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Complete the sentences. Use some or any.

Темы к зачету по английскому языку (зимняя сессия)

I курс заочное отделение

Разговорные темы:

1. My Biography.

2. My Family.

3. My Free Time.

4. My Working Day.

5. My Flat.

Грамматические темы:

• Формы глагола to be в настоящем времени.

Время Present Indefinite (Present Simple).

• Личные местоимения.

• Указательные местоимения this, that, these, those.

• Множественное число существительных.

• Притяжательный падеж существительных.

• Артикль.

• Предлоги места и направления.


Рекомендуемая литература:

1. И.М. Берман «Грамматика английского языка». М.: Высшая школа, 1999.

2. Н.А.Бонк, И.И.Левина, И.А.Бонк «Английский шаг за шагом» в 2 тт., М.: РОСМЭН, 1999.

3. И.А.Грузинская, Е.Б.Черкасская «Грамматика английского языка (для старших классов средней школы)». М., Юнвес, 1997.

4. Е.Л.Занина «95 устных тем по английскому языку», М., Рольф, 1997.

5. Р.В.Резник, Т.С.Сорокина, Т.А.Казарицкая «Грамматика английского языка (для учащихся средней школы)», М., Просвещение, 1991.

6. И.В.Цветкова, И.А.Клепальченко, Н.Амыльцева «Английский язык для школьников и поступающих в ВУЗы (письменный и устный экзамен», М., Глосса, 1997.

7. Л.Д.Червякова «Английский язык для поступающих в ВУЗы», М., Уникум -центр, 1998.

8. B.C.Шах-Назарова, К.В.Журавченко «Английский для вас». М, Вече, 1999.

9. Essential grammar in use (for elementary students of English) Cambridge University Press, 1997, by Raymond Murphy.

10. S.Sushinskaya, I.Sushinsky «English grammar in use (предлоги в современном английском языке), М., FUC, 1999.

11. I.Peter Wateyn-fones «Start testing your vocabulary» - penguin books, 1985.




1.1. Поставьте следующие существительные во множественное число.

a chair   a woman  
a Negro   an eye  
a way   a sheep  
a park   a child  
a man   an ox  

Перефразируйте следующие словосочетания и предложения, употребляя притяжательный падеж.

1.The questions of my son.  
2.The car of my parents.  
3.The room of the boys is large.  
4.The children of my brother are at home.  

1.3. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

1.I can see ….. pencil on your ….. table, but I can see no ..... paper.

2. She has two daughters and one ..... son. Her ….. son is ….. pupil.

3. My ….. brother's ..... friend has no ….. dog.

4.1 see ….. book in your ….. hand. Is ….. book interesting?

5. I am not ….. doctor.

6. Where is your ….. brother? - He is at ..... home.

7. My ….. father is ..... engineer. He works at….. factory. ….. factory is large.

8. My ….. mother is ….. doctor. She is at….. work now.

9. My ..... aunt is ….. teacher. She works at….. school. ….. school is good. My ..... aunt is not at ….. school now. She is at ….. home. She is drinking ….. tea and eating …..jam.


Find the right answers for the questions.

1. Where's the camera? A London. 1.
2. Is your car blue? В No, I'm not. 2.
3. Is Linda from London? С Yes, you are. 3.
4. Am I late? D My sister. 4.
5. Where's Ann from? E Black. 5.
6. What colour is your bag? F No, it's black. 6.
7. Are you hungry? G In your bag. 7.
8. How is George? H No, she's American. 8.
9. Who's that woman? I Very well. 9.


Make questions with these words. Use is or are.

1 (at home / your mother?) …………………….………………………..

2 (your parents / well?) …………………….………………………..

3 (interesting/ your job?) ………………………………………………

4 (the shops / open today?) ………………………………………………

5 (interested in sport / you?) ………………………………………………

6 (near here / the post office?) ………………………………………………

7 (at school / your children?) ………………………………………………

8 (why / you / late?) ………………………………………………


2.3 Complete the questions. Use What... /Who... /Where... /How....

1................................ your parents? They're very well.
2 ………………….….the bus stop? At the end of the street.
3………………………your children? Five, six. and ten.
4……………………...these oranges? £1-20 a kilo.
5……………….your favourite sport? Skiing.
6………..the man in this photograph? That's my father.
7……………………your new shoes? Black.


Write the questions. (Read the answers first.)

1. (name?) Paul.
2. (married or single?) I'm married.
3. (American?) No, I'm Australian.
4. (how old?) I'm 30.
5. (a teacher?) No, I'm a lawyer.
6. (wife a lawyer?) No, she's a designer.
7. (from?) She's Italian.
8. (her name?) Anna.
9. (how old?) She's 27.


Write short answers (Yes, I am. / No, he isn't, etc.).

Are you married?  
Are you thirsty?  
Is it cold today?  
Are your hands cold?  
Is it dark now?  
Are you a teacher?  


Complete the sentences with this is or that's or that.

1 A: I'm sorry- I'm late.

B: ………………………………. all right.

2 A: I can't come to the parry tomorrow.

B: Oh,…………………………………a pity. Why not?

3 (on the telephone)

Sue: Hello, Ann……………………………….Sue.

Ann: Oh, hello, Sue. How are you?

4 A: You're lazy.

B: ………………………………..not true!

5 A: Jill plays the piano very well.

B: Really? I didn't know …………………………………..

6 Mark meets Paul's sister (Ann):

Paul: Mark,………………………………..my sister, Ann.

Mark: Hello, Ann.

7 A: I'm sorry I was angry yesterday.

B: …………………………………….OK. Forget it!

8 A: You're a friend of John's, aren't you?

B: Yes,……………………………..right.



73.1 Complete the sentences. Use this/that/these/those + these words: birds, house, plates, postcards, seat, shoes

Do you likelikelike these shoes ?


4 Look at………................................ „Л ! -: ^4....................... и:

1. Do you like ……………………………………………………………?

2. Who lives in ………………………………………………………………?

3. How much are …………………………………………………………….?

4. Look at …………………………………………………………………….!

5. Excuse me, is …………………………………………………………free?

6. ………………………………………………………..………….. are dirty.


73.2 Write questions: Is this/that your... ? or Are these/those your... ?

2. …………………………………………………………………………………..

3. …………………………………………………………………………………..

4. …………………………………………………………………………………..

5. …………………………………………………………………………………..

6. …………………………………………………………………………………...

7. ……………………………………………………………………………………

8. ……………………………………………………………………………………

9. ……………………………………………………………………………………

10. …………………………………………………………………………………..


Put in some or any.

1 I bought …………….…… cheese but I didn't buy…………………. bread.

2 I'm going to the post office. I need ......................... stamps.

3 There aren't ............................. shops in this part of town.

4 George and Alice haven't got .............................. children.

5 Have you got ..................................... brothers or sisters?

6 There are .............................. beautiful flowers in the garden.

7 Do you know ................................... good hotels in London?

8 'Would you like ............................. tea?' 'Yes, please.'

9 When we were on holiday, we visited ....................... very interesting places.

10 Don't buy ......................... rice. We don't need ………………............. .

11 I went out to buy .................. milk but they didn't have……......... in the shop.

12 I'm thirsty. Can I have ........................... water, please?


75.2 Complete the sentences. Use some or any + one of these words: air, cheese, help, letters, photographs, batteries, friends, languages, milk, shampoo

1 I want to wash my hair. Is there …………………………………………….?

2 This evening I'm going to write ………...........................................................

3 I haven't got my camera, so I can't take ................................................................

4 Do you speak ........................... foreign .............................................................. ?

5 Yesterday evening I went tо a restaurant with ......................................... of mine.

6 Can I have ............................................................................ in my coffee, please?

7 The radio isn't working. There aren't .............................................................. in it.

8 It's hot in this office. I'm going out for ................................ fresh .........................

9 'Would you like ................................... ?' 'No, thank you. I've had enough to eat.'

10 I can do this job alone. I don't need ...............................................................


Complete the sentences. Use some or any.

1 Ann didn't take any photographs but I took some (I/take)

2 'Where's your luggage?' ' …………………………………………...' (I/not/have)

3 'Do you need any money?' 'No, thank you …...........................................' (I/have)

4 'Can you lend me some money?' 'I'm sorry but .................................' (I/not/have)

5 The tomatoes in the shop didn't look very good, so ..............................(I/not/buy)

6 There were some nice oranges in the shop, so .......................................... (I/buy)



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