Сделай Сам Свою Работу на 5

I. Improve your wordpower.

1. Study the following words and word combinations:


momentum (n) движущая сила, импульс
prevent (v) предотвратить
exerting (adj) оказывающий, осуществляющий
vulnerable (adj) уязвимый
statute (n) закон
restrict (v) ограничивать
deceptive (adj) обманчивый
endorsement (n) подтверждение, одобрение
exposure (n) выставка
lawsuit (n) судебный процесс
remedy (n) возмещение
fraudulent (adj) обманный, фальшивый
retail (n) розничная продажа
bait (n) приманка, наживка
sufficient (adj) достаточный, подходящий
anticipate (v) опережать, предвидеть
legislation (n) законодательство
approval (n) одобрение, утверждение
violate (v) нарушать, преступать
warranty (n) гарантия
liable (adj) ответственный
fraud (n) обман
undergo (n) испытывать, подвергаться
reveal (v) обнаруживать, показывать
expand (v) расширять

Using a dictionary add as many words as possible into the table.


Verbs Adjectives Nouns
1. prevent    
2. vulnerable  
3. restrict    
4. deceptive  
5.   endorsement
6.   exposure
7.   remedy
8. sufficient  
9. anticipate    
10.   legislation
11.   approval
12. violate    
13. expand    

Match the words with the definitions below.

1. momentum (n)

2. exert (v)

3. statute (n)

4. restrict (v)

5. anticipate (v)

6. legislation (n)

7. warranty (n)

8. fraud (n)

9. undergo (v) 10.reveal (v)

a. written guarantee

b. to allow to be seen

c. growing stronger

d. to keep within limits

e. the act of making laws

f. to use strength, skills

g. to experience (esp. suffering or difficulty)
h. a written law

i. to see what will happen and act as necessary j. an act of deceitful behaviour for the purpose

4. Choose the words with similar meaning from the two groups and
arrange them in pairs.

A. prevent, forbid, restrict, endorsement, remedy, sufficient, anticipate,
approval, liable, fraud

B. support, hinder, solution, agreement, cheating, ban, foresee, hamper, plenty
of, accountable

What are the opposites?

Facilitate, fortified, inadequate, reprehension, irresponsible, frankness, conceal, narrow

Of both columns and

6. Form word combinations using the words
translate them in Russian:  
1. draw   a. a network
2. federal   b. sales
3. mail   c. action
4. cancel   d. conclusion
5. postage free   e. law
6. free   f. losses
7. legislative   g. sample
8. create   h. postcard
9. mail-order   i. an order
10. recover   j. fraud

II. Reading Comprehension

Read and translate the following text. Consult a dictionary if necessary.


Currently, the consumer protection movement is gathering momentum. Based on the consumer needs the protection of the law, the movement tries to prevent companies from exerting pressure on the consumer, or from taking advantage of him or her. Because the consumer is in fact vulnerable when buying goods, borrowing funds, or investing for financial gain, a business owner should know some basics of consumer law.

Consumers have protection today in a number of areas, including the following:

-methods by which goods are presented, including during sales and in advertising;

- packaging and labeling of goods;

- methods used in selling goods;

- credit sales;

- protection of consumer defenses.

Many more such areas could be listed. But these are among the most important. Each can discussed separately.

Deceptive Practices in Sales

Various government agencies have passed statutes, rules, and regulations that forbid or restrict deceptive practices in the sale of consumer goods. Endorsements by persons with high public exposure, for example, may not be false or misleading. A lawsuit may be the consumer’s best remedy.

In advertising goods for sale at retail, store owners and others once used various forms of deception. One, called the “bait and switch”, involved ads for “specials” that were not in stock in sufficient quantity to meet anticipated demander that were not in stock at all. The advertiser counted on “baiting” the customer into the shop or store and then selling him or her some other item or items, usually at higher prices.

Packaging and Labeling

Many laws have dealt in recent years with deception in labeling and packaging.

Legislation in existence also requires specifics on labels. A product label must identify the type of product, the name and place of business of the manufacturer, the packer or distributor, the net quantity of all the contents, and the net quantity of one serving if the label also gives the number of servings.

Other legislation establishes standards and protects consumers in various ways. Food, drugs, and cosmetics receive special attention.

Approval and Testing of Goods

Many products are sold with a guarantee, tag, or often indication that the product have been tested and approved by some agency or organization. The “seal of approval” or tag means that the product has been tested and approved for normal consumer use. The seller has violated a warranty made to the consumer and may be liable for fraud if the product has not actually been tested and approved.

Tests and approvals, or tests alone, may precede the sale of some products. Products involving fire and electrical safety features may undergo tests by manufacturers’ associations or testing companies for insurance purposes.

Successful testing means a product meets industry safety standards. Some private and industry testing agencies, including consumer organizations that publish test results in their own magazines, simply report what their tests have revealed. No conclusions are drawn.

Some magazines also accept product advertising that includes “money back” guarantees. The guarantee requires only that the price of a product be refunded or that it be replaced if the product is defective. If a consumer is insured by the defective item, the magazine or organization giving its approval may be liable under the expanding concept of product liability.

1. Answer the questions:

1. What does the consumer protection movement try to prevent?

2. Why should a business owner know some basics of consumer law?

3. In what areas do consumers have protection?

4. What forms of deception may the advertising goods use?

5. What deception can be met in labeling and packaging?

6. What goods receive special attention from legislation?

7. What does successful testing mean?

8. What are “money back” guarantees?

9. What if a consumer is injured by the defective item?

2. Translate into English:

1. Владелец бизнеса должен знать основы закона о правах потребителя.

2. Инвестируя свои сбережения, покупая товары и беря кредиты, покупатель становится уязвимым.

3. Потребитель сегодня защищен во многих сферах экономической

4. Различные правительственные учреждения издают правила и
распоряжения, строго запрещающие различного рода нарушения прав

5. Даже не желая того, рекламная деятельность компании может
обманывать ожидания потенциального покупателя.

6. Владельцы магазинов, рекламируя товар, продаваемый в розницу, могут использовать различные виды обмана.

7. Многие продукты продаются с гарантией, что продукт протестирован и апробирован каким-то агентством или организацией.

*3. Complete the following text with the words given below:

aware, consumer, consumption, complex, income, implement, placid, relatively, turbulent, ultimate.

The consumers are the 1 ___ arbiters of the organization’s success, for it is they

who make critical choices to 2 ___ or not to consume an organization’s output.

Without the 3 ___ that results from this 4 ___ , the organization is doomed to

a 5 ____ short life. This means that managers must be more 6 _____ of and

sensitive to the total environmental 7 ____ of their organization in order to

develop and 8 ___ plans for successfully coping with it. Otherwise, there is little

chance for success, for no longer will yesterday’s methods based on a 9 ___

environment serve in today’s 10 __ outside world.

III. Intensive Reading Task

Read and translate the following text. Consult a dictionary if necessary.


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