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Местоимение some употребляется:

1. В утвердительных предложениях c исчисляемымисуществительными во множественном числе со значением «несколько, некоторые» и с неисчисляемымисуществительными со значением «некоторое/небольшое количество»:

I’ve brought some sandwiches for you.

I’d prefer some freshorange juice.

There are some beautiful parks in the city.

There is some bread at home. You needn’t buy it.

2. В вопросах, выражающих предложение чего-либо или просьбу:

Would you like some sugarin your tea?

Could I have some mineral water, please?

Местоимение any употребляется:

1. В отрицательных предложениях перед исчисляемыми и неисчисляемыми существительными со значением «никакие, нисколько»:

We haven’t receivedany offers this month.

I haven’t gotany coffee at home.

There aren’t any children in the yard.

There isn’t any salt on the table.

2. В вопросительных предложениях перед исчисляемыми и неисчисляемыми существительными со значением «какие-нибудь, сколько-нибудь»):

Have you seen any good films recently?

Is there any sugar in the tea?

3. В утвердительных предложениях в значении «любой»:

Bill has got pencils of any colour.

Take any book you like.


Местоимение no имеет значение «никакой, ни один» и употребляется как с исчисляемыми, так и с неисчисляемыми существительными:

I have no car. I go to work by bus.

Sorry, I have no time to help you today.

There is no shopin this street.

There are no fountains in this town.


Местоимения some, any, no в сочетании с -body, -one, - thing образуют следующие производные местоимения:


  -body -one -thing
some any no   somebody someone (кто-то, кто-нибудь)   anybody anyone (кто-то, кто-нибудь, любой)   nobody no one (никто, никого) something (что-то, что-нибудь) anything (что-то, что-нибудь) nothing (ничто, ничего)  


Эти местоимения заменяют существительные.

Когда эти местоимения выполняют функцию подлежащего, глагол употребляется в единственном числе.

Somebody is coming. Open the door please.


Подобно someиany, производные местоимения somebody, someone, something употребляются в утвердительных предложениях, а anybody, anyone, anythingв вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях.

I am very hungry. Give me something to eat please.

Is there anybody in the yard?


Somebody, someone, somethingмогут употребляться в вопросительных предложениях, выражающих просьбу.

Can someone help me?


Anybody, anyone, anything так же как местоимение any, в утвердительных и вопросительных предложениях могут употребляться в значении всякий, любой.

It’s very simple. I think anyone can do it.

May I dance anything I like?



I. Вставьте some, any, no.

1. Where is your luggage? I don’t have …

2. I am going to the post office. I need … stamps.

3. Have you got … customers from foreign countries?

4. Do you speak … foreign languages?

5. There aren’t … shops in this part of town.

6. Do you know where Jane is? I have … idea.

7. Everything is OK. There are … problems.

8. There are … letters on the desk for you.

9. Can I have … copies of a new price list?

10. Do you know … good hotels in London?

11. Do you need … money? No, thank you, I have ….

12. I am afraid there is … coffee. Would you like ... tea?

13. There is … difference between these two models . They are the same.


II. Вставьте something, somebody, anything, anybody, nobody.

1. Do you know … about computers?

2. There isn’t … in the box. It’s empty.

3. Would you like … to drink?

4. It’s a secret. Please don’t tell ….

5. I am not hungry. I don’t want … to eat.

6. What’s wrong? There is … in my eye.

7. Listen carefully. There is … I want to tell you.

8. There is … in the office. It’s completely empty.

9. Jack has a bad memory. He can’t remember …..

10. Be quite. Don’t say ….

11. This sample is free. It costs ….

12. She speaks very fast. I don’t understand ….

13. Do you know … in this firm? Yes, a few people.

14. Is there …. interesting on TV tonight?



  исчисляемые существительные are неисчисляемые существительные is
много many / a lot of customers, clerks, dresses, friends, contracts, …. much / a lot of time, money, sugar, tea, bread, information, news, water, ….
мало few (-) customers, offers, books, …. little (-) time, money, juice, information, light, interest, ….
несколько немного a few (+) friends, orders, …. a little (+) time, cheese, ….

How many states are there in the USA?

How much petrol do you need for your car?

How much water is there in the vase?

Сочетание a lot of(много)употребляется как с исчисляемыми, так и с неисчисляемыми существительными, например:

They asked me a lot of questions

He earns a lot ofmoney.


I. Вставьте much, many, a lot.

1. Don’t hurry. Have we got … time before the talks.

2. Do you discuss business matters with them? Yes, but not …

3. Do you usually type … letters?

4. Are there … people in the office today?

5. There isn’t … milk in his coffee.

6. There was not .. of snow last winter.

7. We have got … contracts with your company.

8. I haven’t got … free time today. I have… appointments.

9. Do they produce … machines at the plant?

10. Is there … interest for your goods?

11. It costs .. of money to travel around the world.

12. We have … e-mail today.


II. Вставьте few, a few, little, a little.

1. Do you want milk in your coffee? Yes, ... , please.

2. I want to ask you … questions.

3.This model is not very popular. We‘ve got … orders.

4. The business is not bad. We’ve got…. new partners.

5. I need … time to think about it.

6. He knows ….. English words. His English is very bad.

7. Our general manager speaks …… foreign languages.

8. The talks start in 5 minutes. We’ve got …time.

9. I don’t drink … coffee.

10.There are .. people in the office- it is nearly empty.


Section B

Text A


Mr. Sun works for a big electronic company. They produce many different types of electronic equipment, such as telephones, computers, fax machines, copiers, etc.

Their head-office is located in Tokyo. They rent a few modern buildings in the suburbs of the capital. The company has a lot of plants and offices in 13 countries. More than 125,000 employees work there.

There are four departments in the head-office. They are: marketing, production, sales and personnel departments.

The company managers are experienced and competent specialists. They work much and run the company successfully.

The board of directors takes a lot of important decisions on the company’s strategy and distribution of dividends. The sales of the company are high. They are a profitable company.


SUN Hello, Mr. Glebov. Nice to see you again.
GLEBOV Hello, Mr. Sun. What a nice office you’ve got!
SUN We like it too. It’s modern. There’s a fax and many computers here. What can I do for you, Mr. Glebov?
GLEBOV I’d like to see the Director General. Is he in?
SUN I’m sorry, he’s on business in London.
GLEBOV What about the offer?
SUN Your offer is very interesting for us.
GLEBOV Glad to hear it.
SUN There are a lot of the terms and conditions in the contract. Shall we discuss them?
GLEBOV All right. Just wait a little please, I’ll take a copy of the contract.



be on business – быть в командировке

go on business – поехать в командировку

board n – правление, руководство

board of directors – совет директоров

capital n – столица

competent a – компетентный

condition n – условие

contract n – контракт

copier n – копир

decision n – решение

department n – отдел

different a – разный, различный

distribution n – распределение, распространение

dividend n – дивиденд

employee n – сотрудник

equipment n – оборудование

experienced a – опытный

head-office n – головной офис

high a – высокий

important a – важный

located a – расположенный

marketing n – маркетинг

modern a – современный

offer n – предложение

personnel n – персонал, кадры, сотрудники

plant n – завод

produce v – производить

profitable a – прибыльный

rent v – арендовать

run a company – управлять компанией

sales n – продажи

strategy n – стратегия

suburbs n – пригород

successfully adv – успешно

work for v – работать на ..




I. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.

1. Where does Mr. Sun work?

2. What does the company produce?

3. Where is their head-office?

4. Where do they have plants and offices?

5. How many people work for the company?

6. What departments are there in the head-office?

7. Who takes the most important decisions in the company?

8. Are they a successful company?

9. Who is at Mr. Sun’s office now?

10. What is there in Mr. Sun’s office?

11. Who does Mr. Glebov want to see?

12. Where is the General Director?

13. What does Mr. Sun want to discuss?



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