Сделай Сам Свою Работу на 5

I. Improve your wordpower.

Study the following words and word combinations.

to attain (v) agreement (n) authority (n) accomplishment (n) to affect (v) chief (adj) decision (n) decision making (n) to delegate (v) to evaluate (v) to ensure (v) to enable (v) to encompass (v) to facilitate (v) framework (n) to implement (v)


согласие; соглашение, договор

власть, полномочие, pl. власти, органы

завершение, выполнение, достижение

действовать, влиять



принятие решений

облекать кого-то властью, распределять, передавать


обеспечивать, гарантировать

давать право, возможность

заключать (в себе), касаться

облегчать, способствовать, содействовать

структура, конструкция

выполнять, внедрять, осуществлять

implication (n) вовлечение, скрытый смысл, намек
innovation (n) нововведение
to reinforce (v) усиливать
to monitor (v) наблюдать, отслеживать
overall (adj) полный, общий
to project (v) проектировать, составлять; обдумывать
goal (n) цель
responsible (adj) ответственный
staff (n) штат
subordinate (n) подчиненный

Using a dictionary add as many words as possible into the table.


Verbs Adjectives Nouns
1.   agreement
2.   disagreement
3.   authority
4.   decision
5.   finance
6.   implication
7. to relate    
8. to affect    
9. responsible  
10. operational  
11. to manage    

Do you know the meaning of the following derivatives? Show it with the help of your own sentences.

to manage; manageable; management; manager; manageress; managerial

Translate the following sentences. Pay attention to the words in italics.

1. They reserved the right to make managerial decision.

2. What you need is advice from your bank manager.

3. I wish you could manage the time to come and to talk to us.

4. Private banks are being nationalized, and are to be managed with workers' participation.

5. They are part of my management team.

6. The baby can be greatly influenced by the parents' management.

7. She has been working as the manageress of a bookshop.

8. It is perfectly manageable task to tackle systematically.

4. Match these words with the definitions below:

agreement, authority, finance, market, marketing, staff, subordinate.

1. The management of money.

2. Power or right to give orders and make others obey.

3. Arrangement or understanding (spoken or written) made by two or more
persons, groups, business companies, governments, etc.

4. Group of assistants working together under a manager or head.

5. Trade in a class of goods; demand.

6. Theory and practice of selling.

7. Junior in rank or position; less important; person working under another.

What are the opposites?

Agreement, subordinate, poverty, unsuitable, incapable, inessential, short-term, irresponsible, to weaken, to find.

Form all possible words combinations and translate them.

1. decision a) agreement

2. delegate b) functions

3. overall c) solution

4. to evaluate d) making

5. actual e) performance

6. long-term f) responsibilities

7. managerial g) planning

8. to establish h) approach

9. to recognize i) problem

10. to implement j) goal

7. Make up your own sentences using the following words and word

the general manager, coordination, strategy formulation, all aspects of business, strategy implementation, finance, marketing, production, human resources, tasks, to be responsible for, to make decisions.

II. Reading Comprehension

Read and translate the following text. Consult a dictionary if necessary.


Management has as many definitions as there are managers. Management includes those personnel who have the right to make decisions that affect company’s affairs. Organization is the means by which management coordinates the efforts of employees to attain the company’s objectives. Organization involves structure. An organizational structure is a framework enabling management to delegate and control the responsibilities of individuals and departments. In this way, a company can function as a unit with the same efficiency as a business run by one person. Once organizational structure has been established, areas (and sub-areas) of activities, levels of authority, and duties must be clearly defined. Communication is of great importance in organizational structure. There are three management levels: top management, middle management and operating management. The most important responsibility of a manager at any level is decision making. Successful management is a matter of skill in choosing from alternatives. Decision making can be broken down into five components: recognizing the problem, defining and analyzing the problem, evaluating alternative solution, and implementing the approach chosen. The overall responsibility for decision making encompasses the following managerial functions: planning, organizing, directing, controlling, staffing and innovating. Planning. The process of establishing organizational goals and a strategy for their accomplishment is known as the planning function. Organizing. Once goals and strategies have been formulated, organizing makes things happen as planned. Directing. Directing is the motivational function. Controlling. The control function monitors the achievement of goals and compares actual results with those projected in planning as well as actual performance in past period. Staffing.

Staffing is the process of finding the right person for each job. Innovating. Innovating is the creative function. Successful managerial performance rests on three basic elements – leadership, motivation and communication.

In practical business, management is the art and science of getting things done through other people, but it also includes effective use of your own time.

Answer the questions:

1. Can you give the definition of the term “management”?

2. What is the role of organizational structure?

3. Name three management levels.

4. What is the most important responsibility of any manager?

5. What are five components of decision-making?

III. Comprehension and Word Study

1. Translate into Russian:

effective use; to monitor the achievement of goals; to recognize the problem; decision making; organizational structure; to define the problem; to evaluate solution; to implement approach; motivational function; company’s affairs; to delegate responsibilities

2. Translate into English:

мотивация; принимать решения; достичь цели, стратегия; оценка альтерна­тивных решений; структура; распределять и контролировать обязанности; распознавание проблемы; внедрение; действительное выполнение; творче­ская функция; координировать усилия.

3. Complete the sentences:

1. Management includes those personnel who have … .

2. An organization is the means by which … .

3. An organizational structure is a framework enabling … .

4. Successful management is a … .

5. Decision making can be broken down into … .

6. The overall responsibility for decision making encompasses … .

7. Successful managerial performance rests on … .

8. In practical business, management is … .

4. Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the
given words.


a. Our ... of washing-machines increased by 5 % last year.

b. We have recently put on the market two new ....
c.... per worker will increase with the introduction of the new machines.

d. Word processors have helped to make office workers more ....

e. The company is well known in the agricultural industry. It sells mainly farm ... –
eggs, butter, milk, etc.


a. Coca Cola's main ... is the Pepsi-Cola company.

b. We try to stay... by investing heavily in advertising and promotion.

c. Our company's main objective is to keep ahead of the ....


a. The meeting did not go as ....

b. Some projects take years of....

c. Before asking a bank manager for money, it is wise to show him a business ....


a. Managers need to have an ... mind.

b. Our... showed that we needed to put more emphasis on marketing.

c. We must look at the problem ....


a. He is a very ... worker.

b. I am ... informed that he'll be promoted soon.

c. Her main quality is her ....

d. My assistant is someone who can be ... on.


a. The report has been received very ... by top management.

b. The Personnel Director is an outspoken ... of our reorganization.

c. I thought her ... were unfair and not based on fact.


a. Most... in an organizations can benefit from training.

b. ... is almost 8 % in my country that's far too high.

c. The ... are entitled to various social security payments.

d. He's fairly old and hasn't had a job for years. I'd say he's virtually....


a. Being a currency dealer in a bank, she has to make quick ....

b. Because we were ..., we wasted time and lost the contract.

c. I haven't... yet whether to leave my present job but I must make up my mind soon.


a. Performance appraisals help to ... that promising staff are not overlooked for

b. At my interview, my boss ... me that I had a bright future in the company.
c.... you agree she's one of the high fliers in the department.


a. The Chairman was ... at avoiding answering awkward questions.

b. The ... workers in the Production Department are well paid.

c. To be a good manager, you need many ....

d. The... workers in our company are the lowest paid because they need no
training for their jobs.


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