difficult, helpful, the same, appropriate, inhabited, directly, inappropriate, indirectly, uninhabited.

4. Образуйте существительные от следующих глаголов:

To pay, to agree, to distribute, to establish, to invest, to reduce, to improve, to perform, to employ, to produce, to relate, to exist, to use, to legislate.

5. Переведите следующие сочетания слов с русского языка на английский:

Гражданское право, законодательное определение правил, вторичные объекты недвижимости, историческое обоснование, невосстанавливаемость ресурсов, действующие препятствия, оплата ренты, непропорциональное нанесение вреда, долговременные зеленые насаждения.


6. Переведите следующие предложения с русского языка на английский:

1. Экономическая деятельность человека стимулируется законом. 2. Необходимо исследовать пути максимизации производственных сил. 3. Земля представляет собой уникальный природный ресурс. 4. Закон должен регулировать рациональное использование ресурсов. 5. Земля – уникальное место для существования человека.


7. Составьте предложения, используя следующие слова:

1. Resources, regulated, of, rational, must, use, be, the, by, law. 2. Represents, the, natural, the, unique, Earth, resource. 3. Is, a, land, estate, basic, real, any, of, compound. 4. Underwent, to, the, modifications, repeated, property, relation. 5. Registration, to, rights, the, belong, state.

8. Заполните пропуски предлогами:

1. Different elements describe concept ... landownership. 2. The real estate is defined ... forms ... the landownership. 3. According ... world practice the concept ... the landownership should be considered as a complex ... the land and property rights. 4. The land is a substance ... the real estate. 5. ... the foreign practice the list ... authorities concerning land includes 8 elements.


9. Поставьте к каждому предложению максимальное количество вопросов:

1. Rental paying requires the monitoring cost characteristics. 2. Real estates are strongly fallen into different groups. 3. A possibility of selection depends upon its assigning. 4. Legislative determinacy allows making conclusion of relation between different objects. 5. The relation of property underwent repeated modifications.

10. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на независимый причастный оборот:

1. A new legislation has been enforced, specialists must take it into consideration. 2. My parents living in the village, I sent them a great amount of books and magazines. 3. Living far, I seldom see him. 4. The building material having come, they began to build a new cottage. 5. Real estate being of great importance, people buy them.



Самостоятельная работа №10

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Environmental Protection

Scientific and technological progress of the twenty-first century resulted in widespread mechanization, automated lines computerized management, spaceships, atomic power stations, pipelines, new roads and highways.

But it cannot be denied that the price for rapid industrial development is very high: natural resources are exhausted, the ecological balance of the planet is disturbed; some species of flora and fauna disappear; city and industry waters, chemicals and fertilizers are endangering lakes, rivers and ponds. Big cities have a problem with air pollution: the "Killer Smog" caused some 3500 – 4000 deaths in London in December 1952. Progress can be blamed for all these environmental problems.

In recent years the pollution problems have received great publicity. The Environmental movement associated with no political party has gained widespread trust and support. Environmental activities stress that the problem is caused by industrial pollution and the automobile. Long – established environmental groups warn that acid rains threaten many forests. The media's begun to campaign against the ugliness of billboards, tin cans and trash. Many people started to realize that to keep air and water clean, strict pollution control is necessary. The protection of natural resources and wildlife is becoming a political program in every country. Numerous antipollution acts passed in different countries led to considerable improvements in environment. In many countries purifying systems for treatment of industrial waters have been installed, measures have been taken to protect rivers and seas from oil waters. Wildlife reservation models of undisturbed nature are being developed in some parts of the world.

But the environmental problems have grown beyond the concern of a single country. Their solution requires the cooperation of all nations.

2. Найдите синонимы среди следующих слов:

Protect, trash, litter, defense, impoverish, exhaust, controversy, discussion, combat, fight, tillage, treatment.


3. Найдите антонимы среди следующих слов:

Adoption, reduce, unbalanced, steep, management, unnoticed, mismanagement, non-adoption, gentle, balanced, reversible, increase, disturbed, noticed, irreversible, disappear, undisturbed, decomposition, appear, composition.

4. Переведите следующие сочетания слов с русского языка на английский:

Овражная эрозия; научный и технический прогресс; проблемы загрязнения; широко распространенное доверие и поддержка; экологический баланс; подвергать опасности; кислотные дожди; заповедник дикой природы; сотрудничество всех государств; быстрое промышленное развитие; обработка промышленных вод; консервные банки; компания против уродства досок для объявлений; очистительные системы.

5. Переведите следующие предложения с русского языка на английский:

1. Проблемы загрязнения получили большую огласку. 2. Существуют разные виды эрозии. 3. Эрозия почвы увеличивается, если нет растительного покрова. 4. Меры консервации могут уменьшить опасность эрозии почвы как водной, так и ветровой. 5. Правильные методы обработки и земледелия могут решить проблемы эрозии почвы на фермах. 6. Почвенная эрозия – это естественный процесс. 7. Ветровая эрозия зависит от разных факторов. 8. Овражная эрозия наиболее драматическая демонстрация эрозии.


6. Определите, к какой части речи относятся следующие слова:

Unnoticed, detachment, emission, improvement, industrial, disturbed, pollution, reservation, deforestation, depletion, environmental, twentieth, disappear, different, installation, requirement, considerable.


7. Составьте предложения, используя следующие слова:

1. Many, in, purifying, been, have, installed, countries, systems. 2. Price, industrial, rapid, high, development, the, for, is, very. 3. Received, have, recently, the, great, pollution, publicity, problems. 4. Ecological, of, planet, the, disturbed, is, balance, the. 5. Been, to, measures, from, protect, have, and, rivers, sees, waters, taken, oil. 6. The, requires, nations, the, all, cooperation, solution, of. 7. Different, in, antipollution, countries, acts, passed.


8. Образуйте причастия настоящего и прошедшего времени от данных глаголов:

To lead, to take, to grow, to exhaust, to mean, to protect, to lose, to occur, to cover, to have, to consider.



9. Поставьте к каждому предложению по пять вопросов:

1. Numerous antipollution acts passed in different countries. 2. The environmental problems are caused by industrial pollution. 3. Purifying systems have been installed for treatment of industrial waters. 4. The solution requires the cooperation of all nations. 5. In recent years the pollution problems have received great publicity. 6. Measures have been taken to protect rivers and sees from oil water.

10. Преобразуйте предложения, изменив форму глаголов-сказуемых из действительного залога в страдательный:

1. Specialists have just installed purifying systems for treatment of industrial waters. 2. Recently workers have taken necessary measures to protect rivers and seas from oil waters. 3. Acid rains threaten many forests. 4. In some parts of the world people are developing wildlife reservation models of undisturbed nature now. 5. The solution of the environmental problems requires the cooperation of all nations.


Список использованной литературы


1. Агабекян И.П., Коваленко П.И. Английский для инженеров Феникс, 2013г. 320 с.

2. Веселовская Н.Г.Английский язык для специальностей «Землеустройство»и «Земельный кадастр» Land and Cadastres : учебное пособие— М. :Издательский центр «Академия», 2012. — 208 с.

3. Восковская А.С., Карпова Т.А. Английский язык: Учебник для студентов образовательных учреждений среднего профессионального образования. - Ростов – на - Дону: «Феникс», 2013. – 376 с.

4. Гарагуля С.И., Английский язык для студентов архитектурных специальностей. – Ростов н/Д : Феникс, 2013. – 345 с.

5. Мюллер В.К. Англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. – М.: «Эксмо», 2013. – 863 с.

6. John and Liz Soars New Headway Student’s book Pre-Intermidiate Oxford University Press 2008. – 159 c.

7. John and Liz Soars New Headway Work book Pre-Intermidiate Oxford University Press 2008. – 86 c.

8. Vicki Hollet and John Sydes Tech Talk Student’s book Pre-Intermidiate Oxford University Press 2008. – 127 c.

9. http://study-english.info/

10. http://englishtown-anapa.ru/content/view/605/44/



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