Сделай Сам Свою Работу на 5

II. Согласитесь с данными утверждениями или опровергните их.

1. Mr. Smirnov is a businessman.

2. He starts to work early.

3. He receives a lot of mail.

4. Mr. Smirnov receives foreign businessmen at home.

5. He discusses many different business points with foreign customers.

6. Mr. Smirnov never travels abroad.

7. He doesn’t speak foreign languages.

8. He always leaves the office at 6 in the evening.

9. In the evening he usually stays at home.


III. Составьте словосочетания, используя слова из двух столбцов.

1. business 2. foreign 3. office 4. terms of 5. to discuss 6. to go 7. to have 8. to send 9. trade 10. urgent a letter abroad business delivery firm hours point prices talks trade


IV. Заполните пропуски предлогами, где это необходимо.

1. Mr. Dunn is a Director ____ Blake&Co.

2. My office hours begin ____ 9.30 in the morning.

3. We often send letters ____ our British customers.

4. Our manager often has talks ___ American partners.

5. I can speak ___ English.

6. Mr. Brown never receives customers ____ home.

7. Are you ready ____ the talks?

8. During the talks we discuss _____ terms ____ shipment and delivery.


V. Заполните пропуски, используя приведенные ниже слова.

Abroad customers delivery foreign have talks leaves office hours points receives sends urgent

1. We often meet ________ businessmen.

2. My _________ are from 9 till 18.

3. Mr. Bell _________ the office at 18.30.

4. Do you often go __________? – Yes, we often go to Great Britain and the USA.

5. Our director often __________ much mail.

6. Do you have any _________ business? – Yes, I have three letters to write.

7. What business __________ do you usually discuss at the talks? – We discuss terms of payment and _________.

8. Do you have foreign _________? – Yes, we do business with English and French businessmen.

9. How often do you _________ with your partners? – We meet every week and discuss different business points.

10. Who ________ letters to you customers? – Our secretary does.


Text B


Isabelle Segura comes from France. She is a lawyer.

“In my job I get emails, documents and company information in English so I read a lot in English. I sometimes use English on the phone – for example, when I speak to clients in the US and in other countries – but it’s difficult for me. Fortunately I don’t make phone calls in English very often. I prefer to write emails, but I always ask a colleague to check my English before I send them!”



I=Interviewer, IS= Isabelle Segura, C= Corrado de Iudicibus

INTERVIEWER Isabelle, can you describe some of the things you do every day at work?
ISABELLE Well, first, I read my emails, then write replies. I read a lot of other things, too, documents, for example, and information – that’s the work of the lawyer! I make phone calls, I have meetings with clients and give them advice.
INTERVIEWER Do you have meetings with colleagues too?
ISABELLE Yes, we have meetings to discuss clients’ problems.
INTERVIEWER Where do you meet clients – at your office or at their office?
ISABELLE Foreign clients come to our office but I visit clients who have an office in Paris.
INTERVIEWER Do you have business lunches with clients as well?
ISABELLE Yes, sometimes.
INTERVIEWER And do you travel to other cities or countries?
ISABELLE No, I don’t. My work is all in Paris.
INTERVIEWER Thank you, Isabelle.


advice n – совет

check v – проверять

client n – клиент

colleague n – коллега

come from v – быть родом из…

describe v – описывать

difficult a – сложный, трудный

lawyer n – юрист

make v phone calls – звонить по телефону

meet v – встречать, встречаться

meet clients – встречаться с клиентами

meeting n – встреча

have a meeting – проводить встречу

phone n – телефон

on the phone – по телефону

prefer v – предпочитать

reply n – ответ

travel v – путешествовать, ездить

use v – пользоваться, использовать

visit v – посещать

visit clients – ездить к клиентам



I. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.

1. Where is Isabelle from?

2. What is her job?

3. How often does she use English on the phone?

4. Who does she speak English to?

5. Why doesn’t she make phone calls in English very often?

6. Who checks her e-mails?

7. What does she usually read at work?

8. What does she discuss at the meetings with her colleagues?

9. Where does she meet her clients?

10. Does Isabelle travel much?


II. Согласитесь с данными утверждениями или опровергните их.

1. Isabelle comes from Italy.

2. She is a businesswoman.

3. Isabelle reads a lot in English.

4. She often calls her clients in the USA and Britain.

5. It is difficult for her to speak English on the phone and to write letters in English.

6. Isabelle’s job is to help her clients.

7. When Isabelle has meetings with her colleagues, they discuss problems of their clients.

8. She meets clients at her office only.

9. Isabelle travels a lot in her job.


III. Составьте словосочетания, используя слова из двух столбцов.

1. to get 2. phone 3. to write 4. clients’ 5. to visit 6. travel to 7. to use 8. difficult 9. to have 10. to give a meeting advice calls clients e-mails English other countries point problems replies


IV. Заполните пропуски предлогами, где это необходимо.

1. Our company receives a lot ____ information ____ French.

2. I never use English ____ the phone.

3. It is not difficult ____ me to meet Mr. Black.

4. Do you often have meetings ____ your British customers?

5. Foreign customers always come ____ our office to discuss business points ____ our managers.

6. Mrs. Archer often travels ___ other countries to have talks ____ her foreign partners.

7. At the lessons we read and write ____ English.

8. I always check letters _____ I send them.

9. What do you usually do ____ work?


V. Заполните пропуски, используя приведенные ниже слова.

Check clients difficult meet on the phone prefer replies travels use visit

1. Do you often __________ English in your job? – Sometimes I speak with our foreign partners __________.

2. German is a _________ language.

3. When I come to the office, I _________ my e-mail and answer urgent letters.

4. Mr. Dunn often ________ abroad and visits many countries in Europe.

5. We never __________ my clients; they always come to our office.

6. I read my mail and send ________ to foreign firms.

7. I __________ foreign businessmen at my office.

8. Hardson & Co have a lot of ________ in different cities of the country.

9. Do you like speaking English on the phone? – No, I ________ writing e-mails.




Section A Grammar reference


CONSTRUCTION THERE IS / ARE (Конструкция there is / are).

Конструкция there is(для единственного числа) и there are(для множественного числа) переводится на русский язык как «имеется, находится, существует или есть), а чаще всего совсем не переводится.

There is a telephone on the desk. На столе есть телефон.

Is there a telephone on the desk? - Yes, there is. / No there isn’t.

There isn’ta telephone on the desk.

There is no telephone on the desk.

There are a lot of flowers in the room. В комнате (есть, имеется) много цветов.

Are there many flowers in the room? - Yes, there are. / No there aren’t.

There aren’t many flowers in the room.

There are no flowers in the room.

Если в предложении с конструкцией there is/ areимеется несколько подлежащих, то глагол to be обычно согласуется с подлежащим, которое следует непосредственно за ним:

There is a table and 6 chairs in the room.

There are 6 chairs and a table in the room.

I. Образуйте отрицательные и вопросительные предложения.

1. There are documents on the shelves.

2. There is a swimming pool in the hotel.

3. There are large windows in the hall.

4. There is an armchair in the corner.

5. There are 7 days in a week.

6. There is a secretary in our office.

7. There is a letter on the desk.

8. There are 9 people in the room.

9. There is an offer from the company.

10.There are faxes and cables on the desk.


II. Вставьте there is/there isn’t, there are/there aren’t.

1. ….. many foreign companies in this town. …. only one.

2. … a computer in the office.

3. ………. a lot of letters on my desk.

4. … a manager in the office today. He is on business in France.

5. I can’t send a letter. … fax machine in this room.

6. …….. a lot of cars in front of our office.

7. The restaurant is very quiet. …. many people there.

8. Look! … a photograph of your company in the newspaper.

9. …. 5 people in the room - the manager, the secretary, two clients and me.

10. … a train at 11 p.m. The last leaves at 10.30 p.m.

11. …. a computer, a fax machine and a photocopier in the office.

12. … two customers and a sales manager in the conference room.



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