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Сервиса и экономики

­­­­­­­­­­Кафедра «Делового иностранного языка»


И. А. Бисько, М.В.Петрова, Э.Г. Щебельская




По выполнению контрольных работ по дисциплине

«Иностранный язык (профессиональный)» английский язык для студентов заочного отделения специальности 080102.65 (060600)






Методические указания по выполнению контрольных работ по дисциплине «Иностранный язык (профессиональный)» для студентов специальности 080102.65 (060600) – СПб.: Изд-во СПбГУСЭ, 2008. - 24с.


Составители: д. п. н., проф. И. А. Бисько,

асс. Щебельская Э.Г.

асс. Петрова М.В.



Издательский Центр «Сервис»

Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет сервиса и экономики

2008 г.


Методические указания по выполнению контрольных работ по дисциплине «Английский язык»

для студентов специальности 080102.65 (060600) «Мировая экономика»

Письменная контрольная работа по дисциплине иностранный язык (профессиональный) «английский язык», предусмотренная учебным планом СПбГУСЭ, выполняется студентами заочной формы обучения, продолжающими изучение английского языка в качестве основного на 3-5 курсах. Цель данной дисциплины – подготовка специалистов, обладающих коммуникативной компетенцией, уровень которой позволяет шире использовать иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности экономиста, которая осуществляется во внешнеэкономической, в валютно-кредитной и финансовых сферах на международном уровнях и связана с международными контактами.

Целью выполнения контрольных заданий является самостоятельное приобретение и углубление знаний студентами в области использования английского языка для межкультурного общения. Кроме того, контрольная работа является одним из видов контроля кафедрой качества знаний студентов, изучающих данную дисциплину.

Контрольные задания представляют собой грамматические упражнения, тексты для чтения и переводы, послетекстовые задания. Тексты представляют собой аутентичный материал, заимствованный из оригинальных публикаций. Выполняя данные задания, студент должен:

- уметь определять грамматические формы в предложении и тексте;

- уметь самостоятельно раскрывать значения незнакомых слов по их элементам и контексту;

- уметь выделять отдельные факты, основную мысль текста, соотносить отдельные факты между собой.

Контрольная работа должна иметь титульный лист, нумерацию страниц, список использованной литературы, в конце работы дату её выполнения и личную подпись студента.

Контрольная работа должна быть либо напечатана, либо написана четким, понятным почерком, без исправлений. Все задания должны быть переведены на русский язык с целью более качественного закрепления наиболее трудных грамматических правил, конструкций и лексики, связанной со сферой туризма.

На страницах работы следует оставить поля (3 см.) для замечаний проверяющего преподавателя. Контрольная работа должна быть сдана для проверки на кафедру не позднее, чем за 15 дней до официальной даты зачёта (экзамена).




1. Личные, притяжательные и неопределенные местоимения (Personal,

Possessive and Indefinite Pronouns).

2. Настоящее, прошедшее и будущее простое время (Present, Past and

Future Simple Tenses).

3. Условные предложения 1го типа (First Conditional Sentences).

4. Причастие (Participle I).

5. Настоящее и прошедшее длительное время (Present and Past

Continuous Tense).

6. Временные формы глагола (Present and Past Simple Tenses of the

English Verb) в страдательном залогах (Passive Voice).

7. Степени сравнения прилагательных (Degrees of Comparison).

8. Модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты (Modal verbs and their


ЗАДАНИЕ №1. Выберите английские эквиваленты для слов, стоящих в скобках:

1. Tell (им) about your travelling.

a) they; b) their; c) them; d) her

2. This town is very green because there are a lot of trees in (ero) streets.

a) him;. b) his; c) its; d) it

3. (Haша) country is one of the largest countries in the world.

a) we; b) our; c) their; d) her

4. Peter the Great was a great reformer, (eгo) reforms changed Russia


a) its; b) he; c) him; d) his

5. Nick is telling (нам ) about his work.

a) them; b) we; c) our; d) us

6. She has … bread.

a) few; b) little; c) many; d) much

7. Me friend speaks English (немного).

a) many; b) a few; c) few; d) a little

8. Are there... places of interest in your town? ­Yes, there are...

a) any; b) no; c) some; d) something

9. He saw... interesting in this museum.

a) anything; b) somewhere; c) nothing; d) anywhere

10. ... rang you up.

a) somewhere; b) anybody; c) something; d) somebody

11. ... building of this city attracts thousands of tourists.

a) some; b) any; c) something; d) anything

12. Unfortunately ... knew the history of this ancient region.

a) nobody; b) somebody; с) anybody; d) nothing

ЗАДАНИЕ №2.Раскройте скобки, употребляя глагол в формеPresent Simple, Past Simple и Future Simple Tenses.

1. Agriculture and manufacturing ( to provide)hundreds of new goods for

consumers every year.

2. The prices for fuel (to be) very high next year.

3. Consumers (to pay) for some extra services, such as medicine, education ,


4. What data the economist(to analyze)last year?-He (to analyze)changes in

prices for chocolate.

5. How the company (to distribute) its goods in many Russian cities?

6.Mining industry (to provide) resources for manufacturing branches of


7. You (to like) Professor Smith’s lectures on economics, I am sure.

8. My parents(not/to study)economics at the University they (to study)


ЗАДАНИЕ №3.Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на условные предложения 1го типа и раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в форме (First Conditional).

1. If the government’s policy (to be) proper, employment (to be) higher.

2. If Russia (to improve) conditions of scientists’ work, there (to be) great progress in science.

3. When the enterprise (to work) more profitably, it (to compete) with other enterprises more successfully.

4. When the factory (to produce) more goods, it (to require) more resources.

5. Before the manager (to make) a decision, he (to study) all the data.

6. If the price of the good (not to raise), the company (not to make) any profits.

7. If the economists (not to use) the new method of analysis, they (not to make) a correct model.

8.After prices (to rise), the demand for these goods (to fall).


a)Переведите на русский язык следующие словосочетания

(Причастие I).

Processing industries; growing demand; developing relationships; increasing productivity; growing scarcity; working plants; changing buyers’ behaviour.


b)Переведите на русский язык следующие словосочетания с

Причастным оборотом.

Consumers choosing the cheapest goods; economies coping with resources scarcity; economists predicting new tendencies; industries belonging to the primary sector; companies having high profits; data showing differences between regions; economists dealing with labour markets.

ЗАДАНИЕ №5.Раскройте скобки, употребляя глагол в формеPresentи Past Continuous Tenses.

1. The factory (to employ) new workers now.

2. They (to study) the economic situation in the area.

3. I (not/to learn) French, I (to learn) English.

4. They haven’t sold the products, they (to sell) them now.

5. The two companies (to complete) in the market.

6. We (to apply) new technology.

7. You (to work) at the report on a macroeconomic problem?

8. The consumption of fruit and vegetables (to increase) in our country.

9. Unemployment (to grow) at the moment?


ЗАДАНИЕ №6.Раскройте скобки, употребляя глагол в форме страдательного залога (Present and Past Simple Passive Voices).

1.The goods ( to sell) at a high price.

2. Consumers’ behaviour ( to study) by a group of economists.

3. Such a situation ( to predict) by economists long ago.

4. Not many bank services(to provide) for clients in the Soviet Union.

5. New workers(to employ) by the company every year?

6. Medicine ( not / to study) by school students but economics ( to study) at


7. Goods for consumers ( to provide ) by industryand agriclture.

8. Goverment investments (to require) by this plant last year.

ЗАДАНИЕ №7.Образуйте степени сравнения прилагательных (Degrees of Comparison), обращая внимания на артикли

1.The central regions of the country are (industrialized) than northern parts.

2. Living conditions in some Latin American countries are (bad) than in

developing Asian countries.

3. It was (easy) to make a decision than economists thought.

4. This is (important) stage in the processing of the product.

5. Nowadays mining plants use (modern) machiens than ten years ago.

6. Bananas require (hot) climate for growth than potatoes.

7. Consumers were interested in (cheap) goods of (high) quality.

8. Sometimes the work of a farmer is (difficult) than that of an industrial


9. Food, clothes and a house are(necessary) things for man`s life.

10. Angola is known as a ( little ) developed country.

ЗАДАНИЕ №8.Вставьте модальные глаголы can, could или модальный оборот to be able to в нужной форме.

1.Even at present computers ... (not) translate from one foreingn language

into another without mistakes.

2. by means of computer programmes economists ... make more complex

economic models in future.

3. The firm was closed as it ... (not) to pay its debts.

4. Small nations ... ensure their economic security only by effective

cooperation with other nations.

ЗАДАНИЕ №9.Переведите и определите, какими частями речи являются однокоренные слова:

1. competition, to compete, competitor, competitive

2. to apply, applied, application

3. industry, industrial, industrialized

4. to adjust, adjustment

5. scarce, scarcity, scarcely

6. to educate, education, educative

7. to consume, consumer, consumption

8. to introduce, introduction


ЗАДАНИЕ №10.Переведите предложения. Обращая внимание на выделенные слова, подберите к ним необходимые определения:


a) сonsumer; b) buyer; c) customer; d) client; e) clientele; f) purchaser;


1. A person who buys something (a formal word).

2. The people, especially rich people, who regularly use a shop or restaurant

or the services of a professional person.

3. Someone who buys goods from a particular shop, restaurant, or company.

4. Someone who is buying something expensive such as a house, company, or painting, usually from another person.

5. Someone who pays for services or advice from a professional person or


6. A person who buys and uses goods and services.

ЗАДАНИЕ №11.Переведите текст на русский язык и выполните задания к нему.


It is difficult to give a full and accurate definition of economics, but it is possible to indicate what problems economists are interested in. They are factors that affect prices of goods and services and also resources necessary to produce them. Economists are also interested in sellers’ and buyers’ behaviour in the market, in the relationship between “price system” and “market mechanism”.

Now economics is more complex. There are three main approaches to economics: misroeconomics, macroeconomics and development economics. There are also several specialized areas of study. Among them are money economics, international economics, labour economics, industrial economics, agricultural economics, growth economics, mathematical economics, etc.

Like many other sciences, economics uses models to understand economic problems. A model often helps an economist to make correct predictins. The economist usually folows several rules when he makes a model of economic behaviour.

First, real life is complex and it is not possible for any economist to include all the details in a model. So, a model is an abstraction from real life. A model usually includes only essential elements and relationships of a particular economic situation.

Second, if an economist has two different models of one phenomenon, he always chooses the model that predicts the results of a particular phenomenon more accurately.

Third, although models are helpful in economic analysis, an economist always studies the actual economic situation before he makes decisions.

It is not enough to make models, it is also necessary to collect and study actual data in order to know how accurate a model is.


I. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.

What problems are economists interested in?

What are three main approaches to economics?

What specialized areas of economics do you know?

Why do economists use economic models/

Why is it not possible to include all the details in a model?

What does a model usually include?

Which of the models does an economist always choose?

Why is it necessary for an economist to collect and study actual data?


II. Переведите следующие словосочетания:

Market analysis, labour economics, labour market study, goods and services prices, growth economics problems, actual economic situation details, consumer behaviour, future predicion, growth mechanism, agriculture and manufacturing relationship, mineral resources prices, agricultural product price growth, area development, trade growth prediction.




1. Причастие (Participle II).

2. Настоящее совершенное время (Present Perfect and Past SimpleTenses).

3. Основные обстоятельственные наречия времени.

4. Настоящее простое, настоящее длительное и настоящее совершенное

время (Present Simple, Past Simple, Present Continuous and Present Perfect


5. Страдательный залог (Passive Voice).

6. Сложное дополнение (Complex object).

7. Модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты (Modal verbs and their equivalents).

8. Глаголы с послелогами (Prepositional Phrasal Verbs).

ЗАДАНИЕ №1. Переведите на русский язык.

1.1.Из слов, данных ниже, образуйте словосочетания с причастием II

(Participle II) в качестве определения к существительному.

to develop – market, to use – labour, to study – data, to reach – progress, to sell – foodstuffs, to increase – population

1.2.Переведите на русский язык следующие словосочетания с причастным оборотом.

Services provided by the company; models made by economists; relationships studied by them; trade developed by these two countries; crops grown in the area; income distributed among many people

ЗАДАНИЕ №2..Раскрыв скобки, употребите глагол в форме простого прошедшего (Past Simple) или настоящего совершенного времени (Present Perfect).

1.The family income (not/to rise)last year.

2. I ( to find) already the necessary data in the Internet.

3. In the 1960s, mexico (to make) great progress in the development of its

light manufacturing industry.

4. We (to see) just a documentary film on TV about Brazil which (to

make) by the BBC a year ago.

5. Some African countries (not/to solve) the problem of education for all

population yet, but they (to reach) a success in some industries recently.

6. The world population (to increase) in recent years because African and

Asian population (to grow) very fast.

7. The economic growth in China (to be) the highest lately.

8. The living standard of population (to fall)last year?

9. We (to see) the latest figures about the income per capita in the country,

they (to publish) in a newspaper yesterday.

10. Since India (to become) an English colony, English (to be) an official

language in the country and most Indians (to speak) it for many years.



а)Вставьте наречия времени: just, already, never, yet, recently, lately.

1. The role of the service sector has increased...

2. Microeconomics has ... studied the problems of the whole country`s economy.

3. Economists have not given a full definition of economics ...

4. Economists have ... developed three main approaches to economics.

5. Economics has ... used models successfully to analyze some difficult economic problems.

6. Most manufacturing industries have used intensive technologies for

processing resources ...

б) Переведите словочетания на английский язык и закончите предложение:

My friend has worked on the problem of consumers’ behaviour in the market ...

1) с 2001 года; 2) в течение двух лет; 3) с тех пор как он закончил институт; 4) долгое время; 5)в течение недели; 6) с лета; 7) с прошлого месяца; 8) с тех пор как он стал менеджером компании; 9) в течение всего рабочего дня.

ЗАДАНИЕ №4.Заполните пропуски глаголами в Present Simple, Past Simple, Present Continuousили вPresent Perfect.

1. They (to go) to the Hermitage last week.

2. They (to bе) in London twice this year.

3. When your friend (to return) from the south? – He (to return) yesterday.

- You (to go) to the station to meet him? No, I…, I (to be) too busy.

4. She (to visit) her parents today. Usually she (to visit) them once а week.

5. The traveller (to check in) at the hotel now.

6. The receptionist just (to make out) the bill.

7. Sometimes he (to travel) without booking а room in ad­vance.

ЗАДАНИЕ №5.Раскрыв скобки, употребите глагол в форме настоящего совершенного времени (Present Perfect) в страдательном залоге (The Passive Voice).

1. Prices of electricity (to raise) already twice this year.

2. Applied fields of economics (to teach) to students of different universities.

3. How much money (to give) by the World Bank to the developing


4. A high living standard (not / to reach) in most developing countries yet.

5. How the degree of competition (to influence) by the increase in the

number of firms in the industry?

6. No changes (to make) to distinguish the new product from identical


ЗАДАНИЕ №6.Переведите на русский язык, употребляя Complex object:

6.1. С инфинитивом с частицей to после определенных глаголов.

Образец: I want her to help me. (Я хочу, чтобы она помогла мне.)

1) I expect you to come in time.

2) I advise you to enter the institute.

3) I find your story to be very interesting.

4) I know him to be a good student.


6.2. С инфинитивом без частицы to или с причастием I после определенных глаголов восприятия.

Образец: I saw him enter the house. (Я видел, как он вошел в дом.)

I saw him entering the house. (Я видел, как он входил в дом.)

1) They didn't feel the train start.

2) Nobody noticed him go out.

3) I heard her playing piano.

4) I saw him driving the car.


6.3. С инфинитивом без частицы to после определенных глаголов.

Образец: Don't let them play in the street.

(Не позволяй им играть на улице.)

1)My mother made me go on this trip.

2) I let him go early as he had done his task.

3) Please let me know the results of your exam as soon as possible.

4) He had them leave the building.

ЗАДАНИЕ №7.Вставьте модальные глаголы can, could , may, must.

1. If there are a few firms in an industry, the change in the behavior of one firm ... influence other firms.

2. ... developing countries enter the European Union? – No, they ... .

3. The firm ... increase its profits by means of new materials or technologies.

4. Any crisis in the economy of the USA ... seriously influence the economies of oter nations.

5. Any country ... follow some rules in international trade.

6. ... Russia supply its population with necessary amounts of gas and petrol? – Yes, it ...

7. British farmers ... (not) ensure the required quality of meat when there was an infection among animals a few years ago.

8. You ... have a special licence to import or export exotic animals.


ЗАДАНИЕ №8.Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на пассивный залог глаголов, требующих после себя предлога:

account for - объяснять, быть причиной

make use of - использовать

refer to - ссылаться, упоми­нать

deal with - иметь дело (с ч.-л. или к.-л.); решить (проблему)

call for - требовать, вызывать (ч.-л. или к.-л.);

face with - сталкиваться (с ч.-л.)


1.The successes of these firms are largely accounted for by automation.

2.The following examples were made use of.

3.These measurements were referred to at the conference.

4.The various topics are well dealt with in this book.

5. In this case the military action by the United States was not called for.

6. The government was faced with the problem of how to limit energy


ЗАДАНИЕ №9.Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на выделенные слова.


to manage; manageable; management; manager; manageress; mana­gerial


1.They reserved the right to make managerial decisions.

2. "What you need is advice from your bank manager.

3. I wish you could manage the time to come and to talk to us.

4. Private banks are being nationalized, and are to be managed with

workers' participation.

5. They are part of my management team.

6. The baby can be greatly influenced by the parents' management.

7. She has been working as the manageress of a bookshop.

8. It is perfectly manageable task to tackle systematically.

ЗАДАНИЕ №10.Переведите текст на русский язык и выполните задания к нему.


Development economics is an important branch of economics which considers specific problems of Third World countries. These countries are given a variety of different names such as “underdeveloped counries”, “les developed countries”(LDCs), and “developing counries”(DCs). All these terms contrast third world countries with first world countries which are called “developed” or “industrialized”. Economies of Western Europe, North America, and Japan belong to this type.

The growth of Third World countries was especially great in the 1950s and 1960s. Most of these countries were a part of the colonial system and they were controlled by Western Europe. Many countries got political independence after World War II, but they have not become independent economically yet. For example, India has beeen an independent country since 1945.

The most advanced Asian and South American countries are sometimes called “newly industrialized countries” (NICs). Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, South Korea have reached a great success in the development of their light manufacturing industries recently. They have already greatly increased the exports of such goods as shoes, clothes, and electronics all over the world. Brasil and Mexico have also increased their share in the world market mainly by means of foodstuffs exports.

It is important understand that Third World countries are not uniform. Each country has its economic problems, and it is nesessary for each country to develop its own policy in order to make progress.

However, developing countries are distinguished from develped nations by the following commmon characteristics: lower average income per capita; low labor productivity; low level of education; high mortality rate; fast population growth; low living standards, etc. Some developing countries have all of these characteristics; others have only some of them.


I. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:

1. What problems does development economics study?

2. How are Third World countries named?

3. What countries are known as developed countries?

4. When was the fastest growth of Third World countries?

5. Are developing countries independent politically or economically?

6. What countries belong to newly industrialized countries?

7. Are all developing countries uniform in their development?

8. What are the common characteristics of all developing countries?


II.Составьте предложения, обращая внимание на место наречия в предложении.

1. the company, exported, to European countries, before, its, never, has, goods

2. such a high level, the NICs, as now, reached, in trade, never, have

3. their goods, to Africa, yet, exported, they, have

4. have, new machines, we, the productivity, already, increased, of

5. reached, most African countries, the living standarts, have not, yet, of developed countries

6. the European Union, Lithuania, a member of, recently, has become


III. Вставьте слова в нужной форме: advanced, variety, dependence, to reach, uniform, foodstuffs, since, recently/lately,`to distinguish, independence, average, per, population, labour productivity.

1. Brazil has recently increased the exports of ... , one of which i coffee.

2. As the education of ... is not very good in developing countries, the ... is


3. There is a wide ... of problems which Third World countries have in their

economies, but economic ... is common for most of them.

4.This factory uses the most ... technologies in processing agricultural

products into foodstuffs.

5.He has been interested in the problems of development economics ... he

started work there.

6.Less developed countries are ... from each other by means of analysis of

their ... income... capita.

7.Developing countries got political ... more than 50 years ago, but they have

not ... a high level of living standarts of developed countries.

8.Newly industrialized countries have ... the productivity of light

manufacturing industry ...

9.The development of different areas of the country is not ... . Some areas

are more developed, others are less developed.



1. Причастие (Participle I and Participle II).

2. Прошедшее простое и прошедшее совершенное время (Past Simple

and Past Perfect Tenses).

3. Временные формы глагола (Simple and Perfect Tenses of the English

Verb) в действительном и страдательном залогах (Active and

Passive Voices).

4. Модальные глаголы (Modal verbs).

5. Согласование времен (Sequence Tenses).

6. Сослагательное наклонение (Subjunctive Mood): условные

предложения 2го типа (Second Conditional).

7. Инфинитив в активном и пассивном залогах (Active Infinitive and

Passsive Infinitive).

8. Герундий (Gerund).

ЗАДАНИЕ №1. Выберите причастие I или II (Participle I and Participle II).

Prices (affecting/affected) by market forces; farms (raising/raised) wheat and other crops; livestock (raising/raised) in southern regions; enterprises (working/worked) succussfully; recently (buying/bought) machinery; supply of agricultural products (depending/depended) on weather conditions; a book (dealing/dealt) with problems of education economics, consumption (growing/grown) every year; differences in buyers’ behaviour (considering/considered) by the economist.

ЗАДАНИЕ №2.Переведите предложения, сказуемое которых стоит в (Past Simple and Past Perfect). Задайте по одному специальному вопросу к каждому предложению.

1. That was the first time they had been out of the country.

2. News had travelled about the world long before newspapers appeared.

3. My father lived in the house that had come to him from his sister.

4. By the time police arrived, the man had left.

5. Until this year the firm had enjoyed 16 years of uninterrupted profit


6. The loss from discontinued operations was twice as high as the

company had predicted.

7. By this time Peter I had conceived the idea of developing Russian

tobacco production.

8. By 1940 the number of federal workers had almost doubled.

ЗАДАНИЕ №3.Раскрыв скобки употребите глагол в правильной форме (Present and Past Simple, Present Perfect Tenses) в действительном или страдательном залогах (Active and Passive Voices).

1. The European Economic Union (to form) in 1958.

2. A new policy of advertising goods (to introduce) by the firm


3. Not much money (to require) for the company to start business a

month ago.

4. The OPEC (to include) many oil producers, however, it (not/to

supply) all the world’s oil.

5. The market for computers (to increase) since the prices for old

models (to fall).

6.The government (not/to cope) with the problem of high

unemployement yet.

7. Russia (to know) as an important oil producer in the world market.

8. Global energy crisis (not/to take) place for the last five years.

9. What industrial economics ( to deal ) with?

10. Consumption of foodstuffs ( not/to rise) lately.

ЗАДАНИЕ №4.Вставьте модальные глаголы must, should, have to или to be to в нужной форме.

1. The company ... advertise the new product to attract more buyes.

2. The firm ... provide quality certificates for all its goods.

3. The government ... stimulate the production of necessities and it ...

prevent the increase in prices.

4. The company ... pay taxes on its profits.

5. The new government polisy ... ensure more jobs for population.

6. The trade policy of the Japanese government in the 1950s ... ensure rapid

economic growth.

ЗАДАНИЕ №5.Преобразуйте следующие предложения из прямой речи в косвенную. Согласование времен (Sequence Tenses).

Образец: He said: “I have not had lunch with a friend for ages”.

He said that he had not had lunch with a friend for ages.


1. I'm going to work in Spain next year.

2. I work for a small publishing company.

3. I'm their marketing manager.

4. The company has opened an office in Barcelona.

5. It's been very successful.

6. I've been chosen to run a new office in Madrid.

7. I have to get back to work now.

8. I don't have much time to enjoy myself.

9. I hope my friends will come and visit me in Madrid.

10. We didn't have much time for sightseeing.

11. I went there last week with my secretary.


ЗАДАНИЕ №6.Переведите условные предложения II типа (Second Conditional).

1. If demand for goods always matched production, there would be no need

to store goods.

2. Many investors would be richer if the future really were foreseeable .

3. My enterprise is doing fine and if it were not for one or two technical

problems we would be operating perfectly.

4. If California were a country, its gross domestic product would be the

world's seventh largest.

5. If I stood for the presidential elections I wouldn't get through the first


6. If the sale of alcohol was banned in Europe there would be fewer road


7. If cheap labor were the key to company location, then Vietnam or

Somalia would be manufacturing meccas. They are not.



7.1. Переведите предложения, в которых инфинитив выполняет функцию подлежащего.

1. To influence state affairs as well as getting a wage increase, must be their


2. It was rare to find a British engineer fluent in a foreign language.

3. It will be harmful to our interests to hasten the events.

4. It costs a lot to become a great man.

7.2. Переведите предложения, в которых инфинитив выполняет функцию дополнения.

1. He asked to be shown the document.

2. She claimed to have known him before he became the Government's civil

defense chief 2 years ago.

3. The present report sets out to consider the broad aspects of continuing


4. He refused to be bothered with details.

7.3. Переведите предложения, в которых инфинитив выполняет функцию обстоятельства цели.

1. I'll go there at once so as not to be late.

2.To remain competitive he cannot raise prices.

3. To understand the present one has to know the past.

4. To maintain a decent standard of living and at the same time slow

the skyrocketing of total energy use, there are three things we can do.

7.4. Переведите предложения, в которых инфинитив выполняет функцию определения.

1.You must define the task to be done.

2. The first thing to consider is temperature.

3. Company efforts to demoralize and divide the strikers continue.

4. There are relatively fewer people of working age to pay Social

Security taxes.


ЗАДАНИЕ №8.Переведите предложения, определяя различные функции герундия (Gerund).

1. He suggested our opening talks.

2. This experiment needs checking up.

3. We insist on the documents being sent immediately.

4. Improvements in health and medicine have resulted in people living longer.

5. These measures have discouraged fund managers from becoming active in their markets

6.They have little interest in cultivating their own market.

7. Being an expert in a given field is becoming more and more difficult.

8. You cannot have radical change withoutsomeone losing out.

9. They worked very hard with a view to completing the experiments in time.

10.This failure was due to the designer's having been careless.

ЗАДАНИЕ №9.Переведите текст на русский язык и выполните задания к нему.


There is a basic theory and facts in economics, in which all economists are interested. However, economics has some main applied fields that deal with specific topics, such as industrial economics, agricultural economics, economics of energy, economics of education, labour economics, etc.

Industrial organization and structure are studied by industrial economics which also analyzes markets for manufactured goods as well as policies of various enterprises. The degree of concentration and barriers against new competitors in the| market have already been analyzed by industrial economics for such important branches of economy as mining, gas, and oil industries, etc. The behaviour of firms and companies in an industry is influenced by the structure of the industry. Both profits and losses in any industry are affected by the behaviour of firms and companies engaged in the industry.

The economics of energy is known as another important field of applied economics closely connected with industrial economics. A lot of energy has been used by the modern economy in recent decades. Farms, factories, plants, transportation as well as families have greatly increased the consumption of various sources of energy since new modern equipment and technologies were introduced.

In the past, wood and coal were used as the main sources of energy. Then, these sources were replaced by gas and oil in most I industries. However, in the 1970s energy sources became scarce and there was a rise in energy prices. Since that time serious adjustments have been made by industrial economies in order to cope with the energy scarcity.

For the last few decades the problems of energy economics have been discussed by specialists and governments in many countries. Regular meetings are held by the OPEC formed in order to regulate oil prices.

Пояснения к тексту.

OPEC — Organization of Petroleum Exhorting Countries — OПEK (Opганизация стран — экспортёров нефти)


I. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.

1. What topics do applied fields in economics deal with?

2. What does industrial economics study?

3. What influences profits and losses in any industry?

4. Why is economics of energy closely connected with industrial


5. What were the main sources of energy in the past?

6. Why were adjustments made in most industries in the 1970s?

7. How are prices for oil regulated now?

II. Вставьте слова в нужной форме: tо dеа1 with; а сотрetitor; аррlied; various; loss; recent; to cope with; to engage; closely connected; scarcity; to influence; profit; an adjustment; equipment; a consumption; an enterprise; a competition; a degree; a rise.

1. The economics of energy … with industrial economics.

2. Labour economics … such problems as employment, unemployment, education etc.

3. Agricultural economics as one of the … fields is very important for countries with a large agricultural sector.

4. Governments in developing countries try … the problem of economic dependence on developed countries.

5. There is a great … of qualified specialists such as teachers, doctors and mechanics in agricultural areas.

6. The behaviour of a monopolist greatly … the price for the industry’s products.

7. Sometimes government … are necessary to protect domestic producers from foreign ….

8. There is a strong … among large companies in the world market.

9. The … of price control is low in this country.

10. Any manager studies the … and … of his company before he makes decisions about its work.

11. There are manufacturing … as well as agricultural … in this area.

12. … universities and laboratories have been invited by the government to work at this project. Now very many qualified specialists are … in this work.

13. The … in … of oil products has increased their price.

14.A lot of new … has been bought by the factory in … years.



1. Причастие (Participle I and Participle II).

2. Временные формы глагола (Simple, Continuous and Perfect Tenses of

the English Verb).

3 Временные формы глагола (Simple, Continuous and Perfect) в

страдательном залоге (Passive Voice).

4. Модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты (Modal verbs and their


5. Cогласование времен (Sequence of Tenses).

6. Сослагательное наклонение (Subjunctive Mood): условные

предложения 3го типа (Third Conditionals).

7. Независимый причастный оборот (Absolute participial construction).

8. Герундий (Gerund).

9. Phrasal Verbs.

10. Субъективный инфинитивный оборот (Complex subject).


ЗАДАНИЕ №1.Вставьте слова в форме причастия I или II (Participle I and Participle II).

1. The country (following / followed) the policy of selfsufficiency should rely only on its domestic resources.

2. Enterprises (manufacturing / manufactured) final goods get higher profits than enterprises which only export resources.

3. The government policy (restraining / restrained) trade cannot ensure prosperity of such a country.

4. Protective tariffs (introduced / introducing) by the government last month may only lead to conflicts in foreign trade.

5. Recently (increasing / increased) influence of monopolies can be restrained by special government laws.

6.Universities (maintained / maintaining) high requirements to their students are recognized for their better education.

ЗАДАНИЕ №2. Выберите правильный вариант ответа (Tenses of the English Verb).

1. Lynne was singing / had sung as she was cleaning the windows.

2. It gets / is gettingcolder and colder every day.

3. Joe was happy. He was winning / had won first prize in the competition.

4. Martha is finding / has found a new job. She is starting next week.

5. Rob was opening / opened the box and looked inside.

6. The plane leaves / has left at four o'clock. We must be at the airport by

two o'clock.

7. Carol had broken / was breaking her arm, so she couldn't write for six


8. Sam is a very interesting person. He knows / has known all kinds of

unusual facts.

9. We had stayed / stayed in a hotel by the sea last summer.

10.They had stood / were standing outside when the results were



3.1.Измените следующие предложения, употребив глаголы в форме страдательного залога.

1. They have raised labour efficiency by means of new machinery

2. The government policy changed economic conditions in the region.

3. Demand and supply will influence prices of goods.

4. Japan produces a variety of electronic equipment.

5. The company has increased prices of its goods.

6.Under conditions of competition companies are introducing new better products.

3.2.Переведите предложения на английский язык, употребляя сказуемое в пассивном залоге (Simple, Continuous and Perfect Passive Voices).

1. Пособие по безработице выплачивается тем, кого увольняют

(unempployment benefit; to pay, to dismiss).

2. Как только было обеспечено финансирование, исследование

началось (funding; to secure), (a research; to start).

3. Это предложение будет рассмотрено позднее (the proposal; to deal


4. Его доводов не слушали (arguments; to listen to).

5. Эти системы создаются в некоторых компаниях на протяжении

многих лет (to establish).


ЗАДАНИЕ №4.Замените слова в скобках на модальные глаголы can, could, must, should, have to или be to в нужной форме.

1. Today they (должны будут) prepare the document for tomorrow’s meeting.

2. Nowdays some goods manufactured in developing countries (могут) compete successfully in the world market.

3. Some economists think that such rapidly developing Asian countries as China and Taiwan (смогут) overtake the USA in high-tech in future.

4. The scientists (следует) study better how people’s activities influence the earth’s climate and ecology.

5. Some small European industrialized countries (могут) provide large credits for developing countries.

6. Belgium (вынуждена была) specialize only in some manufactured goods, for example, in cars.

7. Early in the 20th century century, developing countries (не могли) enter the world market as there were strong trade barriers.

8.A small nation (не должна) produce all manufactured goods as it (может) import them at a lower price from other countries.

ЗАДАНИЕ №5.Преобразуйте прямую речь в косвенную речь, соблюдая правило согласования времен. (Sequence of Tenses).

1. "I've attended two conferences this year."

2. "I can ring the Bank Manager."

3. "I've given two lectures at Princeton University."

4. "I may not be able to send you a copy of my paper shortly."

5. "I'm planning to visit Oxford."

6. "I must think about it."

7. "I'm studying an interesting problem."

8. "I can't promise you my assistance in this matter"

9. "I'll start my next paper with the statement of the problem."

ЗАДАНИЕ №6.Условные предложения 3го типа (Third Conditionals).

Образец: I didn't buy shares. I didn't get dividends.

If I had bought shares, I would have got dividends.


1. I didn't have enough money and was unable to start my own business.

2. I failed to get a mortgage to buy a flat. I didn't move to a new place.

3. My income didn't rise and my living standard didn't improve.

4. I was given a big rise in salary. I opened a savings account.

5. I bought an expensive TV set and paid for it straight away.

6. I didn't know that the shop allowed the customers to pay for expensive

things in instalments.


ЗАДАНИЕ №7.Независимый причастный оборот (Absolute participial construction).

1. В начале предложения (до запятой) переводится придаточным предложением с одним из подчинительных союзов: когда, если, так как, после того как.

The Black Sea being one of the most wonderful places in the world, many rest-homes and tourist camps are concentrated here.

(Так как Черное море одно из самых прекрасных мест в мире, многие дома отдыха и туристические лагеря расположены здесь.)


2. В конце предложения (после запятой) переводится самостоятельным

предложением с одним из сочинительных союзов: причем, при этом,

А, и, но.


The Black Sea is one of the most wonderful places in the world, many rest-homes and tourist campsbeing concentrated here.

(Черное море одно из самых прекрасных мест в мире, и многие дома отдыха и туристические лагеря расположены здесь.)


7.1. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на независимый причастный оборот (Absolute participial construction).

1. There being many shops and boutiques in Disneyland Resort Paris, the

guests may buy all kinds of Disney-products.

2. Outside the resort there is a shop specializing in Disney-­clothes, the prices

being reduced up to 50 % off the regular prices.

3. The Disneyland Resort Paris being located only 32 kilometers east of

Paris, people save money on a trip to this famous tourist destination.

4. All special offers having been examined carefully, the hotel guests made

their choice.

7.2. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя необходимую форму независимого причастного оборота (Absolute participial construction).

1. Если погода позволит, мы пойдем на прогулку.

2. Так как учитель был болен, у нас не было урока математики.

3. Когда все приготовления были сделаны, они начали эксперимент.

4. Радио было изобретено в России, а его изобретателем был русский

ученый А. С. Попов.

ЗАДАНИЕ №8.Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на использование герундия (Gerund) после определенных выражений.

1.I am not accustomed to having my word doubted.

2. Going into debt to pay for college has become a way of life for all except the wealthy.

3. After being left for a year the experiment were taken up by another worker.

4. Charity means giving help to the poor, to those who're in need of help.

5. The courses are aimed primarily at giving the US employees the chance to learn another language.

6. Good management involves selecting people who know when to listen and when to act.

7. The only way to develop the necessary skills is by putting the knowledge into action through practice.

8. It was his secret to building a high-performing team.

9. Extensions are being made to the factory with a view toincreasing the output.

10.Workers are responsible for striking but nobody is responsible for raising prices.

ЗАДАНИЕ №9.Вставьте по смыслу следующие фразовые глаголы (Phrasal Verbs).


put down to come up with put off cut down on


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